The Runaway Luna (Book One)

Chapter Chapter Twenty: Determination

I think about turning in early, but I feel too restless.

Let’s go for a walk,” I tell Leah, who nods in agreement.

Climbing out the window so I don’t have to face anyone, I jump down onto the grass and start walking. I silently dodge pack members and fighters, letting my feet carry me.

“I can’t believe this,” Leah grumbles.

I take a deep breath, “I know. I thought we were doing good, making progress, then he does something like this.”

She paces in the back of my mind, “What the hell were they thinking?”

“That’s the thing. They weren’t. Everyone knows an Alpha cannot command a Luna,” I respond.

She growls, “Exactly, but they were too far up their own asses to think of the consequences.”

I sigh but don’t say anything, my mind running a mile a minute.

“Are…are you going to break it off with him?” she asks quietly after a brief silence.

My eyes go wide, “What? Of course not! I mean, we are going to have a serious conversation about how he better never do this to me again. I just need some space. I’m hurt.”

She lets out a breath of relief, “That’s good to hear. Don’t get me wrong, I’m pissed, but I don’t want to walk away yet. Earlier when you had the thought that maybe the Moon Goddess chose wrong, I thought you might be ready to throw in the towel.”

I shove my hands in my pockets and shake my head, “No. I just…I don’t know. Maybe I’m feeling a little insecure, waiting for him to say this was all fake. All of his affections, his change in behavior. None of it real. This whole ordeal hasn’t helped either. I’m so use to being blindsided by him that even after all the time we have spent together, I’m still holding my breath.”

“Understandable. I would hope not after everything that is happening,” she huffs as she lays down.

“I would hope so, too,” I respond as I continue to walk.

After some time, I find myself in front of the pack house. I stare silently at the building before my feet continue to move. Climbing up the lattice once again, I reach the top, memories of that night flooding in. I take a seat in the same spot I did all those years ago.

Why am I drawn back here?

I sigh quietly to myself as I watch the sun disappear behind the horizon and the stars as they come out to play. I’m unsure of how much time passes when I finally decide I should head back.

Before I can stand, I hear movement coming from the tree line and a familiar scent on the breeze. I don’t react, keeping my attention on the bright full moon that’s shining down on us. Heavy feet get closer and slowly climb up before approaching me. There’s a brief silence before I finally give in and turn my head.

Benjamin stands there with his hands in his pockets and a guilty look on his face, “Hey.”

“Hi…” I reply, looking back up at the moon.

“Can I sit?” he asks, gesturing next to me.

I shrug, “I guess.”

He sits down and looks up at the night sky, “I went back to your house, and you were gone. Your Mom about had a heart attack, considering no one heard you leave. I stopped them from bombarding you with mind-links and came looking for you.”

“I needed to clear my head, and I can’t do that with my parents asking me a hundred questions or twenty fighters up my ass,” I tell him honestly.

He shakes his head, “I understand, but that’s for your protection, Annie.”

“I know that,” I sigh.

“You have to be careful,” he says, slightly frustrated.

“You don’t think I know that there’s a giant target on my back? You think I’m THAT ignorant?” I snap back, annoyed.

“That’s not what I meant…” he mumbles.

Closing my eyes for a second and taking a breath, I open my eyes and stare at the moon again, “I wasn’t going to go far. I just needed space and fresh air.”

“I understand, but we are still in the dark here. We don’t know who the spy is and who else is working for this rogue. Take a walk, but have someone with you, even if you instruct them to stay far back. Just don’t be alone, okay?” he pleads, eyes lingering momentarily on my face before moving back to the night sky.

I relent, “Alright, fine. I won’t disappear like that again.”

After a few minutes of silence, he says, “I haven’t been up here since…well, you know.”

“Me too,” I sigh. “It was too painful to come anywhere near the pack house for a while, much less up here.”

He turns back to me with sadness in his eyes, “I don’t blame you. I…hurt you badly that day.”

“Yeah, you did. The sad part is you would think I would have been use to it at that point, because that’s all you ever did back then,” I say matter-of-factly, no malice in my voice.

He looks down at his hands resting in his lap, “I know.”

“I thought we were past that, but here we are again,” I whisper.

He sighs and reaches for my hand. I don’t stop him or pull away. He stares at my face, but my eyes stay glued on the moon.

“I cannot tell you how extremely sorry I am. Using my Alpha voice on you was completely unacceptable and damaged the trust that we had rebuilt. All I could think about at that moment was the fear that I was going to lose you,” he apologizes.

“I’m scared, too! Don’t you get that? Even with all my training and protection?” my voice breaks. “That’s why I’m pushing so hard for Elite training.”

“I know you are. I feel your every emotion, sweetheart, just like you feel mine. My anger and fears often suffocate you. It felt like saying yes was doing the opposite of what a mate should do, what an Alpha should do. Just the thought of you being beaten and bleeding in front of my eyes, even if it is to protect yourself, was too much,” he explains. “Put yourself in my shoes for a moment. I will have to sit there and watch and not be able to help at all. How would you feel if this was reversed?”

That simple question hits me like a ton of bricks. I feel like such an idiot. I hadn’t even considered the fact that he would feel everything, knowing the pain I was going through and not being able to stop it.

The thought causes my heart to constrict as tears begin forming in my eyes. I take a shaky breath as I try to blink them away, “It would be terrible.”

“Exactly. That is what you are asking of me, and every fiber of my being is sick and screaming at me to fight this,” he admits.

My brain starts running and second guessing my decision. Maybe this is too much. Maybe I should just trust in my pack and my mate and-

He interrupts my thoughts and continues, “However, if Elite training is what you feel you need to do, then I will have your back and help as much as I can.”

Wait, what?

“I know you can do it. I know you can handle it, but it doesn’t make it any easier. In all honesty, it may be the hardest thing I will ever have to do, but you are my Luna and I will always support you,” he says, hand slightly squeezing mine.

I open my mouth to speak, but nothing comes out. I am so taken back that I don’t know what to say. All my emotions bubble at the surface: the fear of this rogue, the hurt from Ben’s actions, and the nervousness of doing the Elite training.

“Annie, please look at me,” he begs.

My eyes finally meet his, unable to hide the tears and sadness anymore.

“Oh, sweetheart,” he says, voice full of despair as he grabs my face, “I made a mistake. I reacted to my emotions, and I’m truly sorry. I vow to you that I will NEVER use my Alpha voice on you again.” A couple of tears fall and he gently wipes them away, “Can you forgive me?”

I sniffle and nod, “I forgive you.”

“Come here,” he whispers.

I collapse into his chest as he pulls me into a hug. We hold each other tight as I bury my face into his shirt.

“I’m sorry, too,” I mumble against the fabric. “I should have thought about how this would affect you, considering you’ll be able to feel everything through the bond.”

He pulls away, grabbing my chin to bring my face up again. He stares at me with so much adoration, and it melts my heart, “We both were reacting out of fear, but we’ve worked through it. Now it’s over, and we’re okay, right?”

I nod with a soft smile, “Yeah. We’re okay.”

He smiles back as he confidently proclaims, “I love you.”

My eyes slightly widen, “Wh…what?”

He had told me when I was still in Crescent Moon that he was in love with me, but up until this point, he had never said those exact words to me.

“I love you, Annabeth,” he repeats, his emotions shining in his eyes. The bond flares in my chest, and I feel as if I could cry again.

I’m so happy.

Ben takes my silence as a negative reaction. He swallows nervously, quickly trying to apologize and reassure me.

“I’m sorry. That was inappropriate. Please, don’t feel pressured to say it back. I know things are complicated, but I want you to know how I feel. I am one hundred percent in this and am serious about us. I want you as my life partner and my Luna, and I will do whatever it takes to prove-” he starts rambling.

“I love you, too,” I confess, cutting him off.

Ben freezes and stares at me, his mouth slightly agape, “What did you say?”

I blush at my outburst but double down, “I love you, too.”

After a moment of silent shock, he cups my cheeks and whispers, “Say it again.”

“I love you, Benjamin,” I answer with a slight smile.

Relief washes over him as he smiles back, before his face turns serious. I go to ask what’s on his mind when his eyes glance down at my lips. My heart starts beating wildly against my chest. He meets my eyes again and begins to lean forward. My body reacts in kind, and I pray to the Moon Goddess that we aren’t interrupted this time.

He stops an inch away and asks, “Is this okay?”

I answer him by closing the distance and pressing my lips to his.

My body immediately sets aflame as the bond explodes in my chest, sparks shooting all over the place. He groans against the kiss, wrapping his arms around my waist and effortlessly picking me up to straddle his lap. I hook my legs around him as he holds me for dear life.

We are completely lost in the moment, my arms moving to wrap themselves around his neck. The kiss we shared all those years ago was nothing compared to this. Our souls are on display, almost melting into one another. It’s beyond addictive, and I never want it to stop.

Eventually, we have to pull away for air. He rests his forehead against mine, staring into my eyes as we both struggle to catch our breath.

“Wow,” we mumble at the same time, causing us to smile and start laughing.

“Definitely worth the wait,” he whispers, his fingers tracing lightly down my spine.

My body trembles under his touch as I rub my nose against his, “Agreed.”

“We probably should head back before they send out a search party,” Ben jokes, but doesn’t make a move to stand.

“I suppose that would be the responsible thing to do, but we don’t have to just yet, do we? I’m sure we could find something else to do,” I tease.

I see the mischief sparkling in his eyes as he smirks, “Oh? Well what should we do then, my Luna?”

I pretend to think, “Hmm. I don’t know, but I could come up with something.”

“I will happily indulge in any and every idea you have for the rest of our lives, but until then,” he chuckles, suddenly standing up and holding me tight against him, “let’s get back. It’s getting late.”

I squeak, holding on as he walks towards the lattice, “Benjamin! Put me down.”

“Nope,” he argues with a smirk, “I don’t think I will.”

“I can walk you know!” I fuss, trying to pull myself out of his arms.

“I know, but I don’t want to let you go yet. I like the feeling of your body pressed against mine,” he whispers in my ear, sending shivers down my back.

This turns me into jelly, any smartass remarks dying on my lips. My face turns bright red as I try to hide in the crease of his neck out of embarrassment. I feel the rumble of his chest as he softly laughs, “You fluster so easily.”

“Shut up,” I grumble, blushing deeper.

Ben slowly climbs down and begins walking to my house, “As you command, my Luna.”

I lightly punch him in the arm, “I hate you.”

“We both know that’s a lie, considering you just proclaimed your undying love for me not five minutes ago,” he teases.

“Me? That was you being all mushy and lovey dovey,” I retort, lifting my face up and raising an eyebrow at him.

“Oh, don’t act like you didn’t love it, nor pretend that you didn't say it back. You were just as obnoxious as me,” he challenges.

I scoff, “You are so full of it. I was not.”

He laughs, shaking his head, “Whatever you say, sweetheart.”

We are almost to my house when exhaustion suddenly hits. Between the warmth radiating from his body and his scent filling the air, everything in me wants to fall asleep.

“Ben...” I whisper.

His lips press against my temple, “It’s okay, love. I got you. Sleep.”

I don’t respond, trying to fight the urge. My eyes involuntarily close as my body relaxes against him.

I must have knocked out for a few minutes because the next thing I know, I hear the sound of a door opening and several hushed voices talking.

“Is she okay?” my Mom asks, a hand gently cupping my face.

“She’s fine,” Ben reassures her.

I hear Michael sigh, “Where did she even go?”

“The pack house oddly enough. Just needed some alone time apparently. Don’t worry. I properly scolded her for leaving without telling anyone and to not do it again,” Ben answers.

“As if she’ll listen,” Michael retorts.

The voices chuckle before I hear my dad speak, “I can take her upstairs.”

I feel my Dad’s hands lightly tug on my arm. Instinctively, my grip tightens around Ben, further surrounding myself in his warmth and scent.

“Or not,” Dad snickers, his hands letting go of me.

Ben’s feelings of amusement and adoration flood my system as he begins walking towards the staircase, “It’s alright. I got her. I’ll fill you all in once I get her settled.”

Heavy footsteps sound out as we make our way up to the second floor. My bedroom door creaks open and softly closes behind us. Ben pulls back the covers and attempts to lay me down. In my sleepiness, I whine in protest, clinging to him.

“Sweetheart, you need to get in bed and get some rest,” he whispers, his hand rubbing soothingly against my back.

I loosen my arms and allow him to set me down. He carefully removes my shoes and tucks me in, pressing a gentle kiss to my forehead. As he goes to pull away, my eyes slowly open as I reach for him.

“Stay with me?” I ask, lightly squeezing his hand.

He regards me for a moment before nodding. His eyes glaze over, mind-linking someone before he starts slipping his own shoes off. He lays down in front of me, his arms immediately wrapping themselves around me and pulling me close. I curl up against his chest, snuggling into his warmth.

“Sleep now, Annie. I will be here when you wake up,” I hear Ben say as the darkness begins to take over.

I don’t know what the future holds for us. Between the traumas for our past and the threat of this rogue, a lot seems uncertain. However, laying here in the arms of my mate, I can’t help but have hope. Hope in my pack, my fighters, and Ben. Little by little, he is breaking down every wall and every fear. I’m learning to trust him again, to love him again. I know that no matter what happens and as long as I have this man by my side, I can overcome anything.

This rogue won’t hurt me or anyone I love ever again. I will train hard. I will find him. I will kill him. I will make him regret ever messing with my pack, my family. We will be safe again, and then I will take my place at Benjamin’s side as his Luna, just as the Moon Goddess intended.

Rogue, whoever you are, wherever you are, you underestimate us. You and your pack of dogs best be ready, because we will not go down without a fight.

Come take your best shot. We will be ready for you.

Meanwhile, somewhere deep in the wilderness of unclaimed, Rogue territory, a deep voice growls from across a campsite, “Damen!”

Damen rolls his eyes but stands from his seat at the fire and approaches the man, “What are you going to yell at me about now?”

“Any news from Lunar Eclipse?” The man asks, ignoring Damen’s question as his gaze is locked on the moon above.

Damen sighs, “No, for the hundredth time. Our rat has been unusually quiet. I’m not sure if someone is getting suspicious and they are hanging low or if they are withholding information.”

The man snarls, “Then go find out! If I am to take control, I need Annabeth. To get to Annabeth, I need all the information I can get. I need patrol movements, defenses, everyone’s routine.”

“I am trying! The borders are locked down. I will get caught if I am not careful. Besides, why do we need that traitor when I could easily-“ Damen begins saying before he is cut off.

The man is suddenly in front of Damen, squeezing his throat so tight that he can barely breathe, “Did I ask for excuses, Damen, or did I ask for results? You could easily what? Infiltrate? They would see you from a mile away, considering how incompetent and idiotic you are. I suggest you stop infuriating me and find them before I snap your damn neck. Do I make myself clear?”

Damen nods quickly, fearful of the man in front of him. With that, he lets Damen go. Damen collapses to the ground, struggling to catch his breath as he rubs his neck.

“Now, don’t come back until you have answers. Otherwise, I will kill you. Understood?” the man growls, looking back up at the sky.

Damen slowly stands, lowering his head in submission as he mutters, “Yes, Father.”

“Good. Go,” the man orders.

Damen walks away, leaving the man gazing at the night sky. The man contemplates in silence for a moment before his eyes move down, staring in the direction of Lunar Eclipse.

An evil smirk slowly forms on his face as he speaks out into the darkness, “I can’t wait to see you again, Little Bird.”

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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