The Runaway Luna (Book One)

Chapter Chapter Two: The Storm

“No…” I whisper, my heart breaking.

Jonathan looks back with tears in his eyes, “It’s okay. We are going to be okay.”

He desperately tries to blink them away. It takes a second to work up the courage to move my eyes to the clock.


No fireworks, no pull, no intoxicating scent. Nothing. My heart shatters as Leah howls in pain, tears starting to fall.

My voice breaks, “I’m sor-sorry.”

He rests his forehead against mine, “So am I, but it’s okay.”

Leah’s cries add fuel to the fire, grief taking over completely. She can sense Seth’s despair and it’s affecting us both. Sobbing, I slowly pull away from him, “I need…I need to go.”

His tears are flowing freely now, “Baby, stay.”

“Jonathan, please. I can’t. I can’t think. Leah, she’s….I need to go,” I beg, pulling his arms away.

“Nothing has changed. I love you, Annie. Please,” he pleads.

“I love you too, but we know that’s not true. Everything has changed. Comfort Seth. He needs you,” I choke out, my chest feeling like it’s on fire. Thoughts swirl in my head. He will find the bond with another, a beautiful and intelligent mate and I’ll be long forgotten. Goddess, I can’t breathe. I have to get out of here.

Jumping up off his lap, I run out of the room. He calls after me, but I barely register it. As I reach the bottom of the stairs, I see my parents out of the corner of my eye. They run up to me, sadness lingering in their gaze.

“Annie, baby girl. Wait. It’s storming-,” my Dad pleads, trying to grab me. I slip through his grasp and run out the back door. The moment my feet hit the grass, I shift, ignoring the rain and multiple voices calling from behind me.

Run, Leah. I don’t care where. Just go. I can’t be here,” I cry in my head.

She whines but does as I say, “Annie..”

“I know. Please, just run,” I plead.

A familiar but heartbreaking howl rips through the air. “That was Seth,” Leah cries.

I don’t say anything as I cry harder. I can feel several people trying to mind-link us, but we ignore it as she pushes forward. Being one of the fastest in the pack, Leah leaves the house in the dust. We can hear the patter of paws, but they slowly become fainter the further we run. I don’t realize how long we have been running for until Leah finally stops. Looking through her eyes, I’m surprised to see that we are by the river on the far east end of the territory. That’s about an hour and a half of running from my house, an hour if you really book it.

The storm has passed by the time we reach the river, the moon peeking from behind the clouds. Poor Leah is exhausted as she approaches the water, taking a few refreshing licks. As she lifts her head, we both stare down at our reflection. Our silver fur is soaked, covered in dirt and leaves while our blue eyes are sad, red, and full of tears.

“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” I whisper.

She whines in response, “This wasn’t your fault. How could we have known this would happen?”

“I was the one who made us fall in love with him. If I would have just brushed off his advances like I had planned to and not listen to Alyssa, we wouldn’t be in so much pain. I should have just left everything as it was, him as my best friend,” I whimper.

Leah doesn’t speak as she lays down under a large tree next to the river with a huff, silently curling into herself. We lay there, looking at the stars as we cry and try to comfort one another. It isn’t long before we fall asleep.

The light of the rising sun wakes me as it breaks over the horizon. I slowly sit up in slight confusion, taking notice of my naked body. I must have shifted back in my sleep, but why was I…? Glancing into the water, red, swollen eyes are looking back at me, causing everything to come flooding back. It wasn’t a dream. Great.

“Happy Birthday,” Leah whispers sadly in the back of my mind.

I sigh, “Thanks, though it doesn’t feel too happy right now.”

Slowly standing, I dust myself off, thankful I somehow managed to not get covered in mud. I reach into a large hole in the tree to pull out the clothes within. I find a blue t-shirt and black gym shorts to throw on.

“Why are you getting dressed? Shouldn’t we head back?” Leah questions.

“Probably, but I’m not ready yet,” I shrug, “I haven’t been here in ages and want to walk to the waterfall a little ways down. I don’t want to be naked in case someone stumbles upon us.”

“Okay. I do too but we shouldn’t stay long. Everyone’s probably worried,” she suggests as I start to walk further up the river, nodding silently in response as I try to keep my mind off the inevitable.

After a casual five minute walk, I reach the cliff where the waterfall roars over, continuing the flow of water further south. Sitting carefully, I let my legs hang over the edge before looking out over the forest below. The sound of the rushing water, the birds chirping, and the soft breeze soothes both Leah and I instantly. For a moment, all my troubles are forgotten.

We soak it in for a few minutes before I speak, voice slightly cracking, “What are we going to do?”

Leah sighs, “I don’t know.”

“Not that I want to leave our family, but Uncle Marc’s is an option,” I say sadly.

“Would Dad allow that? Would the Alpha? You know how much we mean to them,” she questions.

I nod, “I think Dad would after some convincing from Mom and seeing how upset we are. Alpha Xavier might be harder, even with the Luna’s help. He’d probably make me promise to come back at some point. He won’t want us to leave the pack permanently.”

“I agree, but if we came back, we would have to know. Though, we might be able to stomach it if we find our mate. The mate bond would take over…” she says hesitantly.

I scoff, slightly irritated, “I don’t want to talk about our mate. Besides, I thought you wanted Jonathan and Seth as much as I do.”

She growls, “Of course I do, but I’m also trying to be realistic. They aren’t our mates, no matter how hard we beg Her. She has chosen someone else for us. Getting over Seth will be one of the hardest things I will ever have to do.”

I run my fingers through my hair, “You’re right. I’m sorry. I’m just…not ready to entertain the idea. Though, he seemed to think we would be each other’s chosen mate.”

A small smile forms on her face, “I know, and they are sweet for wanting that, but I believe we all should have the chance to find our mates. If we don’t or absolutely dislike them, then we choose each other.”

I groan in frustration knowing she’s right. Jonathan deserves a chance to find his, regardless of our feelings for one another. “So do you, Annie. The both of us,” Leah says, interrupting my train of thought.

“I don’t want to find my mate,” I answer honestly. Before she can reply, I continue, “but that wouldn’t be very fair to you, would it?”

She sighs, “No, not really. However, you know you are the most important human in my life, right? As much as I may want our mate, I will choose you over them every time. If you decide to walk away, I won’t stop you. If you chose Jonathan, so be it. I could never selfishly ask you to stay with someone you didn’t want. I want you to be happy, too. I love you, Annie.”

A couple of tears escape my eyes but I quickly wipe them away, “I love you too, Leah. We will figure this out. We will find some way for both of us to be happy.”

She smiles, “Yes, we will. I wish I could hug you right now.”

I smile back, “I do too. Should we…start heading back?”

She sighs sadly, “Yes. We have to face this sooner or later.”

I silently stand and take one last look over the cliff. Gathering my courage, my feet begin heading up the river. Once I arrive at the tree, I strip and gently place them back in the tree for the next person.

“Ready?” I ask.

“As ready as I can be,” she responds honestly. With that, I hand over control. Staying deep within her mind, I think about what to do next. Leah turns and heads back home. I notice her taking her time, but I don’t say anything, grateful for the extra time to prepare myself for what is waiting at home.

It’s two hours later when we are finally nearing the house. I feel my heart start to race. “It’s okay, Annie,” Leah reassures me as we break through the tree line.

Sitting on the back porch with their head in their hands is my father. He looks terrible, his sad eyes staring at the ground and his hair in disarray. From the lack of shirt and clean tan cargo shorts, he had to have just shifted back. He and Lex, his wolf, must have been looking all night. With the rain, it would be near impossible to track us. I take note of the bag of fresh clothes in his lap, most likely carrying them in case he found us.

I feel so guilty,” I whisper.

“Don’t. He knows how upset we are. He won’t be mad. Watch,” Leah says confidently.

As she gets closer, she starts to whine. Dad shoots up, eyes wide, “Oh, thank the Goddess.” He wastes no time, running right for us. Dad drops to his knees and hugs her tight. “Oh, my baby girls. We have been looking everywhere,” his voice breaks. She rubs her head against his in affection before pulling away. She bows her head and whimpers.

Dad seems to understand without mind-linking. He pulls her head back up to look at him, “I am not mad. I promise. Lex and I are just so happy you both are okay. You had every right to be upset, and Annie, I’m so sorry that your birthday has turned into this.”

Leah closes her eyes and pushes me forward, her body shifting back to mine. Dad places the clothes down before turning to give me privacy. I quickly throw the hoodie and shorts on, staring at his back.

Emotions I have been shoving down come to the surface. Before I can hold it in, a sob escapes my mouth. He whips around and pulls me tight to his chest, “Oh, baby. Don’t cry. It’s okay. You are going to be okay.”

I hug him for dear life as I let all my pain out. After a few minutes, he pulls away to grab my face, “I’m so sorry. I love you, and we are going to get you through this.”

“I-I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have…,” I whisper.

He shakes his head, “You have nothing to apologize for, do you understand?”

I nod, sniffling, “Is it alright if I go to my room for a little while? I just want to be alone before the party.”

Dad offers me a small smile, “Of course, but I need to let everyone know you’re back. They all have been searching for you.”

“Okay,” I say, both of us standing up.

“We don’t have to have the party, baby. We can cancel it if it’s too much,” he offers, tucking a piece of loose hair behind my ear.

I shake my head, “No. You and Mama worked too hard for that. I’ll be okay. I need something to celebrate, right?”

He kisses my forehead, “Alright, babygirl. Go on inside.” His eyes glaze over, telling me he is mind-linking someone.

I walk back up to the house as I wipe the tears off my face. Voices hit my ears as I near the back door.

“I’m sure she is fine. This is a lot to process,” Beta Andrew says confidently. “The fighters haven’t seen her anywhere near the borders, so she’s still in the territory.”

“I know. I just worry about her. I’m supposed to be there to protect her and help her, instead I took my sweet time getting back when she needed me the most,” a male voice responds.

Leah perks up and starts jumping around, sensing the man and his wolf’s presence. Without waiting, I burst through the back door, startling the men. “Michael!!” I cry out.

The blonde headed fighter smiles with happiness and relief as he walks up to me. I don’t hesitate, slamming into his open arms.

“Hey, baby sis. I missed you,” he whispers, hugging me tight. Leah howls in happiness having Wesley, Michael’s wolf, back again.

“I missed you, too,” I pout before playfully narrowing my eyes at the Beta. “Four months is too long.”

Beta Andrew throws his hands up in mock surrender, “My apologies, birthday girl, but you know he is one of my best fighters, and the other packs need help with training.”

I pull back, rolling my eyes, “Excuses.”

The men chuckle before Michael looks at me, “I had planned to surprise you tonight at the party, but Dad called me worried so I came. Annie, I’m sorry I wasn’t here for you.”

I smile sadly, “You’re here now.”

“I’m glad you are back safe. I wish this didn’t happen,” Beta Andrew says as he squeezes my shoulder.

I nod, trying to ignore the ache in my chest, “It’s okay, sir. I’m fine now. You should be home with your family. I’m sure Jonathan could use his dad right now. Michael, I’m going to go to my room for a little while. Dad said it was fine. You and Mom can come up because I know she’s panicking and we need to catch up but other than that, I just want to be with Leah until the party.”

“I’ll make sure you aren’t bothered. I need to finish filling in Beta Andrew about my training and then I’ll come up later,” He gives me one more hug before I head up the stairs.

Entering my room, I lock the door and slide down to the floor. “Are you okay?” Leah asks.

Pulling my knees to my chest, I bury my face in them. “No. Are you?” I ask internally, not wanting others to hear my half of the conversation. Stupid werewolf hearing.

Leah sighs, “No. I’m happy Michael and Wesey are back. I think that will help us tonight, but other than that, I feel miserable. I…miss Seth.”

As if right on cue, the front door bursts open.

“Where is she!?” Jonathan calls out as several pairs of feet enter. Leah whimpers while my heart sinks to my toes. I listen to the conversation below.

“Jonathan, wait,” I hear my Dad say with a sigh.

“I need to see her,” he presses, trying to walk to the stairs.

“Calm down, son,” Beta Andrew says, blocking him.

“This is calm, Dad. Please move,” he growls.

“Hold on. Take a breath. She’s alright, okay? She’s in her room, but asked to be alone,” Michael interjects.

“She doesn’t want to see anyone?” Alyssa’s sad voice rings up the stairs.

Michael sighs, “She said she wanted Mom, but other than that, she wants to be alone with Leah until the party. She’s heartbroken and trying to process this.”

Jonathan’s voice breaks, “So am I.”

Leah whines in my head. I think about running to him, but I resist.

“She knows that, dear,” my Mom’s soothing voice fills the air. “Annie is trying to protect the both of you, giving each other space to digest this before talking. Emotions are high right now. I’m sure she’ll speak to you at the party.”

Jonathan goes to speak, “But I-”

“That’s enough. If that is what she wants, then we will leave her be,” Alpha Xavier interrupts sternly.

There’s a momentary silence. Since no one dares defy the Alpha, after a few moments, several footsteps make their way back out the front door.

“Mrs. Hannah?” Jonathan calls out from the threshold.

“Yes, dear?”

“Can you…can you tell her that I still want to be her date tonight? That I’ll come and walk her over like we planned?” he asks.

“Of course,” Mom replies before walking towards the stairs. With that, the front door closes, signaling their exit.

She makes her way up the stairs, stopping outside my door. I don’t give her a chance to knock. Quickly standing up, I open the door, meeting her worried eyes.

“Oh, my baby. It’s alright. I got you,” she mutters, shutting the bedroom door behind her, then grabbing my hands to guide me to the bed.

She motions for me to sit, taking a seat on the edge of my bed. Without hesitation, I curl into her, burying my face into her chest. Yes, I may be nineteen acting like I’m five, but I don’t care. I need my Mom right now. We stay like that for a long time before I break the silence.

“I’m sorry I took off. I didn’t think. My body just needed to run,” I whisper.

“Hush now. I’m not upset. Worried? Yes. Mad? Never. I can’t even imagine what you are feeling right now,” she comforts me, running her fingers through my hair.

“You tried to warn me, and I wouldn’t listen,” I sniffle.

She sighs, resting her head on top of mine, “To tell you the truth, I had a hunch. I don’t know why. Your father and I struggled back and forth on whether I should speak my fears. I didn’t want to be right. I prayed hard to the Moon Goddess that I wasn’t. Then last night, the way you ran out of here, I felt so guilty. I should have better prepared you and for that, I’m sorry.”

I shake my head, pulling away, “It’s not your fault. Deep down, I knew it was a possibility. I was…I am so in love with him that I didn’t even want to think about it.”

Mom wipes the lingering tears off my cheeks, “I know. You may not want to hear this, but you know I always say things happen for a reason. There’s a reason why you two aren’t fated. We don’t know why yet, but one day it will make sense.”

I give her a sad smile, “Jonathan told me that he would make me his chosen mate if this happened, but I feel conflicted. Leah feels that we should try to find our fated mates first. If that doesn’t work out, then we can be chosen mates.”

Mom nods in agreement, “I’m with Leah on this one. You and Jonathan should have that experience before making a choice. I wouldn’t want either one of you to regret it later.”

“Is it wrong of me to feel like I don’t want to find my mate? Even if Jonathan does and lives happily ever after?” I ask her.

She tilts her head in question, “How does Leah feel about that?”

I feel Leah move slightly forward, causing my eyes to turn black. Taking slight control, she speaks in a deep blended version of our voices, “I am very conflicted. While I want to find my mate, I want Annie to be happy. I wish to give our destined human and wolf a chance before we make a rash decision, but I will choose Annie every time. If she wishes to be alone, I would not fight it.”

Mom smiles at her, “You are a kind and loving wolf, Leah. We are blessed to have you in our lives.” Leah smiles before pulling back to give me control, my eyes turning back to normal.

“I guess we’ll just have to cross that bridge when we get there,” I sigh.

“Fair enough,” Mom says, kissing my forehead. “Are you hungry?”

I grimace, “Not really.”

“Alright. Maybe later. Why don’t you get some rest until then, huh? I can bring up some lunch in a few hours,” she offers, pulling my covers back. I nod silently, crawling into the fabric. She tucks me in for the first time in years, making sure I’m nice and comfy. “Sleep tight, my baby,” she whispers as she closes the door softly.

Before my body gives in to sleep, my phone dings from my nightstand. I hesitate but decide to grab it. There is a text from Jonathan. I stare at his name for a moment before I open the app.

Nothing has changed. I love you just as much now as I did when I first laid eyes on you as a pup, or when you kissed me for the first time under the mistletoe that Christmas, or when I was watching you laugh from my passenger seat yesterday. Hell, maybe I love you even more now. Our story doesn’t end here. We will figure this out. I love you and will see you tonight.

I think to ask Leah if I should respond, but she has already passed out, understandably exhausted from our late night run. Deciding to wait to talk to him, I close my phone and set it back before burrowing into my bed, letting sleep claim me.

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