The Shifter and the Witch

Chapter 13


For some reason, I have a hard time waking up. My eyes feel so heavy. My whole body feels heavy. I wonder if I’m coming down with something.

Sunlight blinds me when I finally crack my eyes open. I turn my face away from the brightness and find myself looking at my sister. Everything inside of me stills. Memories flash across my mind. Memories of Lucy and my childhood. My brain kind of fritzes as it processes these memories.

I remember everything. I remember the horror of my mom being killed. I remember being kidnapped, having my mind altered, and everything since.

I look down at Lucy, still asleep beside me.

“Lucy?” My voice comes out in a whisper. “Lucy,” I repeat in a louder voice.

I lay a hand on her shoulder. I keep my touch light. I’m as careful with her as if she was made of glass. Or dreams. Lucy stirs, and her eyes crack open. When she sees me, her eyes pop wide and she comes instantly, fully awake. She quickly sits up.

For several long moments, the two of us sit there, just staring at one another. It’s as if someone has hit pause on the moment so we can process the situation.

The moment is so wonderful and so surreal at the same time. It’s so strange seeing my sister all grown up, so disorienting to remember who we are to one another and to have the proper context for our relationship after our recent interactions.

There’s so much to say, and yet neither of us speaks.

Lucy clears her throat after a while and smiles almost shyly.

“Hi,” she whispers.

I return her smile with a shy one of my own. “Hi.” My voice comes out just as soft as hers.

“How are you feeling?” she asks.

I blink, and my smile slips off my face.

How am I feeling? That’s a complicated question. I’m feeling so much. I’m confused, happy, sad, and scared. I’m so happy to be reunited with Lucy, but that happiness is tempered by my memories of the last twenty years. Remembering who I’ve been and what I’ve done is hard to stomach.

How am I feeling? I’m feeling like I just woke up from a nightmare. A nightmare where I’ve lost everything - my mother, my sister, my very self. A nightmare where I’m the monster.

I don’t say all that to Lucy. “I’m a little... out of it.” is all I say in answer to her question.

She nods. “Zareena said you probably would be when you woke up.”

I frown at the mention of Zareena.

Shit. I was such a bitch to Lucy and her friend. My conscience takes the opportunity to point out that my behaviour the day before is the least of my sins.

My frown deepens.

“Can I...?” Lucy leans toward me for a hug.

We hug, and after a few moments, she pulls back, and I let her go. I don’t know what to say. I don’t know what to do. There’s only one thought running through my head.

I’m sorry.

I’m not sure who I’m saying sorry to. My victims certainly can’t hear my apology.

The faces of my victims flash across my mind. Every last one of them.

Oh god. There are so many. I’m going to be sick.

Recalling the violence I committed - the violence I enjoyed executing - rips me apart.

‘I’m sorry’ becomes a chant in my head.

I’m sorry… I’m sorry… I’m sorry…

I’ll never be able to make amends. I’ll never be able to redeem myself. Savina and Calia have turned me into a monster. I stiffen as my mind locks onto those names. I’m able to take a breath and organize my thoughts now that I’m focusing on them.

Those bitches are going to pay for what they did to me and my family.




When I wake up to see Hannah looking at me with recognition in her eyes, I feel like my heart’s going to burst from my chest, I’m so happy.

I knew the mind restoration worked but apparently, I didn’t really believe it. Apparently, I needed to see evidence that my sister was better. I have that evidence now. Hannah remembers me. She isn’t looking at me with hatred anymore; she’s looking at me with affection and recognition.

“I missed you so much,” I murmur now.

Hannah’s expression falls. “I wish I could say the same,” she says. “I wish...” she pauses, and her eyes drop to her lap. “... a lot of things,” she finishes.

“Hannah...” I pause and wait until Hannah meets my gaze again before continuing. “I’m so sorry. I should have looked for you. I thought you and mom were both gone.”

Hannah shakes her head. “You had no reason to think otherwise.”

Maybe that’s true, but that doesn’t make me feel better.

“I saw your memories of that night,” I tell her. “When you yelled at me to run, I thought you were right behind me.” I pause before apologizing again. “I’m so sorry...”

“No, Lucy,” she cuts in. “I’m so glad you got away.”

Now it’s my turn to shake my head. “If I’d realized the Zolark had grabbed you,” I persist. “I could have -”

Hannah cuts me off again. “There was nothing you could have done, Lucy,” she says, her voice adamant. Her gaze becomes fierce. “You would have been taken too. Savina and Calia would have done the same thing to you that they did to me.”

That’s most likely what would have happened, but I can’t help thinking that maybe Hannah and I could have both escaped. Maybe the two of us could have been together all this time.

Hannah’s gaze becomes searching. “What happened to you that night?” she asks.

“I ran for several blocks before realizing you weren’t with me. I went back to the house and watched for you. I hoped you’d just fallen behind. In the morning, I went up to the house. I found a piece of your pj’s on the front step...” I frown, and my voice trails off.

Hannah says nothing, and I continue.

“I went to the neighbors,” I tell her. “I didn’t know what else to do. They called the cops. The cops passed me on to Social Services, who placed me with a foster family.”

I got lucky. My foster parents were pretty great. I keep in touch with them to this day and go over to their place for holidays and other special occasions.

“The authorities left you and mom declared missing,” I share.

Hannah nods. After several moments, she shares what happened to her. “Savina and Calia told me half-truths,” she tells me. “They told me my family was attacked by Zolarks and that I’d been hurt. That’s how they explained away my lack of memory. They said I’d taken a blow to the head and that I had amnesia.”

She drops her head and looks down at her lap. When she raises her gaze again, I’m taken aback by the depth of pain I see in her eyes.

“Lucy...” she murmurs. “... the things I’ve done...”

I don’t let her finish that sentence. I don’t care what she’s done. It wasn’t her fault. “That wasn’t your fault, Hannah.”

“But I...”

I interrupt her again. “It wasn’t your fault, Hannah,” I insist.

Anything my sister did is on Savina and Calia. If those demons hadn’t messed with her mind, she never would have hurt a soul.

Hannah drops her gaze to her lap again. I touch a hand to her knee and wait for her to look back up at me. I don’t say any more about whatever she did while we were apart. I know it’s going to take time for her to process everything and come to terms with everything that’s happened to her.

I turn my thoughts to practical matters, to things I can do for my sister. Hannah was unconscious all day yesterday. She has to be starving.

“Let’s go downstairs,” I suggest. “I’ll make us something to eat.”

Hannah nods, and the two of us get up. I wait as she comes around the bed to my side, then lead her out of the room.

“I, uh, need to use the washroom,” she mentions when we’re in the hallway.

“The bathroom is right in there.” I point to the last door on the left.

She goes and shuts herself in the bathroom, closing the door behind her with a soft click. While I wait for her, I move to the doorway across from the bathroom and look in on Deklan. I find him splayed out on his back, snoring quietly. The soft snuffling sounds he’s making bring a soft smile to my face. When I realize my insides are melting over wolfy’s snoring, I have to chuckle. If someone had told me after that first night I met Deklan that I’d go from thinking he was an ass to getting the warm fuzzies from watching him snore, I would have laughed.

But here I am, watching him snore, full of fuzzies.



After relieving myself, I cross the hall to Lucy’s side and look into the room to see who she’s looking at so affectionately. I recognize the wolf shifter Lucy was with the other night, and a fresh wave of guilt hits me.


I threw this guy into a wall. Hopefully, the werewolf is the forgiving kind.

I shift my gaze from the man in the bed to Lucy. Given the way she’s looking at the werewolf, I assume they’re a couple.

“I’m sorry I hurt your boyfriend. And you,” I murmur with a wince.

Lucy nods. “I know. It’s okay,” she replies quietly.

I appreciate her saying that, but my guilt remains.

A louder snore has me and Lucy both returning our attention to Deklan. Lucy takes a step back from the doorway.

“C’mon,” she says, tilting her head toward the stairs. “Let’s go downstairs.”

I follow her down to the kitchen.

“Have a seat,” she invites, motioning to the dining table on the left as she walks right.

“Are eggs okay?” she asks over her shoulder as she pulls the fridge open.


“I’m not much of a cook,” she says, smiling over her shoulder. “... but eggs I can handle.”

I return her smile and take a seat at one end of the table. From there, I watch Lucy gather everything she needs to make breakfast. She has to look into a few cupboards before she finds the pots and pans, but she finally locates them. She grabs one, sets it on a burner, and starts heating it up.

It doesn’t take her long to cook up four eggs and a few pieces of toast. She divides them up between two plates and brings them over to the table.

“What would you like to drink? I can make tea,” she offers. “Or there’s milk or juice.”

“I’ll have whatever you’re having.”

Lucy goes back over to the fridge, pours us each a glass of juice, and returns to the table.

“Thanks,” I say as she sets the glasses on the table.

“You’re welcome.”

When my sister picks up her fork and breaks the top of one of her eggs, I follow suit. As we start to eat, I search for something to fill the silence that’s fallen. I settle on asking about her boyfriend.

“So, how long have you and the wolf been together?” I ask and bite off the corner of toast I just dipped.



At Hannah’s question, I lower the piece of toast I was raising to my mouth and look over at her. “Deklan.” I helpfully provide ‘the wolf’s’ name. “We met a few days ago.”

Hannah’s brows lift with surprise. “Really?” she asks. “You two just met? I would have guessed you’d been together longer. You two seem pretty close.”

I smile at that. We are very close. I’m surprised at how close I feel to Deklan after such a short acquaintance. It feels like I’ve known him a lot longer than just a few days.

Maybe it feels that way because I’ve been through a lot with him in the short amount of time I’ve known him. The last week has been a bit of a roller coaster. I almost died – that was a real low point. Then I found out Hannah was alive – that was an amazing high point. And then Deklan almost died – another significant low point.

“How did you two meet?” Hannah asks.

“I came across him and some demons fighting,” I reply, and sop up some more egg with my toast. “It looked like he was in trouble, so I stepped in.” I bring my toast to my mouth and bite off the piece I dipped. “I found out after I’d taken care of the demons,” I continue, talking around my mouthful. “...that he’d been hoping to pull Malek’s whereabouts out of one of them.”

At the mention of Malek, Hannah visibly tenses. Seeing this, my gaze sharpens on her.

“Why is Deklan after Malek?” she asks.

I finish chewing and swallow my mouthful before replying. “Malek killed some wolves,” I tell her. “Deklan’s best friend, Tuk, was one of them.”

The guilty look that comes to Hannah’s face has my belly clenching.


Did she help Malek kill those wolves? I don’t think she was there the night Tuk was killed. Deklan would have mentioned something to me if he remembered seeing my sister that night or if he recognized her scent.

But did Hannah have a hand in the deaths of the other wolves?

If she did, how will Deklan take that news?

I know Hannah’s mind was manipulated, but will that matter to Deklan if she killed those wolves? Will he hold her responsible for what she did while not herself?

“Hannah,” I say, pausing until she looks at me.

Instead of asking her if she killed those wolves, I couch the question in a way that puts the blame solely on Malek.

“Were you with Malek when he killed those wolves?”

My sister quietly shakes her head no.

That answer should bring me relief, but it doesn’t.

How can I feel relieved when Hannah is clearly upset?



When Lucy asks me if I was with Malek when he killed those wolves, I shake my head. No. I wasn’t with him. I didn’t help Malek kill any werewolves.

Lucy doesn’t seem relieved by my answer, and she shouldn’t be. I may not have killed any wolves, but I have killed. Malek and I went on many a killing spree together.

My appetite disappears as I think of all the people I tortured and murdered. Over the last several years, I killed too many innocents to count.

I feel Lucy’s eyes on me, but I keep my eyes on my plate. I can’t look at her right now. After a moment, she picks up her toast and continues eating.

I continue eating too, even though every bite tests my gag reflex.



I don’t like the change that comes over my sister as we finish eating. It feels like Hannah has checked out mentally. I want to comfort her, but I don’t know what to say. I try to think of something innocuous to talk to her about. I want to get her talking again, but I don’t want to touch on anything that might upset her. Nothing I come up with seems safe enough to mention, so I decide to tackle another practical matter.

“Deklan’s gonna be out for a while,” I murmur. “How about I take you to my place? We can both grab a shower, and we can get you some fresh clothes.”

We could shower here, but I don’t want to wake Deklan.

Hannah agrees to this, and when we’re done, we head out. I take her hand and teleport us from Deklan’s place to my apartment. We appear in my living room, and I lead Hannah from there down the short hallway to the bathroom.

“You can shower first,” I tell her.

I grab two towels from the linen closet and set them on the counter in the bathroom for her.

“There’s shampoo and conditioner in the shower, and a couple of different body washes. Help yourself to whatever you want.” I invite, as I step back out of the room.

“Okay,” Hannah replies. “Thanks.”

She gives me a small smile and shuts the door. As I move down the hall and into the kitchen, I hear the water turn on in the shower. After refreshing Jinx’s food and water and scooping out his litter box, I head out of the kitchen and to my room. I find Jinx on my bed, curled up in one of his favourite spots by my pillow. He lifts his head and meows as I approach.

“Hey, baby.” I sit beside him and start petting him.

I’m such a bad mom. I’ve left my fur baby alone so much the last few days. Even though he probably doesn’t care that I’ve been absent more than usual lately, I feel bad and dole out some extra affection on him now. I scratch behind his ears and under his chin and have him purring like an engine while I wait for Hannah to finish her shower.

Less than ten minutes after the water started, it turns off. I lean down to Jinx and press a kiss to the top of his head before getting up. I get a plaintive meow when I leave him.

“Sorry, baby,” I murmur as I go over to my closet.

I need to start looking for something for my slightly taller, slightly thinner sister to wear.

“Lucy?” Hannah calls a few moments later.

“In here,” I call back, browsing through my clothes. “Last door on the right.”

A second later, my sister appears in the doorway. A towel’s wrapped around her middle, and her wet hair’s pulled over her right shoulder. She crosses to the bed and sits next to Jinx, who’s very happy to have someone start scratching him again.

I select an outfit and bring it over to her. “These should fit you.” I hand the black leggings and the red T-shirt I selected over to her.

Jinx meows when Hannah stops petting him to accept the top and pants.


“No problem.” I head back to the closet to get an outfit for myself.

I grab a pair of blue jeans and a long-sleeved, black T-shirt, then go over to my dresser and pull out a pair of panties, and a bra.

“I won’t be long,” I tell Hannah, who nods as I leave the room.



While Lucy’s in the shower, I get dressed. I have a passing wish for my own clothes, but I don’t really want them. Those clothes belong to a different person. Even if I did really want them, all my stuff’s back at the penthouse. The penthouse I shared with Malek. No way am I going there now.

Images of me and Malek in his bedroom doing things play across my mind, and a wave of nausea hits me. How could I have ever let that demon touch me? I never want to see Malek again, but I’m going to have to get over that because I want a part in ending him. Lucy hasn’t asked for my help finding Malek, but she’s going to get it.

I might still have access to the penthouse - if Malek hasn’t already had his place re-charmed to keep me out.

I doubt he’s thought to update the magical locks to his place yet. He probably isn’t concerned about me - or for me. It’s not like we were in love or anything. We were just having fun together. We enjoyed killing and doing other things together. He’s probably already having ‘fun’ with someone else.

He doesn’t know it, but he’s not going to have fun for much longer.



Washed and dressed and feeling better for it, I rejoin Hannah in my room. She’s changed into the outfit I gave her and is sitting on the bed, petting Jinx. It’s comforting to see her in normal clothes and looking less like a demoness on the prowl.

“That top looks good on you,” I say.

“Thanks.” She looks at me and then back at Jinx. “What’s this guy’s name?” she asks.


“He’s a sweetie,” she smiles down at him.

“He is.” I agree, ever the proud mama. “I’d bring him back to Dek’s with us, but I don’t know if he likes cats.”

Him being part canine, I assume he doesn’t.

Hannah looks back at me. “Can we stop at a mall or a Walmart before we go back to his place?”

“Of course,” I reply. “If you feel up to it.”

I assumed she would want to get some clothes and things at some point, but I’m surprised she’s up for doing that already.

Hannah stops petting Jinx, gets off the bed, and comes over to me. I take her hand and teleport us to Walmart, to an empty spot behind the building. We’re in and out of the store in less than an hour. Hannah picks up undies, pyjamas, a couple of bras, a couple of jeans and tops, and some soap and other toiletries. It isn’t much, but it’ll hold her for a few days until we go for a real shop.

After I pay for her things, we return to the spot behind the store where we materialized, and I teleport us to Deklan’s. Hannah sets her purchases down on the island in the middle of the kitchen and then turns to me. Her shoulders go back, her chin goes up, and her gaze becomes sharp.

She looks ready for something.

“I can take you to Malek,” she announces without preamble.

My brows shoot up at that. I don’t know what I expected her to say, but it wasn’t that.

I imagine how happy Deklan will be to hear that Hannah can take us to Malek and smile. Then I think of Hannah facing off against Malek and frown.

She just got her mind back.

Does she really feel up to a fight? With her ex?



When Lucy and I get back to Deklan’s, I set my shopping bags on the counter and turn to her.

I’m all business as I offer my help getting Malek. “I can take you to Malek,” I tell her.

Her brows reach her hairline. Her surprise abates after a second, and concern fills her gaze.

“I know Deklan would really appreciate your help,” she says carefully after a moment. “He’s been hunting Malek a long time. But are you sure you’re up for it, Hannah?”

No, I’m not sure, but I nod anyway. I have to stop Malek from hurting anyone else. Killing him will be the first good thing I’ve done in almost two decades.

I already know what the second good thing I do will be.

Kill Savina and Calia.



Slowly, I come awake.

In case the girls are still asleep, I try to be quiet as I head down the hall to check on them. I find the bed empty.

Before I go find them, I make myself presentable. I grab a quick shower, shave, and get dressed. Then, I go downstairs and look for Lucy and Hannah. I find them in the kitchen. The two of them are sitting at the table, talking quietly. Lucy turns at the sound of my approach, and a smile comes to her face when she sees me.

I have a moment of pause, struck anew by the fact that I’m mated. My new matehood is going to take some time to really sink in.

“Hey,” she says.


I turn my smile on Hannah as I approach the table. “Hi, Hannah,” I say and then sit down. “We haven’t really met. I’m Deklan.”

Hannah gives me a shy ‘hello’.

Her shyness surprises me. The difference in her demeanour is dramatic.

“How are you feeling?” I ask.

Hannah takes a breath and blows it out. “I’m feeling...” she says. “...a little too much at the moment.”

I’m sure that’s very true. My heart goes out to her. I can’t imagine what she’s going through right now while she processes everything that’s happened.

“I’m sorry for hurting you...” she murmurs. “...the other night.”

I wave away her apology. “Don’t worry about it.” I smile at her.

She gives me a small, grateful smile in return.

“How long have you two been up?” I ask them.

“Since around eight,” Lucy replies.

I notice the bags sitting on the end of the island.

“You went shopping?” I ask, and Lucy nods.

“I didn’t want to wake you, so I took Hannah to my place to wash up,” she tells me. “We stopped to get Hannah some things on the way back.”

I shift my gaze to Hannah. “Did you get everything you needed?”

“Yeah. For now,” she replies.

“I’m going to have to make a grocery run soon,” I tell them. “If either of you wants anything...” I look at Lucy, then Hannah. “...let me know, and I’ll pick it up.”

I get an ‘okay’ from both of them. Hannah looks over at Lucy and then back at me. It’s clear she wants to say something. Whatever it is she wants to say, has Lucy looking worried.

“Lucy told me why you’re after Malek,” Hannah says.

I nod.

“I’m sorry about your friend.”

I accept her condolences with another quiet nod. She shares another glance with Lucy and then looks back at me.

“I can take you to Malek,” she announces, and my ears perk up.

“Really?” I ask, leaning forward with interest.

I wasn’t going to ask her for help, but if she’s offering, I’m listening.

She frowns slightly. “Well, I can take you to him if he hasn’t re-charmed his penthouse and blocked me. I don’t think he would have thought to block me yet,” she says. “And it’ll take time for him to get someone to redo the charm on his place. But we should go sooner rather than later. Just in case.”

Hearing that Malek has a penthouse surprises me. The Jogon doesn’t live in the demon plane? The demon must have shielded his place from being located; otherwise, Lucy would have found it when she scried for him.

“When should we go?” Lucy asks her sister, drawing me from my musings.

Hannah replies without hesitation. “Tomorrow morning. At dawn. Malek will either be just getting in or already in bed.”

My wolf rumbles with anticipation. “What’s the layout of his place like?” I ask.

“If you have some paper, I can draw it for you,” she says.

I go to get up, but Lucy stops me. “I’ll get it,” she says and pushes back from the table.

She goes over and grabs a pen and a notepad and brings them over to her sister. Hannah accepts both and starts drawing. Lucy and I are quiet as we watch her sketch out Malek’s place. It looks like he has a wide entrance leading right into the living room. To the left of the living room is the kitchen, and to the right is a hallway that leads to the bathroom and two bedrooms.

Hannah draws in how the furniture is situated in the living room and bedrooms. When she’s finished drawing, she pushes the paper forward so Lucy and I can look more closely.

“I think we should teleport into the living room,” she says while we study her drawing. “If Malek is still up, we’ll have more room to maneuver. And more cover if we need it.”

I agree. The element of surprise is on our side, but even so, I’m not going to count on Malek going down easy.

I look at Lucy, then over at Hannah. “Are you sure you’re up for this?” I ask her. “You don’t have to.”

“Yes, I do,” she says, and the steel in her voice assures me that there’s no talking her out of this.

Alright, then.

My wolf growls with anticipation.

Tomorrow morning, we’re going after Malek.

I can’t wait.

I really hope the demon hasn’t thought to change the locks yet.

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