The Runaway Luna (Book One)

Chapter Chapter Sixteen: The Next Steps

After a few minutes, I slowly pull away, a blush appearing on my face.

“I can’t believe that just happened,” I whisper nervously to Leah.

Leah sighs happily, “It was better than I ever could have imagined. I could FEEL Felix. I still can, like we are connected in a way I can’t explain.”

“I get what you mean,” I remark, remembering how bare and vulnerable our souls are to one another.

Ben looks at me with so much adoration, tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear, “Goddess, you are beautiful.”

I look away, embarrassed, “What happens now?”

“Now, I get to work on earning you, if you’ll allow me to,” he answers, raising my hand to place a tender kiss on it.

“Well, that was kind of the plan,” I tease, trying to calm my racing heart as sparks run up my arm.

The smile he gives me when he looks up almost melts my insides, the redness in my cheeks deepening under his gaze. This bond really is something else.

He goes to speak when his eyes glaze over. After a minute, he comes back. “I will get to work on that, but first,” he says, standing up but never letting go of my hand, “Father needs us in his office.”

“Right,” I nod, completely forgetting he wanted to talk.

I allow him to help me stand, and we begin walking towards the pack house. Before I can pull my hand away, he intertwines our fingers. My steps slow as my gaze snaps to them, then to his face.

I can see the momentary panic in his eyes as he matches my pace, “I’m sorry. I should have asked. Is this okay?”

“Y-yeah. It’s fine,” I stutter, looking straight ahead.

He comes to a complete stop, causing me to as well. Grabbing my chin, he gently turns my head until I meet his gaze, “Annie, if you don’t want me to do something, then tell me. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”

I swallow nervously, “I know, but I am okay with this.”

“Promise?” he asks, searching for any sign of discomfort.

“I promise,” I say as confidently as I can, knowing my pounding heart is trying to make a liar out of me.

He studies my face for a second before releasing my chin. We begin walking again, his hand squeezing mine every so often as if to convince himself that I’m really there. It’s not long before we reach the pack house.

As we walk pass, fighters nod and address us as “Future Alpha” and “Future Luna” as a sign of respect. Of course all of the fighters know about Ben and I already, considering everything that is happening as well as their duty to protect me now. I bite my tongue and just smile instead of correcting them, knowing it’s something I will have to get used to. Though, I’m sure they don’t know the extent of it and the possibility that I may not be the holder of that title.

The thought causes the bond to flare, making me feel a little sad. I internally groan, “This bond is going to be a pain in my ass, isn’t it?”

“Oh, absolutely, and it’s going to be hella fun to watch,” Leah snickers.

Seeming to know what I’m thinking, Ben leans over and whispers, “Dad wants to call a pack meeting and inform them you are my mate, but I want you to make that call if and when you are ready. Though, I guess if we do this so openly, the rumors themselves will tell the entire pack.”

I sigh, “Is that what he wants to discuss?”

“Maybe, but I think he mostly wants to talk about our plan to deal with this rogue,” he responds, opening the door for me. I give an appreciative smile and walk in.

We greet and smile at our fellow pack members as we pass, causing some whispered conversations too low for us to hear. I suppose Ben’s right. The cat will be out of the bag soon enough, whether we announce it or not.

Walking around the stairs, we quickly arrive at Alpha Xavier’s door.

“Come in,” he calls out before Ben can knock on the door.

Ben chuckles and pushes the door open. The Alpha is sitting behind his desk with the biggest grin on his face. I roll my eyes at him, letting go of Ben’s hand to walk to the sitting area. I can hear Ben snickering behind me, but I ignore him and get comfy on the sofa.

“If I had known you two were bonding, I would have waited,” Alpha Xavier teases.

“Uh huh,” I chuckle. “So, what is it that you need to discuss?”

He gives me a sympathetic look, “I wish we didn’t have to get right to business, but given the circumstances, I feel like we don’t have a choice.”

I nod in understanding as Ben takes a seat next to me.

“As I mentioned briefly before, I am going to assign a fighter team to Annie, while I may add a fighter or two to Ben’s team for additional protection. We will stay on Level Four indefinitely until this is over, meaning no leaving the territory, for either of you. There will always be fighters somewhere in your vicinity should something happen,” Alpha Xavier says as he folds his hands on his desk.

“Understood,” Ben responds.

“What about the plan for this rogue?” I question.

Alpha Xavier sighs, “We already implemented training for all the pack members in the event our fighters need help, like your uncle did. We don’t know how many the man has behind him, and I need everyone prepared. The Alphas are pooling our resources together to see if we can find information as to where they are. My hope is to give him a taste of his own medicine and place a spy within his ranks. Depending on who it is and what they find, we will have to decide if we should wait them out or take the fight to them.”

“And the spy in our pack?” I ask.

Ben lets out a small growl, “Still trying to figure that one out. Nobody really stands out, which is what makes this even more concerning.”

I tilt my head, “What do you mean?”

“It means either this person is very good at blending into the background, or…” the Alpha trails off.

“Or, it’s someone who’s close to us, someone we trust,” Ben finishes through gritted teeth.

My eyes widen, “I didn’t consider that. No one even comes to mind.”

Alpha Xavier nods, “That’s exactly the problem. It could literally be anyone.”

There’s a knock on the door, interrupting our conversation.

“Come in,” the Alpha calls out.

The door opens, revealing it’s Beta Vincent, “Apologies for the interruption, Alpha, but I have the report that you wanted.”

“Very well,” Alpha Xavier responds before looking back at Ben. “Why don’t you two head down to the training yard while I go over this? The next class starts in about thirty minutes. Having Annie’s skills and knowledge would be a big help to her father and Beta Andrew.”

Ben looks at me with a big grin on his face, overly excited, “What do you say?”

I have to admit the idea of spending more time with him does make my heart palpitate, but I don’t want to seem too enthusiastic.

“This seems like the perfect opportunity to screw with him a little,” Leah snickers mischievously.

I can’t help the smile that appears on my face as I jump up, “Sure, why not. When else would I get the opportunity to kick your ass in front of everyone?”

He looks up at me with an eager glint in his eyes, “Is that a threat?”

I smirk as I walk backwards to the door, “Oh, it’s very much a promise. We both know you can’t fight worth a shit.”

That is an absolute lie, but I want to get under his skin and tease him a little. A girl’s gotta have her fun, right?

The Alpha and Beta start chuckling as Ben stands up from the couch, stalking me with a growl, “You better take that back, Annabeth.”

My heart starts racing in excitement, my eyes flashing as Leah’s playfulness eggs me on, “Hmm. I don’t think I will, Benjamin.”

“Annie…” he warns with a knowing smirk, getting closer as his eyes start flashing.

I bolt out the office and around the stairs, cackling all the way out the front door of the pack house. My feet hit the ground outside, and I head straight for the field. The fighters smirk and chuckle as I zoom by.

Heavy footsteps follow closely behind, Ben’s playful growl ringing out and causing chills up and down my body.

I may be the fastest of the pack, but nothing can match the speed and stamina of an Alpha. Even if I used all my strength along with Leah’s, he would still be able to grab me.

“Someone’s getting slow,” I holler, my voice deepening due to my wolf.

This earns me a snarl in response.

“Wait until I get my hands on you,” his voice calls back, it also being distorted from Felix being on the surface.

I can hear his labored breathing as he gets even closer. Laughing mischievously, I start darting between trees, trying to slow him down in any way.

“Let him catch us,” Leah says.

I chuckle, “What? Why?”

“Don’t you want to spend time with him before the training session?” she asks, already knowing the answer.

“I mean, yeah, but I don’t just want to give it to him. He has to-” I begin to respond before I’m cut off.

Two arms encircle my waist before effortlessly pulling me to the ground. After a quick tumble, I find myself pinned between the earth and Benjamin. He holds my hands above my head and stares down at me, eyes pitch black and breathing heavily. The look of hunger in his eyes chills me to the bone.

“I have you now, my mischievous mate. Who’s the one getting slow now?” he growls teasingly.

I smirk up at him, my eyes black as well, “Aw, can the big bad Alpha not take any teasing? And, we both know I LET you catch me.”

He chuckles, lowering his face within inches of mine. My heart pounds harder at having him so close. He gently chastises me, affectionately rubbing our noses together, “You little minx. No more running away from me.”

“Oh? But, how else am I supposed to have fun and torment you?” I snicker, before lowering my voice to a whisper. “Besides, Leah and I can see it on your face that you and Felix love the chase, especially when it ends like this.”

“You are playing a dangerous game, sweetheart,” he groans before lowering his head to my neck. My body reacts in kind, tilting and offering my neck to him. His nose softly trails down the side of my neck, greedily inhaling my scent.

I let out a sharp gasp when he reaches the tender spot where my shoulder meets my neck, the place where his mark would go should I decide to accept him. He gently presses a kiss to it and nips at the surface, humming in contentment against my skin. My body is on fire, almost pleading for him to claim me.

The thought snaps me out of my trance, my eyes turning back to normal, “B…Ben?”

“Hmm?” he hums.

“I need you to stop,” I choke out.

His body instantly freezes. His head snaps up and meets my eyes, emerald irises looking down at me. I breathe a sigh of relief knowing he’s back in complete control.

“Annie, I’m sorry. I…I lost control. I didn’t mean to…I shouldn’t have…” he quickly stumbles out, letting go of my hands.

“It’s okay,” I reassure him.

He shakes his head, “No, it’s not. What if I had marked you? I would have ruined any chance I might have had. Damn you, Felix.”

I slowly reach up and cup his face. His eyes widen slightly at my touch as he stares down at me.

“But you didn’t. You stopped. Don’t put all the blame on Felix. I mean, Leah and I did rile you guys up. It’s our fault, too,” I say, giving him an apologetic smile.

“Even so, an Alpha should have more control over his actions,” Ben sighs, placing a soft kiss to the inside of my wrist. “It seems to be the complete opposite when it comes to you. Always has been.”

Before I can react, he’s on his feet, pulling me up with him, “We should get to the training field.”

He starts to walk away, and I can tell he’s beating himself up. I quickly catch up with him and lace our fingers together once again. His eyes dart between my face and our hands.

“You are too good to me, more than I deserve,” he whispers, looking straight ahead.

“I told you I’d give this a chance. If I got bent out of shape for every little thing, we would never make it. Besides, I have a lot to make up for, too,” I sigh.

His pace slows as he raises an eyebrow at me, “What do you mean?”

I look away from him, “I have to make up for leaving, to you and to my family.”

He immediately comes to a stop, “No.”

“No?” I ask, looking at him in confusion.

The intense stare that I’m met with causes butterflies in my stomach. “That’s what I said. No. You leaving wasn’t anyone’s fault but mine,” he responds seriously.

I shake my head, “I was the one who chose to leave. It’s not like you exiled or forced me out.”

“With how I treated you, I might as well have opened the gates and shoved you out myself,” he scoffs, trying to pull away.

My grip tightens, “Ben, stop.”

Guilt is plastered all over his face. He tries to hide it, but I see it clear as day, the bond not allowing him to disguise the emotion. I sigh, walking up close to him. With my free hand, I cup the back of his head and tilt it down, so we are touching foreheads like we did on the back porch.

“The past happened. There is nothing you or I can do to change it. The only thing we can do now is look to the future. It may take time for us to get past everything, but I want to try. I’m here, aren’t I?” I point out, holding his gaze.

Ben stares at me in amazement and confusion, “How can you say that? After everything I’ve done? After everything I’ve said?”

I swallow nervously, “Do you remember what you told me on our first phone conversation?”

His brows furrow, “Which part?”

“The one where you said how you really felt about me,” I remind him.

A small smile appears on his face, “Yes. I told you that I have been in love with you for a long time.”

“Do you not remember the way I looked at you, or the way I kissed you on that rooftop?” I question, my pulse racing.

Ben blinks a few times, “I knew you liked me, but I didn’t think that you would still after everything, especially after that night on the roof.”

I let go of his hand to cup his face, “I tried everything I could to forget, to move on. I came pretty damn close, too, but obviously, fate had other plans. The truth is I never stopped caring about you, even when you were acting the way you were. Deep down, I knew that I always would, but I hid it with hate, because that’s how I thought you felt about me.”

He takes a deep breath, processing my feelings before he whispers, “He was right.”

“Who?” I ask, confused.

“Jonathan. I don’t deserve you, Annie. I don’t deserve your love or your compassion. I put you through so much hell,” he says, pain laced in his voice.

Without a second thought, I pull him into a hug. His arms wrap around me tight as he buries his face into my neck, holding me close. He takes a shaky breath and whispers, “I know I’m the future Alpha, and I’m supposed to be this strong, immovable force. Deep down, I’m scared.”

I’m taken back by the vulnerability, but force it away, “Why?”

“That bastard is going to try to take you from me,” he growls.

“That damn rogue can try all he wants. I know you’ll be here to protect me,” I answer honestly.

His arms tighten, “I just got you back. I can’t lose you. Not again.”

“You won’t,” I whisper, pulling away to meet his eyes. “Do you hear me?”

He nods, staring lovingly into my eyes, “I do.”

I smile, “Good. Also promise me that you won’t hide your emotions from me. I want to know and to help.”

Ben sighs, kissing my forehead, “I promise. Now, let’s get to the field.”

Hand in hand, we make our way there. Much like Uncle Marc’s session, easily a thousand pack members are spread across the open space, warming up in preparation for today’s training. I hesitate as we get closer. Should I let go of him? Are we keeping a secret? Do I want to keep it a secret?

He must sense the turmoil in me and goes to let go of my hand, “It’s okay. We don’t have to-”

I shake my head, keeping his hand in mine, “The pack needs to know, so they can understand why we are preparing for war. I know the Alpha told them you were threatened, which is true, but they don’t know it has to do with me. Besides, a lot of members saw us this morning. This will just get the rumor around quicker.”

Whispers surround us as everyone starts taking notice, some stare in shock while others look genuinely happy. Some even have a ‘I knew it’ look.

“As you wish, sweetheart. Though, I don’t think I’ll be able to keep you to myself long. We didn’t tell her a thing,” he chuckles, motioning his head as we approach.

Among the crowd sticks out the familiar ball of curly red hair. Her back is to me as she talks to my father, so she hasn’t seen me yet, and I can use this to my advantage. Letting go of Ben, I slowly sneak up behind her. Before she has a chance to notice, I cover her eyes with my hands. She stiffens, then relaxes.

“Ha ha, Ben. Move your hands,” Alyssa fusses, pulling at my wrists.

My dad smirks at me while Ben laughs, “It’s not me this time, sis.”

She scoffs, “Yeah, right. Come on. We have training to do.”

“How can that be me when I’m way over here?” he asks her as he walks to stand next to Dad.

Her eyebrows furrow, her hands patting mine, “Then, who the hell is this?”

“The fact that you think my hands are your brother’s kind of offends me,” I tease.

Alyssa gasps, spinning quickly around after ripping my hands off, “ANNIE!!!!!”

My best friend slams into me, almost knocking me on my ass. Everyone around us laughs at our display.

“What are you doing here? When did you get back? WHY DIDN’T ANYONE TELL ME?!” she screeches into my ear as she bounces us up and down.

“It was a very last minute thing, and I couldn’t tell anyone. I will explain later,” I whisper in her ear, making sure no one outside of us hears.

She pulls away and grabs my hand, “You are training with me.”

“Hey, now. Wait just a second-” Ben starts, but she interrupts him.

“No! You are already going to take up most of her time, Mr. Alpha. I will barely get to see her, so just get over there with the betas and let us girls have our bonding time,” she scolds, proceeding to drag me away.

She rambles about things she wants us to catch up on, but I barely hear her. My attention is focused on my mate who is looking at me with a mix of adoration and longing. My heart tightens at the distance, the bond not ready for us to be separated yet. He meets my gaze and gives me a small wink before his eyes glaze over. I can feel him trying to mind-link me, so I let him without resistance.

“Don’t look so sad, darling. She won’t keep you away forever. Then, you and I will catch up on all that lost time. I promise,” he says, before closing the link.

My heart pounds against my chest and a small blush appears on my face. Alyssa gives me a knowing smirk just as training begins.

I spend some time in her group before Dad comes and grabs me. Beta Andrew has me move from group to group, giving advice on stance, attack, and defense. The members seem genuinely grateful and impressed, considering what happened in Crescent Moon. I’m surprised at how much I enjoy it. Never would I have ever imagined that this is where I’d be, but I can’t say that I completely hate it. Not when two emerald irises have followed my every move and have looked at me with so much pride.

Maybe this leading thing wouldn’t be too bad.

An hour passes fairly quickly, and before I know it, training is almost over. I’m too busy watching Michael and Jonathan instruct a one on one fight to notice the heavy footsteps walking up behind me. It isn’t until I’m hit with his scent and two strong arms wrap around my waist tightly that I realize, the bond flaring in my chest.

“I have been dying trying to get back to you,” Ben sighs happily.

I softly chuckle, “I noticed.”

He smiles, leaning closely to my ear, “How could I not be captivated by my Luna gracefully moving across the field as she trains? It’s hypnotizing. I’d lose to you every time, because I would be too busy watching.”

My body involuntarily shutters when he says “my Luna”, my brain sputtering. “Oh…” is all I can muster, causing Leah to snicker.

I can feel him smirk as he presses his lips to the side of my neck, “I don’t think I have ever seen you speechless, Annabeth. I wonder what could have done that.”

“Yeah, I wonder,” I joke.

A cough grabs our attention. My dad stands there with a grimace on his face and arms folded. I can see the mischief in his eyes, but it’s apparent Ben doesn’t as his arms quickly drop, my body immediately missing the warmth.

“If you are done manhandling my daughter, I would like her for the final fight,” my dad says through narrowed eyes.

“Of course,” Ben responds confidently, despite the fact that I can feel his uneasiness.

I shake my head, playing into Dad’s act, “You might want to watch the way you address the future Alpha, Dad. He is going to be your boss in a couple of months.”

“Alpha or not, I don’t need him groping you in the middle of all these people!” He scoffs, trying not to smile.

I get angry, holding mine back, “He is my mate! He is allowed to touch me.”

“Touching you, yes. Grabbing you inappropriately in front of everyone, no,” he growls.

Ben’s eyes turn into saucers, “Hold on. That’s not-”

I snap back, “We are adults! He can grope me in public if he wants to!”

Dad practically snarls when he interrupts and speaks again, “He absolutely will not do that. You are acting as if you want him to mark you in front of the whole world!”

“Whoa! Beta Kristoff, I would never disrespect you or Annie like that! I swear, I just wanted to…wait. You two are fucking with me, aren’t you?” Ben groans, looking between us two.

We both burst out laughing.

“I couldn’t resist,” Dad chuckles, wiping the tears from his eyes as he walks away.

“I’m coming,” I laugh, turning to my mate who is looking less than amused.

“He looks so hot, looking all grumpy like that,” Leah drools in my head.

“Down girl,” I snicker.

I lightly rest my hands on his chest, his body relaxing instantly at my touch, “I knew he was messing with you, but I couldn’t help but play along.”

He sighs, wrapping his arms around me again, “About gave me a damn heart attack.”

“I’m sorry, baby. Forgive me?” I ask, giving him my best puppy dog eyes.

He goes to respond when he suddenly stops. I look at him curiously as he tightens his hold on me. “Getting called mate and baby all in one day? I must be dreaming,” he whispers.

My heart races as I bite my lip, looking away. I didn’t even realize I called him that. It just came out so naturally.

He chuckles at my shyness and pulls my face back to his, “I’ll forgive you if you promise to keep calling me baby. I like it. A lot.”

“Okay,” I whisper. The smile that spreads across his face almost knocks me to my feet.

He releases me and I walk to the center of the field in a daze. I reach my dad who starts explaining that he wants me to instruct one of his fighters on defense. As he is speaking, I begin feeling uneasy.

My eyes lazily skim across the tree line. For a split second, I see a pair of pitch black eyes staring at me. As quickly as I see them, they disappear.

“Did you see that?” I ask Leah.

She hesitates, “I think so, but the border is closed. No one can get in or out.”

“Supposedly,” I respond.

“Maybe an animal?” She offers, not believing it herself.

Without a second thought, I mind-link the Alpha.

“Yes, Annabeth?” He quickly answers.

“There was someone watching me from the tree line to the south. I don’t know if they are still there,” I explain.

“Don’t react. Keep training,” he orders.

The fight begins, and I do as he asks, trying to not show the panic I’m feeling on the inside. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Beta Andrew and a couple of fighters make their way to the forest without drawing attention from the other members.

Not too long after, I notice that my mate has gotten substantially closer to me, watching my every move. When I finally meet his gaze, I see the panic and anger within them as he battles with himself to not pick me up and run.

“Ben?” I gently probe, my eyes glazing over.

“Yes, sweetheart?” He asks.

“Anything?” I question.

No. Whoever it was hid their scent, but don’t worry, darling. I will protect you. I swear it,” he declares.

“I know you will, baby,” I say before breaking the link.

Dad’s voice brings my attention back to him, and I make myself focus to finish the session out. However, it doesn’t stop my mind from racing.

Who was it? The spy? The boss? How did they get in? Why didn’t they have a smell? So many unanswered questions that I’m not sure we will have the answers to any time soon.

And that scares me to my core.

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