The Seer : The Alterealm Series Book 2

Chapter Chapter Fourteen

I stood in the corner and watched all the movement around me. Victor and Michael weren’t here yet, but the rest of the brothers were. Bronx was here with three other men I didn’t know. Daxx kept talking to one and looked pleased, so I surmised that must be her blocker, Tim. I still wasn’t sure what a blocker was.

Rafael came over and smiled. It was the first time I could remember that I didn’t smile back. My stomach was in knots. He reached behind me and pulled up my hood and smiled again. “Keep that hair covered.” He told me with a serious look.

I nodded. “Okay.”

He motioned to the little box on my belt. “Heard you were a natural with that.”

I did smile then. “It is amazing. I won’t fall anymore.”

He raised and eyebrow and then shook his head. “I don’t want to know.”

All the talking and motion in the room stopped when Victor walked in. I only had to look at him briefly to know he was the justice man now, dark leather and weapons included. He stopped and handed Daxx a little box and she smiled, looking very pleased to get it. It looked like mine, only had symbols on it. I wondered what those meant. I watched her clip it on and then pull it and a small cable extended, she released it and it snapped back in place. Looking very excited she nodded to him again. I would have to ask later what her little box did.

“It’s a transporter,” Rafael told me, “They hold it over the offender and it sends them straight to the cells.”

“Really?” I looked to see Daxx play with it once more. That was amazing and different from mine, but I had no plans to be near offenders, so it was just as well.

He nodded. “It only works for Justice and the Huntress.”

I thought about that for a moment. “That is good. Power in the wrong hands would be bad.” Victor turned to look at me, and then started walking to me.

“Be safe, little sister.” Raf said quietly and then walked away.

I watched him leave, wondering if he knew how special those words were. I had never been a sister. I had never even been a daughter, not that I could remember. When Victor reached me, his eyes softened, the space around him did not, but I felt some relief knowing that he didn’t give into the dark part of himself completely.

He stood there and studied me. “I have decided,” he said in a voice so soft it seemed almost out of place with the way he looked right now, “that regardless of how you dress or do your hair, I desire you more each time I lay eyes on you.”

I felt my cheeks heat at his confession. I glanced around at all the bodies filling the room. “You need to tell me that without a full room.” I whispered back.

His smile was wide for a moment. “I don’t trust myself to maintain control then.”

I looked up at this man, who had come to mean more to me in ways I couldn’t explain. With a small smile, I looked him up and down as he had me. “That seems more cowardly than suits you.” I told him in his own stuffy way.

Smiling again, he shook his head and then took a hold of my wrist lightly. “This is a pre-programmed transporter device.” He secured it around my wrist and flipped the cover open. “Should anything happen, or it becomes more than you are able to cope with, push this button and it will bring you back to this room in an instant.” He snapped it closed. “Once we find a way to help you control the flashes and the chaos in your mind, and you can focus on just one thought, we will get you a new one.”

I looked at the device and touched it with one finger. “Thank you.” I knew in my heart he was giving me the ultimate hiding place if I needed one. It meant so much that I didn’t have words to explain.

“This.” He held up a case with a small knife in it. “is balanced for you, with a gentle touch in mind.” He knelt and strapped it to my ankle and then looked seriously. “Just in case you need it. Even if it is to throw away for a distraction.”

I took a deep breath and let it out slowly as he stood up. He leaned down and grasped my chin lightly, his green eyes locking on my own.

“Your safety is the most important thing in this, and all, worlds. You hide when told and stay there until I come and get you.” He kissed my mouth hard and then quickly released my chin.

Daxx came over, she was still smiling. Would I ever be like her and look forward to something like this? I doubted it, but for all of their safety, I could try to be brave.

“Ok, Crissy, where is the closest you can take me?” She glanced to Victor briefly, “and then we’ll transport the rest in.”

I thought for a moment. “On the ground?”

She smirked. “Preferably to start, at least to get us there.”

I frowned and looked at the floor. “I’m not sure of the exact spot near where those people are. I think I know how to find out though.” I glanced nervously to Victor. “Most of my flashes show me the area from above.” I shrugged. “It’s why I learned to climb so well.”

His green eyes traveled over my face, almost in a caress. “I find nothing pertaining to you is ever as it seems. The surprises are endless.” He turned his head. “Leone.”

Leone came over. “Yeah.”

Victor glanced at me and then to him, “You are our…” he looked at me once more, “second best climber, so you’ll go with Daxx and Cristy. I don’t want her left alone while Daxx gets the transports started.”

Leone nodded and took off the straps holding the weapons on his back. He handed them to Quinton. When he looked at me he grinned. “So, I blend in.” He looked down at the weapons still on him and shrugged, “mostly.”

“Okay, Crissy, where are we going?” Daxx asked me

“The end of the alley past the tattoo place.” I thought for a second. “Below the bridge.”

Daxx bobbed her head a few times. “Yep, I know where your talking about.” She reached out and grabbed my arm. “Close your eyes.”

I closed them and then felt my stomach drop and knew we had crossed back into our world. Opening them slowly, I looked at Leone and Daxx, they didn’t even seem bothered.

Daxx was looking up. “Where are we going to end up?”

I knew she wasn’t going to like it, and pointed the beams running under the bridge. “If we’re up there, we can get to where we need to be.” I looked at Leone. “Without being seen and having to go around buildings.”

He grinned and shrugged to Daxx. “It makes sense.”

She groaned. “It does, but I still don’t have to like it.” She motioned me forward with her arm. “Lead the way, number one climber.”

I smiled and looked around to make sure no one was watching us. Once assured of that, I ran under the bridge to the spot I knew was the fastest to climb. Leone climbed up behind me and Daxx, a little slower, behind him. Checking again to make sure no one watched, I ducked down and started to run along the beam. It was wide enough to sit on, so balance wasn’t a problem. A few minutes later, I stopped when it was wide enough for several people to be. I didn’t know why they would make a place like this under a bridge so high in the air, but it was one of my favorite places to sit.

Daxx looked at the ground below us, and then at the buildings, then gave me an odd look. “Some day, you and I are going to talk about personal safety.”

I smiled and then nodded. “I feel very safe up here.”

She snorted. “Figures. Okay, I’ll be right back.” Then she was gone.

I looked at Leone. “I find transporting quite fascinating. I tried to find more of it the books last night, but wasn’t able to.” I squatted down and waited, still not certain I could do this. Reaching down, I touched the case Victor had strapped to my leg. It felt odd and out of place on me.

“May I?” Leone said and motioned to it.

I watched as he took it off and then flipped it to be upside down. It was a little higher on my leg and I couldn’t see how that was right.

He moved away again and nodded. “You can drop down into a squat and move twice as fast as the rest of us, at your size.” He stood up and then squatted down in slow motion and reached to the side of his leg. “Once down, a jerk on the handle and it’s free and flying.” He made the motion a few more times. He made it look like a natural motion. “I’m much younger than Victor, so I remember that not all moves are automatic.”

I didn’t get up, but practiced what he showed me while I was squatting there. It did feel more like something I would be able to do. “Thank you.” I nodded. “For the help, but I hope to never need it.”

He grinned. “I hope not too.”

Quinton, Rafael and Bronx appeared with Daxx. She gave me a nod and then was gone again. Quinton handed Leone back his straps and weapons while Rafael looked around to see where we were.

“You have the craziest ways, little sister.” Raf told me softly.

I looked down at the ground. “No one looks up.” I told him.

Quinton squatted down beside me. “Where are we going from here?”

I pointed along the bridge to a building. “That’s where I saw them. I’m sure.” I took a deep breath and let it out slowly, checking for pieces in my head I may have missed. I wished to know how many people were being held, but couldn’t see how many eyes there had been looking up at me. I was glad the flashes were less tonight. I had enough to manage with trying to seem braver then I knew I was.

“Is there a way down when we get there?” Rafael asked.

I nodded. “Victor won’t like it, but yes.”

He laughed. “It’s good to keep him guessing.”

I wasn’t sure that was true, but if the smile he gave me was any sign, I was pretty sure it was something his brother wouldn’t find amusing. Before I could comment Chase, Troy and Victor were standing there with Daxx.

“I’ve got this.” Troy said to her and then was gone.

“It always amazes me that man can look at a place for half a second and then get back to it.” She said.

Chase shrugged. “Ever noticed he’s thick-headed and single-minded? I’m sure that helps.”

I watched Victor look down and then all around. He looked down at me. “A favorite location, I imagine.”

I nodded. “Yes.”

Quinton pointed at the building I had shown them a few minutes before. “We’re going there.” He winked at me. “And we’ll be able to get in close without being spotted.”

Victor nodded slowly and looked along the path we would take to get there. “Once we get as far as we can go, we’ll decide if witches are needed.”

“Witches?” I couldn’t think why we would need them.

“They will cast a bubble of invisibility over us, so no one outside can see.” Rafael told me. “To protect the innocents.”

“Oh.” I nodded my head slowly. “That’s a good thing.” I glanced to Victor. “I would like to see that.”

He smiled down at me. “Did Troy stop for tea?” His eyes turned to Daxx.

She shrugged, “Who knows.” She checked the knife secured to her leg. “He’s probably trying to bring all six of them back at once.”

Chase chuckled quietly. “It’s good that he flexes his brain from time to time.”

Daxx snorted, and then Troy appeared with the six others we were waiting for. She grinned up at him. “Took you long enough.”

He gave her a look as if he were offended, but I could see they were playing and not meaning a word of it. Troy looked down at her again slowly, then to his twin. “I don’t like our queen being here, brother king, there could be danger.”

Chased nodded. “I agree, Brother.” He smiled down at Daxx.

“I have every right to be here you two. Don’t start.” She said with a smile.

“Kings.” Troy said with great emphasis.

She rolled her eyes at him. “Um, Huntress, and we are hunting tonight.”

Chase nodded, then smirked. “Still, without our queen the royal line is no more.”

With her hands on her hip, she glared at him then her mate. “First, you live practically forever, so I don’t think you’re close to extinction. Second, the queen can’t make babies if she’s a widow… so where he goes,” She pointed to Troy, “I go, to make sure his ass comes back in one piece.”

Chase gave his brother a serious look. “She has a point.”

Troy shook his head. “You always agree with her.”

Daxx laughed and held her hand out to me. “He’s a smart man.”

I took her hand and smiled. The way they were together was something to see. I wished for something like this, but just witnessing it made me feel better.

“Lead the way, Criss, this is your show.” She told me.

I looked to Victor, who gave me a slight nod and then I moved along the beam until we were off the large space. I moved quickly and quietly, knowing the steps like they were flat on the ground and my feet walked them every day.

I went as far as I could under the bridge, glancing behind me to see everyone was following quickly. Checking below, I squatted down near the edge, then pushed off and jumped down to the roof of the building, just five feet away. Landing, I checked my balance, and looked down at my boots, they made landing hurt much less. I really liked my new boots.

Staying low and silent, I went across the roof to the farthest edge. I leaned over and looked below to the small yard in front of the building I had seen, the one with all the scared people inside.

Victor was beside me first, staying low and unmoving, I had to check he was breathing. He was very good at being still. He snapped his fingers and pointed to the other side and both Quinton and Michael moved over silently to check over that side.

“What are you thinking?” Arius asked from his other side.

“It’s too small to be used for training of any kind.” Victor said quietly. “We need…”

The door on the building opened and man stepped out. Holding it open he looked inside and spoke to someone. “Same time tomorrow.” He laughed to whatever they replied and closed the door.

I watched him and the space around him as he moved away. Then he turned his head and the light shone on his face, revealing his yellow eyes. I moved closer to Victor to tell him.

“I saw.” He whispered. Turning, he looked to Daxx and she came over. “You and Tim go dispatch him to the cells while I send Raf and Leone to have a look inside.”

Nodding, Daxx moved away and I turned to see her and her blocker silently going down the fire escape after the man.

“Raf.” Victor said over his shoulder. “You and Leone see if you can find a way to see inside.”

I tapped his shoulder, not sure if I should speak. When he looked to me, I pointed to the ladder that led to a fire escape on the shadowed corner of the building.

“Go take a look in the windows.” He said to Rafael.

Raf nodded and he and Leone moved to get off the roof.

“Michael, get the witches here to this roof, then get them to cloak this end of the building and across the yard. We don’t know how many wander this area.” Victor looked at me and even in the dark I could see indecision on his face. “I want you inside of the barrier, so you can’t be seen if others arrive. The witches will cast and then leave.” He pointed to the fire escape where Rafael and Leone now stood. “You and Bronx will stay there.”

I nodded, feeling nervous in a way I had never felt before. “Okay.” I whispered. Turning, I saw that Bronx had heard and was moving toward the other side, just waiting for me. “Be safe.” I told Victor and then moved over to Bronx.

Moving as fast as I could down the steps, I ran into the dark corner by the ladder. As Bronx reached me, the door to the building opened and a man came out. Bronx stepped quickly into the shadows around the corner and I moved to follow him. Before I got a single step, I saw Daxx going toward him, but I wasn’t sure if she saw the man. I looked back at the man. He was too close to the building, he could call out and warn the others she was there. I looked up to where Victor was and realized he wouldn’t know where Daxx was from his view.

Glancing back to Bronx, I bit my lip and left the darkness, and stepped toward the man. I checked my hood was up and my hair unseen, remembering what Rafael had told me.

Daxx had slowed her steps, staying tight to the building edge while the others were still on top. I could see Tim close behind her as they stood there motionless and silent.

I ran toward the man’s back. “Hi.” I said quite loudly and then stopped to be sure there was enough distance between us, so he couldn’t reach my emotions. When he turned, his yellow eyes moved over me slowly. Before I could decide what to do, there was a quiet pop and he vanished right before my eyes. Daxx stood there looking pleased and holding her little transporter in her hand.

“Go.” She whispered and ran toward the corner where Bronx stood waiting. “Victor will be having, kittens right now.” She grinned at me. “Good distraction.”

I turned to follow her up the ladder. “Kittens?” I asked quietly.

She leaned around and looked down at me. “That was a grey hair moment for him.”

“Oh.” I glanced to where he was, but in the shadows and lights I couldn’t see him. “I’m okay.” I said and kept climbing the ladder.

“Witches are here.” I heard Bronx say below me.

I got up to the steps where Rafael and Leone waited, trying to look and see if I would be able to see this barrier they were to cast.

Rafael leaned down close to my head. “Heart attack.” He whispered and then opened the window quietly.

When Bronx and Tim stepped onto the platform, I thought this space was not meant for so many people, but then Leone went in the window without a sound and Raf quickly followed, taking more space again. Daxx nodded to me once and stepped through.

By the time Troy, Victor and Chase came up the stairs the others were inside. Victor looked down at me. “That better be your last heroic move tonight.”

I nodded, it hadn’t felt heroic, but I had no plans to do it again.

“Fight well, brother.” Chase said and went through the window.

“Well enough to kick your ass, brother.” Troy whispered and climbed in after him.

Victor paused and looked to the ground where the other guards stood in the shadows near the door. Looking back he nodded once, then maneuvered through the window. I stopped to think how they had all climbed through so quickly, with weapons and not even touching the window frame.

Looking down and then to Bronx, who was doing what I knew he did best, guarding and not moving, I stepped over to the window and stood on my toes to look inside.

My heart jumped in my chest when I saw how many people were down there. There had to be thirty or more. Panicking, I looked around until I saw Victor and the others standing in the shadows. I leaned back to glance at Bronx. “There’s too many.” I said softly.

With his brows drawn together he came over and looked down at the scene, with a quick shake of his head. With a relaxed expression, he looked down at me. “They can handle that.”

I know my eyes were wide as I watched him look back to check for more captors. There were three times the number of bad guys to the people they held below. How was he so calm? I was lost in my head when he nudged my arm gently. I looked back to him and he held a finger over his mouth and pointed down. I leaned in and saw two men walking toward our guards in the shadows below.

He leaned around me and glanced inside the window. Then pointed to the left. “Get on that ledge and stay there, out of sight.”

That was something I knew how to do. Nodding quickly, I accepted the boost he gave me to get through the window, again wondering how larger people had managed it so gracefully.

Squatting on the ledge, staying small, I looked below me again. Rafael glanced up to me, I wasn’t sure what that expression meant, but I was sure he’d explain later. I pointed out the window and then held up two fingers, thinking they should know more were arriving.

With an abrupt nod, he leaned close to Victor and said something.

Victor nodded and said something back then glanced quickly up to me. I didn’t need to be closer to recognize the expression on his face. It told me, without any doubt, to stay where I was until he said otherwise. I had no plans to move, so I don’t know why he seemed concerned.

I held my breath when they started to move, pausing for a second to see Bronx standing where he’d been, immobile, like a statue.

“Who wants to dance first?” Daxx shouted.

I looked down to see weapons pulled from straps and Daxx, the two kings and Tim stepping into the light. Without waiting, they went toward the men and the clash of metal on metal rang out, breaking the silence.

The rest went, without ceremony, into the bodies rushing toward them. I watched Victor as he fought three on his own. How was that being safe, I wondered with my heart in my throat. The scene below wasn’t like graceful dance they did at practice, this was hard, violent, and far more chaotic than anything I had ever seen. In or out of my head.

I chewed my lip and winced so many times as I watched the ones I cared about clash with the evil below. A thought came to me and I forced my eyes away, where were they? The scared people? Those eyes I had seen? I looked around the false wall that didn’t reach the top, trying to see into the dark spaces. I couldn’t see. Then, I did. A man came out from a door to a room behind the false wall looking quite happy… until he noticed the commotion a few feet away. I didn’t stop to see what he did, I just continued to search for the innocents being held.

The eyes. I gasped and focused inside my head. Standing, I moved to the window and looked out to Bronx. “The eyes.” I told him. “They were looking up at me not out at them.” I pointed to below where the battle stormed on.

He leaned his head in the window. “The captives?” He asked and I felt like hugging him because he understood, but knew now was not the time.

I nodded and pointed to the room with no roof. “I think they’re in there.” I looked around to see how I could reach that spot. “When I saw them they were looking up at me.”

He gave me a very serious look. “Can you get there safely?” With a raised eyebrow, “without going down in that?”

I bit my lip and looked again. “Yes. I think so.”

He exhaled loudly and shook his head. “If my king doesn’t kill me, the justice will.” He started to climb in the window. Then paused half way through. “I’ll go down and try to get to the door while you get over to that room.”

Nodding, I touched his arm quickly and then moved back to the ledge I had been on to decide on the best way for me to move. When I decided on my path, I turned to see Bronx quickly moving down the ladder.

My heart beat fast as I made my way from beam to beam to get above the room. I couldn’t pause to look below, or I would worry too much about my friends. The sounds coming from the fight made me flinch too many times, and I didn’t know if I wanted to know if any were injured.

I focused on my footing and the scared eyes I had seen. I had to help them. I knew the horrors of a cage, even without bars, and no innocent soul should have to live that way. As I got close enough to see the frightened people, I saw a man with a sword watching out from the door he had cracked open just enough to see.

I paused and bit my lip, not sure how to free them when they had a guard. I looked around for Bronx and saw he hadn’t yet reached the door and was fighting for his own life. Huffing out a breath, I continued to move over the cage.

I didn’t stop to count how many, knowing that now was not the right time, when one captive looked up. I put my finger over my lips and moved across the beam. Now all I had to do was figure out how to get down from where I hovered. I looked at the box on my belt and wished I’d asked more about it. Would it let me hook on and just jump down? I didn’t know, but was going to try it and see.

With nervous movements, my hands shook as I twisted the flat piece around to make the hook. I put it over the lip of the beam and closed my mind briefly. I’d never prayed before, I didn’t understand the process to do such a thing, but I thought if there was any time to try it, now might be that time.

Keeping the line taught as Leone had said to do, I lowered my body over the edge and hung there with shaking hands. Huffing out one breath, then another, I released one hand, grasped the cable and then let go with the other. I went down so fast, I barely had time to watch for somewhere to land. I hit the bars and wobbled slightly until I had my balance. Pressing the button to release the hook, I watched the cable rush back inside the box.

Turning, to check, I saw the man standing guard over his prisoners had noticed my arrival. That was bad. I stood above him on the cage, and he had no way to reach me. I stopped for a second, long enough to be happy they didn’t use guns or my life would have ended today. Victor would have been very upset with me then.

Shaking my head, I focused and looked down at the eyes looking up at me. They moved to the bars, making noise, arms reaching out to their guard and making him back away. It was the only chance I was going to have, so I squatted down and jumped to the floor, and pulled the knife on my leg free. I stayed low to the floor and looked over at the man, his sword was ready to strike.

With my heart pounding, I flicked the knife as Victor had said to do, squealing when it stuck into his leg above the knee. He made a noise and then growled and raised his sword. I crouched down further making myself small and watched, then he vanished and only Daxx stood where he had been.

I glanced at the floor to see my bloodied knife and a key ring with single key laying beside his sword on the floor.

She picked up my knife, wiped it against her leg and held it out to me. “Get them out.” She said in a steady voice and then was out the door again.

My hand was shaking as I looked at the knife, but I decided I would continue to hold it. Grabbing the key, I turned to the cage to open the lock. When the door opened, I watched the people moved out quickly. They looked worn and battered and my heart broke for them. I nodded and moved over to the door, opening it to peek out.

I couldn’t see far but thought there were fewer bodies fighting. Bronx appeared and gave me a nod, so I opened the door wide and looked at the scared eyes watching me. “Follow me. Stay down low.” I didn’t know if they would know that but had always thought it kept you out of sight if you stayed low.

I rushed in the direction of the door that led outside. A large body stepped in my way and I ducked down then watched to see Victor, with his double blades block the swing and knocked the body away, freeing my path. I don’t think I was breathing at that point, but started moving again. I looked behind to see Bronx guarding the others as they ran along behind me.

Reaching the door, I started to open it, then saw Arius running toward me. The odd look on his face had me confused, he shook his head “no” quickly. I released the handle and ducked down, not sure why he didn’t want me to open the door. When he got there, he put his weapon in the case and leaned down to touch the first prisoner behind me, he nodded his head, without speaking and then motioned them to the door.

I stood again and grabbed the handle, knowing now that he was doing whatever it was he did to tell them inside their heads to forget what they had seen. I watched them as they left, to be guided by the guards we had left outside, pausing to wonder what it would be like to wake up and see bruises and scrapes, but not know why. I turned to see Arius doing it to the last prisoner freed, when he pulled his weapon and grasped my arm.

“They will be alright.” He told me, then gave me a gentle shove in the other direction.

With Bronx almost attached to me, I moved to the furthest corner and crouched down as close to the floor as possible. The sounds of metal against metal had lessened now, so I hoped that meant it was over and we had done well enough.

When I realized all I could hear were gasps and heavy breaths, I understood I was safe now and it was over. I straightened up and then stepped beside Bronx, who was still stiff with fear. I thought that odd for a warrior to feel and then I saw why. Victor was walking toward us looking angrier then I had ever seen. More than I thought possible. He had blood on his face and across his clothes, but with the way he moved I knew it wasn’t his. I looked quickly to see all that had come with me were standing and whole.

When he reached us, he stood face to face with Bronx. His big chest was heaving as he caught his breath. “I told you to keep her safe.” He growled and pointed to the room the prisoners had been in. “How is that keeping her safe?”

I jumped quickly between the two and pushed against Victor’s chest so he would step back, and calm down. His red eyes looked at me. “It was up to me.” I told him in a loud voice, not sure if he was focused enough to hear me. “The eyes.” I nodded. “When I saw them they were looking up at me, not out to you.”

All I could hear was his heavy breathing as his eyes searched my face. They were still red, and for a second I thought to look at his fangs, but knew this was most likely not the time for my obsession with fangs.

“Victor.” Troy came over. “She did well. She outranks Bronx, so if she said she was going… he did as he should have and aided her.” He looked down at my hand and I realized I still held the knife.

Daxx came over, looking exhilarated. “When I got in there to dispatch bozo the clown, she’d flung that blade of hers into his leg. It was the stall I needed to zap him.” She stepped over and looked up at the red-eyed justice. “She saved us all by distracting that guy from giving them a heads up too.” She patted his chest so he’d look down at her. “She did damn good tonight.”

With a shaking hand, I knelt down and put the knife back in the sheath on my leg. Later, I would stop to think how I had done that without feeling sick. I stood slowly and stepped into Victor’s personal space, as Daxx called it. “Don’t be mad at Bronx. He knew I was going, whether he did or not.” I looked behind at the big man. “And he would have fallen off the beams.”

Bronx snorted. “I would have puked, I hate heights.”

I grinned and nodded, then looked back to Victor. “I’m okay.”

With a loud sigh, he grasped the back of my head and pulled me against his blood covered chest and hugged me.

“I don’t know about you all, but I have evil slobber on me I need to wash off. Can we go back now?” Daxx said, still sounding very happy.

“Oh.” I held out my arm with my transporter on it and flipped the cover open. “Can I push it now?” I asked looking up at Victor. His lips twitched but gave me a little nod.

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