The Sickly Beauty Substitute Called It Quits

Chapter 19

Shang JunLin's visit to the Zhenbei Marquis' residence was a secret, and the Zhenbei Marquis knew the emperor didn't want his presence announced. The lord marquis didn't dare tell the rest of the mansion about His Majesty's arrival.

The only thing Shen QingRan and his mother knew was that Shen Yu had returned home with little pomp or ceremony. They never would have guessed the emperor himself had accompanied Shen Yu back to his birthplace.

Aside from the Zhenbei Marquis, not many people in the marquis' residence knew what the emperor looked like. Aunt Ru wasn't qualified to enter the palace. She'd never laid eyes on the emperor.

This was Shang JunLin's first visit to the marquis' residence, and the servants there didn't know him either. When they heard Shen QingRan's question, they couldn't help staring at this unfamiliar man.

Shen QingRan had blurted his words out of anger. After speaking, he knew what he said was inappropriate. But what stunned him was that Shen Yu's actions became even more brazen.

Under the amazed eyes of everyone present, Shen Yu draped himself against Shang JunLin, who automatically reached out to steady his body.

"Shen Yu, how can you be so shameless?" Aunt Ru put on the airs of an elder. "Now that you're in the palace, you belong to His Majesty. How dare you use your return to the marquis' residence as a smokescreen to meet with another man? Even if you're not afraid for yourself, think about the marquis' family! Do you want to take down the entire marquis' residence with you when His Majesty finds out?"

It might sound like she was instructing the younger generation, but in fact every word dripped with malice.

The reason Aunt Ru dared to speak this way was because she, like Shen QingRan, knew Shen Yu had a "close friend" before entering the palace. And it was because of him that Shen Yu initially refused to enter the harem.

They were aware of Shen Yu's determined resistance, and they had no doubt Shen Yu was capable of arranging a meeting with his paramour. Maybe that was his plan from the start. Otherwise, what could explain Shen Yu's sudden obedience and willingness to enter the palace?

Thinking she'd found a reasonable explanation, Aunt Ru's attitude hardened.

"Shen Yu, it's not that your aunt wants to say this, but…"

"Ah, then you do know you're just an aunt," said Shen Yu in a different tone. "That means you're aware of your status. Otherwise, I was wondering exactly when you, Aunt Ru, became the Zhenbei Marquis' official wife?"

Shen Yu emphasized the word "aunt" with a heavy dose of sarcasm. When Aunt Ru heard it, her eyes reddened and her chest heaved with anger.

Shen Yu keenly enjoyed her angry expression for a while, then his head nudged Shang JunLin's shoulder. "I'm His Majesty's noble monarch, but even if I wasn't, I'm still the di son of the Zhenbei Marquis. How is it possible for an aunt to call me by my personal name? Ah Lin, don't you think so?"

Ah Lin.

It was the first time Shang JunLin heard Shen Yu call him by such an intimate name, and his heart suddenly trembled. He lowered his eyes, and long, feather-like eyelashes concealed his gaze. "Yes, she should treat you with respect." His voice was low and gentle.

Seeing the two people behave so intimately with each other, as if no one else was around, Shen QingRan felt extremely irritated. He grabbed his quilt and sat up. "Did you come here just to laugh at me?! Look at you running around with His Majesty's favor, doing whatever you want! I can't wait to see what happens when His Majesty finds out what you're doing!"

"You don't need to worry about me. If I really provoke His Majesty's anger, I'm certain everyone in the marquis' family will suffer along with me. Instead of worrying about me, you'd do well to worry about yourself."

"Shen Yu! You're doing this on purpose!"

"That's right. You see, either you help me hide everything and make sure His Majesty never finds out, or we'll all be convicted together and not one person will be spared," Shen Yu spoke carelessly as he toyed with the man's fingers.

Shen QingRan was shocked by Shen Yu's attitude. He turned to the man standing so close to his half-brother. "Don't you care what he's doing? You know what His Majesty's people are capable of. Why do you still associate with him when you know what will happen to you?!"

Shang JunLin gave a short laugh and stroked Shen Yu's long, raven-black hair. "Since he's willing to be with me anyway, I'm quite satisfied."

"You're not afraid your entire clan will be punished because of him?" Shen QingRan's eyes widened in disbelief. He couldn't believe this man with such extraordinary bearing was actually a love-addled fool.

"If I can please him, I don't care what happens." Shang JunLin gazed at Shen Yu with soft eyes, as if there was only this young man in his heart.

"…" Shen QingRan was stunned into speechlessness. Despite his outrage, he couldn't help feeling jealous. The man Shen QingRan liked hadn't visited him once since his injury, and there hadn't been many messages either. How could Shen Yu get the love of two excellent men so easily?!

Obviously, he was the one who'd transmigrated. He should be the protagonist of this world!

"Are you envious of me? Or should I say jealous?" Shen Yu approached Shen QingRan step by step, speaking in a soft but cool voice. "Do you think it's so very unfair that I robbed you of your chance to enter the palace? Do you think that if you were the one who'd entered the palace, everything I have would be yours?"

"That's not…" Shen QingRan couldn't help but shrink back. He rarely confronted Shen Yu face to face. The only two times they'd spoken, Shen Yu had scared him.

"No, I know that's what you're thinking." Shen Yu cupped his chin and forced Shen QingRan to look at him. "Your eyes tell me you're jealous of my status as di son, jealous of the man I met, jealous of me…"

"Shut up!" Shen QingRan turned his head in embarrassment and pushed Shen Yu away.

Those words were like an axe chopping through the hard outer layer of camouflage on his soul, revealing his inner wretchedness. The dirty and unsightly thoughts deep inside him were exposed to the sunlight for everyone to see.

Shen Yu smoothly dropped his hand and stepped back.

When the Zhenbei Marquis heard what was happening, he rushed to the side courtyard in time to encounter this scene. He began to loudly scold his son. "Shen QingRan! How can you be so rude to the noble monarch? Apologize at once!"

"No need to apologize." Shen Yu returned to Shang JunLin, took the handkerchief from the emperor's hand and wiped his fingers. "What can he do to me when he's lying there?"

Despite his anger, Shen QingRan didn't dare to retort. He didn't understand what was happening. Shen Yu was clearly in the wrong. His father had always been fond of him, so why was he siding with Shen Yu?

Was it true what Shen Yu said? The entire Zhenbei Marquis' residence would be implicated, so they had to cover for him?

The Zhenbei Marquis glanced awkwardly at Shang JunLin. Without the emperor's permission, the Zhenbei Marquis didn't dare to reveal Shang JunLin's identity. All he could do was ask, "What happened here?"

Shen Yu began to count on his fingers. "He said I had a private meeting with my lover. He said I ruined our family's reputation…"

As the Zhenbei Marquis listened, his vision began to fade to black. His Majesty was still here. Wasn't Shen QingRan asking for death by saying such things? If His Majesty blamed the marquis' residence… No, he couldn't let that happen!

The Zhenbei Marquis didn't know what else was said before he came in, but looking at the situation in the room, there didn't seem to be an irreconcilable conflict yet. There had to be a chance to salvage the situation.

He tried to hold back his anger. "Noble monarch, it's clear that he's young and has been spoiled by me. His mouth ran wild…"

Shang JunLin stroked Shen Yu's long hair and said in a deep voice, "It's time to teach him properly."

Unexpectedly, the emperor had suddenly opened his mouth. The Zhenbei Marquis was stunned and looked at him cautiously, but Shang JunLin didn't even glance at him.

Unsure of Shang JunLin's attitude, the Zhenbei Marquis had no choice but to agree.

Shen Yu decided he'd had enough excitement and prepared to leave. Before he departed, he turned back and smiled. "Father, don't forget what you promised before I left the mansion."

Startled, the Zhenbei Marquis realized Shen Yu was talking about Shen QingRan and his mother. Shen Yu was in favor now. By no means could the Zhenbei Marquis offend this son. No matter how much he might object inside, he could only suppress his thoughts.

"This minister will remember."

After Shen Yu left, the Zhenbei Marquis disregarded the sad eyes of Shen QingRan and his mother. He asked the servants what happened and left with a stiff face.

Aunt Ru rushed after him and grabbed the hem of his robe. "Lord marquis, Ran Er truly didn't mean anything. He was confused and spoke out of anger. Shen Yu, I mean, the noble monarch, blatantly had a private meeting with another man in the marquis' residence. He doesn't care if he harms everyone in the mansion."

The Zhenbei Marquis kicked her away. "How stupid are you? You believe whatever he says? Why don't you think about it? The imperial palace is heavily guarded, and he returned to the marquis' residence at the spur of the moment. How could he possibly have time to arrange a meeting with a lover?"

"Well… That is…" Aunt Ru looked up in confusion.

The Zhenbei Marquis had no patience to continue with her. "For daring to have such thoughts, you're lucky that person had mercy on you."

"That, that is, this concubine really didn't know," Aunt Ru said as though in a trance.

"You and your son will stay here and reflect on yourselves. You're forbidden to take one step out of your courtyard without my orders."

Originally, for the sake of Shen QingRan's intelligence and ability to please his father, the Zhenbei Marquis didn't mind looking after him more, but now that Shen Yu had the emperor's favor, he was forced to abandon Shen QingRan for the time being.

He also had to find a way to probe His Majesty's attitude. Did Shang JunLin have a bad impression of the marquis' residence because of this incident? If so, Shen QingRan and his mother couldn't be allowed to stay….

The Zhenbei Marquis didn't find an opportunity to test Shen Yu and Shang JunLin. He hadn't been summoned and he didn't dare to follow behind them to ask. All he could do was wait, wait until he heard they'd returned to the palace.

Maybe because Shen Yu had been outside for a long time, he began to show faint signs of a fever. When they arrived at the palace, Shang JunLin immediately called the imperial physician. He didn't relax until Shen Yu drank a bowl of hot medicine.

"Pay more attention to your health." Shang JunLin frowned and looked at Shen Yu.

In the imperial palace, a lot of care was taken to ensure Shen Yu kept warm, and he didn't have much chance to contract chills or a cold. Shang JunLin didn't expect that after just half a day outside the palace, Shen Yu almost fell ill. For the first time he realized how fragile Shen Yu's body was.

Shen Yu approached the man's side with a smile and pressed the hand that was approving official memorials with an ink brush. "Isn't Your Majesty here to look after me?"

"This emperor can't keep an eye on you at all times."

"If Your Majesty doesn't look at me, who else will you look at?" Shen Yu sat on the small desk where Shang JunLin put the folded documents and gazed down at him.contemporary romance

"What nonsense is the noble monarch saying? Who else would this emperor look at besides you?" Shang JunLin touched the long hair that fell in front of him. "Is the noble monarch happy today?"

Shen Yu tilted his head and smiled. "I'm with Your Majesty, so of course I'm happy."

Although he wasn't able to accomplish a few things, Shen Yu really enjoyed seeing Shen QingRan and his mother become unlucky.

"This emperor can tell you're not happy just because I'm with you."

"If Your Majesty knows you don't have to say it." Shen Yu frowned. "Then, is Your Majesty happy today?

"And… How does Your Majesty feel about being regarded as my paramour, meeting me privately outside the palace?"

Shen Yu exhaled softly and lowered his voice, saying, "Your Majesty, are you my secret lover?"

The author has something to say:

——Mini theater a long time in the future——

The man stroked the young man's long, sweaty hair. His movements were fierce: "Ah Yu, what will happen if His Majesty finds out about us?"

Shen Yu was upside down and knocked to pieces: "Don't… Don't let him find out… Mmm…"

TL Notes:

You know what His Majesty's people "are capable of" – from 你明知他的陛下的人 – rephrase due to vagueness

upside down – 颠 – top (of the head) / apex / to fall forwards / inverted / to jolt, upheaval

knocked to pieces – 支离破碎 – be reduced to fragments; all broken up; fallen apart; incoherent, scattered and smashed

Transliterated names, places, and titles—new in this chapter:

Ah – 阿 – prefix used before monosyllabic names, kinship terms etc to indicate familiarity

Ah Lin – 阿凛 – A fond nickname for Shang JunLin

Ah Yu – 阿郁 – A fond nickname for Shen Yu

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