The Seer : The Alterealm Series Book 2

Chapter Chapter Six

I studied the phone, trying to decide if I wanted to turn it on. I knew there would be messages waiting for me as there had been when I’d checked the last few times. Knowing others were upset or worried didn’t sit well, but I needed time before I could think of them. It had been three days since Daxx had taken me back to the apartment. She’d left me saying she would be back in a few hours. I wasn’t there when she came back. I told myself I hadn’t done anything wrong by leaving, she hadn’t asked me to be there when she came back.

Hugging the phone to my chest, I looked over the part of the city I could see. It was dark, but the lights were pretty from up here, and it was quiet. I needed the quiet right now. Since I came back, I was having one flash that came back many times. I had to figure out what it meant, or I wouldn’t get peace. If it weren’t for all the other flickers, I may have been able to catch it. It never appeared long enough so I could study it, I just tried to write down as much as I could from memory after it disappeared again. There were three faces in it, and one I knew was Alona and the other that I knew was Emil. For the first few times I thought it might be Arius, but it was definitely his brother. I didn’t know the third face, but it held a bad feeling. My mind wouldn’t give me a moment’s pause so I could be sure, but somehow the lost brother and found woman were part of it.

I don’t know what this building used to be or what it was now, but I spent a lot of time up here. It was ten stories high, I knew that from having counted the floors as I navigated the fire escape, even where I had to jump to reach the next section. There were never lights on in the building, so I suppose it was just some old broken space, long forgotten. There was a small awning that could have had a purpose when the structure was younger, but I didn’t know what that could have been. I used it when I stayed here to shelter from the rain, or sun.

Getting up, I went back under and sat down, leaning back against my bag. Looking at the phone, I let out a long breath. If there were too many to read or hear this time, I would have to go back to the apartment to charge the phone. I could always go to a laundromat or coffee shop, but I didn’t want to be found right now, so the best way to stay hidden was to stay up here.

I held the button to turn on my phone and watched as the colorful screen appeared and while it played its song. I only had eighteen percent battery left, so I hoped for no voice messages. The notifications popped up. I had three messages and one voicemail.

I opened the first message. It was from Daxx. Call me when your ready. She understood that I needed time, she always did, even when she wasn’t sure she did. I sent her back a smiley face.

The second one was from Quinton telling me to be safe, not just okay. I sent him back a smiley face winking. He would understand that.

Rafael left cookies at the apartment for me. He got a heart sent back to him for that. I would have to go get them in the morning. I had only tried once to climb down this fire escape in the dark and it had almost ended with me in the dumpster in the alley, so I knew not to try it tonight. My grumbling stomach would just have to be happy with the crackers and water that I had now.

I knew the voice message would be Victor again, and not because I had seen it. He had left me one every day for the last few days. I messaged him I was okay after the first one, but his next message had said that was not an answer that assured him I was safe. He even talked funny in texting, I wonder if he knew that. He had apologized for getting upset with me and explained it wasn’t because he was mad at me, but scared that I almost fell. I understood it now, I think I did then too, but I couldn’t control my reaction when all of the emotions and memories came back at me. I should tell him I’m sorry about hitting him.

I hit the button to listen to the message and entered my password. “Crissy, I’m quite concerned now that you haven’t spoken to anyone since you left. I would much rather express my sincerest apologies in person, but as you’ve made that impossible at this time, I can only reiterate that I will forever regret upsetting you as I did. Please, when you get this message let me know that you are, in fact, well and safe.” There was a pause. “I worry.” I listened to make sure there was no more, but he hung up. Ending the call to the mailbox, I studied the phone. I had to smile, his voice messages were even funnier than speaking to him face to face. After I charged my phone tomorrow, I may save that message, just to listen to it when I want to smile.

I opened a message to send to him, I just didn’t know what to say other than I’m okay and he didn’t seem interested in reading that again. I typed, I am well and safe with a smiley face, then sent it to him.

Before I could close the screen his reply came back. Can I call you? I looked at the little battery symbol at the top.

My battery is 15% Frowny face. Then sent no power here, just in case he told me to plug it in.

Can you go to the apartment and charge it?

I thought about the climb down the fire escape and knew he would get mad again if I tried it, so I sent back, Not safely in the dark.

Stay where you are until light. Came back very quickly. I smirked when I pictured him with his big hands and fingers typing on the phone. Checking the battery, I made sure I had enough to send another one. I never let my phone completely drain. Ever.

Okay I will. I smiled again remembering this was the man that said so few words when I had first seen him, but now he wanted to talk.

Have you eaten? I can leave food at the apartment for you to get in the morning.

My stomach gurgled when I thought of food. I looked at the crackers and sighed. I have some crackers. I told him.

Frowny face I will leave food at the apartment for you.

I looked at the battery symbol again and then sent him, I saw Alona and Emil.

With your eyes?

That made me laugh, he understood now. No.

Were they together?

I frowned, I really didn’t know that answer. I’m not sure. I have to stay until I see it all and know.

I understand.

I just sat there and stared at those words, to me they meant more than any other words someone could say. They had been words I needed to have said to me all of my life. Thank you. Smiley face.

Are they in danger?

I bit my lip, I didn’t know how to explain it in words, whether typing or with my voice. I’m not sure. There is a man I don’t think he’s good. My battery was at twelve percent now.

You will figure it out, I have faith in you.

I read that twice. Was this really Victor on the other end? Thank you.

Crissy, are you honestly safe where you are right now?

I looked around and listened for a moment before answering. I am. My head feels at peace when I am here. I can focus best to control them.

What do you need to feel peace when you are here in Alterealm?

I smiled at the phone, even though he couldn’t see me smile at it. Someplace up high with quiet and no people.

Tell me you are on more than a beam right now!

I laughed and shook my head. It was Victor texting back. I am on a BIG FLAT ROOF.

Thank you. I will find you someplace high, quiet and SAFE for when you are here.

Smiley face my battery is down to 10% I have to go.

What food do you want left at the apartment?

I looked at my crackers again. Anything but crackers. Thank you.

Very well. Turn off your phone and get some rest.

Okay. I held the button so it would go off. Tucking it into the pocket of my jacket, I picked up my crackers. They were going to taste drier than before, now that my taste buds knew there were cookies and food waiting for me.

I had to keep reminding myself to go slow when I went to the apartment just after dawn. I was excited and didn’t want to make a mistake and fall as I went down the broken fire escape and then up the one at Daxx’s building. I rarely used the entrance unless someone else was with me. It was too easy to get trapped in stairwells and dark corners when you were alone.

Closing the window, I turned around to see the wrapped cookies and a small box on Daxx’s bed. Dropping my pack by the window, in case I had to leave in a hurry, I went over and sat on the bed. Rafael’s note of a happy face was taped to the wrapping on the cookies. I took it off and folded it to add to the other faces he’d left me.

Pulling the box over, I opened it and peeked inside. There was an apple and an orange, those would be put in my pack for later. He had left me two boxes of juice as well, cranberry. A note was taped to three pieces of wrapped up white bread.

Toaster is in the kitchen.

Call me when your phone is charged.



He brought me a toaster. I opened a small container to find marmalade and had to smile. At least he remembered things I said. Setting it on the bed, I picked up the other small containers in the box. It was smart of him to leave containers, then I could put them in my pack without getting crushed or making a mess, maybe he knew that and it’s why he did. Inside one was protein bars, I wasn’t sure what those were, but they weren’t crackers, so I’m sure they would do just fine. Inside the other was little packets, I had to read what they were. Apparently, I could put them in water for something called a protein juice. Victor liked protein things I surmised.

At the bottom of the box was a strap. I took it out and looked at it, but couldn’t think what it was for. There was a big clip on one end and a loop on the other. I would have to think about that while I made my toast.

Grabbing my pack, I found the cord for my phone and plugged it in, then spun around back to the bed.

Picking up the bread, I rushed out to the kitchen to see the shiny toaster sitting on the counter. Plugging it in, I put the bread in and turned to go get the marmalade. As I went around the corner Quinton just appeared in front of me. With a screech, I turned and ran back into the kitchen.

“Crissy,” He came in after me, “I’m sorry. I didn’t know you would be here.”

Huffing out a breath, I glared at him. My heart was bouncing around inside my chest. “You scared me.” He held a wrapped plate in his hand. Quinton had brought me food too. I’d never had so much food at once before.

Holding it out, he shrugged, “I thought you might be hungry. I was going to leave it here.”

I took the plate and looked at it. I wasn’t sure, but it looked like bacon and potatoes on it. “Thank you. I will eat it with my toast.” As if on cue the bread popped. “Oh, my marmalade.” I set the plate down and rushed to go get it.

“Toast?” He followed along behind me.

I grabbed in and rushed out by him. “Victor brought it for me.” I paused, “he brought me bread, I have to make the toast.”


I didn’t stop to talk, I wanted to put it on the toast while it was still warm. Getting a knife, I put it on each piece, making sure it was spread evenly so each bite would be the same. Taking the plastic off the plate, I set it on top and got a fork.

When I went back out, Quinton was standing in the bedroom doorway, he held up the mysterious strap from Victor. Kneeling on the couch, I nodded. “I don’t know what it is, but Victor wanted me to have it, so I’m sure there is a purpose for it.”

Smirking, he came over and sat on the table in front of me.

I took a bite of the toast. Perfect.

He held up the strap, “It’s so you can hook onto something when you’re up high so you won’t fall.” He opened and closed the big clip a few times and then held it with one hand and put his other through the loop and grasped the strap together.

I know my mouth dropped open, but it was such a surprise. “That is amazing.” Balancing the plate on my knees, I reached out and took the strap from him. “Your brother is very sweet to think of something like this for me. He knows I like to climb and be up high.”

He snorted, “Victor is sweet.” He chuckled, “that’s a first.” Getting up, he dropped down into the chair. “He’s been on a rampage since you left. I’m pretty sure he’s found and brought to justice every criminal in Alterealm in a few days’ time.”

I took a bite of the toast and looked at him. “That’s his job.” I nodded.

He laughed, “Yeah, he’s just not usually so zealous when he does it.” Rubbing the back of his neck, he huffed out a breath, “Last night he came back with so much blood on him, we weren’t sure if he was injured or…”

I set the plate on the table with a clatter and scrambled off the couch. “Is he okay? What happened?” A tight feeling crushed my chest to think of Victor being hurt. I rubbed my hand over it, trying to ease the feeling.

He stood up and grabbed my hand softly so I would look at him. “He’s fine. It wasn’t his blood.”

I stared at him for a moment, then nodded slowly and sat back down. Picking up the plate I took another bite of my toast. “Whose blood was it? Someone else was hurt?”

Quinton sat down and frowned for a minute, I knew he was thinking, because he did it a lot. “Listen,” he gave me a soft look, “you need to understand that sometimes,” he shook his head, “most of the time, Victor has to be quite violent.” Rubbing his hand over his face, he glanced at the floor then back to me. “He can’t afford to be…soft.”

I nodded as I nibbled on a piece of the bacon. It was good. “He is the justice keeper.” I stopped, hoping I’d remembered the name right. I waved my hand in a circle while holding the bacon. “Sometimes being around him is very cold, but not evil.” I took another bite and watched him. There was something in his eyes, like he didn’t want to say it out loud. I set the bacon down and tilted my head to focus around him. “Does he kill others?” I didn’t want to believe it, but it was in my head now and I had to know.

“Sometimes there is no other way.” Quinton told me in a quiet voice, his eyes searching my face as he did.

“Oh.” I looked down at the plate, assessing how I felt about that. Violence was so dark, it hurt when I felt it, inside and out. I knew there was a hard side to Victor, but there was a gentleness there too, he just didn’t show it often. Glancing back to him, I took a breath and let it out quietly. “I don’t think he likes doing it.” I shook my head, “but he needs to feel everyone is safe.” I nodded and picked up a piece of toast.

“Yes, he does. All of us do. Michael and Leone work with him the most, helping him,” he shrugged, “Arius and myself as well, it keeps everyone safer.” His brown eyes searched my face again, “but in the end, it’s Victor’s call, and his decision to make.”

That felt sad to me. “That must be hard for him.” I jumped up to get my juice. Grabbing it, I came back quickly and stabbed the straw into the little hole. “To be alone to make such important decisions.” I took a drink of the juice and it was good. I would have to thank Victor for bringing it.

“I’ve never thought of it that way.” Quinton said in a thoughtful voice.

“Why is he on a rampage now?” Had he said that, I couldn’t remember. “Is something bad going on?” I shook my head, “besides all the bad I know about.” There was so much bad, the people with those devices they weren’t supposed to have. The scary man with the purple eyes. That bad one I kept seeing…I realized he was talking to me again.

“He’s beating himself up because he upset you.”

Stepping onto the couch, I squatted down and set my juice on the table so I could take another piece of bacon. “How is he beating himself up?” I frowned, “I don’t see how a person could do that.”

He snorted, “It’s a figure of speech, he’s not really beating himself. He’s just angry with himself.”

Chewing slowly, I thought that over. “Okay,” I nodded. It made more sense now, why he didn’t just say that, then again sometimes things didn’t work that way. “He was okay when I messaged him.”

“You’ve been messaging him, huh?” He smirked.

I nodded. “Yes, he’s going to find me a high, quiet, safe place in Alterealm, so my head can feel peace there.” Taking another bite, I watched him grin at me.

“That’s something.” Shaking his head, he smiled for a few more seconds and then his expression softened and he looked at me. “When are you coming back? Michael tried to pick up where you left off with searching for Emil, even backtracking to find some of the children, but he’s lost in it.”

I remembered. “Oh. Emil. I saw him.” I set the plate down and jumped up to run and get my pack. “Alona too.” When I turned back I almost ran into him. “Oh.”

“Slow down. You had a vision of them? Together?” He leaned down so our faces were closer.

I shook my head. “No,” I bit my lip, “I don’t think they were together, or at least know they were together.” I pulled out my notebook and flipped it open so I could see the sketch and remember. “I keep seeing it on repeat,” I looked up at him, “it’s why I’m staying for now. Victor understands.” Frowning, I remembered the other man. “I need to see why the other man is there in my head, too.”

Putting his hand behind my back Quinton guided me toward the couch again. “Come and eat, and then tell me about it.”

I clutched the book to my chest and nodded as I walked. “Okay.”

Quinton sat there while I ate and we talked about what I’d been seeing. I told him I was going to go to some of the clubs that night to see if I could find Alona, and he told me I shouldn’t go alone. I agreed with this, he didn’t say I couldn’t go though, so tonight I was going.

When he decided to go get some sleep, I packed up the food that had been left for me and clipped my safety strap to the handle on my pack as I waited for the phone to charge. That’s what I was telling myself inside my head, that it had to finish charging. It was a small fib, because I was really trying to decide if I wanted to call Victor. He had said please, so it would be rude not to, and I needed to thank him for the food and my strap.

I unplugged the phone when the charge reached one hundred percent and tucked the cord into my pack. Sitting on the bed holding the phone, I stared at it for a minute before I brought up Victor’s name and hit the green call button on the screen.

It rang twice and the thought hit me that he might be sleeping. I had just decided to hang up when his voice came through the speaker.


I smiled of course it was me. “Yes… hi.” I nodded, which I thought was silly because he couldn’t see me.


“Were you sleeping? I can call after you wake up…”

“No.” I heard a door close. “I was just taking a shower.”

“To wash off the blood?” He may have been rampaging again.

“I-what blood?” He cleared his throat.

I picked at the strap on my pack. “Quinton told me you’ve been rampaging and get covered in other people’s blood a lot.”

“I see.” His voice was softer. “I will have to speak with him about his loose mouth.”

I frowned, how could Quinton’s mouth be loose?

“There was no blood.”

“It’s okay if there is…” I scrunched up my nose, thinking of the words, “well, not okay for the violence, but I know it has to be that way sometimes. Violence is so dark it makes me sick.” I nodded quickly, not wanting him to think I would judge what he was required to do. “I understand.”

He exhaled loudly enough I heard it in the speaker. “Yes, I know it does, and I wish there was a way I didn’t have to expose you to such a thing. Sadly, there is not.” He cleared his throat. “I am very much filled with regret for upsetting you…”

“I’m okay.” I wanted to reassure him.

He made a soft sound like a laugh, “Of course you are.” There was a long pause and I wondered if he was as unsure of what to say as I was.

I wanted to make him feel better, so I blurted out the first thing that popped into my head. “My real name is Cristy, but I don’t think I’m a Cristy type.”

He was silent for a moment. “I think Cristy is as unique and lovely a name as you are.”

I felt my cheeks get hot. No one had ever said anything about my name. I didn’t know what to say.

“Did you get what I left for you?”

I smiled. “I did. The toast was good. Thank you.” I studied the strap clipped to my pack. “And for the strap. Quinton explained what it was for.” I smiled, “It’s very sweet of you to know I have to climb, but want me safe when I do.”

“Is Quinton still there with you?” His voice had that hardness to it.

I looked around. “No. He went to sleep.” I looked out to see the sun outside. “I can hang up so you can sleep.”

“No.” he said abruptly. “That’s fine, I will shortly. I wish to talk to you more.”

I felt my face get warmer. “What do you want to talk about?”

He snorted, “The topics are so vast I may have to start a list soon.”

I didn’t know what that meant, at all. “Okay?”

“Can you explain this vision with Emil and Alona in it? You said there was another man?”

I turned to sit facing the window and stared out. Sometimes, if I emptied my mind, I could see it again even with the other flashes filling in the spaces.



“I thought I lost you there.”

I looked around the room. “No. I haven’t moved.”

He exhaled loudly again. “Did you hear my questions?”

I nodded. “Yes. I can’t say the words I need to show you what I see.” I bit my lip, trying to find them. “I don’t think Alona and Emil are together…” I frowned, “or they don’t know they are.”

“So, they may be in the same place, but not there together?”

“Yes.” I smiled. He was a very smart man. “The other man is there too.” I closed my eyes to see if I could see what I’d saw. “I’m not sure if he’s there for them, or just there at the same time.”

“Does staying where you have been help the visions to be clearer?”

I couldn’t explain to him how it worked, it just did. “It makes the others slow down.” I nodded, “and then…then I can see more of what I need to.”

“Mmm,” he made a thoughtful noise, “when you know where they are, please call me. I don’t want you to go walking into danger.”

That was a strange thing to tell me. Why would I walk into danger on purpose? “I will. I won’t walk into danger.”

“That is to say, it finding you is also a valid reason to call me. I don’t care what time of day or night it is.”

I nodded. “Okay.” I hoped danger didn’t find me, I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t enjoy that.

I heard a door close again. “Cristy, are you certain you are alright?”

I smiled. “I am. My stomach is very happy right now, too.”

He sighed, “I’m pleased it is.” I heard another voice. “I need to go…” he cleared his throat. “It was a long, trying night and I have to…” He cleared his throat again, I wonder if he was getting a cold. “Please call or message me later and let me know you are well.”

I huffed out a breath. I kept forgetting about the strange time when some were awake and some were not. “Okay. I am going to go sit and watch, to see if I can find the place I see.”

“Please. Please, be careful. I know you need to do this alone, but accepting that has been very difficult for me.” He paused, “when you are back here, we really need to discuss a few matters.”

It sounded quite serious and important. “Okay. I will be safe. I promise.”

He exhaled a long breath, “I pray it is so.”

I stood up and picked up my pack. “Good bye, Victor.”

“Take care of yourself, Cristy.” His voice was soft.

I hung up wanting to keep that softness he hid so well, inside my head. He said Cristy like he did Crissy, making is sound prettier than it was. Putting the phone in my jacket pocket, I zipped it up so I wouldn’t lose it. Daxx got upset whenever that happened.

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