The Sigma's Reluctant Mate

Chapter 1

Zara's POV

“Mom doesn't get home for another two hours and Dad won't be back until tomorrow.” I giggle into the phone at my boyfriend Liam's excitement. “What's the surprise?”

“If I tell you, it's not a surprise, Z. I'll be over in ten minutes.” He hangs up before I can press him further.

I look at the phone for a second. My boyfriend will be here in nine minutes. I sprint upstairs, change my shirt, and pull my hair out of a ponytail, fluffing it out. I hastily apply my shiny lip gloss, then stand back and look at myself in the mirror.

The doorbell chimes, making me smile. Why does he bother? He knows I don't lock it.

"Zara, it's me!” Liam's voice is like honey on a biscuit. I can never get enough. After the Mating Gathering tomorrow night, I'll hear it as often as I want.

“Coming!” I check the mirror one last time before I run downstairs, but he’s already halfway up. He's two stairs below me, so we are the same height. I give him a big grin and let myself fall forward. He easily catches me and I wrap my arms and legs around him with a kiss that makes me hum happily. “You look amazing, Z. Come on.” He kisses my cheek and carries me up the stairs.

"We're going to my bedroom?!” I squeal. He's not allowed in my bedroom if my parents aren't home.

“Yeah, so I can show you the surprise.” He murmurs into my ear, giving it a little nibble, dissolving all my worries.

"Okay, what's this big surprise?” I give him a peck on the lips as he sits on my bed with me straddling his lap.

“I love you so much!” He gives me a deep kiss, then pulls a bottle of whiskey from behind his back. “I paid a guy to get it for me. Come on. Let's have a drink!”

“L-Liam, we sh-shouldn't...” I shake my head.

“We shouldn't, but it won't hurt anything either.” He sits me on the bed and grabs cups off the shelf above my mini refrigerator. He opens the bottle and fills the cups halfway with amber color liquid. I give him a hesitant smile when he hands me a cup, still grinning broadly.

The sharp smell makes my eyes water. “Liam, I can't.”

“Come on, Z. Don't be a downer.” He rolls his eyes and takes a sip that makes him cough. “Loosen up for once.”

I take a little sip and wince at the strong, bitter taste. Liam tips the bottom of my cup a little more, making me take a bigger drink. I cough at the fire in my throat and almost drop the cup.

He refills it, then does the same to his cup and raises it. “Here's to being fated mates.”

“Cheers?” I choke out and take another sip. It goes down easier this time. I guess it doesn't taste as bad as I thought. After a few more sips, I relax and we laugh together, talking about our future. An hour later, my fingers and nose feel fuzzy and I can't stop laughing. I can't really feel my tongue in my mouth, either.

“We need music!” I get up and turn on the radio so I can dance. My favorite song by Ben Abraham is playing. “Oh! Liam! Dance with me!”

"Of course, Z. Anything to hold you.” He wraps me in his muscular arms and runs his fingers through my hair. His hazel eyes glimmer with happiness while he rocks me back and forth.

I'm a little surprised when he yanks his head away and gives me a perplexed expression. He leans in close again, takes a deep breath against the crook of my neck, and pulls back. Now his confused stare has a hint of lust in it.

"What? Whiskey turned you on that much?” I giggle, raising my eyebrows at him.

“No. Your scent changed. I can't tell exactly what it smells like but it's... I don't know. It's intoxicating, Z." Liam pulls me closer to his chest, burying his face into my neck one more time. “Is your wolf waking up?”

“Liam, don't be weird.” I slap his arm playfully. “I feel the same as any other day. My birthday isn't until Sunday. She'll wake up at the Mating Gathering tomorrow at midnight.”

“Sorry, I just don’t wanna let you go.” He kisses my neck, nipping hard with his teeth, and squeezes my waist tightly.

"Ow! Liam, you're hurting me!” I whine, trying to push his hands off of my waist. “Stop!”

A rumbling growl comes from his chest and one of his arms slides under my shirt, making my heart thump hard with panic. His wolf's claws dig painfully into my skin.

“Liam! Please stop! STOP!" I push my hands hard against his chest. He finally takes the hint and stands back. His eyes are pitch black and his face is elongating. Dark gray fur sprouts from his skin as he transforms. His shirt tears at the seams as his chest grows deeper. He is shifting into wolf form in my bedroom?!

Tears blur my vision when I realize he is blocking me from running out of the room. “No! Liam, what are you doing?!”

He snarls and swipes at me, but I'm just out of his reach. My wolf hasn't woken up yet, so I have no way of defending myself. Liam is too strong for me to fight. Besides, I have no training. When I was little, Dad told me if someone tried to kidnap me, I should bite them. So I clamp my mouth down on Liam's paw and bite with as much force as I can manage. I feel his bones crunch in between my teeth before I let go.

Liam's half-wolf form howls and crouches forward, cradling his paw. I don’t know what comes over me, but I lunge forward and bite his neck before he can recover. Liam arches back and throws me to the ground. He stops shifting and looks mostly human again, shaking his head like he’s coming out of a daze, and looks at me with wide, surprised eyes.

“I'm... I'm sorry, Zara. I... didn't.” His wolf's voice is gravelly as he backs away, looking flustered. “I'm sorry. I... I better go.”

Before I can stop him, he turns and bolts. I try to grab his hand, but he’s way too quick for me. He runs down the stairs, throws the front door open, and takes off.

“Liam, wait! I didn’t mean to-" I sprint to the porch. He's already in his car, halfway down the driveway.

Liam has never tried to grab me like that. Sure, we've messed around before, but he's never tried to force himself on me. If that is what alcohol does, I don’t want any part of it.

I run inside and grab my cell phone. His phone rings twice and goes to voicemail. He rejected my call? In six years, Liam has never rejected one of my calls. I wait for the tone and leave a message. “Liam, please call me. I-I didn't mean to push you away. It was just... You scared me.” I sigh. “Please call so we can talk.”

I'll try texting him.

Zara: I'm sorry. I got scared. r u ok? Pls call me.

He doesn't respond. I try to call him again, but it goes straight to voicemail. I make calls to several of our friends, but no one has heard from him

"Zara? Are you okay?” Mom comes through the front door while I'm sending out text messages. “No, Mom. I think Liam and I had a fight?” My lip trembles, trying to figure out why Liam would try to hurt me. “I don't know what happened.”

"Oh, Sweetie,” Mom pulls me into a hug, “it's going to be okay. Help me with dinner. Tell me what happened.”

How am I going to tell her without getting in trouble for drinking and making out with my boyfriend in my bedroom?

“Where are my favorite girls?” Dad surprises us when he throws open the front door, saving me from the awkward conversation with Mom.

He comes into the kitchen and stops short. He looks around and sniffs the air, then looks at me. There's something complicated in Dad's eyes until he shakes his head, the same way Liam did. I don't think he notices I'm watching when he gives Mom a tentative glance. She turns her eyes away and almost looks disappointed. She clears her throat, then faces me like nothing's wrong.

Dad reaches into his bag and hands me a gift box with a big smile. Mom stands next to him, trying to appear happy.

“I hope you don’t mind your gift early. You know how I am with surprises. Plus, with the Mating Gathering on your birthday, we probably won't get to see you anyway.” Dad is still giving me an odd look, like he's holding something back.

"You said no gifts because we need the money for the expenses my scholarship won't cover.” I hold up the box and smile at them gratefully.

"Open it, Zara.” Dad waves at the box. Maybe it's my imagination, but it seems like he’s having a difficult time looking me in the eye. “It's not every day your little girl turns eighteen.”

I unwrap the box and gasp at the expensive laptop I showed Mom last month at the mall.

“They loaded all your first semester books into its memory.” Mom says.

"Oh, my Goddess. You guys, you're the best!” Fat tears roll down my cheeks as I jump up and hug them. Dad's back stiffens for a second, but he still picks me up when he hugs me like he always does and gives me a kiss on his cheek.

“We love you, Zara Zhade.” He says into my ear. “Don’t you ever forget that. You'll always be our little girl.”

“I love you too, Dad.” I whisper in his ear with a smile. It makes me a little nervous that he's talking like I'll never see him again. “I'll see you Sunday morning after the Mating Gathering.”

"Yeah, Honey, you have a good time and I'll see you after. I have to get back to work now.” He kisses my forehead and gives Mom the same mysterious expression before he heads out the door.

“Mom, does Dad seem a little off to you?” I stare at the door once he’s gone.

“Well, after tomorrow, you're going to be mated. He has to trust another wolf with your safety and happiness. That's a big deal for him.” She squeezes my shoulders and sets my dinner in front of me. I nod, but the tone in her voice isn't convincing.

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