The Sentinel of Cassendar: Resquarian

Chapter 18

Galen sat in the palace library by the fireplace with a large book open in his lap. His eyes had grown weary searching page after page for one word, Resquarian. He had been through several books, but had not seen the word once. Galen looked up from his book and blinked his tired eyes. He looked over to his left to see Princes Lexine was looking down at a book. She was rubbing her arms as though she was cold. Galen wanted nothing more than to go over to her and warm her up by taking her into his arms, but he could not do it. So, instead he raised his hand to the fire, causing the dying flames to raise back to life. The princes looked up at the fire and then to Galen with a small smile in thanks.

Galen found himself smiling back. He missed her so much. He had been near here recently; they had even spoke, but it was not like it was before. He missed sitting close to her, feeling her lean against him. He missed her teasing and laughter. He wanted nothing more than to sit with her and listen to her work some puzzle out in her mind as she talked it over with him. He wanted to kiss her full lips and feel her body against his.

She had apologized, and he had accepted. He knew she didn’t really mean to say those things, but the trouble was there was some truth in them. They were very different, and they had come from very different places. While Galen’s life was never truly difficult, he was just the youngest son of a lower lord. He always knew he would have to work for his living whether it was as a teacher, a healer, or in the profession he had chosen as an Elite of the Sentinel.

Lexine had grown up as a princess of Lanoxan. She had everything she could ever want always at her fingertips. She grew up amongst powerful people with influence and wealth. She could have just about any man in any kingdom. A man who could give her so much more than Galen ever could. King Leal had told Galen he would make him a lord, and place him on the king’s council. He would give him a house or let him live in the palace. It was a generous offer that tempted Galen, but could he ever really be that person?

Galen felt he had found his place in the Sentinel. He had enjoyed pushing himself in the Disciplines, learning what it truly meant to be an Elite. Now, he found much pleasure serving his High Captain alongside his brother. Of course, she wouldn’t be his High Captain for long. Soon she would settle into her place as queen, ruling over the kingdom with her king. Galen wondered what Roderick would do. Would he be the next High Captain? Surely, he would be named next, but would Roderick want to do it?

Roderick seemed to be having his own questions about his future and a lady. Galen had seen the way his brother looked at Lady Selene. He had seen how Roderick enjoyed speaking with her and being in her presence. He could tell Roderick was quickly becoming attached to the lady. If his brother would ever let himself do it, Galen thought Roderick could easily fall in love with Lady Selene, and Galen did not think the lady indifferent to her brother.

If the king was willing to lift Galen up, he would do the same for Roderick. As important as Roderick was to the queen, the king would probably do all he could to ensure Roderick could have Lady Selene as his wife. If Roderick chose this, he would leave the Sentinel, and where would that leave Galen? Would he be content to serve without his brother and his High Captain by his side? Galen audibly sighed, confused about his future.

“Have you found anything, Galen?” asked Princess Lexine.

“No, not at all. Have you, your highness?”

“No, and I am beginning to think we never will, or that Dracia doesn’t even really care if we do.”

“I am sure the High Captain thinks this is important, or she wouldn’t have us waste our time,” said Galen as he looked back down at his book.

“You know what she is trying to do, Galen. She was very obvious, after all,” said Princess Lexine.

“What do you think she is trying to do, your highness?” asked Galen as he turned a page.

“Is it always going to be like this now? Are you always going to be so formal and indifferent towards me?” asked the princess as she closed her book.

Galen closed his eyes for a moment, feeling an ache in his stomach. “I will never be indifferent towards you,” he said softly. “I could never forget what I feel for you.”

“Then why are you acting like this? I am very sorry for all that I said. I didn’t mean to say it,” said the Princess fervently. “Will you always be angry with me?”

“I am not angry with you,” said Galen looking up from his book. “I believe that you are sorry for what you said, but that does not mean there wasn’t some truth in your words.”

“Galen, I don’t feel that way. I really don’t. I was acting like a spoiled girl who is used to getting her way. I have no excuse except I was very concerned for my dear friend who is now truly my sister.”

“We are very different, your highness. I cannot know what your life is truly like, and you cannot not know mine. As much as I care for you and know that I love you, can we ever truly work? Our pasts will always be there with us, waiting to snap at us when one of us is angry,” said Galen.

Princess Lexine shook her head. “I do not hold anything about your past against you. Whatever has happened as you grew up it has made you into the man you are now, and I love you more than anyone I know,” said Lexine. She stared at him as she took a couple of breaths. “I know you love me, Galen. I know you truly love me, and know the real me. I don’t want to lose you.”

“I don’t want to lose you either,” said Galen. He smiled slightly. “I have been very miserable without you. I think you have brought out a lighter side in me as no one has before, and I really like it. Without you, it is gone, and I am back to being serious, and sometimes uncaring. I don’t want to live like this.”

“Then don’t,” said Lexine. “I have been in agony without you. You make me feel as no one else does. I have never felt so acknowledged or even truly beautiful as I do with you. You don’t just see a pretty woman and a title when you look at me. You see me for who I really am, and I don’t want to lose that.”

Galen nodded. “I just don’t know how this will truly work. My future is so uncertain. You cannot possibly be my wife one day if I am an Elite of Sentinel. I would not put that burden on you.”

“It would not be a burden, Galen. The only burden would be not being able to be with you,” said Lexine. “You know my brother will give you whatever you want. You could be a lord.”

“He has told me,” said Galen. “He even told me he would put me on his council and have me work with the High Captain on securing the kingdom.”

“You would like that, I think,” said Lexine. “I know you are fond of Dracia, and enjoy working with her.”

“I do,” said Galen. “It seems almost too perfect. I could have you by my side, and do something I truly enjoy, working with someone I respect more than anyone else in the land.”

“Then what is the problem?” asked Lexine.

“I am not sure it is who I am,” said Galen. “I am not sure I am some lord who sits on a council and then goes to some court event. I have found purpose in the Sentinel, fighting for my kingdom. I am not sure I want to lose it.”

“You can fight for your kingdom in ways that don’t require a sword, Galen. You are wise and talented. The things you could do on the king’s council and with Dracia could protect the kingdom in ways that could much more good than any battle,” said Lexine.

“I think I just need time. I want to make sure I choose what is right for me, and even more so for you. I won’t be the one who ruins your life, Lexine.”

“You could never ruin my life by being with me. Nothing so good as you and our love could ever ruin anything,” said Lexine. “I do love you.”

“I love you, as well, but I won’t ask you to wait for me. I will try to make a decision soon, but I just need a little time.”

“I would wait for you forever. I think you know it. I will give you all the time you need as long as I know you love me,” said Lexine.

Galen stared at her. “I do love you. I don’t think I could ever love anyone as I love you.”

“Then I will wait,” said Lexine with a smile. “I am a spoiled princess though, so I can’t promise I won’t be a little impatient and try to push you in one direction. It is very hard to be near you and at least not tease you. It is bad enough I can’t kiss you.”

Galen wanted so much to forget all of this and walk over and kiss her very soundly, but he knew he needed time. It was right for him to really decide what he wanted and needed to do. He had to be sure for himself, for his kingdom, and mostly for her.”

“I do not mind you teasing me sometimes,” said Galen. “I would like it if we could still talk as friends for the time being.”

“You will always be my friend, Galen, no matter what happens,” said Lexine.

Galen opened another book and kept searching for the word Resquarian, wondering what it could possibly mean. He searched each book in his stack for many hours. At one point some attendants came in with some food and drinks. He and Lexine both said their thanks, but neither moved to eat or drink anything.

Galen tried to focus on his task and not the beautiful woman he loved sitting close to him. Was he being foolish? A wonderful, brilliant woman who happened to be a princess wanted to be with him. Was he an idiot for not seizing his chance now and making sure she was always his? He could almost hear Tomas laughing at him for Galen finally being the one who was the true idiot. Still, Galen wanted to be very sure for her. He loved Lexine too much to be the cause of any mistakes in her life.

“Galen, I think I have found something,” said Lexine excitedly as she stood up. She walked over to Galen’s chair and kneeled down beside him.

She put the book over the one he was reading and pointed to a paragraph. Galen read over it and then looked up at the princess. “Could this possibly be true, do you think?” asked Galen.

“I’m not sure, but it is something to start with. It must have been in the book of the gods you had Dracia look at, or she wouldn’t have known the word. The book is very old and handwritten. Perhaps it was copied from some other book? Maybe the story Dracia looked at is as old as the land itself.”

Galen nodded. “So, our land was called Resquarian before the kingdoms were formed,” said Galen. “What else does it say about it?”

“I didn’t read on,” said Lexine. “I was too excited to see the word and show you.”

Galen quickly scanned the page, reading the paragraphs underneath it. “It says the land was divided into the two kingdom’s originally, Siccaria, and Lanoxan. We already knew that. It gives a brief history on how some of the other kingdoms came to be, nothing surprising there.”

Galen continued to read down the page as Lexine leaned closer to him, her eyes wandering over the page as well.

“Galen, look,” said Lexine pointing at the book. “Here is something about Navalia.”

Galen started reading where she pointed. “It says Navalia was founded when the Cassendar king exiled a group of one hundred citizens of Lanoxan for their devotion to the false gods of power and knowledge. This group planned to gain support and overtake the kingdom to bring back Resquarian, and the way of Ricardia and Alvina.

“The followers tried to start a war, but were quickly overtaken by the Sentinel of Cassendar and the king himself. The survivors which numbered one hundred were shown mercy and sent north into the winter lands for their crimes.”

“Who is Ricardia and Alvina.?” asked Lexine.

“I am not sure, but I have an idea, maybe. Do you have that book you took from the High Captain earlier?” asked Galen.

Lexine nodded and stood up. She walked over to where a large stack of books lay on the table. She looked through the stack until she found the right one and brought it over.

“You aren’t going to try to understand any of this as Dracia did, are you?” asked Lexine as she held on to the book. “I don’t want you to be hurt.”

“I just want to see that picture of the three women. I promise I want to do more than that,” said Galen.

Lexine hesitated for a few seconds before handing him the book. Galen opened it and thumbed through it until he came to the picture. He looked at the three women for a moment and then the words underneath them.

“Knowledge, wisdom, power,” read Galen. “The people who were exiled followed the gods of knowledge and power. What if it is two of these women?”

“What about wisdom, then?” asked Lexine. “Why didn’t they follow the god of wisdom as well?”

“I don’t know. I don’t know if these two books even correlate together. I just thought it might since both contain something about Resquarian,” said Galen.

“We will have to ask Dracia about it. Maybe she will remember more of what she saw in these pages, though I would hate to encourage her to try to work with them again,” said Lexine.

Galen nodded. “Still, she might have to if we want to figure this out. We will both be with her if we do. Maybe we could ask the king to be here as well.”

“I don’t know if Leal will like her doing something like this. He may not let her,” said Lexine.

Galen gave a short laugh. “Do you really think your brother has any control over what the High Captain actually does?”

Lexine smiled and shook her head. “No, not at all. I think she does take his advice at times, but if she thinks this is important, she will do as she pleases.”

“It is getting late,” said Galen as he closed the book and handed it to Lexine. “We will have to ask her about it tomorrow.”

Lexine stood up and stretched. “I know the food is cold by now, but I am hungry. Would you like to join me for a friendly supper, Galen?”

Galen stood and smiled. “I would like nothing more, your highness.”


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