The Seer : The Alterealm Series Book 2

Chapter Chapter Twenty-One

I was nervous when I went to breakfast the next morning, not sure if anyone would think my new look was strange. Well, it wasn’t a new look I guess, I still dressed the same. I had my notebook in my hand when I walked in, so I’d remember the drawings of the runes I had seen.

“Whoa, little sister. You took cute to a whole new level.” Rafael smiled at me in his way.

I smiled back and sat down next to Quinton. I still hadn’t found the chair that felt the most like me.

Chase came in and gave my hair a touch as he went by. “Looking good, cutie.” And went to his chair.

Everyone was smiling and looking at me, so I hoped that meant it looked okay. I heard Victor’s voice in the kitchen and wondered what he’d think.

He walked in and stumbled over something for a step and then stopped and just stared at me.

“Lift foot, then step.” Chase told him.

Leone laughed. “There’s a little drool on your chin, old man.”

Victor turned slowly and glared at them and then went and sat down quickly. When he did, he looked back at me again and smiled, but didn’t say a word.

“If we can make this a meeting-while-we-eat, I’d appreciate it.” Chase said. “After being dragged from my bed, again, yesterday, I’m feeling a little sluggish now.”

Troy nodded. “I’m all for that and if we can try to have a day without some sort of emergency, I have plans to have a nap with my mate at some point.”

Michael snorted but didn’t say a word.

“Mhmm, I’m sure napping is the plan.” Chase said with a big grin.

“Don’t make me stab all of you.” Daxx told them pointing her fork at them.

I took a bite of my toast and noticed Victor still looking at me, more then his plate. “I sketched out the runes I saw on the cane.” I told them before taking a bite of my toast.

“We’ll have to see if Romulus recognizes them.” Victor said, still watching me.

“I found Grey Street.” Daxx said while sipping her coffee.

Arius yawned. “We’ll locate the purple door tonight and set up a watch, but still need to figure out the tunnels under it.” He motioned to Rafael.

Raf nodded and rubbed the back of his neck and then looked to me. “Anything to add to that? A date stamp would be good.”

“I know most of the tunnels under the city.” I stopped and looked at him. “They don’t come with dates.” I told him. “That would be too easy.”

“Right. Where’s the fun with easy, Raf?” Quinton said and rolled his eyes at his brother and then turned to smile at me. “After watching you process last night, I’ve realized you’re a genius, and if you weren’t distracted by visions all the time, you’d just make us feel stupid.”

I thought about that and frowned. “You are all smarter than I am about many other things.” I nodded. Other things. “Oh, while I was looking at the ceiling last night, I had a thought…”

“Only one?” Rafael asked.

“Must have been tired.” Daxx teased.

I rolled my eyes the way she always did to me, and then sobered when I remembered. “I saw Daxx’s tattoo and then I met her. I saw the rune that is now on my back. So maybe there are other signs in here I have seen, but didn’t know I did, but will now.” I nodded and looked at Leone. “Maybe I’ve seen the flavor that will be who you need.”

Leone started choking and quickly set his cup down.

“Swallow, then breathe.” Chase told him with a smirk on his face.

“You think you’ve seen our mates?” Arius asked.

“Make mine with long legs and tall boots.” Chase winked at me.

“I don’t make them.” I grinned. “They’re already made, I just see them.” I sighed. “Or a sign relating to them.”

Chase nodded his head quickly. “Well, think legs when you see mine please.” He looked around and then sighed loudly. “This war and spy stuff is really cutting into my dating life.”

“I will try.” I told him and sipped my tea, hoping someone would talk about something else now.

Victor looked at me again and I wished I had sat closer so I could figure out his thoughts.

“I have gone through the lists of people that have lived long on the other side then just, more or less, vanished.” Michael leaned down to look at me. “Its looking like Crissy’s theory is right after all.”

“That’s good, right?” I asked and he nodded. “Well, not if they’re working with Marcus… although then we’ll know how many there are… but we could find the lost people that should be here and not over there.” Lost people. “Oh, I am down to the last decade and should know who Emil is now… very soon.”

“And you had time to do all of that when?” Quinton asked me, tilting his head and brows drawn together.

“I don’t sleep much.” I said quietly.

Chase snorted. “Who does anymore?”

Victor sat back for a moment and stared at his plate. “If the God’s favor it, pray Emil is on our side.”

“Shit, wouldn’t that suck.” Rafael said softly. “To find our brother on the wrong side of this war.”

The idea was very sad, even for me. “I will not go through my notebook today, just keep looking for him.” I nodded to Rafael. “I saw him in that scene shown to me, there were no bad omens… so I don’t feel he is against you, just unknowing.” I offer a grin.

“What of the elders and scholars?” Troy asked Victor. “Do they have any insight on how a mated male even managed to have a child with another?”

Victor shook his head slowly. “Nothing definite.” He said with a serious tone. “It seems they’ve heard speculation that a second mate is an extreme rarity that can occur.” He frowned. “I’ve told them to look at facts, and not speculation.”

“Maybe it’s in the prophecies.” I offered.

“Mmm,” Victor said, his green eyes coming back to me. “I’ve suggested they look there as well.”

“Okay, is it just me or is cutie… the little one that hides and rarely speaks, doing all the talking today?” Chase asked while waving his fork around.

“Mhmm, she is.” Rafael agreed.

“I think someone is getting used to you guys… which I really don’t know if it’s a good or a bad thing. You have so many bad habits.” Daxx smiled at me.

I knew they were teasing, and it was the first time I could remember knowing it was done in a loving way. I set my cup down and looked at each one for a second, then shrugged. “Maybe I just didn’t want to hear more mud jokes today.”

Victor started laughed and raised his cup to me.

“Burned.” Raf said with a grin. “So, glad you’re on our team, little…” He turned his head and glared at Victor, “sister.” He finished quietly.

Victor raised an eyebrow at him, but didn’t say a word. I wasn’t sure, but thought they might be doing that thing where they talk in their heads to each other, which was quite fascinating.

“Okay, what else do we need to cover people? I’m fading fast.” Chase leaned down in his chair.

“Ah, still no Alona or Emil at the club.” Rafael said quickly.

Michael nodded his head. “Right, we’re down to missing ten illegal devices, but if they’ve figured out a way to make them over there…”

“Or recruiting from that side.” Leone added.

“We’re not out of the woods yet.” Michael finished.

I wondered what the woods had to do with the illegal devices.

“We’re no further ahead.” Victor said looking at me.

I smiled, just at him, when I realized he paid such close attention, he knew when I got lost in their talk. “Thank you.”

He picked up his phone and looked at it.

“We may need Crissy to show us the tunnels.” Raf said and everyone was silent and looked at me.

“Let me know when. Okay, I’ll see you all later. I need a nap now or I’ll be sleeping under the table and the last time that happened Mitz found me and threatened to beat me with a rolling pin.” Chase said, getting up with a big yawn.

“Could be because you were drunk, half naked and had been missing for three days.” Troy said with a smirk.

Chase snorted. “I was only fifty, give a guy a break. It took me three tries to land somewhere I would be less compromised as well.” With a wave, he walked out of the room.

Victor stood up. “I have to get to the cells.” He looked at Arius. “The guy you spoke with yesterday would like to have a chat.

Arius got up. “I think I’ll tag along for that.”

“I’ll be there shortly.” Michael said, and started eating what was left on his plate quickly.

“I’m going to take my lists up to my tower and look for Emil’s name.” I nodded and got up and picked up my notebook.

“Talk to you later, Rapunzel.” Daxx said as I went toward the door. “How come she has her own tower and the huntress doesn’t even have an office?” She asked her mate.

“Maybe the huntress doesn’t need one because she’s always in mine.” He told he in a light tone.

Smiling to see them so happy, I went out and headed to my room for the lists.

I was so excited, I clutched the papers and ran to tell Michael. I finally knew who his lost brother was, right now. Today. I paused and realized I’d left my pack in the tower. Shaking my head, I kept going. I went around the corner near his office and then stopped and didn’t move. Leone and Michael rushed out of his office and then the door slammed, but they stood there. I backed up, so I was hidden by the corner.

“He is so out of control.” Leone said while staring at the closed door.

Michael nodded. “He has a right to be upset… I get that,” he motioned to the door, “but this…”

“You have to go tell him.” Leone gave him a small push toward the door. “Smack him in the head, maybe it will help.” He nodded.

Michael side-stepped and then looked down at his hand and put it behind his back. “Why me?”

Leone turned and looked at the door then back to him. “It’s your office.”

Michael rubbed the back of his neck. “I can get a new office.” He waved a hand around. “We have halls of rooms here.” He shook his head quickly. “I’m only three hundred and sixty, far too young to die so soon.” He nodded.

“Let’s go see Chase, he’s not afraid of him.” Leone suggested. “He should be awake by now.” He shrugged, “or we’ll just drag him out of bed. I’m willing to chance it.”

Michael nodded slowly. “Chase isn’t afraid of anything he should be. I still say mother dropped him on his head when he was a baby.”

A loud crash and a scream that sounded like a wounded animal came from behind the door. Both men turned and ran down the hall.

Biting my lip, I went over to the door. I knew Victor was inside and needed me. I wonder what had happened. Turning the handle, I went in quietly.

“I said I wanted to be alone.” He growled.

I looked around to see papers on the floor and what had been a shelf in the corner was in pieces on the floor. “I don’t think you do.” I said softly.

He spun around and looked at me. His eyes were red, and so full of pain. “I can’t be near you right now, Cristy… you should go. I’ll come find you later.”

I looked around at the mess on the floor, and set the papers on the desk that looked like they were cleared with the brush of a hand. “I don’t want to go.” I stood there and looked at him.

He clutched his head in both hands for a second and looked down at me. Then he spun around and put his hands on the wall. “You have to. I’m not able to be this near you when…”

“When you’re in so much pain?” I looked at the air around him. “I can see it you know. You’re disordered inside, and that’s something you don’t do very well.” Stepping closer, I watched his back rise and fall with each deep breath he took “A man that is so used to order, pieces falling at his command, doesn’t do well when chaos won’t listen.”

“With his seer of truth… at… his… side… the justice will prevail throughout the years of time that remain.” He took a shaky breath. “That is part of my prophecy.” He spun around and held his hands out. “Only you’re not at my side.” He slapped his hands against the leather on his body. “I know it’s not your fault.” He clenched his jaw, then heaved another deep breath. “I can’t find those that wanted you, those responsible for hurting you…” He growled, a sound of sorrow in his throat. “I can’t even let you have your freedom that you so desperately need to be who you are. Since that moment I laid eyes upon you, passed out in the filth of an alley, there has been no peace or rest inside me. Each day only gets worse.”

The pain in his voice made my heart ache.

“I can’t hold you without shaking. I can’t see you without pain in my heart, because I know now—after centuries of denying, that you do exist and are meant for me.” He took a ragged breath and shook his head. “Inside of me, the need grows more. A force I cannot control… pushing me to claim you as my own and cherish you as a long-awaited mate should be.” He put his hands on his hips and looked to the floor. “I do not trust myself. I cannot be too near you right now, so please…”

“I’m not leaving.” I said, stepping closer. Something Daxx said came back to me, when she told me to get in his face more. Maybe I wasn’t close enough. “I didn’t say I couldn’t be yours, only that I can’t wear your mark right now.”

His eyes, still red, watched me as I moved closer. “I cannot touch you and promise not to mark you, the need is too strong.”

I was less than a foot from him now, looking up at him. “You won’t.” I said softly and held up my hands to show him the gloves on them. “You can’t… if the flesh of our palms can’t connect.”

Slowly his eyes searched my face and looked to my hands. He shook his head. “It still isn’t right to ask…”

Reaching up, I put my fingertips over his mouth. “It is for me to choose.” I moved until I was close enough to feel the heat of his body. “I want to be with you. I want you to feed from me.” I nodded. “I can’t bear your mark right now, but I never said I wasn’t yours… or you weren’t mine. I’ve never felt safe, or like I belong, more than I do then when I’m near you.”

He frowned and looked down at me. “What are you saying?” His voice was so quiet I almost didn’t hear.

“Victor. Shut up and kiss me.”

His eyes flicked to my mouth and he barely shook his head. “If I do I won’t be able to stop…”

“Then don’t.” I told him never knowing a feeling to be more right.

With a move so fast, I didn’t see it coming, I was in his arms, my feet off the floor. He grasped the back of my head and crushed my mouth with his. This was not a careful kiss, but one of great need as his tongue stabbed into my mouth and took my breath away. I could feel his sharp fangs, and heat moved through me, making me ache and want.

When he boosted me up higher on his body, I wrapped my legs around him as best as I could with all of the weapons he wore. Turning, he leaned me back against the wall, leaving no space between us. His mouth lifted from mine and we both panted for air before his fangs traveled down over my jaw to my neck and he hovered there.

“Not here.” He said with a growl in his voice.

Wrapping his arm under me, he turned and kicked something out of his way to reach the door. He opened the door and started down the hallway, I kept my legs locked around his waist, not wanting to let go long enough to walk beside him, in case he changed his mind. “You have so many weapons on. I can’t get close.” I gasped as his teeth scraped along my throat. He growled in answer.

Reaching down between us, I undid the buckles and straps that held the long blades on his back. It slipped free and they hit the floor. He kept walking with sure strides. Leaning to one side, I pulled the curved knife from his hip and dropped it. When it clattered against its case as it hit the floor, I nodded and leaned the other way to pull the two blades he had there free. The transporter box was next. It hit the floor harder then the rest, and I peeked over his shoulder to make sure it hadn’t broken. His tongue ran along my jaw and I decided I didn’t care if it did. I just wanted to hurry so when we reached wherever he was going, there wouldn’t be time for him to think.

I found three more blades of different kinds on him, that I could reach. As the last one hit the floor, Chase came around the corner and stopped to watch us walking by him.

“Not now, brother.” Victor growled.

With an eyebrow raised and smile on his face Chase looked at me and his brother’s back. “I see that, brother.” He looked at the trail of weapons. “I’ll just pick these up then, so no one falls and gets stabbed, or dies.” He laughed.

I didn’t get to see if he did or not, as Victor grasped the back of my head and pulled my head to his, our mouths clashed like his blades did in battle. I heard a door shut loudly, but kept returning his hungry kisses, I felt like I was starving for him by now.

Victor stopped walking and lifted me from him, I realized I was standing on his bed. His red eyes held mine as we both breathed hard.

“Be sure.” He gripped my waist and stood there waiting.

Reaching, I pushed the jacket over his shoulders, down his arms. He shook them free and I found two more blades on his arms. As I unbuckled the one, he did the other. The weapons landed on his jacket.

“You wear too many things.” I said as I started on the buckles on his vest.

He brushed my hands aside and took over. “Easy access is not what it’s intended for.”

I stood and watched as he peeled off the layers, and a few more blades, until he stood naked before me. Feeling my cheeks and body flush, I let my eyes wander over him. Muscles over muscles in the most perfect way, I thought as I licked my tongue over my lips.

With a soft growl, he gave me a gentle shove and I fell back onto the bed. He pulled my boots off and tossed them on the floor and then made fast work of my belt and pants. I pulled my shirt over my head, he had my bra undone before I could pull my arms free.

“You are perfect.” He whispered as he knelt over me, his eyes moving over me slowly.

I was feeling nervous now, which was silly, this was Victor, but I didn’t know what I was supposed to do. He leaned down and kissed my hip and then across my waist, tiny light kisses that filled me need. By the time his warm breath was over my breast, I was shaking and breathing so heavily I wasn’t sure if I was really getting air.

His hot mouth closed over one nipple and he sucked gently, I gasped and gripped his hair with both hands, not wanting him to move away. I could feel his fangs against my skin and it heightened every need.

When he lifted his head, he watched my face closely as his hand moved down between my legs and he stroked the wetness between my legs. I raised my hips, needing more.

“I need to know now,” he kissed me in a gentle way before looking at me again. “Is this the first time?”

I nodded my head, biting my lips from what his fingers were doing to me.

“I’ll try to go slow.” He didn’t wait for a response. His mouth was over mine, kissing me with such and urgency I didn’t know if I would survive the way it made me feel. His hand kept moving and I moaned, needing more.

When he pulled my legs open and our bodies touched, I tried to move closer. He moved his hand and held my hip so I couldn’t move. I was panting and whining by the time I felt him against the wetness between my legs, and then his mouth moved over my throat and I moaned again.

He pushed inside me so carefully, I didn’t know how, if he was feeling half as much as I was. Grasping my hair lightly, he pulled my head to the side to expose more of my throat, and when his fangs punctured my skin he thrust deep inside me.

My head was now spinning and I thought I was on fire from all the sensations at the same time. I heard myself make noises as I moved my hands over every part of him I could touch. Each time I gasped, he moved faster and then my body exploded with so many feelings and sensations, I cried out his name against his shoulder and felt him tense and still.

Panting, I lay there, my hands still moving over every part of skin with in reach. Never had I felt something like that.

“Give me… a second and I’ll move… so you can breathe.” He panted, heavy against my ear.

I shook my head and swallowed, taking tiny breaths trying to get air. “This is good.” I told him.

For several minutes we lay there, our breathing the only sound filling the quiet space around us.

“Did I hurt you?” He raised himself up and kissed my forehead, then slowly moved off of me.

I gasped at the new sensations that movement created, and shook my head. As he rolled to his side, he pulled me with him so all of our bodies were still touching. I liked that. We were both hot, but I wasn’t going to move away from him just to feel cooler.

He kissed my mouth softly, and then smiled at me. “I will never tire of you crying out my name that way.”

I felt my face flush and bit my lip. Name… “Emmett.” I said.

His muscles stiffened and he raised an eyebrow at me.

I smirked when I realized the timing was very bad. “I just remembered. Your brother Emil’s name now is Emmett.”

He closed his eyes for a second and then looked at me again. “My heart, we need to discuss your timing when sharing what pops into your head.”

Victor smiled at me again, and I felt relief. “That’s why I came to look for Michael and found you destroying his office.”

“Mmm,” he kissed me once more. “While I’m thrilled to know who my brother is right now, I have other things I need to deal with first.”

I frowned. “Oh.”

He flipped me on my back and licked my neck gently then started to move down my body. “I want to be sure you’re not injured.”

I didn’t know what he intended until his breath touched my thigh and then thought Emil had been lost for three hundred years, he would be okay for one more day.

When we walked in the dinning room for dinner, my head was still dizzy from the hours spent with Victor. We didn’t move from his bed, except to spend some time in the tub. I had to stop by my room for dry gloves, then we walked the halls, stopping often to kiss before realizing we were starving.

He led me to the end of the table where he sat, and pulled out the chair beside him, so I sat down. I hoped Leone wouldn’t mind that I was in his chair.

Chase came through the door from the kitchen a big grin on his face. “Your weapons are in your office.” He said and then sat down and winked at me. “Tamed the beast, I see.”

I felt my face flush and didn’t know what to reply, so I just smiled and then looked away.

Leone came in and paused when he saw where I sat. I could tell he wasn’t sure if he could sit beside me without worrying he couldn’t resist me.

Daxx came in, and without a word, came and sat beside me and Leone looked relieved. He left an empty chair for her mate, and then sat down. She winked at me and then reached for a roll. “Did anyone do anything they were supposed to be doing, today?”

Troy came in, a big smile on his face, with eyes only for Daxx.

“I was dragged out of bed, again.” Chase said looking at Victor. “To come take on big brother and settle his ass down.” He shrugged, “little cutie beat me to it.”

Victor looked from him to me, then grinned. “I’m sure she had more success than you ever could.”

“Well,” Michael came in carrying a platter from the kitchen, “now that all of the banter is finally out of the way, we need to figure out a plan for the tunnels.” He glanced to Arius as he came striding in the other door. “We got lost in them today.”

Rafael was next through the door. “Is that where you went to?”

Arius nodded and then frowned. “It’s a maze down there.”

“They can be confusing.” I told them so they’d feel better. “I was down there for a week one time, because I turned the wrong way.”

Quinton came in and yawned. “Is this day over yet?” He stopped and looked from Victor to me and then grinned again. “Thank the gods.” He went and sat down.

“You look tired, brother. Not enough sleep lately?” Chase said with a fake snarl on his face. “I know that feeling myself.”

“Oh, brother.” I glanced to Victor, having forgotten again. “I know who your brother is now. Emmett.” I nodded. All stopped, and then looked at me.

“Do you have an address for him?” Troy asked, a serious look on his face.

I sighed, “I do, but I’m not sure it’s real, but now that I know who he is, it will be easier to find him.” I looked at Michael. “I left the papers on your desk.” Then I remembered how his office looked when we left it. “I will get them when Victor goes to clean up his…”

“Rampage.” Leone finished for me. He glared at Victor and then turned to get some food.

Victor cleared his throat. “I will make certain the office is returned to its proper state, after we eat.” Turning, he smiled down at me and then reached under the table and rested his hand on my thigh.

Just a touch from him gave me feelings I’d thought would be tired and unresponsive after the day we’d had. I smiled at him, and bit my lip for a moment. “I’ll help you.” I told him softly.

He glanced at my mouth, with the look, a look that I now knew what it meant, filled his eyes as he looked at me.

I’d never felt this kind of happy in my life, and knew I would do whatever it took to have it always.

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