The Seer : The Alterealm Series Book 2

Chapter Chapter Four

“I don’t care if the arm is hanging on by a vein, tell him to get here now.”

Victor sounded really angry and I realized he was holding me, because when he spoke it vibrated through me. I didn’t open my eyes, not sure if I was going to like what I saw when I did. What I needed to figure out was why I’d blacked out again so soon. Normally, it didn’t happen this close together.

“He’s on his way, his assistant is finishing with the arm.” Troy said from some distance away.

Someone touched my wrist, and I could tell by the gentle touch is was Daxx.

“Her pulse is steady. Her breathing is fine.” She said in a shaky voice. “You can probably set her down on the bed.”

He must have been standing there holding me, because we were now moving. As soon as I felt the soft surface underneath me, I opened my eyes slowly. Hovering above me was Victor and Quinton.

“Hi.” I offered a smile, not sure which of Daxx’s social etiquette rules would apply in this situation.

“Are you okay?” Quinton asked, his brown eyes almost bleeding with worry.

“I’m okay.” I moved up so I was sitting, then realized all of them were in the room. I looked at Victor, who stood above me, his arms crossed over his big chest looking like a statue. “Thanks for making sure I didn’t faceplant. I usually have enough warning to at least sit down.” Why had did they flood back so fast? I needed to think about that.

“That’s twice in less than twenty-four hours this has happened. Is it like this all the time?” He sounded so very unhappy right now.

I shook my head, “No. I don’t know why. I can go days, or weeks, without it happening.” I frowned, why was it so bad lately? It came to me. “Ever since that Marcus guy… with the purple eyes started stirring things up, they just won’t pause.” I glanced to Daxx, “When we came here they seemed less urgent, then all of sudden they rushed back.” I looked to Rafael. “I can’t even single one out right now.”

Raf moved to the end of the bed. “Honestly, I don’t know how you cope with it. I’m a mess after the occasional one.”

I lifted my hands and shrugged. “I don’t know any different.” I thought back for a second. “There has never been a quiet minute in my head.”

“Unbelievable.” Troy said softly. “Thirty seconds was all I could handle.”

“Where is the doctor?” Victor demanded loudly. Several surprised looked landed on him.

Getting up onto my knees, I touched his arm lightly. “I’m okay.” The anger was just pouring off him.

“Blacking out for any reason is not… okay.” He rested his hand over the top of mine on his arm.

“Sorry it took me so long.” A man carrying a leather bag came through the door. Troy went over to him and started talking quietly to him.

“Do you want something to drink?” Quinton asked me and stood up.

“Some of my tea?”

He nodded and looked around for my pack. Victor frowned and watched him go pick it up and reach inside to get my little container.

“Only one left, Crissy. I can see if Mitz has the herbs to make you more.”

“Oh, thank you.” Quinton turned to leave. “Quint?” He stopped and looked back at me. “I wouldn’t say no to those cookies Raf always brings me.” I bit my lip so I wouldn’t beg.

Quinton glanced at his brother.

“The ginger ones,” Rafael said with a grin.

Quinton smiled at me. “I’ll be back with cookies and tea.”

Victor sat down on the bed and looked at me. “What herbs are in the tea?”

I looked back at him for a moment, there was something different in his eyes, I didn’t understand it. “Just peppermint and a few others. It’s not magical.” I smiled. “I wished it was. I just can’t drink coffee or regular tea. The caffeine makes me jittery.”

He grinned. “You don’t need that.”

“Right.” I smiled at him again then froze when I saw the doctor walking toward me.

“Well my dear, you’ve managed to stir up some excitement.”

I nodded, not sure what he meant, but I’d learned long ago agreeing with doctors made them go away faster.

He stopped at the end of the bed and looked at Victor, then went to the opposite side and sat down. Reaching over, he took my wrist and checked my pulse. I realized I was squeezing Victor’s arm with my other hand, but he didn’t remove it or say a word, just kept his hand over mine. It made me feel a little bit better, but there would never be a time I trusted a doctor.

“Nothing weak about that pulse.” The doctor said with a smile.

I’m sure he was a nice man, but he was a doctor.

He gave his best doctorish smile. “Is there any pain involved, before or after?”

I shook my head. “I get a cloudy feeling before it happens, sometimes I can stop and breathe through it and sort through to slow it down, but no pains.”

I watched his face as he thought about that. He turned and looked a Troy then back to me. “Our night king told me it’s like flash photography in there, how do you manage to sleep?”

I wasn’t sure what flash photography was, but if Troy told him, he must be right, he’d seen it. “I sleep.” I answered, not sure how he wanted me to.

“I could give you some sleeping pills if…”

“No pills.” I said quickly hoping he’d move beyond that.

He looked to Victor, “Short of doing a scan, I can’t see what is going on from a medical standpoint…”

“No, no.” I shook my head and looked at Victor, “I can’t be trapped in that tube again.” I inched away from the doctor.

Victor squeezed my hand that was a like a vice on his arm now. “We’re not going to put you in a tube, he’s only talking it through.”

I looked at his eyes for a moment and then nodded slowly and looked back at the doctor.

“Your definitely not short on energy.” He said with a smirk. Reaching over he pulled his bag over and opened it. “It could be a nervous reaction,” he said as he went through his bag. “I could give you a shot to help you settle your nerves and relax…” he pulled out a needle.

“No, no, no.” Letting go of Victor’s arm, I pulled my legs up to my chest and tried to back away as far as I could. “Relaxing makes them worse,” I pleaded, “this is me controlling them.” I tapped the side of my head.

Victor reached over and grabbed the doctor’s hand with a smack as their flesh connected. “No pills. No needles. No drugs.” His voice sounded almost lethal, and a chill went up my spine. “If you can’t find a physical, or medical reason then you need to go and dig up some history books and find something. We’ve existed for thousands of years and have had many seers, surely this isn’t the first one with a coping problem.” He looked at me, his eyes softening a bit, then back to the doctor. “She’s absolutely petrified by your very presence.” He held out his arm with the bloody welts that I’d left in his arm. I felt bad for that, but they looked like they were healing right before my eyes. “The other side has medically abused her enough in her short life, we will not add to that.”

The doctor was nodding his head so fast I was sure he must be getting dizzy. He glanced at me, then right back to Victor. “I will call and talk to the elders.”

With an abrupt nod, Victor slowly released his hold and straightened up. The doctor got up so fast, I’m sure he got a head rush from it. I watched him leave then grabbed Victor’s arm and looked at it. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry.” My hands were shaking.

“It’s fine,” he said softly.

I looked back up at him and wanted to cry. I don’t know why, I just did. I sprung toward him and wrapped my arms around him. “Thank you. I wouldn’t have survived more drugs and poking.” My whole body was shaking. “I want to go home now. Can I go home now?” I hated begging, sounding weak, but I wanted my streets back, the comfort of wandering them to forget.

His big arm wrapped around me and cradled my head into his chest. “You are safe. No one is going to abuse you here. We’ll get answers and find a way.” He other hand moved up and down my back slowly.

“Who scared the doc, he is almost running down the…”

I turned my head to see Quinton standing in the doorway.

“What the hell happened?” He looked around at everyone. “Crissy?”

Still hidden in Victor’s arms, I glanced to see all of the big men looking very unhappy, even Daxx had that look she got before someone got beat on. I didn’t like being the cause of drama. Straightening, I nodded in response to the inquiring look Victor gave me. “I’m sorry. I’m okay now.” I leaned back and looked down at his arm. “I’m sorry about your arm.” It was just red now, with a few spots of blood from my nails.

“I heal very fast.” He offered me a little smile.

Quinton came over and set the cup and plate on the table beside us. “What’s going on?”

Shaking my head, I backed up and sat with my legs pulled up to my chest. “He wanted to drug me and your brother stopped him.”

“Drug you why?” He demanded.

Victor stood up and gave a quick shake of his head to stop Quinton’s inquiry. “Enjoy your tea and cookies.” He said quietly then walked to the end of the bed.

I looked at the plate of cookies and smiled up at Quinton. “Thank you. I love these.” I picked up the cup and a cookie and watched the others gather near the end of the bed. Daxx sat on the end of it and gave me a quick smile before she turned to look up at the men.

Quinton moved to stand with them. “Someone want to fill me in?”

Victor stood there with his arms crossed, his jaw very tense. “As best as I can tell she was put through many unnecessary medical procedures and tests on the other side…”

“That’s not unheard of,” Michael said, “what they don’t understand tends to scare them into stupid.”

Chase snorted, “That’s a polite summary.”

“Is one way to say it.” Arius said quietly.

Chase glanced at me, and winked, then gave Victor a serious look. “Something you want to share with the rest of the class, big brother?”

Rubbing a hand along his jaw, Victor turned to look at me for a moment then cleared his throat. “Not at this present time, no.”

I didn’t know what that was about, so I just picked up another cookie and took a sip of my tea.

“What about some blood? For the connection, could one of us help her control it?” Leone asked and everyone turned to give him a strange look. He held up his hands. “Oh, it wouldn’t be me doing it, trust me on that, I just thought maybe Arius, or even Victor, your minds are rock solid.”

I chewed slowly and wondered what they were talking about. They could connect through their blood. That was something that sounded like a vampire would do. They weren’t vampires though, I’d seen those before and they were definitely not that. I didn’t know the purpose of their fangs yet, or why the flirty twin didn’t have them while his siblings did, but I knew they weren’t for evil purposes.

“Do we know anyone else with seer capabilities? Personally, not just hearsay?” Troy asked, “Aside from Raf, who only has the odd one?” He looked at his brother, “You’ve never had to control them, have you?”

Rafael shook his head. “No. Mine aren’t like that. I only get one here and there. It happens then it’s over. I’m always shaky as fuck after, but I think that’s more from my system’s shock at having something jammed into your head without warning.” He gave me a sweet look. “I don’t know how she does it.”

“Mmm.” Troy responded. “What about you, brother king? Is there any way you could take some of the burden from her?”

Brother king. Hadn’t the doctor called Troy night king? So, Chase was the day king? “You’re both kings!” I blurted out. “That’s fascinating.” I nodded and took a sip of my tea.

Chase chuckled and then looked back at his brother. “Emotions I can take on, but the little cutie?” He shook his head, “her emotions move faster than the speed of sound. Unless you want me parasailing off the tree tops, wearing a toga and screaming Geronimo, I can’t do much there.”

“I’ve always wanted to fly.” I mumbled with a mouthful of cookie. “Can any of you fly?” I checked to see all of them shake their heads. “Oh, that’s too bad then.” Setting the cup down I got up off the bed and wandered over to look in the closet. Nothing they said was making any sense to me, so I thought I’d check out the clothes. Victor had said I could take some.

Daxx came over and leaned against the doorframe as I looked through the pants hanging there. Victor hadn’t been kidding when he’d said all sizes. I held up a pair of jeans and looked at her. The hem was on the floor and the waist was beside my shoulder.

She nodded. “I know, apparently, there was a chance I was a giant.” Glancing back over at the men, she grinned at me. “They’ll mull that over for hours. I’m glad you’re here.”

I looked through a few more pairs of jeans, seeing if any of them were close to my size. “It’s all very bizarre,” I gave her a wide-eyed look, “I’ve been seeing the halls here since I was only small.” Moving over to the dresses, I started looking through them, “To run through them, for real and not just in my head is…” I looked at the floor trying to find the word I should use. “A relief.” I looked back to her. “To know I’m not crazy.”

“A little crazy is okay.” She smirked at me and then jerked her head toward the men.

I laughed. “I guess the definition of crazy is in the eye of the beholder.” I frowned. “That is the saying, right?” Pulling a black denim dress off the rack, I held it up. It was cute, black straps and pockets. I held it against me and looked up at her, she nodded. “I was thinking of having a bath in that tub.”

“It’s huge, right?”

I nodded, “It would make a great home for a penguin or baby seal.”

She chuckled.

“I don’t think Mitz would be all that pleased with a seal in the bath tub, baby or otherwise.” Victor stood behind Daxx now. He smirked. “Rafael tried a small shark once, it did not end well.”

My jaw dropped. “Why would someone want a pet shark?”

“In his defense, he was only fifteen at the time.” He shrugged.

I folded the dress and set it with the boots I’d picked earlier. “How old were you when he was fifteen?” I stood up and watched while he thought about it. “I know your older than anyone I’ve ever met.” I confessed.

“I was three hundred and twenty-five.” He said quietly while he watched for my reaction.

Clasping my hands together, I nodded, “That’s pretty fantastic. The changes you’ve seen.” Turning I went to look through the clothes some more. “I’ve seen a lot but not physically been there.”

“You’ve probably seen more than I have.” He stated in a matter of fact way.

I held up a black t-shirt to see if it was my size. “I don’t think I want to see for as many years as you have lived. It’s exhausting just living the years I have.”

“How old are you, Crissy?” Daxx asked. “I don’t think it’s ever come up in our conversations before.”

I grinned at her. “No, you are always too busy saving me from the trouble I seem to fall into.” Deciding I liked that black t-shirt and a tank top beside it I set them with my boots also. “I don’t look for it.” I touched another shirt, but it felt funny, so I moved on. “I’m twenty-five.” I rolled my eyes at her. “People always ask if I’m a child, because I’m so small.” Shaking my head, I turned back to the clothes. “I think the drugs the foster homes gave me when I was little stopped me from growing more,” I waved my hand, “I looked some of them up once and found out I was better off not knowing the side effects.”

“They drugged you?” She came over and pulled a jacket off the rack and held it out to me.

It looked warm, that would come in handy. “For behavioural problems.” I folded it up and set it on the floor. “But they weren’t behavioral problems, they were just me.” I looked at my hands, and twisted the black bracelet I wore. “No one has ever liked me just as I am.” Glancing at her I tilted my head and smiled, “until you found me that day.” Nodding, I turned back to look at the pile of clothes and then to them.

“I have to go take care of a few things before dinner.” Victor said while looking at his phone. “Will you be all right in the bath alone?” He looked to Daxx. “I’m sure Daxx or Mitz would sit with you if you’re not.”

His concern was nice. “I’m okay now. The reboot worked, I have a handle on the speed the visions are hitting me.”

“You’ve been getting them since you woke up?” He green eyes searched my face.

I had to smile. How had I been wrong about him seeming cold? “Yes. None of them are worth pausing for, just flashes.” He kept looking at me, such a serious expression on his face, so I smiled again just to make him feel better.

He didn’t return the smile but he stopped frowning so hard. “I will see you at dinner.”

We watched him leave.

“I think you broke our Victor.” Chase said as he came over.

“He’s broken?” I asked

Chase snorted. “Or maybe he’s fixed, who knows.” He bowed his head. “I won’t be at dinner. I need a nap before my day starts, as I’ve been up far too long already.” He nudged Daxx with his shoulder. “See you at practice tomorrow, kitten.”

“I’ll be there.” She answered.

I might like being here. For once it wasn’t me saying things that made no sense. If his day was just starting, how was ours ending? And what did they practice?

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