The S-Gene (Book 1: Amelia) - COMPLETE

Chapter The Discovery

Damn it.

Amelia stared down at her palm, noticing the red marks she left on her flesh. She had been absentmindedly rubbing the skin as she waited for her new date. Ben. Amelia had taken Noah’s advice.

She had browsed the classes, look into the map of the… place? Town? Whatever the heck this was. If she could do anything, what would she do? And so, she signed up for multiple classes: all and any.

They would start in the next couple of days while her registration went through.

Now, she was agreeing to another one of those stupid dates. Except, she wasn’t here with the same mindset now. She knew better. She knew not to let her guard down, not to trust. Everyone that was here had an agenda.

She did too: getting out of here.

Except now, Ben was late.

As she cast her glance ahead, she could see the sun disappearing into the horizon, the orange hue getting engulfed by the darkness of the night. She could see the moon shining brightly through, its light reflecting in the water.

How was there a river here?

She could not figure out what this place was. An abandoned town? A built-in strange facility? Another world? A couple of weeks ago she would have thought that was insane but now? Amelia expected anything.

Except for her date to be late - again.

She thought being a universal carrier was a good thing? So why was everybody late? She drummed her fingers against the wooden ridge of the restaurant’s fence, her heart thumping in her chest.

She had agreed to a dinner date this time. She didn’t know why - that was even longer than a coffee date. Immerse yourself in the experience, Amelia. If she were honest, she would have never ever ever eaten in a restaurant like this before.

Staring at it from the outside was enough to see it was above her class level. Never mind the fact that such a place even existed here. Why would they go all out? Why bother to pretend this was normal? The education, the livelihood? It didn’t make sense. Did people live here?

Did they never leave?

She hadn’t been wrong, right? They had told her she would get to leave, didn’t they?

Amelia dug her fingernails in her sweaty palms, her heart skipping a beat at the thought of never returning home. Noah - he had sounded hopeful about this place, no? It couldn’t be what she thought it was…

And yet, no sign of Ben.

She tried to look for what she thought she was expecting, but each person walking by never made their way to the restaurant’s front step. She probably looked like a crazy person, trying to spot everyone.

That could explain why everyone was looking at her. Not everyone. Some people. Sometimes, she caught them staring at her, but when she would go to make eye contact, they would look away.

Was it her?

Was it the way she looked? As if she didn’t fit in to be in a fancy place like this? Nonsense. She doubted carriers were all rich people. Especially if they were catching them in a medical trial. To do one of those, you had to be broke.

It’s all in your head, Amelia, she told herself.

This was a combination of her impatience and her paranoia. Nothing more. Now come on Ben. If at least he showed up, she would have something else to focus on. Maybe he would be her ticket out of here.

Unfortunately for Amelia, the more time passed, the less he showed up. At this point, he was over thirty minutes late. She reached into her small black purse, pulling out the cell phone they had given her. No new notifications.

She re-read the last text, confirming the location and time were right - they were.

Then what was it?

Two more minutes and she was walking away. She wouldn’t be made to wait here like a fool. The streets were getting darker, and emptier and she didn’t appreciate it being left to wait like this.

Maybe Ben wasn’t the right choice either.

But if Ben was wrong and so was Caleb… it left Ezekiel.

She would rather die.

She sighed, hunching over. Maybe she needed to contact Genecorp to request more of her matches. She didn’t care that they were top matches. She didn’t want any of this and if she wasn’t feeling it going into it - it would never work. Not considering what they were asking of her.

Fuck it.

If he truly wanted this, he would have been on time. There were no responsibilities here, nothing holding him back. The fact that two of her dates were late was insulting. What did that say about them? That they didn’t consider her worthy of their time? That they considered her beneath them?

They couldn’t give her the respect of showing up on time. She wouldn’t give him the respect of waiting for him. He could find someone else to turn into a fool.

She gripped her purse, huffing the air out of her chest, before stumbling down the small wooden stairs, her heels wobbling. And she dressed up for this. What a freaking idiot. She didn’t learn a thing, did she?

Her strides were long as she turned the corner, hoping to hurry home. It wasn’t like she was upset about being stood up. She didn’t care about these guys. Yet, this broke the illusion that was created for her.

She wasn’t important in the real world, and she wasn’t important here.

Her shoulders slumped downwards, her heels clicking on the pavement with each step she took. She was louder than she needed to be, but she didn’t have any other outlet for her rage. It wasn’t fair.

Her anger drowned the sounds around her, tunneling her vision as she marched forward. Maybe she should blame Noah. Based on his words, she almost believed that this place was more than it was.

It wasn’t.

“Now, now a proper gentleman would have never stood you up.”

Amelia felt her blood ice over as she came to an abrupt halt. Her muscles tensed, her posture becoming rigid while tremors overtook her limbs. She had no desire to recognize this voice but she did.

She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. She knew what it was. “Leave me alone,” she muttered through tight lips.

By the time she snapped her eyes open, he had gotten in front of her. A scream was torn from her throat while she tumbled backward, her eyes opened wide. She ignored the way her heartbeat was thrashing in her ears, pumping her blood fast enough to make her dizzy.

His cold hand came up and cupped her cheek, forcing her head back so that she would look into his eyes. They were yellow. They weren’t yellow last time. Her mouth popped open but no words came out.

Sharp nails pressed into her skin, sinking it, but not breaking it. He was taller than her, her head reaching only his chest. He stared down at her, and there was something almost hypnotic about it.

She should be panicked, she should be running away - except she was not.

“Why do you resist, dear?”

“Why do you insist, dear?” He had tried to sound sweet with his words, but she punctuated hers with dripping hatred.

She would rather go through this whole thing with Caleb than spend a second in Ezekiel’s presence. He had hunted her like prey from the moment she had come to this godforsaken place. He saw her as a prize, something to hunt and win.

He’d never get his way.

“You have not given me the chance to prove myself. You sit there, waiting for another male to disappoint you. They do not hold the power I have, the riches. Whatever your heart desires, I shall make it true Amelia.”

Her name sounded wrong rolling off his tongue. Why wasn’t she pulling away? Why was she letting him touch her? Her pulse was racing, her jaw clenched - all she had to do was listen to her legs and put distance between them…

Yet here she stood.

Ezekiel wouldn’t look away and it held no importance that he brought forth nothing but disgust and rage; she was enthralled. Amelia had to look at him. His eyes were pulling her in, challenging her to look away even if he knew she could not.

“I don’t want anything from you.”

“You cannot imagine what I can offer you.”

“I’d rather die.”

“That could be arranged,” he replied with a chuckle. She held her breath as he dipped forward.

At her next inhale of air, she felt his mouth on her throat. It made her skin crawl. She couldn’t help the shiver that rattled her body as sharp teeth poked at her flesh. Stop him, she screamed at herself.

She didn’t.

She felt all of it.

The sharp sting, the tearing of the flesh, the painful jolt as he began sucking her blood out. It spilled on her chest, warm as it descended all the way to her breasts. Stop, stop, stop, she chanted in her head.

Why couldn’t she push him off?

He pulled away from her, blood gushing from the puncture wounds, and she watched as he carefully licked his lips, wiping away the traces of what he had done. “They had told me that you would taste differently. Your blood leaves a bit of sting - spicy.”

Disgusting. That was what he was.

He threw his head back, a moan passing his lips. He was getting off on it.


It was a whisper, barely audible, but she finally felt like she had control of her voice again. “HELP,” she tried louder. “HELP, SOMEONE HELP.”

She saw Ezekiel’s eyes grow wider. “This is a misunderstanding. You need to let me speak.”

Let him speak?

“What is the situation here?”

At the sound of the foreign voice, relief washed over her and she could look away from him. A few tears spilled from her eyes, her body trembling, her legs quivering, barely holding her up in a standing position. She heaved, swallowing hard to keep down the rising bile.

“He-help,” she croaked out. “Please.”

“Sir, are you keeping this lady here against her will?”

Ezekiel smirked, his fangs poking enough for them to glisten from the shine of the nearby light pole. “I am a gentleman, I would never.” He took a step back. “If the lady wishes to leave, she is free to do so.”

“Miss, do you wish to leave?”

“I do.”

“Then free she is,” Ezekiel spoke, lifting his hands.

“Miss, would you like me to escort you home?”

“Yes, yes,” she hurried to scream in answer. “I wanna be walked home.”

Bile filled her mouth, her stomach churning at the sight of Ezekiel. He was not pleased with her decision but honestly? Fuck him. If he thought that bullying her into choosing him would work, he had another thing coming.

He could try to scare her all he wanted; she wouldn’t give in. It only strengthened her resolve. She didn’t want anything from him. He was relentless and had never heard the word no.

She didn’t know if it was something vampires did or something he did, but even she had found the word no difficult to enact. What could he do if he got her alone again? Would he corner her every time she strolled down the streets illuminated by the moonlight? Was she confined to daytime?

Why weren’t they doing anything about him?

Amelia stuck to the guard’s side, glancing back every few seconds to ensure that Ezekiel was getting further away instead of closer. He was. Whatever brought him to this place, whatever he had to do to be here - it was enough to get him to listen… somewhat.

Would it be enough to keep her safe?


She heard something.

She knew she did.

Amelia clutched the gray fabric of the curtains, peaking through, watching the streets. It felt like she was right back at the beginning, slowly losing her mind. Sometimes, she would see shadows through the curtains.

It had to be him.

She hadn’t left the house. Not today. Not even when the sun was out. It was insane, he couldn’t roam free. Yet, everything around her felt like such a lie, a facade, that part of her feared it was a lie she was told. A big elaborate lie that was created to trick her.

So she stayed put, her door locked.

The only thing she believed was that he couldn’t come in uninvited. Else he would have walked in that first night. His determination was unmistakable. How could they let this happen? They had called him enthusiastic, but it was more than that.

Now she had begun to fear that Ezekiel was the reason Ben never showed up for their date. How convenient that he had been right there, waiting for her. How did he know she had been stood up?

Were they allowed to hurt each other? Or were only the carriers off-limits? This fucking place needed to come with a goddamn rulebook. How did they throw her to the wolves like this?

Was it possible that they noticed after the fact? Maybe her imagination was playing tricks on her. A branch? Someone patrolling from the street? She couldn’t tell anymore. She was slowly spiraling into insanity.

Knock. Knock.


That was not in her head. Someone knocked on her door.

It didn’t mean it was Ezekiel - it could be… Noah! Maybe it was Noah. Noah was nice. Noah was safe.

She took a step in direction of the door, her frame rigid. “Who is it?” she called out.

Except no answer came.

Her legs became weak, and her instinct told her it was him. She could coward in fear, keep hiding as she had - except now he was taunting her at her front door. How far would he push this? How far would he push her?

She launched herself at the door, swinging it open so hard it slammed into the wall. On the other side? Nothing. No one. Simply the wind. She hadn’t imagined it. He had knocked. She stood on the edge of the doorway, almost outside.

No, this was what he wanted.

He was trying to lure her outside where he had the upper hand. Inside she was safe. Inside, he couldn’t reach her.

“FUCK OFF!” she yelled at the darkness of the night. He wouldn’t have her. He wouldn’t win.

But nothing.

She saw no one, she heard nothing.


She turned her head to the side, noticing that Noah was outside of his house, standing near their common fence.

“Ya alright?” he asked, a frown on his face.

No, I’m not. I’ve gone crazy. Everyone has gone completely fucking batshit crazy in this fucking crazy insane place.

“I-“ Could she tell him? “Someone is here.”

“Someone?” he asked before looking away from her and searching the vicinity.

“They - he knocked on my door.”

“The vampire?”

She nodded.

“This does not concern you.”

His voice alone was sufficient for her blood to ice over. She knew he had been here, she knew she was not losing her mind. He was stalking her. They were not trying to protect her, they were not keeping him away.

He was free to roam, free to torture her.

Ezekiel emerged from the shadows that kept him hidden, revealing his pale face. His clothes were dark, appearing black, and helping him blend in with the rest of his surroundings. He took a few steps forward until he was on her front steps.

Amelia stopped breathing and watched as he threw a glare at Noah. But then, his eyes were back on her, softer - wider even. He reached out to her, his long slender fingers steady as he closed the distance.

He couldn’t touch her.

He was outside.

She was inside.

As long as she remained inside, she was safe from him. From anything, he tried to do.

“Amelia, dear, let me in. We can speak about this - alone.”

His smile frightened her. Tight lips stretched to their maximum, pointy fangs sticking up, digging in his bottom lip. Amelia jammed her hands in her armpits, breaths bursting in and out of her chest.

No. She would not let him in.

She would never.

“Let me in, invite me. We can talk. Please, allow me to explain.”

There was nothing to explain, nothing to say. How could he not understand the meaning of the word no? Why was it so difficult for him to comprehend? Yet, she took a step back, her dry lips coming open as if she was ready to speak.

What would she say?

In the background, she heard the ruffling of leaves, the crushing of grass, and the thumping of shoes on the cement, but she could not break eye contact. Like the other night. She was forced to look at him - although tears spilled from her eyes.

Look at him.

She inhaled, filling her chest with as much air as it would allow, pondering what words she wished to speak next. Then, in the corner of her eyes, she saw a blurry shape. Noah. Noah was standing next to Ezekiel.

Noah took a step forward, his chest inched forward as he kept his gaze locked on Ezekiel’s. “I think she told you to get lost, buddy.”

Ezekiel didn’t appear to care or be threatened. Then again, why would he? A vampire could take on a human easily - she assumed. His proximity forced Ezekiel to stare away from her, making eye contact with Noah instead.

At that moment, the air began lighter, she could breathe. She unclenched the fingers she had bawled into fists - unbeknown to her - feeling tingles in the tips of her digits. How long had she kept her hands in that position?

Ezekiel’s nose lifted as he crumbled his face. “And why should I listen to a Djinn?”

That… didn’t make sense.

She didn’t know that word. What was that word?

“A - a Djinn? What’s - what’s a Djinn? What are you talking about?”

“I believe some of your kind refer to them as genies, dear. Surely he has told you all about it.”

A genie?

Noah was… a genie?

No… he was human. He told-

He never told her.

She assumed and he never… what the fuck? Tears shone in her eyes as she tore her eyes away from Ezekiel, hoping to find a different truth in Noah’s eyes.

Except she didn’t.

Shame was all she saw.

“You see, Amelia. He cannot be trusted,” Ezekiel began, taking his feet to the limit of the door. A millimeter more and he would be inside - but he couldn’t.

Her brain forgot that for a second. She wouldn’t let him look at her. He couldn’t look at her.

“STEP AWAY,” she warned in her loudest voice.

Who was she saying it to? Who was she looking at?

In a flash, multiple footsteps echoed against the sidewalk, and before she could blink, three patrolmen were swarming her entryway. Two of them grabbed Ezekiel by the arms, pulling him away from her.

“We apologize Miss Parks. The rules are clear. Harassment is not part of the community or our rules. He will be removed and reminded of the agreement.”

She could hear the words they spoke, but she could not process them. She should be relieved that they were taking him away, that he couldn’t stalk her. Instead, she couldn’t take her eyes off Noah.


Noah who she had trusted for some fucked up reason. Noah, who she had listened to and bitched about supernatural creatures. Noah who she thought was human - Noah who lied to her.

“Ames, listen.”

She winced. “It’s Amelia." Her throat bobbed as she swallowed. “Get out of my face.” She gripped the handle of the door, slamming it shut.

Everyone was a liar.


A/N: So to those who wondered WHAT Noah was... Happy Monday ;) Next chapter will be from Noah's POV !

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