The Seer : The Alterealm Series Book 2

Chapter Chapter Twenty-Three

I stood in the landing room, watching the others coming in and getting ready. Mitz was even here. I noticed she spoke to each brother, to her they were sons. She smiled and said something to Daxx, who laughed and then nodded her head.

When she came over and stopped in front of me, I was surprised. I wasn’t a warrior going off to battle, if anything I was the least of all in this fight.

She hugged me quick and then touched my cheek. “You bring them all home to me.” She said and then walked away.

I looked to Rafael, standing closest to me.

He shrugged. “I know you don’t see it yet, little sister, but you are part of the family now, and a very important one.”

I started to answer him and then Victor walked in. He glanced to each person in the room as he walked toward me, I knew he was assessing that all were well prepared. He stopped in front of me and looked to the blade strapped flat to my left thigh and gave Rafael a quick look.

“She holds her descender and the pulley both in her left hand so we practiced reaching across with her right. It’s a smooth motion, and one she can do quickly if needed.” Rafael said then nodded to me and moved over to stand near Quinton.

I looked up to Victor and tried for a smile, but wasn’t sure if I made it work. “I’ll be okay.” I told him.

Reaching in his pocket, he pulled out a preprogrammed transporter. He took my wrist and undid the one I already wore. “I had them make the signal on this one stronger, so it can reach the edge where the realms touch, so it may work in the tunnels.” He put it on my wrist. “If it doesn’t at first, do all that you can to get closer to the surface, then try again.”

I looked at it and nodded. “Okay.” Then back to his concerned eyes. “I don’t plan on leaving your side, though I probably won’t need it.”

Looking around, he frowned. “Bronx will be here shortly. You be sure to stay close to him.”

“I will.” I touched his arm. “Everyone comes home.” I told him.

The commotion paused when Romulus and the quiet witch that had helped me came in. She looked perfectly calm, the mage did not.

“Its nice, to see someone more nervous then me.” I said quietly to Victor.

He offered me a small grin and then grasped my chin lightly and kissed my mouth hard. “If things go bad, hide.”

I nodded. Of course I would, no one was better at hiding than me.

Bronx and Tim came through the door with Chase, who looked so happy to be going to battle again. Coming over, he winked at me and opened his arms wide. “Where to this time, cutie? I can’t wait to see.”

Daxx came over to listen as well.

I bit my lip and thought for a moment, finding the best place to go in. “Under the fish factory is the best place, we’ll have to run for a bit, but it’s better then going to Grey Street and being seen.”

“Perfect,” she said with a grin. “Only one trip then, because all of us have been there.” She looked around to Troy and sent him a smile. “Bring my blocker for me.” Then was gone.

Troy cursed under his breath for a second and then put his hand on Tim’s shoulder. “Don’t dally, she’ll find trouble without us.” He told them and then the two were gone.

“Ready?” Victor asked with a brow raised.

I nodded and touched him, waiting for my churning stomach to know we’d arrived.

I ran quickly through the tunnels, not needing to pause to think which way to go. I had meant it when I said I knew them, and I did. We went down several levels, on broken stairs and across a small waterway that hadn’t been used for at least a hundred years. The others behind me didn’t make a sound. I stopped once or twice to make sure we stayed close together. Michael was last, watching behind us the whole way. Romulus looked tired from the short run, and I bit the side of my cheek so I wouldn’t grin knowing the going down part was easy, the going up side wasn’t going to be.

When we paused by a tunnel that was the first of many levels to go up, I held up my hand. Glancing behind me, I saw everyone looking and watching. Reaching into my pocket I pulled out a small pack of candies. I paused near a darkened corner until I heard movement in the shadow. Shaking my head, I glanced to Victor so he wouldn’t react to protect me. An older man, of an uncertain age came out… it was hard to tell age when you wore extra clothes and had dirt on your face.

“I have missed you.” He said with his rasping voice. “You’ve been gone for a long time.”

I held out the packet and gave him a smile. He took it and looked so pleased. “I wasn’t here.” I told him and grinned.

He looked to the others, with one brow raised. “I saw nothing but the empty tunnels here today.” He stepped back into the shadows.

I motioned for everyone to go up the ramp, we had several levels to run to reach the place beneath the purple door.

“Love your ways,” Rafael winked as he passed me.

When we reached the end of a tunnel that split both ways, I stopped and pointed to the left. “Beneath the purple door is that way, not too far.” I said in a whisper. “There are two tunnels that split from a big open area, and one narrow one that’s a dead-end between them.”

I looked around to make sure the mage was hearing me. “The dead-end is where the magic creates a door.” He nodded with a serious expression on his face. I turned to the witch with the pure air around her. “The path to left of the dead end is where I saw the witch with the staff of light.”

“Do you know what is down either tunnel?” Quinton asked crouching low and watching around the corner.

I shook my head. “Followers, I don’t know how many. Coming and going as they use those tunnels beneath the purple door to get in and out of the city, unseen.”

“Lots of bad guys, got it.” Daxx said and patted her transporter box. “I hope my batteries are fully charged.”

Michael smirked. “It runs on your energy, huntress.”

“Really? Okay then, good to go.” She smiled at me. “If Crissy had one we could send them to the moon with her energy levels.” Pulling one of the blades from her back, she pointed it toward the tunnel we were to take. “Shall we?”

I heard several more being pulled, but didn’t pull mine.

Romulus and the witch, whose name I still didn’t know, moved to the front with Michael and Leone, then nodded and started walking slowly. I glanced to see Victor, with both long blades pulled, he nodded for me to follow, so I moved after them.

As we reached the open chamber, I looked around to see a ledge above the door. I watched the others move to cover the two paths while the mage started waving his hands toward the dead-end space. I climbed the uneven stones and got on the ledge, to stay out of the way. Once settled, I saw Victor glance right at me, he’d known my every move without having to watch me.

All I knew was if I was down there with them, he would be distracted worrying about me, so I took me out of the battle and planned to stay on the ledge until told to do otherwise.

I watched Romulus moving his hands so very slowly, it was graceful, the way he moved. I hadn’t read about what mages could do, but it was on my list to learn more. The sound of blades clashing made me jump, and I turned to see many bodies rushing into the space from the tunnel on the right.

Biting my lip, I stayed still so no attention would be drawn to me.

“Romulus, you think you’re a match for me?” A voice echoed through the tunnels.

I turned to see Marcus, his black hair with the white streak standing in the dead-end tunnel, his dark purple eyes glowing in the dim light. He leaned his elbow on the cane with the wide handle, so both hands could be free. When he started to move them, I saw Victor position himself closer, and held my breath.

“Even if you take down this barrier and imprison me, you’re too late. They will complete their task without me.” He said with a sneer.

Romulus didn’t speak, only focused on his movements and I had to wonder if it was working, but it wasn’t something an eye could see.

I didn’t know what that task was, but clearly, we needed to find out. I saw Daxx and Tim fighting side by side, he would distract them and she would use the transporter, with a ‘pop’ they were gone.

Rafael and Leone were with the witch and I couldn’t see them. Troy and Chase looked like a reflection in a mirror, as they fought three at once, pushing them back toward the tunnel they’d come from. Quinton and Arius fought back-to-back, keeping the men from getting to the tunnel we’d come from and escaping. I looked below me to see Bronx blocking the way and thought even if they got by, the pirate would slow, or halt, their departure.

A light from the left tunnel flashed and I knew the witch with the staff was there, battling with the one on our team.

Several more followers came out of the other tunnel, forcing our people to step back. I didn’t like the numbers we were up against now. Daxx was no longer fighting, but dashing among them, while the brothers distracted. She used the box, cutting down the numbers quickly. I sighed in relief to know she was able to do that, and wondered briefly if Victor could have a transporter to the cells made for me. That was something I knew I could do.

I watched Daxx slide to pop one more then heard a sound below me and turned to see Bronx facing the tunnel we’d come from. He backed up a step, his sword drawn and then a noise like a whip came from the tunnel and his sword hit the floor. He grabbed his arm, blood was flowing through his fingers.

I looked to see if one of the others had noticed, but they were all busy. He staggered back and a tall man walked past. The only weapon he had, that I could see, was a long whip coiled carefully in his hand. Climbing down quickly, I rushed to Bronx. I didn’t know how bad his arm was, but knew I didn’t have time to check. I pulled the knife from his hip and cut the strap from the sword case and quickly wrapped it around his arm. He nodded and straightened up, holding the injured wrist to his chest and then picked up his sword in the other.

I turned to see where the man went, he was going straight for Romulus. The mage didn’t notice as he continued weaving his spell. He was sweating and shaking and if the expression on Marcus’ face meant anything, I’d say our mage was winning.

I saw Tim stagger back a few times, trying to hold three others from reaching him. “Go help Tim.” I Told Bronx and moved back against the wall. He gave me a look, but went. Even with only one good arm he was more help then I could have been.

Everyone was busy fighting for their lives, and the man with the whip only had one person between he and Romulus. Victor. I bit my lip so I wouldn’t shout a warning. I heard Daxx swear and Troy roar, but couldn’t look away.

Marcus laughed and did something briefly and I watched Victor fall to the floor. The man with the whip raised his arm. Grabbing the knife from my case, I rushed toward him. I slid beneath Chase’s raised blade, jumped over a heap that may have been a body, and flicked my knife toward the man with the whip. He cursed loudly and fell to one knee. As I went by him I saw I’d landed my knife in the back of his thigh.

Flipping around, I stopped where Victor struggled against the magical hold. Crouching low, with a wide stance, I pulled my new blade from its case, and held it toward the man holding my knife with his leg. He would have to go through me to harm Victor.

He sneered at me and pulled the blade free, holding it toward me as he struggled to get up. If he lashed out with his whip, I had no defense, not that I could catch the knife if he tossed at me either. If he got to his feet, I couldn’t do a thing. Before I knew what I intended, I reached with my other hand and pulled the pulley off my belt and flung it toward him, when it wrapped around the leg that was holding him up, I pulled as hard as I could and he went down, flat on his back.

Glancing quickly to Victor, I saw he was moving to get up and wondered if Romulus had managed to break whatever Marcus had done. The look on Victor’s face was lethal as he got to his feet, his eyes moved over me looking for injury. Pulling me to my feet, he gave me a gentle shove in the direction of Chase, who moved to stand in front of me with his blades both drawn.

I watched Victor step over to the man with the whip, he reached down and pulled him to his feet by his hair, as he drew the thin curved blade from his hip. “The judgement is death for threatening my mate.” He spun with the man so I couldn’t see, then growled with a sound that sent a chill through me and the man dropped to the floor, blood spilling out around him.

Chase backed me up closer to the entrance again and stood there, assessing anyone near. “Climb.” He said over his shoulder and I looked to see a large man rushing toward us with a huge axe with blades on two sides. I needed no more instruction, I turned and went up the wall as fast as I could.

When I was back on the ledge, I turned to see there were few left from the other side. Bronx wasn’t looking good, but he was still on his feet. Marcus howled like he was in pain and I turned to see him struggling to stop whatever Romulus did.

Victor screamed, a warrior’s cry, and bolted through the space where Marcus stood, and he was gone with a ‘pop’. Not pausing for a second, Victor spun back, giving our mage a gentle nudge into the space that had been protected. “It all goes back so you can figure out what he was doing.”

Nodding Romulus moved out of my sight. Victor stepped out and picked up his blades, rushing to help Chase with the giant swinging the axe.

I looked to see the others all closer now, and only three more left from the other side. My heart was beating so fast, I was sure it was going to jump right out of my chest. Had we actually done what we came here to do? I heard someone shout from the hall with the witch and then sighed in relief when Rafael came out with a woman I’d never seen, tight in his grasp. He walked right over to Victor and gave a slight nod then raised his sword to help Chase, as Victor used the box to dispatch the bad witch to the cell that held Marcus.

When the last follower vanished, I climbed slowly down. I rushed toward Bronx and turned to look for help. Quinton stood there, his hands on his knees trying to catch his breath. “Quinton, Bronx was cut by that whip.”

Straightening, he came over and looked at the still bleeding arm. “I’ll take him back.” He touched his shoulder, and they were both gone.

I turned slowly and saw four bodies on the ground, and was surprised I didn’t feel sad for them. Victor came over, his green eyes assessing every inch of me. Holding out something I realized was my knife, I took it and ducked down to put it back in its case. He reached down and grasped the back of my neck in his big hand to pull me back up faster. Giving me a hard kiss on the mouth, he whispered against it. “I’ll be angry with you later because you put yourself in harm’s way, but for now I’ll thank you for saving me.” He wiped my face and I knew I had blood on me, as they all did.

I hugged him tight. “He was cheating by using that whip.” I told him.

Victor chuckled and then straightened up to look around at the others.

“Seriously, Mitz has got to stop feeding us heavy foods.” Arius said as he squatted and rested back against one of the walls. “I feel like I just ran a marathon.”

“Whew.” Daxx huffed out a breath. “That was better than the mud, but we could have used a bit more space to maneuver.”

“Anyone catch little ninja’s moves?” Michael asked and then crouched down and held out his sword as I had done over Victor.

“I did for a second, almost got decapitated for it.” Troy said.

Chase chuckled. “That move to knock him on his back was…” He shook his head, “it brought a tear to my eye.”

I looked at the man that Victor had killed for threatening me. I knew he had to be cold when he was in battle, and that in his life had killed. I wasn’t sure at this moment how I felt about it. I may have saved him, but if that man had gotten up… Victor had saved me too.

As if sensing what I was thinking, he turned and hugged me into his body and then my stomach flipped and I knew we were back in the landing room. He leaned down and kissed my forehead. “I saw you save your guard too, so don’t think we won’t be discussing this sudden heroic streak.”

I thought he was seriously upset until I saw his lips move, like he was hiding a smile. “If you weren’t so busy looking around you, may not have gotten knocked off your feet.” I said.

I heard laughing and turned to see Troy and Daxx standing there. “She put you in your place, brother.” Troy said with a big smile. He sobered and gave me a quick nod. “It takes magic to knock our justice off his feet, but I thank you, little sister, for keeping him safe.”

I nodded, but didn’t know what to say, so I said nothing back.

“Let’s get this blood washed off, then I have to go have a conversation with Marcus.” Victor said.

“I’ll meet you at the cells.” Troy told him as they were walking out.

Taking my hand, Victor starting walking out of the room. “Any insight into what he meant when he said they would complete the task without him?”

I shook my head. “I haven’t seen anything to let me know.” I bit my lip and looked down at the blood on my clothes. “I can go to the library and see if the not-real-librarian knows of any prophecy that could give us an idea.”

“The scholars have been looking.” He said, opening a door for me that lead to our rooms.

I thought for a moment. “Sometimes they over-think things that are right there, plain to see.”

He chuckled. “It would entertain me greatly if you were able to solve this when they haven’t been able to.”

“Not fond of scholars?”

He stopped outside my door. “I am fond of learning, just not rambling as they tend to do.”

I nodded. “If the teachers I had taught as much as they talked, I might know more.”

Kissing my brow softly he grinned. “If you knew any more, heart, I’d never keep up.” He looked at the door behind my back. “If I come in to help wash off the blood…”

“I’ll never get to the library, or you to the cells.” I felt my cheeks heat.

“Exactly.” He kissed my mouth once, and then again. “But we could be a few moments late.” Leaning closer, he nipped at my neck and backed me up against the door.

“Go in the room.” Michael said as he stalked by us. “Make it fast. I want you there when we separate the witch and Marcus.”

I felt the door behind me open and he pushed me gently inside. “You can’t be late.” I told him even though I had not wished for him to leave.

“I won’t be. We’ll shower together… to save time.” His green eyes started to turn and he grinned at me with a mouthful of fangs.

My cheeks heated as I stared at his mouth. “Okay.”

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