The Seer : The Alterealm Series Book 2

Chapter Chapter Eleven

Victor led me through hallways and down a tunnel, all I had seen in my head, but was excited to know they were real. He stopped at the end of one and looked down at me. “Would you know your way back from here?”

I nodded. “Yes. I am very good with directions.” I smiled, still feeling very excited to see where we were going.

He motioned to a ladder on the wall. “After you.” Reaching out, he took my pack and swung it behind his shoulder.

I didn’t know what was at the top, but I hurried to find out. I tried to count the rungs, but lost track trying to go faster. It was quite a long climb though, so I was even happier to be climbing. I went through a square hole and then stepped onto a floor. I looked down to see Victor right behind me. When he stepped up behind me, he closed the lid over the hole and then pulled a chain out of his pocket and held it out to me. I took it only to see a key on the end.

“It unlocks the door on the other side.” He knelt down and slid a large bolt over the door. “And that from the inside. So, you can feel safe.” He straightened up. “The key is yours. This is your spot, no one else’s. All I ask is you keep your phone turned on when you are here.”

I didn’t know what to say. I looked at him, then the key again and put the chain over my head, tucking the key inside my shirt. “Thank you.”

Turning, he slid a panel on the wall that revealed something like a window, but with no glass. The panel folded into itself and disappeared into a slot on the wall. I watched him walk around and roll the panels back on all four sides. It was amazing.

“This was an old guard tower, it hasn’t been in use for at least a hundred years now.” He smiled. “Modern technology has enabled us to replace it.”

I went over and leaned on the ledge to look out. I could see open fields, just the sight made me feel more peace than I had in the last day.

“It wasn’t always peaceful here, so guards were needed.” He touched my arm so I would look at him, then he motioned to the other side. “You can see the bulk of the Nightwalker side of Alterealm from there. It’s too far from this tower to see Chase’s side, but this was the best I could manage with short notice.”

I walked over and looked, so many buildings and homes. I hadn’t thought to ask what it was like outside the halls I’d seen in my head. It really was another world here. “I don’t know what to say, Victor.” I looked back at him. “No one has ever done something like this for me.”

“I want you to be happy when you’re here.” His voice was so soft, so gentle.

I stepped closer and hugged him. “This makes me happy.” I looked up at him. “I had fun at practice too.”

He smirked, “Yes. I was told you need a little more practice aiming.”

I nodded.

“If you keep your eyes open, it might help.”

I grinned. “That’s what Chase said.” He wrapped his arms around me, but not in a way I felt trapped. I liked it.

“It’s common practice when throwing a knife to see your target while you try to hit it.” He said sounding amused.

When he rested his head gently on top of mine, I leaned into his chest and placed my ear against it so I could hear his heart beating.

“Tell me about the flashes returning, is it too much for you?”

I liked listening to his voice vibrate through his chest. “No. They are better now.” I listened to him inhale, then exhale. “I will have to wait for them to return and try to piece them together.” Tipping my head back, I looked back up at him. “But having this quiet place now will help.”

He smiled down at me, his green eyes searching mine. “I am glad.” Glancing over behind me, he sighed. “I haven’t yet figured out how to get a comfortable chair up here, but I did bring a big cushion for now.”

Turning, I saw a big pillow leaning against the wall. I went over and dropped it flat on the floor and sat down, then smiled up at him. “This is wonderful. Thank you.”

Victor looked happy as he came over and sat down beside me. “A part of me wants to ask you to never leave Alterealm again, but I know you must, as it is a part of you to keep moving.” He leaned over to kiss my forehead. “I wandered for years before I accepted my role here, so I do understand that need.” He shrugged. “I was an only child for fifty years, so I was allowed that freedom.”

I leaned back and watched him as he talked. I could listen to him talking forever, there was something about his voice that soothed me. I knew it could be harsh and unmoving as well, when there was a need, but with this Victor here with me, I felt myself growing very attached.

“You’re not listening to a word I’m saying, are you?” He smirked.

My mouth dropped open and I sighed. “I am, sorry.” I tapped my head. “I am alone so much I sometimes forget and get lost in my own head.” I leaned closer so our faces were a few inches apart. “What did you say?”

He brushed the hair back from my face. “I said I didn’t bring the book with leaves on it because I have to go back shortly. We may have located more residents with those illegal devices.”

“Oh,” I nodded. “That’s good that you have. That is much more important than explaining the book to me.”

Victor sighed, and pulled the cushion I sat on closer to him. “It is important, but not more than you.” He tucked the hair behind my ear this time. “I do want to explain all of that to you, I just want to take my time to help you understand.”

I found myself watching his mouth as he spoke and had to look back to his eyes when he stopped. “I understand. Daxx says the initiation into this life for me is better than hers.”

He laughed. “Yes, hers was a bit of a disaster, to say the least.” Tilting his head, he gave me a soft look. “She caught us off guard, completely. As you have me.”

“Is that a bad thing?” I studied his expression, but wasn’t sure of what I was seeing, and then found myself looking at his mouth again. It made me wonder.

“I don’t think it is, but it’s complicated and it seems I never quite have enough time to explain it properly.” He smirked, “and you must stop staring at my mouth, or I will never be able to focus to speak to you.”

I bit my lip and looked back at his eyes. “I can’t help it. I was just thinking.”

His lips twitched, “About?”

I inhaled and then exhaled slowly. “I’ve kissed you with your fangs, I was wondering what it was like without them.”

His hand moved to rest on the back of my neck. “Therein lies the problem. Just thinking about you, or kissing you, makes it hard to control the change. You would think, after five hundred years I would have better control, but you, my dear, have changed everything.”

I glanced up to his eyes, to check if they were still green. They were. “Maybe you should hurry then, before they change.” I’m not sure if he pulled my head closer first, or sat up on my knees, but before I could take my next breath, my body was against his and his mouth was on mine.

It wasn’t a gentle kiss like before, this one was fast and heated. All at once I felt like I was melting into him, my head dizzy in such a good way that I could have kept doing it forever. I didn’t even want to think when his tongue moved into my mouth and rubbed against my own.

His hand covered the back of my head and held me in place so he could keep kissing me. I wanted to be closer, so I climbed right on his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck and grasped his hair. I didn’t want to stop.

I could feel his fangs against my tongue now, and heat went through my whole body. He pulled me so our bodies fit together and held me there. Lifting his mouth from mine, he pulled my head back and his lips moved down over my throat. I tried to catch my breath, then lost it again when I felt his sharp fangs glide over the skin on my neck. I gasped, it felt so good.

“Cristy… heart, we have to stop.” He licked along my throat.

I moaned softly and moved my head further so my neck was open to his mouth. “I don’t want to.”

I felt sharp teeth nip the skin softly again. “We have to.” Even though he said we were stopping, his lips moved back up my neck and across my jaw until his mouth covered mine again. The kiss was hard and so forceful I thought I was going to burst into flames.

When his lifted his mouth away, he was panting to catch his breath. Mine was no better.

His eyes were red as they moved over my face. “I don’t entirely trust myself with you, and at any moment I will have to leave.”

“I understand about sex,” I blurted out. “I am not experienced, but I know how it works.”

Victor’s eyes moved over my face for a moment before he spoke. “Telling me that doesn’t help me want to stop.” He kissed my mouth softly.

“I-I wanted you to know.” I felt my cheeks go red. “In case you wanted to.”

He chuckled quietly. “Oh, I want to and more, don’t doubt that.” His hands moved down my back to rest on my hips. Taking a deep breath, he looked at me and let it out slowly. “I am afraid I won’t stop and I will mark you…”

“Like Daxx is?” I searched his eyes, there was something in them I hadn’t seen from him before, he looked hesitant, vulnerable.

Victor nodded slightly. “I believe…” he shook his head. “I know, you are my mate, Cristy, but we have much to discuss before we take it further.”

“How do you know?” I frowned. “What does the book with leaves on it have to do with mates?” I didn’t know how I felt. I know I liked Victor and wanted to be close to him, but even he seemed to think there were reasons to hesitate.

“I know,” he kissed my cheek softly, “because I’ve never wanted anyone like I do you.” He leaned over and kissed my other cheek. “And your essence has become a craving that won’t cease.” Pausing close to my mouth, he looked in my eyes and then kissed my lips. “Because I want to kill all of my brothers when they come within five feet of you.”

I tried to process what he said, but the enormity of it was a lot to take in. He had lived five centuries and wanted me more than anyone, ever, in that time. That was huge. “You won’t hurt your brothers.” I said when I realized he had stopped talking.

“No. I won’t.” His eyes hardened. “But I think about it when they are near you.”

“Oh.” I licked my lips and went back to where I was. “Would tasting my essence… if that makes sense, I don’t know about these things,” I reminded him. “would that help?”

Victor’s eyes brightened and he shook his head. “No, heart, that would only make me want you more.”

“I understand better now.” I frowned. “Are we in the prophecies? Is that what is in the book?”

Nodding slowly, Victor leaned to pull out his phone and check it. He must have had it on vibrate, because I didn’t hear it ring.

“Yes, we are in the prophecies. I promise we will look at them soon.” He looked up from his phone. “I wanted you to understand that I do want you, more then my next breath, but I need you to fully comprehend the meaning.” He kissed me gently again. “I will not be part of a forced mating.”

I know my eyes went wide, but I couldn’t help it. “That’s happened in the past?” He nodded. “Thank you for telling me.” I searched his eyes. “I need to think about all of this.” I didn’t want him to think I was turning him away. “It’s how I am.” I nodded. “I have to work it all out inside my head until I feel it.”

He smiled, a soft smile. “I know. I was in that head, remember.”

I grinned. “I do and you survived it.”

“It was a challenge.” He lightly grasped my chin and tipped my face up to his. “I have to go.” He kissed me so tenderly my head felt light from it. When he released my chin, his eyes held such caring, I felt like I could look into them forever.

“Can I stay up here and see if the pieces come back?”

“Yes. My offices are just past the practice room. Turn your phone on and call if you need me.” Moving slowly, like he really didn’t want to, he moved me off his lap so I was sitting on the cushion again. “If I get detained, don’t forget to come down for dinner.”

I nodded. “Okay.” I watched him slide the bolt and open the door. “Victor, thank you for this space.” I pulled my knees up to my chest as he climbed down the first few rungs.

“You’re welcome. You deserve whatever you need to be happy.” With that his head slowly disappeared and he closed the door behind him.

I don’t know how long I sat there, I just kept looking at the door he’d gone through. I touched my mouth with my hand and smiled, I could still feel the way he’d kissed me. So much to think about, so much to feel. I couldn’t help but smile when I thought of him. He thought I was his mate.

Nervousness was filling me. I jumped up to look out over the fields, realizing dawn was drawing nearer. The night was almost done. Then the start of a new day, or was it a new night for some? I didn’t know. I needed a watch: one with a sun and moon so I could remember they had two of each here. Both day and night were not the same as where I came from.

Taking a deep breath, I exhaled slowly and thought again. Victor always told the truth, so if he said I was in that book and his mate then it had to be true. I needed to read that book. To study the prophecies. Did they come to those that wrote them as my flashes did to me? It wasn’t what any other would think, but it warmed me inside to know that I wasn’t the only one with things in my head. Things I had to see.

Flashes in my head made me pause, there were some there. So many. So fast. I breathed slowly and looked out at the fields, only I wasn’t seeing them. I focused to slow my breathing, slow the flashes to let me see. The pieces jumped into focus, a few at a time. Daxx was there and Troy in the dark, but why? I saw red, blinding red.

I frowned and closed my eyes, please let me find the piece that will answer why, I thought. Blood. My eyes popped open. So much of it, pooling, smeared, and splattered all around. The eyes, who they belonged to I didn’t know, but they were there.

The pieces kept coming, without pause and I tried, I really did, to catch them all. I knew I should write them down, but I was afraid to move in case they stopped, and important things I needed I wouldn’t show themselves.

When they slowed and I could breathe with ease again, I sorted through to look for all the parts. My heart started beating faster when my brain caught up understand to the images that had come.

“I have to warn them.” I thought and turned to get my pack.

I dropped my pack in my haste to leave and then froze. My cookies would be broken now. Shaking my head, I went down the ladder. Now was not the time for cookies. Climbing onto the ladder, I cleared the floor then, balanced carefully to lock the door. I had a tower, I grinned with happiness.

I jumped down the last few feet and grabbed my pack. They had to know. I had to tell Victor. I ran through the tunnel, not even needing to think what direction. That was a good discovery, I couldn’t pause to think. No time. They’re watching.

Running as fast I could, I went around a corner and almost ran into Quinton. My new boots stopped me from hitting him and I ducked around him. “No time. Not now.” I told him and kept running. “They’re watching.” I called back, without looking to see if he listened.

I ran by the door where we practiced and saw more doors. Which door? Left or right? Reaching the first pair, I paused and held my hand over the door on the left. No, no. Right. Victor would prefer the right. I don’t know how I knew, I just did. Running the last few feet, I grabbed the handle and ran in.

Victor, Michael and Leone stood there looking at me. “Manners.” I nodded and went back out the door and closed it, then knocked loudly, opened the door and went in without waiting. “No time.” I told them and nodded my head fast. “They’re watching. Blood there was blood, no, no.” Shaking my head, I dropped my bag on the floor. I had to write it down. “No time.” I didn’t have time to find my book. The pencils were never easy to find. I had to pause and wonder could I get one and put it on a chain around my neck.


I jerked my head up and looked at Victor, then shook mine and rushed toward him. “No, no. There’s no time. They’re watching.” I tried to think. I tapped my hand on the side of my head. “I know. I see it.” Turning, I saw a pen on his desk. I ducked under his arm and grabbed the pen. “Paper, I need paper.” There was a folder on his desk, I grabbed it and emptied what was inside.

Nodding I looked at him. “There was blood, too much blood.” He looked at me and then held up his hand to someone else and shook his head.

“Leave her be.”

I didn’t know what he was saying. I couldn’t stop to find out. As fast as I could I went to the corner behind his desk. “They’re watching.” I nodded and knelt on the floor, the folder open in front of me. I bent over it and started to sketch as fast as I could do with a pen. “The symbol.” What was the symbol. I didn’t know but I had to do it before I didn’t see it. I needed a pencil, I really did. It sounded like scribbles with a pen and took more thought to get it to do what I needed. What I could see.

“All of them. No, no my friends.” I shook my head. “I can see. The red. Not blood, but red still.” I stopped. “Oh.” I jumped up and touched my hair. “My hair. It’s my hair. They know.” I looked at Victor. “They know. My hair has to go…”

His eyes went wide. “Cristy… tell me.” He nodded, such understanding in his eyes.

His eyes were so pretty when he saw me that way. I took a deep breath and looked at my hand, then looked back to the folder. Jumping back over, I picked it up and waved it around. Turning back, I nodded and looked at his eyes as they watched me. “You were there. My friends were there.” I squeezed my eyes shut and shook my head, then looked back to him. “The blood. Victor the blood was on your face.” I went over quickly and touched his cheek softly. “But they see and it’s my hair.” I dropped the pen and folder and put my hands over my mouth. “It’s me. The blood is because of me.” No, no. I shook my head. “They see my hair. Their eyes are on my back.”

Turning, I saw Daxx and Quinton looking at me. I didn’t know when they got here. I ran over to Daxx. “I have to go. The blood is because of me.” I hugged her quick, then let go. “You were there. I can’t let them see.” I ducked down and grabbed my pack quickly and pushed between them and ran to the door. “If my back isn’t here, their eyes cannot see.” I called out.


I heard Victor call behind me but I couldn’t stop. I couldn’t let them see my friends. I ran fast around another corner and had to find the path in my head. The halls, so many halls. I didn’t know who made this place, but they liked halls.

“Crissy, stop.” It was Daxx.

I could hear feet running behind me and wanted to count the feet, but didn’t have time. I had to go so, no one would see. I liked Daxx. I turned my head as I ran, faster, as fast as I could. I should have told her. I never had. My feet still moving, I called back to her. “If I had another life where my mind was free. I would have liked you as a sister.” There she would know now.

I saw the halls ahead. Which way to turn? Left. I needed left I thought, but I couldn’t see. My boots, I loved my boots, they didn’t let me slide. I turned, thinking to run to the end of this one. Large arms grabbed me just before I hit the body they went with.

“Whoa, careful.”

I looked up to Arius and his voice my ears liked to hear and shook my head. “I have to go. If my back isn’t here they won’t see you.” I patted his chest and nodded, so he would know.

“Crissy.” Is was Quinton’s voice and he didn’t sound happy. I had no time to see why.

“I think,” Arius told me, “the others would like a word with you.” He smiled nicely down at me, then he turned me slowly.

So many eyes watched me. Why were they all here in the hallway? Quinton and Leone bent over their knees, breathing so fast. Daxx was shaking her head at me. I’d done something again. Michael stood with a hand against the wall, panting like he needed air, he didn’t look happy.

“How can legs… that short, move so fast?” He asked Victor.

Victor stood motionless, not even breathing. His green eyes, so soft and caring looking at me. I had to smile, when he looked at me that way.

“Hi.” I told him and hugged my pack to me.

He held out his hand and I felt Arius let go of my shoulders, there was no time to pause, but I didn’t want to be rude.

“I have to go.” I told him, wanting him to understand.

Victor didn’t drop the hand he held toward me. He nodded, understanding in his eyes. “I know. I would just like to know more before you do.”

I reached slowly and took his hand. “I don’t want blood on your face.” I told him.

He nodded and grasped my hand, pulling me until I rested my cheek against his chest. I could hear his heartbeat, jumping fast in his chest. “I broke my cookies when I dropped my pack to get out of the tower.” I told him.

“Tower?” Quinton asked but said no more.

“Let’s go get more and you can tell us what you saw.”

Victor’s voice vibrated through is chest against my ear. I nodded. “Okay. Then I have to leave.”

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