The S-Gene (Book 1: Amelia) - COMPLETE

Chapter The Match

Beep! Beep! Beep!

Amelia groaned into her pillow, shoving her face deeper into the soft silky fabric. What the fuck was that? An… an alarm? She hadn’t put an alarm. She groaned once more before reaching out and desperately trying to smack whatever the fuck was making that god-awful noise.

Finally, after a few fruitless attempts, her fingers grazed something cold and plastic-like. She tapped her hand against it a couple of times until the noise ceased. Thank God. She retracted her hand back into her chest and then tilted her head to the side.

She was graced with the unfamiliar sight of pink walls and she sighed. Not a dream. She was actually stuck here. They had moved her after the night had fallen which had restricted her opportunity to observe her new neighborhood - as Dr. Harper had called it - along with the house. She had been absolutely exhausted.

Unfortunately for Amelia, the night had not been restful. She had tossed and turned until her body had given up under the crushing pressure of absolute tiredness. From the glaring red numbers on the clock, it had been a short night.

Unlike her previous home, this one didn’t come with a schedule. The rules had nothing in common with the ones forced upon her earlier. No pills to take - that was a big one. Granted, she knew now it was pointless to take them.

They did keep blood tests scheduled, but they were weekly. Breeding stock had to be kept healthy right? Ugh.

Don’t think about that, don’t think about that.

Selective memory would be her best friend during this ordeal.

She flipped around and sat up in the bed, before glancing at the nightstand. There, next to the clock, was a cellphone. Not her cellphone of course. The distrust ran both ways. They wouldn’t let her have it until she walked out of here.

For now, though, this would allow her to communicate with them and her matches. Lucky her.

Amelia reached out for the cellphone, turning the screen on. She was greeted by a generic, blue swirls background and a notification.

(1) New message - Genecorp

She frowned as she opened the unread message.

GENECORP: Please click the following link in order to submit your schedule. As soon as you have selected your first match, please text us the name and we will provide the information regarding the first date.

Her schedule? As in, she had to tell them everything she planned to do? As in, she had to know every fucking little thing she planned on doing? Was this some kind of joke? Did they not have enough control over her?

Amelia clicked the link, and a web page opened. On it, there was a calendar. Every day of the week was divided by the hour and she could fill each of them. She clicked one, and a drop-down menu appeared. Sleep, eat, rest, shopping, classes

Yeah, they were expecting her to fill in her entire life while she lived in this place. Fuck them. She wasn’t about to fill any of this. Her entire life had always been planned, working, organizing everything so she could maximize her hours.

She wasn’t working. She wasn’t happy.

The least she could do is have a bit of freedom.

They could shove their schedule up their asses. She wasn’t doing it. She might have to pick a match, pick someone, but she didn’t need to follow every rule they set up for her. Hadn’t they said this was about protecting carriers? Then why did they need to be in such control of their lives?

No one was here to protect her and she didn’t trust anyone here.

It was herself and nothing more.

Well, she and the match she had to pick. She had to do that much.

She threw a quick glance at the pile of folders by the side of her bed and groaned. Not now. Nobody said she had to pick today, did they? For one day, she didn’t want to think about the mess her life had become. She didn’t want any of this.

Her bedroom was dark but she could see light peaking from under the purple curtains that hung over the window. She had been locked in a room in the facilities for quite a bit of time. Maybe some sunlight would help…

Plus, it would make sure mister-stalker wouldn’t come to bother her. The whole sunlight kills vampire thing had to be real, right? He had avoided seeing her when it was daytime. She had only ever seen him at night.

She slipped on the slippers that were by the bed and headed for the door. The house they had provided her with was nice but - it wasn’t her life. It felt like she was playing pretend, playing dollhouse. This was their way of giving her the illusion of freedom, of choice.

She knew better.

She swung the front door open, letting the nice breeze in. She stepped out, enjoying the warm ray of sun on her face. If she could enjoy this, if this wasn’t so fucking insane, it would be a nice break from her life.

Amelia didn’t have to take care of anyone. She didn’t have to work to the bones to make it to the next day. Dreams could be within reach. She wanted something more for herself, she wanted another kind of life.

This made it possible - but the cost? Could she bear the cost? She had no choice. She wanted to focus on the positive, on what this could bring her but… her head was still spinning thinking about what was out there, the whole world that had been hidden up until now.

It scared her to think of what happened in the shadows.

She had no problem believing what probably used to happen - and still happened - to carriers. Yet, no one knew. Out there, people went about the days, not knowing what was taking place right under their noses.

How did they remain hidden for so long, and how did they do it so well?

The sound of rustling leaves pulled her out of her thoughts, and she flipped her head to the left. From her angle, she could see someone’s back as they were hunched over some bushes. Her next-door neighbor.

Despite the fact that she had started this process with other people like her, she hadn’t thought about it since she found out the truth. Yes, there were the supernatural creatures… but there were other humans - carriers - as well.

How did they take it?

Had some of them believed it? No. It was not like the advertising for the trials was seeking out people who believed in the supernatural. Happy accidents might have occurred from time to time, but there was no way they were the norm.

Was she the odd one out?

How was Stephanie handling this?

How was her neighbor dealing with this?

Wait. She was assuming that he was human - but maybe he wasn’t. Ezekiel’s presence at her home during her first night proved that they were roaming around freely. They had to live somewhere too didn’t they?

Unless… where did they even live normally? Were they always here? Did they hide amongst humans? Oh, GodHow many might she have encountered?

No, no. If she had seen one… he would have known what she was… so… it didn’t make sense. She didn’t understand. She had so many questions… questions Dr. Harper answered vaguely… meaning the only other people who could… were them.

Amelia slapped both her cheeks quietly, bringing herself back to reality. First step first. She had to figure out who - or what - her neighbor was. Maybe they kept her matches near her? Hopefully not…

She took a few quiet steps, trying to lean over the white fence so that she could catch a glimpse of him. So far, she couldn’t see much - not enough to determine his origins. Then again, she hadn’t been able to tell Ezekiel wasn’t human… or that werewolf they had bought in…

At this rate, unless he had tentacles and horns…

He moved, allowing her to see his arms sticking from his white t-shirt. Tawny golden skin, glistening with sweats, drops following the lines of his muscles. Well whatever he was, he was in good shape.

She twisted her mouth trying to turn her neck in a direction it didn’t go. His back was still facing her when he stood straight, and she held her breath. He had long black hair wrapped into a bun that sat at the top of his head, bouncing with each of his motions.

Alright, maybe she was getting a little too close and personal. He looked human enough… She was turning into a psychopath. Would it be the same for her once she would be back home? Would she look for them all the time?

“Hi, neighbor.”

HOLY FUCKING CRAP! Amelia stumbled backward, a hand slapped to her chest. Fuck. Had he seen her looking at him? Did he think she was a stalker? He was staring at her with dark, hypnotizing charcoal eyes, a smile lost in the stubbles of his unshaven beard.

When did he even turn around?

“Sorry! Didn’t mean to startle you - I was… I’m sorry. Let me start over. I’m Noah.” He flashed her bright white teeth as he stretched out his hand.

Reluctant, she slowly inched her own hand toward him, shaking his hand. “I’m Amelia.”

He squeezed her hand, his skin warm to the touch, and she squeezed back. He wasn’t pale. His teeth checked out. Strong jaw, long eyelashes… human. Yes. He was out in the sun… he was working up a sweat… it had to be.

“Nice to meet you, Amelia. Moved in last night?”

She stole a rapid glance around, noticing some people in the distance. Before, they had kept them all close together, all the carriers. Maybe it was for protection? Maybe they were doing the same thing here and everyone was human.

“If you can call it that.”

“It’s - it’s not easy.”

That was a clue to who he was right?

Someone else like her. Someone else who had been tossed into this world, and who was expected to go along with whatever someone else desired. Though here he was, holding some giant scissors… and trimming bushes? Not bothered by all this?

“You don’t seem to find it too difficult,” she said with an arched brow. “How long have you been here?” This was the fate awaiting her? Accepting this insanity and going about it like it was her normal life?

He lifted an arm, rubbing the back of his head, his bare, muscular biceps on full display. Well hello there. Too long I think.”

“Didn’t find any interesting matches? Or can’t get past the whole supernatural thing?”

His mouth opened, then closed, and then opened again. Oops. Had she said the wrong thing? No. Maybe it was normal for him… Maybe he needed the money a lot more than she did. Plus, wasn’t it easier for a man? He didn’t have to carry this life, he didn’t have to birth it. Pump and dump.

Or he was…

“A little bit of both I guess.”

Nope. Human.

He was human.

“So, am I the only one who… freaked out a little?”

Noah dropped his giant scissors to the ground before using his free hands to grip the fence. “I wasn’t willing for a long time…” His shoulders drooped forward. “My life- before, I wasn’t exactly living my best life, let’s say. I thought I was… I realized I had more to gain than to lose by doing this.”

Their stakes weren’t the same with him being a man and her being a woman but, she could understand - a little bit. She gave in because it was the best option. They had talked about how this was an opportunity for her, but she wasn’t in that mindset yet.

It had barely been a damn day.

“Hey,” he said, turning his head to the side to get a better look at her. “It’s okay to be freaked out. It’s okay to need time. As I said, I’ve been here a while. I’ve seen a lot of people come in, I’ve seen a lot of people leave.”

“In one piece?” she half-joked with a cocked smile.

He threw his head back, laughter bubbling out of him. “Most of ’em.”

The logical part of her knew he said it as a joke, but, deep inside, she wondered if there was a hint of truth. Would they let them get hurt? They had let Ezekiel approach her more than they intended to… and all they did was call him impatient.

What if he had done more?

What if he had gotten into her house? Then what would have happened… how would they have known? Did they have cameras everywhere? Were they watching every moment, every second… Okay, nope. Amelia… rabbit hole. She had to pull herself out of these thoughts.

“So, you do your own gardening? You’d think the least they could do is hire gardeners…” Wow… that was bad. Had she never had a conversation before?

“I like doing it. Keeps me busy.”

She could understand that. She hadn’t known what to do with herself since she started the damn trial and whenever she was left alone with her thoughts, it was never a good thing. A hobby wouldn’t be the worst thing for her.

“I have a lot of grass, and no idea how to work a lawn mower, so you know, if you get bored.”

He chuckled. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

“Sorry- I,” she sighed before pinching her lips together. He probably thought she was a complete weirdo. “It’s been a hard few days, I think I forgot how to be a normal human being.”

“Is there such a thing as normal?”

Whimpers of mirth slipped her lips as she shoot up her eyebrows. “I guess there isn’t anymore.” She wrapped her arms around her body, running her left hand along the length of her forearms. “I wish… well,” she scoffed. “I wish a lot of things.”

“And what exactly do you wish for, Amelia?”

If that question had been asked a week ago, her answer would have been entirely changed. She wanted different things back then, a different life. Though this was not the difference she had in mind. Her old life sounded appealing now, calm and boring.

She chuckled and gave him a shrug of the shoulders. “Normal. I wanna be normal." She shook her head. She would have wished for anything but normal until she found out normal was a good thing. “Pretty stupid wish huh? Do I get two more?”

“I don’t think it’s stupid. I’d wish for the same thing. A normal, boring, simple life.”

“It sounds nice.”

Ding! Ding! Ding!

For a second, Amelia thought it was her phone, but then she remembered that she had left it inside - far away from her. That meant it was Noah’s.

“Sorry, I got a class starting soon. Better get washed up, else they might kick me out,” he said with a wink.

“Right, sorry. Wait- are- are the classes… nice?”

“Never really took classes before I came here,” he started as he let go of the fence. “I don’t have any complaints so far.” He tossed up his hands. “Maybe you should try one. Might like it.”


He nodded before waving at her. “I’ll see you around, neighbor.”

“Yeah, t-thanks.”

Amelia’s shoulders slumped downwards as she watched him walk away. Talking to another human being was so much easier. Would she be able to do it with one of them? Would she know what to talk about?

Part of her wanted to bug Noah, ask him more questions. There was a chance he could share with her how his first dates went. Maybe. No. She couldn’t do that. Amelia was so wrapped up in this whole fucking mess, that she was about to bother a complete stranger.

He might be human, but she didn’t know him. She couldn’t insert herself into his life like this.

This was her bad situation and she would have to figure her way out of it herself. Still, it gave her hope.

Maybe there was a light at the end of the tunnel.


GENECORP: Please provide us with the name of the desired match.

Amelia watched the cursor blink as her fingers hovered above the letters. At this point, she was shocked they had waited this long before bothering her again. She had wasted the whole day, not planning a thing. A long bath. A nice meal.

They had already drugged her once, at this rate, if they wanted to do it again, they would. There was no sense in letting herself starve. If they were going to do this more against her will, they would have done it already. They wouldn’t have given her these options.

Part of her wanted to be able to browse a wider array than three matches, but then she would think, what was the point? It wouldn’t make her choice any easier. The clock was ticking. She had ignored it, she had ignored them but… how long could she do it?

Did she want to stay here forever?

Noah’s words had stayed with her the whole day. He hadn’t seemed miserable. Maybe she was too closed off, too resentful of her situation. It wasn’t perfect and it didn’t mean she had to throw a happy party but…

If she was here… maybe she should try to get the most of it. What else was there to do here anyway?


Ezekiel was out of the way. He was creepy so no thank you. She didn’t want to be the date and the dinner.

Ben… well, what the fuck was a Selkie? She had never figured that one out… what if it was really strange? Or weird? Or not even human-shaped? No, they wouldn’t go that far, would they? Ugh.

That left Caleb the werewolf…

It still made her feel like she was food but - hey at least he had to transform for her to be the food, right?

Amelia held her phone in one hand and used her other one to pinch the bridge of her nose hard enough to turn the pale skin red. Fucking shit. She released the abused skin and scratched her forehead, sighing loudly, her lungs collapsing from the lack of air.


If she had to pick, she would pick. If she spent less time being angry, less time fighting this, maybe it would be over a lot quicker. That could be a good thing. She hadn’t asked Noah exactly how long was too long but…

It was long enough that he had a routine. Long enough that he was greeting neighbors… and probably knew how it worked around here. She didn’t want to be here long enough to know people. She wanted to go back to her world.

That meant choosing. That meant trying. That meant answering their damn text.

AMELIA: Caleb.

There. Nothing else.

Wait, did she need to send anything else?

GENECORP: You will receive the details of your date shortly.


And so it began…

A/N: Happy Monday! As usual, any comments/reviews are always appreciated. Have a good week everyone :)

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