The Ruthless Note: Dark High School Bully Romance (Redwood Kings Book 2)

The Ruthless Note: Chapter 3

Finally. You’re back.” Vi charges into the living room the moment the front door clicks shut behind me. “Have you seen my… whoa. Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.” I force a bright smile.

“Long shift?”

“Not really. I think I’m just tired. I might still have a bit of the flu.”

“You should have stayed home and rested like I told you to.” She frowns at me.

“Yeah, I should have listened to you,” I admit.

Viola and I had a huge fight the night I went to the gig in the park. Things were strained between us for a few days after, but the cold has slowly been thawing as hurt feelings were laid to rest.

“Should I make you tea or something?” She offers hesitantly.

“Do you know how to make tea?”

“Not really. But it shouldn’t be too hard, right? It’s just leaves and water.”

“Thanks, but I think I’ll feel better after a shower.” I kick off my shoes and pad to the hallway. Then I glance back. “What were you saying when I walked in?”

Her expression shifts to befuddled annoyance. “I can’t find my necklace. The one dad left me before he died.”

“Did you take it out of the jewelry case?” I wonder.

“I think I wore it for a video, but I’m sure I put it back.” Her nose scrunches. “It’s, like, the most valuable thing I own. I’d hate to lose it.”

“You didn’t leave the house with it on, right? So that means it’s somewhere in here. Let me just shower real quick and I’ll help you look.” I grab a pair of shorts and an old T-shirt from my bedroom and plod wearily down the hallway.

Once I lock the bathroom door behind me, I grip the sink and stare at the top of the faucet, lost in thought. Yet again, I lied to my sister about what I’m going through. She thinks I have the flu and, honestly, I wish I did. It would make my life so much easier.

Unfortunately, the issue that’s plaguing me isn’t a sickness. It’s a person. A tall, imposing bastard with stunning amber eyes and a body sculpted to perfection.

My heartbeat quickens just thinking about Dutch. When he had me pressed against the wall, I could feel him—every ridge of his abs, every hard plane of his chest and more. So much more.

I hate him.

I do.

With every breath in my lungs.

But hating him and desiring him don’t seem to be mutually exclusive. As much as I wanted to bite and kick and scratch him today, I also wanted his hands roaming all over me. I wanted his mouth to tease my lips. I wanted all the dirty promises trapped in his volatile eyes.

He growled at me and I melted.

He grabbed me and I panted.

In spite of all attempts to stay strong, I couldn’t hide how much I liked it.

He’s dangerous.

I knew that. I’ve always known that.

But if I can’t get my stupid hormones under control, he really will manage to break me. I refuse to allow that to happen.

Tainted memories and lust aren’t enough to erase all the horrible things Dutch has done. We might be drawn to each other like overcharged magnets, but it’s a path that ends in destruction for one of us.

Mine or his.

And it sure as hell won’t be mine.

I have to be tougher. That’s the only way I can graduate from Redwood Prep and find a good job to keep a roof over Vi’s head and food in her stomach. Nothing else matters.

Stripping out of my clothes, I step into the shower. As the water slips over my shoulders and thighs, I close my eyes and breathe deeply.

My plan to keep my spot in Redwood Prep went off without a hitch, but I still feel uneasy. Now that she’s been humiliated in front of the entire school, Christa will have a target on my back. She was devious enough to push me in the pool last time. Her next move might be even more insidious.

I think I have some time before she strikes. With all eyes on her, she’ll be forced to lay low for a bit. The entire school knows what she did to me. Plus I told her dad to keep her in line. Since Miller was so capable in restoring my grades, I have faith that he’ll at least talk to Christa. But I’m not stupid enough to think any of that will be able to restrain her.

From now on, I need to keep my eyes peeled.

I step out of the cold shower and wrap a towel around my chest.

My phone lights up from the corner of the sink. I pick it up, stunned to see Hunter’s name blaring across the screen.


“Hey,” his deep voice curls around my body, “I hope it’s not too late to call.”

“No, of course not.” I put the phone on speaker, grab my daily moisturizer and pump the cream on the tips of my fingers.

“Rick mentioned that he ran into you a while back.”

My hands freeze halfway to my face. “He did?”

“He seemed a little bummed out about it too. He wouldn’t give me any details, but I got the sense that he wasn’t expecting you to, you know, look so much like her. It kind of freaked him out.”

I inhale deeply. “Rick said he’d met mom once.”

“Yeah, she came by the home one time. Dressed up in a red wig and smelling like piss. She looked scary. Rick didn’t want to meet her, but he didn’t want to not meet her either, I think. He didn’t want to regret it if he walked away and never saw her again.” Hunter pauses. “Which was probably a good call because that’s exactly what happened.”

“How old was he at the time?” I whisper.

“Not sure. Eleven? Twelve maybe?”

My breath gushes out.

Mom really did a number on him. Why didn’t she just leave Rick alone if she wasn’t going to be in his life?

“What did she say to him that day?” I ask.

“Don’t know. Rick never spoke about it, and I didn’t push. There are some things you gotta save for yourself, you know? People keep their darkness locked up for a reason. It’s the only way they can keep going.”

“I get that,” I whisper, tilting my head back.

My heart aches for my half-brother. Vi and I didn’t have the best life, but at least we had each other. Rick had to face the world all by himself, not knowing why he’d been abandoned.

Hunter clears his throat. “Anyway, with all that’s going on, his girlfriend suggested we plan something for his birthday next month to cheer him up. I’m inviting you and Vi. You interested?”

“Do you think Rick wants us there?”

“Hell yeah. He’s got a family and whether he’ll admit it or not, family matters to people like us. You don’t go through what we did and not appreciate the people who have your back.”

I hesitate. Rick hasn’t been all that enthusiastic about having two half-sisters. He probably resents us even more after mom left him with all the responsibility of taking care of us.

“Rick won’t say, but he does care for you guys,” Hunter prods.

“Okay. I’ll be there. And I’ll bring Vi.”

“Great.” He clears his throat.

“Is there something else?”

“What are you doing tomorrow after school?”

“Tomorrow?” I tilt my head and think about it. After work service, I have my shift at the diner. “I’m a little busy. Why?”

“I was hoping you could help me pick out a gift for Rick. I’m terrible at things like that.”

I blink rapidly. Is he asking me because he sincerely needs my help or is this an excuse to spend time with me?

I can practically hear Breeze squealing at me in my head. Of course it’s a date, doofus!

“If you’re too busy…”

“No.” I blurt. “No, I can go with you. I’d… I’d like that.”

Hunter is gorgeous, kind, and not a major jerk like some people. Hanging out with him is a better use of my time than playing mind games with a monster in human form anyway.

“Great.” His voice sounds upbeat, and it makes me smile.

“Great,” I say.

“I’ll pick you up at Redwood then.”

“Great,” I squeak.

He laughs. “Great.”

My heartbeat picks up. Why do I feel shy and awkward all of a sudden?

After setting the phone on the sink, I let out a nervous squeal and squeeze my eyes shut.

What should I wear tomorrow?

As I rub moisturizer on, I skid through my wardrobe. When I remember I’ll be wearing my uniform anyway, my nerves ease a bit.

Don’t overthink this, Cadence.

I finish dressing and ease out of the bathroom. A shadow moves to my right. I let out a frantic yelp before I realize it’s Vi. She’s standing outside the door, her arms folded over her chest. Her dark hair drapes her shoulders and her eyes are glued to mine.

“Why were you giggling? Who was that on the phone?” Vi asks.

“Are you spying on me now?”

Vi narrows her eyes. “Was it Dutch or Hunter?”

“Hunter.” I scowl. “Why would Dutch be calling me?”

Vi follows me to my bedroom. “Are you really going out with Hunter now?”

“It’s just to pick out a gift for Rick’s birthday party next month.”

“The party’s in a month. Who plans ahead like that?”

“Maybe he wants to get a head start.”

“You can’t seriously believe that’s all it is.”

“Yes, Vi. I do.” I toss my dirty clothes in the overflowing hamper. I need to make time to take them to the laundromat this weekend. If this keeps up, I won’t have any casual clothes to wear.

“Hunter’s, like, so much older than you.”


“So isn’t dating a minor super illegal?”

“We’re not dating.” I take out a fresh uniform from the cupboard.

Miss Jamieson saw that I kept reusing my Redwood Prep uniform and got me a bunch of different pieces to wear. I hand-washed them on Sunday, which is why I had to wear my old uniform today. But going forward, I’ll have the option to mix and match a lot more, just like the other kids.

I’m not normally the superficial type, but my stomach bubbles with excitement when I think about having something new to wear to school.

Vi grabs the hangar and pushes her face close to mine. Her eyes narrow in suspicion. “What about Dutch? Aren’t you dating him?”

“I’m not.”

“Then explain this.” She shows me her phone. There’s a picture of me and Dutch. My leg is wrapped around his waist while he’s plastering me against the wall. It’s dark in the picture and the person obviously took it from afar, but I can still see his hazel eyes devouring me like an animal on a carcass.

“Don’t look at that!” I screech and turn off the phone. “How did you get Jinx’s app? Don’t you have to use a credit card to access it?”

“I asked that guy who makes fake IDs to jailbreak it for me. It was the easiest thing.”


“What? It’s not like I asked for a fake ID.”

I force her arm down. “Why did you download an app for Redwood Prep? You should be focusing on your studies, not miring through rich people gossip. People at that school have all the money and time in the world to waste. You don’t.”

“Don’t try to distract me. It says here that Cinderella and ‘Prince Charming’ were caught making out today. You’re Cinderella, right? It’s dark in the picture and Dutch is covering most of your body, but I’m sure that’s you.”

My heart flips over in my chest.

“It’s not me.” I pinch the bridge of my nose. “Don’t listen to a word Jinx says. It’s all rumors and sensationalism.”

“Are you sure?” She eyes me.

“I swear. I have never and will never date that guy. Cross my heart and hope to die.”

“Don’t say things like that.” Vi turns pale. “I don’t want you to die.”

“I’m not going to. It’s just an expression.” I shrug into a jacket. “I’ll go look for your necklace outside.”

My mind races as I shuffle around in the dark. Jinx is keeping her mouth shut about my alter ego. Why? Is the app a front? Is she still making secret deals with people? Or is she saving that tidbit for when nothing exciting is happening and she needs to keep her subscribers happy?

The noose around my neck feels like it’s tightening. I should have found another secret to give her.

My head is killing me. Why can’t this day be over already?

I force myself to do a half-hearted sweep for the necklace. Giving up ten minutes in, I tell Viola that I’ll look more tomorrow and tumble into bed.

The next morning, there’s a text on my phone from Hunter.

Do I need anything special to use the Redwood Prep parking lot?

I type out a reply and get ready for school.

Viola is in the dining room doing her makeup.

“You’re up early,” I say, grabbing the box of cereal.

“My sister’s a celebrity.” She pinches one eye shut and clamps fake eyelashes onto it. “So, naturally, I should start looking my best. You never know when the paps will come after me too.”

“It wasn’t me,” I huff. “And even if it was, being featured on Jinx’s blog does not make someone a celebrity.”

“Either way, I’ll be ready for my close up.”

I roll my eyes and settle around the table to eat.

“You look nice.” Her gaze slides down my uniform. I’m wearing one of the fancy blouses with the bow around the neck. My skirt is blue instead of red today. And it’s actually the right length for my long legs.

“Thanks.” I strike a pose. My shoe comes into focus and I realize there’s a scuff mark on it.

Instantly, I’m flooded with memories of Dutch wrenching me by the ankle and grinding against me. When he bent my leg around his hips, it wasn’t just my shoe that fell. My jaw did too.

I’d never felt such violent pleasure as I did when he—

“Cadey, are you… blushing?” Viola arches an eyebrow at me.

I quickly pin my thighs together. “It’s hot in here.” Hurrying to the fridge, I pour myself a glass of water and fight to remain calm.

Dutch has the ability to draw out my darkest desires, but I fell for those jacked muscles, wild amber eyes, and thick blond hair once before and look where that got me?

From now on, I’m staying the hell away from Dutch Cross.

I won’t give him the opportunity to hurt me. Again.

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