The Sin's Virtue

Chapter Accusations

There was this one time I had been on mainland for some work and I was sitting in a cafe full of humans. It was a nice experience to just sit and observe people getting through their days without any odd powers. All of them on equal levels. It put me at ease in a very different way because for the time being it felt like I was one of them myself. Until of course I met who I was supposed to be meeting there.

The point is, while I was there, I heard a few mortals talking about something along the lines of how one should be treated like and interestingly I got to know about some very useful tips.

The concept of 'Tit for Tat'?

The best one. I think that was one of the most important things I have ever learned from anyone.

Treat them the way they treat you.

I use that but here is a thing I use that in Santo. Get my point?

Virtus are really kind when it comes to serving people. Maybe they are extra kind to me, being a Virtue and Humility for that matter but that does not matter.

What really matters is that I can only treat people with gentleness and great care. Thats just how I work. Except for those very few who bring out the worst in me. Like Kian.

Or Chao?

No. He has got nothing to do with me. His existence is no bother of mine.

So now I am stuck. The rush of thrill Kian induced in me led me to believe that I stand a chance against him and that totally got me.

I mean think about it, why would he want to make a bet on something like that when he knows that I am not capable of winning and he wins in the end. Its only just to inflate his own ego on my accounts and I, Humility, glided right into his trap.

How stupid can I be?


Shut up.

I thought that I can take him down, but I am not here for these petty things. I should remember that I am here only because Kian has agreed to help me and so far we have worked out many clues which I know I wouldn't have been able to sought out on my own.

That means 'tit for tat' fails, right?

Wrong. I can still use it for my advantage. I just need to be smart about this one.

I wish Phoebe was here, she would have known the exact solution for my problem. Diligence, as she is.

I miss her. I miss all of them.


Yeah. Focus. I need to work this one out. This may look like a small issue but it is anything but small.

I know I have provoked Kian, unknowingly though, it has landed me into a very stick situation. However, one thing is crystal clear, that something happened that pacified Kian in the past and that has got nothing to do with the birth of Virtue. Something happened before that, didn't it?

I am Pride.

The cause of all the Sins.

Half man, half God.

That lone statement brought a change in his stature, his face and above all in those eyes. A real Pride swept through them, which looked down upon me like I was nothing but a piece of trash that has some how got a once in a life time opportunity to be that close to him. In that moment, he wasn't his normal self, not the Pride I have come to know in the past few days. Not the Kian, who confuses me but Pride. Just Pride.

The one that knows nothing but the arrogance.

The Sin.

The one who can forget his mate when he is being his true self and this was it. This is what he truly is and that scares me. It scares me to know that if some how we face a problem that tests our bond, we will fail inevitably because I am that easy for him to forget. He will choose his pride over me. Always.

That hurts. Doesn't it?

Yeah. It sure does.

But it scares me more. Its a sign that he may snap if I test him any more than I have and that may turn out to be my last day here in this world.

So I have to be calculated about the whole thing. I have to be gentle with him. Its my way to make sure that nothing falls apart before I find Virtues because Kian is my only hope and I can not afford to lose that.

I have to make sure that I win the deal and not ruin my terms with the Sin of Pride. All at the same time.

Play nonchalant but gently.

Exactly. I am going to pretend like this bond does not affect me. I am not denying it but I am choosing to not act on it while being ignorant to it in front of Kian. I am going to be my usual self like I am with the people of Santo and act like its no big deal for me.

I am going to confuse him exactly like he does to me. With great care.

I smiled sadly staring out of the glass wall while laying in my bed. It was dark and stars were shining brightly, scattered across the sky. The view was breath taking. It would have calmed me if I would have just been oblivious to all the fuss going around me but as I lay here idly with nothing else to think about, it dawns on me that I am really far away from the home, from the people I am used to see around me, from my team and my sisters.

This is not where I belong and at the end of the day when I come here to pass through yet another night, it becomes difficult to shut my chaotic thoughts down. I just want all of this to stop and return back to Santo. My place. That is where I belong.

I got up once the dawn cracked and went to clean up myself. Once I was dressed into fresh clothes, I made my way out of the room to find Kian. I have to know what they all are going to do, now that we know its him.

Only you know, its him. Not the others.

They know about the Diablers, at least.

But you know the exact one. Yet, here you are, seeking their help and tailing them off the path, all at the same time.

I ignored my conscience's snarky remark. She has been really rude lately.


I bumped head first into some one and when I looked up, Río was grinning down at me. Why the heaven is he up so early?

"You are always in a hurry, aren't you?" He asked in a teasing tone knowing full well that I caught on his jab referring to my entry in the Impío without his permission. I rolled my eyes.

"Did you stay the night here?" I asked curiously. He wasn't at the dinner last night because if he were here, the night might had concluded in a different way and not with that stupid deal. So if he stayed here then I need to get my eyes checked.

"Yep." He said turning around and walking towards the hall, me, following him out. "I was with Envy. In fact I was about to come and get you. We need to talk about a few things."

His words made me falter in my steps.

Does he know its Chao?

Or that I know its him?

I cringed mentally. If they know its him and I knew it, I will have to answer all those awkward questions and not to mention the blame of hiding it that will be thrown my way.

"Sure. What is it?" I asked in my casual voice, trying hard to not come off as guilty as I am feeling from inside.

When we entered in the hall, all the other Sins were already there. What is it with them always up so early?

I looked around and noticed that Kian was not here and I refrained myself from asking about him to anyone. He can be wherever he wants to. That is just not my business. Period.

"Why, no greetings, Humility?" Wrath asked looking at me with that knowing look he gave me the other day when he tried to mess with my head. I am surprised that he is even interested in acknowledging me though its nothing in a good way. I recalled how I have decided to be around them.

"Good morning Wrath." I smiled sweetly at him. His smirk that was directed towards me not a very long ago, faltered visibly but he just rolled his eyes and ignored me. I grinned internally at my obvious victory. I caught Lust's suppressed chuckle in my ear and met his eyes. He winked at me, obviously catching at my tact. "So, what did you want to talk about, Río?"

I asked him taking a seat as well.

"Yeah about that." He said meeting my eyes. He looked calm which put me at ease for a second but then I remembered what actually he wanted to talk about. "Its a start that you worked out the possible cause behind the kidnapping of Virtues, but..."

I frowned.


"What if you are just lying?" I turned to Gluttony who spat the words with an accusing glare. "I mean nobody saw anything out of line and boom! The Virtues are gone. C'mon Humility, what do you think we are?"

There. My last hope walking out on me. They think I am making these things up? I do not even want to be here in the first place. I turned to Río for help.

"I told you that I used the mark of Virtue! Didn't I? Thats the reason nothing went down the hill just yet. Why would I lie?" I asked frantically. Oh for God's sake, where is Kian?!

Wait a minute, does he also think I am lying?

Río looked at me silently. Not saying a word. I turned to Lust and Envy for something other than the silent blame everyone seem to be putting on me.

"You two were there, weren't you? When Kian and I brought that letter here from Santo. You saw it, read it. Do you think I made that up too?" I asked searching for any hint of trust that they may still have left for me.

Lust did not say anything and Envy looked like he was lost in his thoughts.

It looked like I was getting no where. It was stupid to believe that Sins would help me and Río? He was the one who suggested me to ask for help from Kian and the other Sins. Now? Well now he does not believe me as well, right?

How did I think that this was going to help me? I was naive to come here. I should not have though. Ever. They think I am lying? But why would I? Why would I pretend like this? Why would I agree to come here when my own safety is not assured here in the first place? If only, I wanted to plan against Sins, trust me I had millions of years to do that. If I didn't do it then, why the heaven would I do it now? And what exactly I will achieve from that?

Absolutely nothing except disorder.

I could have not used the mark, I could have saved my self from the probable death when this month ends, I could have let the balance tip in their favour and just sit back until someone from upper order of hierarchy would have to come and make it correct.

If I were to plot against them, why would I dangle myself in the cliff of death?

"Where is Kian?" I finally asked. He is the only one who would listen to me right now.

"You may call him Pride, now that your master plan seems to be failing." Greed said with menace.

"Where is Pride?"

"Too busy for you." Wrath snapped.

Too busy for me?

I looked around and realised that how right I was when I said that I never belonged here. I never will. I stood up silently.

"Okay. Thank you." I glanced at them one last time, willing myself to not tear up, and scooped myself into the whirling tornado of colours.

Leaving my last hope behind me.


Hello guys!!

I just wanted to tell you that I am really happy with the support you guys are providing me in such a short period of time I have been here. I love to know your views on my work. So please stick by me till the end!

Love you all.

Also I am introducing Diligence and Sloth on my wall today. Check them out!

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