The Secret Fiancée: Lexington and Raya’s Story (The Windsors)

The Secret Fiancée: Chapter 6

“Truth or Dare?” Lex asks as we walk into the Windsor Residences building, his grip on my hand firm, reassuring.

I glance at him, unable to steady my nerves. I’d been so shocked when I realized who he is that I didn’t ask him where we were going. “Truth.”

He looks at me, his gaze tinged with concern. “Tell me what’s on your mind right now. You’re suddenly very quiet, and I’m concerned you’re uncomfortable.”

I shake my head and squeeze his hand. “I’m honestly just trying not to overthink things. I’m really good at that, you know. Overthinking.”

I hesitate as we walk past a set of elevators, toward one that has a security guard standing next to it. The man nods at us both and presses the button for us. “It’s just a little surreal to be standing here with you,” I admit as we step into the elevator. “I’ve studied your company extensively, and the fact that I didn’t instantly recognize you makes me feel so dumb.”

He stares at me, almost like he can’t quite figure me out, when there truly isn’t much to figure out. “Raya,” he says, his voice soft. “I’m glad you didn’t recognize me. When you look at me, I don’t want you to see the CEO of Windsor Motors. I just want you to see me.”

I nod in understanding, but it doesn’t take away any of my awkwardness. Lex grins as the doors open right into his penthouse, and he guides me into his home.

“Wow,” I whisper, surprised to find so many family photos on the walls in the hallway. Somehow, I hadn’t expected his place to actually look like a real home.

My fingers trail over the photo frames on the wall, and I try my hardest not to fangirl over the women in all of Lex’s family photos, most of them taken at weddings and family gatherings.

There’s one with Raven herself, at what appears to be her wedding. Very little is known about her wedding, and only a handful of photos were ever published by the papers since the press wasn’t even aware of her highly secretive ceremony. It feels like an intrusion to look at the photo, but the way Lex and Raven smile at each other is captivating.

Right next to it is a photo of Lex with Valentina Windsor — another one of his sisters-in-law, Luca Windsor’s wife. This photo was clearly taken on the day she became the COO of Windsor Finance, and the pride in Lex’s eyes is enough to make my heart skip a beat.

I know Valentina used to be Luca’s secretary, and when it was revealed that the two had gotten married secretly, the media went wild for a while. They’d made Valentina seem like some kind of gold digger, and the Windsor family very swiftly and ruthlessly had several papers shut down entirely as a result. The Windsors always seemed like such an unattainable family, and to be standing in one of their homes now is beyond surreal.

“You have more photos with your sisters-in-law than your brothers,” I note bemusedly as Lex leads me further along the hallway slowly, as though to give me sufficient time to explore, his hand in mine.

“They’re the ones that keep our family running. They keep us together,” he says, clear reverence in his voice. “Each and every one of those women truly have become sisters to me, and I’m not sure I could see our lives without them anymore. They saved me, and they don’t even know it.”

He smiles to himself as we pause by a picture that was taken in the cockpit of a plane. “That’s Faye,” Lex tells me, pointing out the redhead in the photo — like I wouldn’t recognize one of the most famous pianists in the world. I nod nonetheless, scared he’ll think I’m some kind of weird groupie if I react any other way. “And that’s my brother, Dion, who has feared flying for years but voluntarily stepped onto countless planes because Faye loves to travel. He even made me fly commercial planes for her one summer and trembled every second of every journey but suffered through nonetheless, all without her knowing, simply because he was worried about her safety as she explored the world.”

He looks at me then, his gaze contemplative, almost like he’s trying to assess my reaction to his words, to the photos. “That’s what my family does — we love fiercely, and there’s nothing we won’t do for those we love. I’d never let anyone hurt them.”

His voice is soft, but there’s an edge to his tone, a quiet warning accompanied by a deep loneliness in his eyes, something I’m sure he never meant to let slip. I can’t imagine being a Windsor — constantly having to be on the defensive and aware of your surroundings lest someone capture a vulnerable moment and sells it for a profit. Shame hits me hard and fast when I realize that I’m one of the people that added to Lex’s torment by reading the articles about his family like they were entertainment, when they’re real people that never asked for the media’s attention.

“Come on,” he says, entwining our fingers. “You can get all starry-eyed over them in person at some point. For now, there’s something else I want to show you.”

My lips part in surprise, but my denial dies on my tongue as he chuckles and pulls me into the living room, where we both pause for a moment to take in the beautiful skyline and the dazzling skyscrapers that light it up.

We both stare out the floor-to-ceiling windows speechlessly, lost in the moment. “I wasn’t all starry-eyed,” I murmur eventually, sounding far more petulant than I’d meant to. The last thing I want is for him to feel like I’m after him for who he is, like he clearly fears.

Lex turns to face me and places his index finger under my chin, his gaze keeping me enthralled. Something passes between us, something that makes my heart race. He bites down on his lip, and heat rushes to my cheeks. This man… he’s so effortlessly sexy, and I suspect he knows it.

“Oh yeah?” he murmurs. “Yet somehow, your eyes keep me far more captivated than the starry skies above us ever could. I’m not sure I like how easily you’ve put me under your spell.”

It’s odd, because I’d have mocked any other guy for those same words, yet when he says it, it all sounds so sincere. He almost sounds pained, like I’m an enigma he can’t figure out, when there’s no puzzle he hasn’t solved.

Lex’s hand slips into mine, and he looks over his shoulder as he pulls me along to his open plan kitchen. It’s like he can’t keep his eyes off me for more than a few seconds, and I’ve never experienced anyone being quite so present with me.

“Wine?” he asks as he holds up a bottle that looks incredibly expensive. He opens it before I have a chance to tell him to save it for a special occasion.

“I’d love some,” I answer, my voice soft. Something about being here with him is throwing me off, and I can’t quite tell why. I’m feeling more vulnerable than usual, and the way he keeps making my heart race is unprecedented. No one has ever made me feel this way, and I can’t determine what it is about him that captivates me so. Sᴇaʀᴄh thᴇ FindNʘᴠᴇl.nᴇt website on Gøøglᴇ to access chapters of novels early and in the highest quality.

Oddly enough, I was disappointed when I realized who he was, because I instantly realized that these moments we’re spending together won’t last. Lexington Windsor is someone whose work I’ve admired for years, but Lex… he seems like an entirely different person, someone that’s within reach, even if it’s only for an evening. It’s ironic how tonight’s fairytale theme seems to have extended beyond the bar. This night will end, and the magic will disappear.

Lex pours me a glass and pushes it towards me before raising his own. “To spilled shots, truths, dares, and the way they brought us together.”

I tap my glass against his and smile, surprised and entirely delighted by his words. “To honesty, bravery, and serendipity,” I murmur.

Lex’s expression falls briefly, and I can’t quite figure out what I said wrong. “Speaking of shots,” he says, glancing down at his white shirt and the blue stains on it. He undoes the top button before looking up at me from lowered lashes, mischief written all over his face. “I need to throw this in the wash before it stains permanently. Honestly, it’s pretty sticky too. It might actually be too sticky for me to get off all by myself… I may need your help.”

I bite down on my lip to suppress my smile when he grabs my hand and places it over his chest. His heart is racing underneath my palm, and somehow, the feel of it is soothing — it’s reassuring to know he feels this thing between us too.

“Help?” I repeat, a soft giggle escaping my lips. “Like this?” I ask, as I undo a button slowly, loving the way his breath hitches. Something about him makes me act far bolder than I ever have before. He makes me feel comfortable despite my nerves, and I’m not quite sure how he’s managing what no one else ever has before.

“Yeah,” he whispers, his chest rising and falling rapidly as I continue to unbutton his shirt. He leans back against the kitchen counter, his gaze burning, and heat spreads from my cheeks to my entire body as his chest and abs come into view. My fingertips trail over his skin teasingly, and his abs contract underneath my touch, sending a little thrill down my spine.

“Raya,” he groans, sounding pained.

My stomach flutters, and I throw him a shaky smile as I grab his shirt and slide it off his shoulders. He’s breathing hard, and the way he looks at me is so empowering — like there’s no one in the world but me.

“Your turn,” I whisper. “Truth or Dare?”

He grins, looking devastatingly handsome as he leans back against his kitchen counter, my hands still on his shirt. His gaze roams over my face, and he seems to contemplate something for a moment, before shooting me the sweetest smile. “Dare.”

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