The Sinner: A Dark College Romance

The Sinner: Chapter 5

THREE YEARS OF celibacy can make a man go crazy. Just ask any Lord. We are to show just how far we will go to prove ourselves. We have to be initiated into the secret society our freshman, sophomore, and junior years at Barrington University—only the elite attend from all around the world. But not every male student at Barrington is a Lord. Some don’t even know we exist, and we prefer it that way. It’s easier to attack when you jump out from the shadows.

We’ve officially been Lords for seven weeks now. We’re two weeks into our classes at the university. Our senior year, we get pussy. A chosen is given to us. She is offered on a silver platter to use however we want.

For someone who hasn’t had his dick sucked in three years, I’m not all that excited about accepting a chosen. Nothing about that process appeals to me. I like the chase. The hunt. A challenge.

It’s funny how the Lords teach us to take what we want, including a life, but we’re supposed to accept the pussy they offer us. Where is the excitement in that?

I sit at the round poker table at the house of Lords—we’re required to live here while attending Barrington—looking over the cards in my hand with a cigar in my mouth. I can’t stand them but thought what the hell when Jasper—a fellow Lord—opened the box that sat on the table. His father gave them to him in celebration that he gets some pussy tomorrow.

“Pick a name, dude. You’re taking forever.”

I look over my shoulder to see a few guys standing at the pool table. A black vase in the middle full of folded-up pieces of paper.

“What’s the point in picking names again?” I ask curiously. “You’ve already decided on your chosens.” They’ve been talking about drawing all day, but I’m not sure why. The vow ceremony for our chosen is tomorrow night, and we already know who we’re getting. Some of us get who we want, and others don’t. I only want one woman, but unfortunately, she wasn’t on the list.

“Pussy,” Jasper answers, looking up at me. “Want to draw?”

I shake my head. “No thanks,” I say, turning back to my game.

“Ryat, how about you, man?” I hear Jasper ask.

I look at Ryat, who sits across from me at the table. He, too, stares at his cards. “No.”

“Come on, Ryat.” Jasper whines like a chick, and Ryat’s green eyes snap to glare at him, getting his attention. “What if she doesn’t show?” Jasper asks.

“She will,” Ryat says matter-of-factly.

“Dude, why are you putting all your eggs in one basket when you can have six baskets?” Larson jokes from my right, listening in.

“You mean, why is he putting his cock in one cunt when he can have twelve?” Jake mumbles around his cigar. “Seriously, man. I wouldn’t waste your time on Blakely. She’ll never be over Matt.”

Ryat tenses but doesn’t acknowledge that statement.

“Well, I’ll be nice.” Jasper goes on from behind me at Ryat’s silence, “When she doesn’t show up tomorrow at the vow ceremony to be your chosen, I’ll share my pussy with you. Hell, I’ll even be nice enough and give you her ass.”

Ryat tosses his cards down and gets up from the table, leaving the room without another word. I can’t tell if he’s mad or just tired. We’re not close. Over a hundred men of all grades live in this house right now. Only fifteen of us made it to be seniors this year. His two best friends, Prickett and Gunner, who sat on either side of him, also get up and silently exit the room.

“Hey, Sin, you sure you don’t want to draw?” Jasper asks again.

“Positive,” I answer with a sigh. The guy is relentless. Ryat had the right idea by leaving the room.

“I bet you’ll change your mind when you see who I just got,” he adds with a dark laugh.

It’s not like women volunteered for their cocks. They just wrote down the names of girls who attend Barrington that they want a piece of and threw them in a vase to draw from. Then they’ll do whatever it takes to fuck them. They’ve got a bet going on who can fuck the girl they draw first. I think the pot is up to fifty thousand dollars. They’re bored as fuck, if you ask me.

“Oh yeah?” I ask, not giving a flying fuck whose name is written on his piece of paper.

“Two words,” he calls out, and my body tenses when he speaks again. “Ellington Asher.”

“Damn.” Nate sighs. “I’ll trade you.” He holds up his folded piece of paper with a frown. “Elli’s a freak in bed. Lets you do whatever the fuck you want.”

“How the fuck would you know that?” Jacob shoves his shoulder.

“Rumors, man. She’s the best kind of slut.”

My hand tightens on the cards, crinkling them. That’s a lie. She’s not sleeping with anyone that I know of. And I would know. I’ve been sneaking into her bedroom for the past two years. I’ve kept her satisfied as much as I can without breaking my oath to the Lords.

Chance, another Lord, raises his hand from my left. “Pick one for me,” he mumbles around his cigar. “Go ahead and pick me two. Better my odds.”

Jacob laughs, dipping his hand into the vase. “You have to fuck them both at the same time, Becks.” He calls him by his nickname, pulling out two pieces of paper.

“I can do that.” Chance smiles.

The door opens, and Lincoln steps inside the room, his eyes on mine. “Sin, may I speak to you for a moment?”

Dropping my cards, I exit the room and follow him down the hall to his office. He holds the door open for me, and I step inside, falling into his chair. “Everything okay?” I ask, trying to ignore the voice in the back of my head that tells me one of my fellow Lords is going to be fucking the girl I’ve wanted since I realized what sex is. I’ve come too close to just hand her over to someone else. Put too many hours into getting her where I want her.

He sits at his desk. “I’ve got your first assignment for your senior year.”

I smile. Thank fuck. Life has been boring lately.

He slaps down an envelope, and I open it. My body tenses at the four pictures I see. What the fuck is this shit?

“Get me as much information as you can.” He points at the man who is in all of them. “And, Sin…?”

My narrowed eyes slowly rise to meet his, the blood rushing in my ears, but I try to keep my breathing calm, not wanting him to notice.

“I want more than just notes.” With that, he looks at his computer, dismissing me.

I grab the envelope, exit the room, and head right back to the game room. Walking over to Jasper, I snatch the piece of paper out of his hand and storm out, ignoring the sounds of their laughter carrying down the hall.

Entering my bedroom, I slam the door shut and stomp into my adjoining bathroom. Senior year we get our own suites. I turn on the water and get undressed, needing a cold shower.

I’ve been seeing Elli for the past two years. Since that night I fulfilled my assignment and forced her to come on the barrel of my gun. But she has no idea it’s me, and I’ve never fucked her. I make her come while wearing a mask, and I always tie her up. The second time I met with her was just as good as the first.

I gently shove the door open from her balcony, the soft wind pushing the dark curtains around me. I push them away as I enter her room to find her asleep in bed with the duvet pulled up to her neck. I make my way over to her and pull it back to expose her naked body. It’s as if she was expecting me.

It’s been two weeks since I was at this house, in this room, and she was coming on my gun. She’s on her side, one leg bent, the other out straight. I see her left hand holds my knife. She’s expecting me to come back, thinking she’ll stab me. Sorry to disappoint her.

I remove my handcuffs from my backpack and gently push her onto her stomach. She starts to stir, and I pause, waiting for her to relax into the mattress.

When she’s softly snoring, I grab her arms and bring them behind her back, then quickly wrap each cuff around her dainty wrists and crawl in next to her.

Now on her stomach, her heavy eyes open and meet mine. She gasps, but like I expected, she doesn’t scream. Realization takes a few seconds to sink in before she notices her hands are cuffed behind her back.

“You left your door unlocked,” I whisper, reaching out and pushing her bleach-blond hair off the side of her face. I was just here four hours ago with my parents to join her and her mother for dinner. I never left. I sat outside in my car around the corner just waiting for her to go to sleep. “That’s not smart, Elli.”

Her dark brows pull together. “How do you know me?” she asks, her voice full of curiosity. I’m sure she’s lost sleep trying to figure out who I am. I once again wear my mask, black jeans, and matching hoodie with my red contacts and leather gloves. She can’t see a single part of my skin.

“Why does it matter?” I ask my own question.

She wiggles, rocking her body side to side, and I push on her shoulder, guiding her onto her back. I get up and straddle her narrow hips, my eyes dropping to her exposed chest. I smile as I watch her nipples harden for me.

“Ow,” she whines, arching her back, her arms now pinned underneath her. “I need—”

Slapping my glove-covered hand over her mouth, I stop whatever demand she was going to order me. It won’t happen no matter what it is.

My free hand grabs the knife that lies next to her. Opening it up, I hold it to the side of her face, and she whimpers, those gorgeous eyes widening. Her hips arch underneath me, and I smile behind my mask.

Removing my hand from her lips, I let the tip of my finger trace them. She sucks in a deep breath, her chest rising. I adjust myself between her legs and lower the tip of the knife down her chest bone, over her stomach, and to her pussy. I flip it in my hand, the handle running up and down her cunt, spreading her pussy lips for me.

She moans, her eyes falling closed, and I slide the handle into her. She arches her back and neck, her legs opening wider for me to have better access. I pump it in and out, watching her juices cover the black handle.

Her body rocks back and forth, her breathing getting heavier, and my free hand reaches out, slapping the side of her breast. She gasps, so I do it again, and she’s moaning.

I drop my hand to her cunt and rub over her clit. My thumb plays with her piercing. It’s so hot. I want to pull on it with my teeth. Suck it into my mouth and watch her back arch while she screams.

“Oh God…” She trails off, licking her lips.

I hate that she doesn’t know who I am. That she can’t call out my name when I make her take what I give her. One day, she will. And when that day comes, she’ll realize there is no God in our world. There’s nothing holy in a world full of sinners.

My eyes drop back to the knife, and I hold the blade while I get more forceful with the handle. Her legs spread wide to make sure she doesn’t cut herself. Pity. A part of me would like to see her bleed for me. I’d lick it clean off her body like an offering.

“Oh my God.” She’s gasping, her neck arched, and I reach up and wrap my free hand around her throat, restricting her air while I position myself on my knees, hovering over her while I fuck her cunt with the handle of the knife.

I lower my face to hers, watching her ice-blue eyes go heavy. Her plump lips part in an attempt to get in air, but I don’t allow it. She stiffens under me, and her eyes fall closed as she comes like the good whore I knew she’d be.

Sitting up, I pull the knife out while letting go of her neck. Her body sags into the mattress, sucking in a breath. I hold out the knife to her face, and her heavy eyes open to meet mine. She parts her lips and sticks her tongue out. I run the handle along it, watching her lick it clean.

Fuck, I want to taste it. Not yet. Soon, I’ll get to have her however I want her, whenever I want her.

I shut off the water, pulling myself from that memory. It’s only one of many. Getting out of the shower, I see the envelope on the counter. I open it up again and look over the photos in my hand. My heart races at the fact that she’s spreading her legs for someone else.

When did he come into her life? How had I missed it? It’s been a few weeks since I visited her. I’ve been busy with the Lords and unable to get away to see her. We’ve been so close to the vow ceremony that I thought I’d just wait. I was tired of torturing myself, getting her off but unable to get a taste. As of tomorrow, that will no longer be a problem.

Slamming it down, I place my hands on the edge of the counter and bow my head. It doesn’t matter. He won’t stop me from getting what I want. Lifting my eyes, I smile at myself. I love a challenge. And this will be my greatest one yet.

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