The Secret Fiancée: Lexington and Raya’s Story (The Windsors)

The Secret Fiancée: Chapter 64

I pace back and forth at the front door nervously, my eyes on my grandfather’s watch. Raya refused to talk to me after finding out what I’d done to her wedding ring, and I can’t even blame her for it. I took something that should’ve been sacred and turned it into a tool to control her with.

I run a hand through my hair and sigh, my heart aching. I couldn’t keep it from her, but admitting what I’d done was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do. It killed me to look into her eyes and know that my words were about to drive us further apart than ever before.

Raya pauses in the hallway, her expression turning frosty when she spots me. “You’re still here,” she says, sounding displeased. “I thought you’d left for work already. Don’t you have a meeting in ten minutes?”

I shrug. “It can wait.” Nothing is more important than my wife. I’m honestly only going into the office because she is.

Raya frowns when I hold up my car keys. “I was wondering if you’d be willing to drive me to work.”

Her lips part in surprise, eagerness flashing through her gorgeous brown eyes when she realizes which car this key unlocks. “You’d let me drive your priceless, highly coveted Annie? The car you inherited from your father? The one your grandfather built?”

I smile at her. “Darling, I’d let you wreck it if it’d put a smile on your face.” Her eyes flash like she’s willing to test me on that as she takes the key from me, but my smile doesn’t waver. If she did wreck it, I’m sure both my father and grandfather would understand. If they’re looking down at us from above, they’re probably silently encouraging her to.

Raya keeps glancing at me as she gets behind the wheel, like she expects me to change my mind at any second, but I merely lean over her and reach for her seatbelt, my gaze settling on her lips for a moment. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for one single kiss. She hasn’t touched me since that night at her parents’ house, and I know even that was a moment of weakness for her. Forget my car — I’d hand over my entire fortune if she’d just look at me the way she used to.

Our eyes lock, and she inhales shakily as I buckle her in, a soft click breaking the spell between us. “I didn’t think you’d ever let me drive you at all, and certainly not in this car.”

“I told you I’d do my best to change,” I murmur. “It may seem silly, but something like this is tough for me. I’m used to always being in control, being behind the wheel. I thought that today I’d try to concede control for once, to you. Not monitoring you isn’t enough, Raya. I truly want to be the man you deserve, so this is me taking a small step toward that, toward normalcy.”

She glances at me as she drives us out of the Windsor Estate, the large iron gates closing behind us. “Thank you,” she murmurs. “I know this isn’t easy for you.” Her gaze drops to her empty ring finger. “Thank you for yesterday, too. I’d never have found out if you hadn’t told me, Lex. I appreciate that you did, even if it hurt us both.”

I hum, unsure how to respond, and she smiles as she places her hand on my thigh. My heart instantly begins to race and my gaze cuts to her face, but her eyes are on the road. I watch my wife as she drives us both to work, and all the while, I count my lucky stars. She didn’t have to give me another chance, not after what I did, and I’ll never take this opportunity for granted. I won’t waste it.

Raya lets me help her out of the car instead of rushing out before I have a chance to open the door for her, like she has been doing lately. I can’t help but smile as I hesitantly offer her my hand, trying my luck. She looks into my eyes and smiles as she places her hand in mine, and I wonder if she knows what that does to me. S~ᴇaʀᴄh the ꜰindNʘvel.ɴet website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

I entwine our fingers as we step into the elevator together, enjoying every second of it. My heart sinks when we reach my office, and I tighten my grip on her hand as she moves toward the door. She looks back at me with a knowing look on her face, her arm extended toward me, my fingers between hers. I’m tempted to beg her not to go, to let me hold on to her a little longer, but instead I sigh and loosen my grip on her.

“Have a wonderful day today, little fairy,” I murmur as she heads to my door.

She looks over her shoulder, and my heart skips a beat. “You too, Lex.”

I watch as she walks away and run a hand through my hair, feeling lost. Pippy’s voice sounds overhead, reminding me of my meeting, and I reluctantly head to my conference room, wishing I could just linger around my wife instead.

I can’t focus on a thing as I listen to my employees giving me an update on the new car we’re unveiling next quarter. The things I used to live for now mean nothing, and I blame Raya for it. She gave me real purpose, and everything else pales in comparison to her.

“Right,” I murmur, the second the meeting wraps up. “Wonderful work.” I have no idea what anyone said, and I don’t care. I just want to go see my wife. Everyone looks startled when I rise from my seat, and I belatedly realize the meeting was, in fact, far from over. Oh well.

Susan scrambles to take over from me as I walk out, ignoring all the shocked expressions behind me. My heart pounds loudly as I head over to Raya’s department, only to pause a few paces away. She is smiling up at Adam in that way I love, and he’s holding her hand, his thumb brushing over her empty finger. Pain and possessiveness mingle, turning into a vicious monster I can’t ignore.

Raya,” I say, my tone sharp. “A word, please?”

Her eyes widen, and she pulls her hand out of Adam’s, her head snapping up to meet my gaze. She looks surprised to see me, clearly expecting me to still be at my meeting.

She rises from her seat and follows me to my office, and with every step I take, my heart aches more. We never discussed it, but I know she went to him when she left me. Did something happen then? Did she realize there was already someone who could love her the way she thinks I can’t? The way she just smiled at him… fuck.

My office door closes behind her, and I turn to face her, my heart in my throat. What right do I even have to question her, to be upset?

“Was there something you needed?” she asks, her voice soft.


Always you.

I stare at her and shake my head. “No. I’m sorry, Raya. I didn’t mean to interrupt your workday like that. I apologize.”

My heart is fucking bleeding as I look at my wife, wondering if she’s falling out of love with me while I’m trying to hold on to her with all my might.

“I’m sorry,” I repeat, wishing she could understand the depth of my regret. She is everything anyone could’ve ever wanted, and standing here with her, knowing she used to be mine… fuck.

“I know you are,” she says, taking a step toward me, and then another. My breath hitches when she cups my face, her eyes on mine. Her gaze is searching, but there’s understanding in it too.

Raya tilts her face, and then she rises to her tiptoes, her lips brushing against mine softly, once, twice, and then she kisses me. I groan, my hand instantly wrapping into her hair, my entire body reacting. My wife melts into me, and fuck, I’ve missed this. That honey taste, her soft curves, and the way she makes me feel so fucking alive.

We’re both breathing hard by the time she pulls back, and I struggle to loosen my grip on her. “I’m still yours,” she whispers, before leaning in and kissing the edge of my mouth. “Even when it hurts, even when it’s tough.”

My forehead drops to hers, and I swallow hard, overwhelmed by my feelings for her. No one knows me like she does, no one understands my needs without me having to say a word. No one but her.

“Let me take you somewhere tomorrow. There’s something I want to say, but not here, not like this.”

Her gaze roams over my face, and then she nods. Relief washes over me as she throws me the sweetest smile. Does she know there’s nothing I won’t do to earn more of those smiles?

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