The Sin's Virtue

Chapter Babysit

If I wanted to snatch my wrist away from Pride just a few seconds ago, I am not sure if I want to anymore. If anything, I am more than thankful for his secured hold on me.

Seeing those glossy ruby like eyes looking back at me with corrupted amusement had every hair on my body stand in alarm.

The Sin of Lust.

His seductive red eyes are exactly like I last saw them at the annual ball, the previous year.

His counterpart, my sister, the Virtue of Chastity or Karen as we call her, bears the same shade of eyes too but I love hers. They are always so warm and beautiful to look at. Not the ones I am looking into right now. These, send shiver down my spine.

“If it isn’t the little Virtue from Santo.” He said making his way towards us, his hands shoved in his jeans’ pocket. I was aware of all the eyes, which were on me.

I couldn’t help but notice how fine and well groomed both the Sins in room looked. Rich and well very rich? That was absolutely out of discussion. From all the exotic architecting around me, it doesn’t look like they have ever been anything but rich.

“Humility.” He nodded in my direction. Really? Manners? Alright I was being too judgemental. I nodded back at him politely. “Ah she acknowledges me!” He said turning towards Pride who rolled his eyes.

“Where is everyone?” Pride questioned. Lust, shrugged eyeing my hand in Pride’s. He looked at me with a mischievous expression that said he knew what was going on.

“Well meet me up in ten. Everyone.” Pride told his brother and without anymore said, pulled me in some other direction, my hand still in his.

I was very grateful for the nap I took in the car otherwise this unfamiliar scenery, thick with Sins’ presence would have had me gone insane.

Pride took us across the room into a hallway. We crossed it too before coming to stand in front of well some metallic door. He punched a button in the wall and it lighted up. What was it for? With in a few seconds, the doors slid open and he entered in without any hesitation. I, however wasn’t sure about it.

I mean what was it in the first place?

“Elevator.” Pride said looking at me funnily. He was surely having a great joy out my lost expression.

“Eh, what?”

“Come in.” He said waving me over. I did so, careful to not trip over the slippery floor. I entered in and the doors behind me slid shut. There were many buttons at one side of the wall, all with numbers embedded on them. Pride punched the one with eight written on it and the thing jerked upwards. I clutched the wall at the sudden moments.

“What is this?” I asked musing, once I became stable enough to stand properly.

“Elevator.” Pride said chuckling. He looks a lot less intimidating when he is not being his arrogant self. “It takes you up or down the floor. Better than stairs.” Woah. Hear that?

“Its suffocating.” I muttered.

“You will get a hang of it.” Pride said distracted.

It came to a stop with a clink and the doors slid open again revealing a beautiful apartment behind it.

Pride got off and I followed him in to a small foyer. It had a staircase swirling up to the next floor totally made of glass. It had a kitchen area nestled next to the stair case and a very large hall in front of me. There was a fireplace burning in the far corner of the hall that kept the whole place warm.

The sleek place was dimly lit but it looked very warm and pleasing.

“I have your bags kept in the spare room this way.” Pride said and led me in the right direction. We entered in a hallway which had a few rooms lined along it. He opened the door of the first one and entered in, me following him.

I gasped under my breath at the breath taking sight. The room was in the shades of navy blue and grey. A huge circular bed which looked really soft right in the middle of the room. It had a floor to ceiling glass window which were covered half way in beautiful curtains. The view beyond it was spectacular. The whole Impío twinkled brightly at the foot of Sins.

Hmm. The Sin Villa is built on a hill.

I spotted my bag at the couch near the corner.

“You can change into fresh clothes. The bathroom is attached. Right through that door.” He pointed towards another glass door on the right side. “I’ll be in my office down the hall if you need me.”

It looked very odd. The arrogance I had been so familiar with was no where to be seen. Not to mention his generous favour with this stunning bedroom.

I felt really out of place.

I turned around to face him. He was already looking at me. I shifted uncomfortably.

“Thank you.” I said meaning it. “For...everything..” I said trailing off, not sure how to put it in words.

“Don’t sweat about it. Get ready. We have to meet everyone.” He said walking out of the door. I nodded.

I collapsed on the bed once he was gone, snuggling deep into the heaven of satin sheets. I would have just slept instantly, if not for the meeting Pride called for.

Few minutes passed and I remained on the bed, staring up at the dark ceiling.

How did this happen? Within a day, I managed to end up on a completely different side of Diverso-Terra. I am in the Sin Villa. Holy heaven! This is not good. I am surrounded by Sins and to put that in a better way, I am the only Virtue left.

I can feel my nerves still stressing to hold up balance. Maybe it is because, I am in Impío.

My thoughts drifted back to this afternoon and how I got to know that Pride is my mate.

Finding mate is a big deal. For everyone. But I am not sure Pride and I, are too happy with that. We are counterparts and barely get along. If even we do, for that matter. I mean he is a Sin and-wait a minute! No I can’t be with a Sin. I am not sure what he thinks, but I hope he will agree with me on this. He wouldn’t want to do anything with me.

Its ridiculous to even give it a thought.

I am here for a purpose and I should stick to it.

I got up determined to push the thought of Pride as my mate away. I locked the door, took out some fresh clothes from my bag and went to take a shower.

Bathroom was spacious, to say the least. The lights everywhere were dimly lit, so it all seemed really relaxing. I stripped out of my clothes and walked into the glass stall at the far corner. When I walked in, the shower automatically turned on, pouring out jets of water from all the direction. I yelped in surprise but it soon became reposeful. The warm beams of water coming in contact with my skin at a great speed, eased my nerves.

Sins and their technologies.

I got out reluctantly and soaked myself with a flurry towel. I put on my undergarments and proceeded to wear my navy blue formal pants topped with a clean grey-ish blouse.

I put on my white converse and combed my hair, leaving them open down my back.

I made my way out of the room and decided to find the office Pride was talking about. I went along the hallway, I came from and stopped when I heard footsteps.

Pride came out from a door right in front of me and stopped when he noticed my presence. I noticed his hair looked messy than it was a while ago.

He has been running his hand through it, I suppose.

“I was coming to find you.” I said quietly.

“Is something wrong?” He asked matching my tone. I shook my head. Why is being so gentle all of a sudden?

“Okay. Lets go.”

I followed him out and into the ‘elevator’. I got on it pretty fine this time. Pride smirked at me.

“Enjoying the ride?” I wasted to slap his stupid smirk but I refrained to being silent.

I am not going to speak more than whats necessary.

Pride pushed a button with number one written on it and the elevator descended.

It opened to what I suppose was the first floor and we got out.

Immediately the a combination of strong and heady smells hit my senses.

All the Sins were here.

Pride led me through a dark wooden door and into an immaculate room which had a bar at one side and some kind of tables on another. There was very large chandelier hanging from the ceiling under which there was a lounge right in the middle of the room, accommodating all the Sins easily. I stopped.

They all turned to me at once. Seven shades of different eyes staring at me with their sinister being. I wanted to run away from there but all I could do was be stuck in my position and say nothing.

I am really worried about my safety right now.

“Look at that, Kian escorting a Virtue. This is an art.” My head turned to the owner of voice. Shiny blue eyes met mine.

“Shut it Sapphier.” Pride said while going to sit with them as well. He asked me to sit beside him which I did uncomfortably. I made sure to be away from him though. This looked very awful. The lounge was in a half moon shape with a black centre table in the middle.

I pushed myself in the corner to keep an eye on every moment though I mustered up an expression that could come off as a confident one.

“Sure.” Sapphier or the Sin of Sloth said snickering. I was stiff. All my senses were on alert. I was after all head first in this sticky situation.

“What is she doing here?” I looked into those deep black orbs which were blazing with raw anger. I would say I was hurt but then what else would you expect from the Sin of Wrath?

“I would explain if you calm your tits man.” Pride said shooting him a glare. Wrath didn’t look anything close to calm but didn’t say any further.

“I thought you were gone to meet Río.” A voice said smoothly. “Didn’t know you had a thing for little Virtues.”

I swear if I weren’t a Virtue, I would have scratched those hazel eyes of his. However, I just gulped down my retort, directed at the Sin of Greed. Pride ignored him completely.

“I want us all to reduce the control on balance.” Pride said as a matter of fact. Everyone snapped their head in Pride’s direction and I braced myself to be tossed out of the window.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” It was Wrath again. Standing up in anger directed towards Pride.

“Sit down Rage. I am not bluffing. This is important.” Pride snapped but Wrath or Rage as he called him didn’t budge. Pride sighed getting up and making his way to the bar. He poured himself a drink which I am sure is just for calming himself.

As it is, immortals don’t get trashed that easily. He took a sip and turned around facing all of us.

“The Virtues are missing.” He said blankly.

“You are joking.” I turned to look at the Sin of Envy who was looking at me already through his slimy jade eyes, confused.

“No. And we didn’t feel the shift because she used the mark.” I felt like he was accusing me but when I looked at him, all he did was stand there blankly.

“Virtues were never the smart one.” My head snapped in the direction of pair of bright ochre eyes which were glaring at me.

“Thats why you needed us to babysit you, huh?”

I was in trouble. Wasn’t I?


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