The Runaway Luna (Book One)

Chapter Chapter Seven: A Call Home

The next several days fly by, and before I know it, I’ve been here almost two weeks. I spend the time catching up with my family when they aren’t attending to their duties. Harry helps me with training before his morning patrols. I don’t want to lose any of my skills being here for however long. Aunt Crystal even introduced me to Dr. Wynn, the head doctor of their hospital. He is very kind and even offered to pick up on my instruction if I stay long term. I’m sure Dr. Vega would be sad, but would approve of it.

“What time is it?’ Leah interrupts my thoughts.

Glancing at my phone, the clock says 11:47am. I groan, sitting up in bed. Uncle Marc had told me to be in his office for noon to call home. Guess he doesn’t trust me to do it on my own, not that I blame him. The couple of times I tried, I chickened out.

“I guess I better make my way to the west wing,” I huff internally.

“It will be fine. You’ll see,” she reassures.

I don’t say anymore as I walk out, go down the stairs, and head for his office. When I finally reach the big, oak door, my phone says 11:53am. Hopefully he won’t be peeved that I got here early. Raising my hand, I knock hesitantly on the door.

“Come in,” his gruffly voice calls out.

Cracking the door open, I poke my head inside. He is currently on his office phone, focused hard on his computer screen. Glancing up, he offers a soft smile and motions me in. I quietly enter and shut the door behind me. He points to the couch near the wall where there’s drinks and snacks waiting on the nearby coffee table. I smile as I make my way over to snack on some cookies and play on my phone while he finishes up his call.

“Alright. That’s fine for the moment. Just get those reports to me as soon as you can. Now, I have to go. My twelve o’clock is here,” he smirks at me. I shake my head at him and don’t speak until he finally hangs up.

“Using me to get out of a call? Nice one, Alpha,” I tease as he makes his way over. “So, how long is my appointment time?”

He grabs a cookie before sitting down, “An hour, and no, you can’t use that time to stall until the last minute. We are getting this call over with your father, and then you and I are going to decide what to do next.”

I take a deep breath, “Fair. I guess it will depend on Dad’s reaction on what I’ll do.”

He nods, “It’s a factor, but I was serious when I said you can stay however long you need to and no one is going to force you to leave.”

I sadly smile, “I know, and I appreciate it, but let’s be realistic. I can’t stay here forever. I have to face the music sooner or later.”

He sits back and regards me as he chews on his cookie, “True, but that will be when you are ready, not before.”

I take a sip of water before looking down at the phone in my hand. Mustering all my strength, I glance up at him, “Let’s do this.”

Pressing Dad’s name and hitting speakerphone, the call connects and he answers after the first ring, “Hey baby girl. Everything okay?”

“Hey, Daddy. Just checking in. Did I call at a bad time?” I ask, looking at Uncle Marc nervously. He places a reassuring hand on my shoulder and nods in encouragement.

“No, No! You are fine, Annie. I just finished patrol with Michael and a couple of the other fighters. More than likely will head to my office to do paperwork,” he soothes, hearing the uncertainty in my voice.

“Oh. Okay. Um, do you have time to talk?” my voice stutters.

There’s a brief silence. “Yes. Do I need to get your mother?”

I look at Uncle Marc who mouths “up to you”. I swallow, “Uh, maybe.”

“Give me a second,” he mutters.

I can hear him walking and talking, heading to his office. It’s a few minutes later when I hear Mom’s voice come across the line, “Kristoff, what’s wrong?”

“I’m not sure. Annie is on the phone,” he responds as his office door closes. There’s a rustling noise then he speaks again. “Baby girl, I’m in my office now. I have you on speaker and Mom’s here, too.”

“Hey, Mama,” I greet as Uncle Marc squeezes my shoulder.

“Hi, my baby. What’s going on?” she inquires, worry evident.

I sigh, “I…uh, need to tell you guys where I am. It’s not fair for me to keep you guys worried.”

“Okay…where are you then?” Mom asks.

Taking a deep breath, I answer, “I’m at the Crescent Moon Pack with Uncle Marc.”

There’s a deafening pause and I start to sweat. “Oh, god. He’s pissed,” I panic to Leah.

I can feel her pace in the back of my mind, “We knew that was a high possibility, but don’t freak out yet.”

Testing the waters, I let out a small whisper, “...Daddy?”

“I…I’m here, baby girl. Just…give me a second,” he breaths out. We sit there for a couple of moments before he speaks again, “I am proud of you for going somewhere that you knew and were comfortable with, not just running the roads.”

“I’m sorry,” I mutter.

“It’s okay, honey. We are just relieved you are somewhere safe. Is Marc there?” Mom asks.

“I’m here, Hannah,” he speaks up. “It is good to hear your voices, even under these circumstances.”

“Did she get there safely? Is she okay?” Dad questions, trying to stay calm.

“Yes, brother. While I don’t agree with her doing this, she’s intelligent and took roads she knew and got here safely. Believe me when I say she got a nice, long lecture from me, but I understand why she did what she did. I’m trying to help her process and get an Alpha’s perspective. She’s also had a couple of conversations with Crystal,” he responds.

“Annie?” Mom hints for me to speak up and confirm.

“I’m okay. I promise, Dad. They both have been very patient when they had every right to turn me away. I’ve been respectful as you expect of me and contributing, not just taking,” I try to comfort him.

“Wait a second. When did you get there?” Dad asks, voice low. The way he says it tells me he already knows the answer.

“Shit,” I groan to Leah.

“Be honest, Annie. Otherwise, it’ll be worse,” Leah advises nervously.

My hesitation only seems to make him agitated. “How long has she been there Marc?” Dad’s irritated voice comes out of the speakers.

“Kristofff, look, I wanted to let her get settled before we called,” Uncle Marc starts to explain.

“It’s not his fault, Daddy. This is on me. I showed up without him knowing. I begged him not to say anything yet. Me, not him. Be mad at me,” I plead, interrupting him.

He growls, “How long?”

I gulp, “I came here immediately after I left.”

“You…you have been there…this whole time?” Mom asks, mild frustration in her tone.

“Yes,” I whisper.

“So you point blank lied to me,” Dad seethes through clenched teeth.

“I…yeah I guess I did. I knew you wouldn’t be happy about it, so I acted like I didn’t know where I was going. You were already upset because I left. I didn’t want to make it worse,” I admit. I had never lied to them, ever, but I felt like I didn’t have much of a choice.

“Annabeth, you made it worse by lying! What has gotten into you? This isn’t you! Running off with nothing more than a note, lying to us,” Dad yells into the phone out of frustration.

“Kristoff, calm down,” Mom fusses sternly.

“No, Hannah. I will NOT calm down. How am I suppose to feel knowing my daughter would rather run off and confide in someone else than confide in me?” He barks back at her.

“This isn’t about you! This is about her. She felt like she had to for some reason, so maybe that’s what we should be asking her. At least it was Marc she chose, not a random person. Yelling at her won’t fix anything or change what happened,” Mom counters with that same level of frustration.

“This affects more than just her! This affects her family, the pack, her mate. Am I glad she went to Marc? Yes, but that doesn’t change the fact that she is acting irresponsible. Where is my sweet, levelheaded girl? Where did she go, because the Annabeth I know wouldn’t leave us all worried like this! She needs to come back and face this!” He snaps back.

I don’t know what it was about Dad’s words, but all of a sudden, Leah and I are pissed. Years of buildup come boiling up to the surface.

Before I know what I am saying, I go off, “You mean the quiet pushover that did anything and everything you said to make you happy, whether it made her happy or not? The girl who has ALWAYS put her family, the pack, and others before herself? News flash Dad, she’s still here, but she’s choosing herself for once. I left before you could guilt me into a life I didn’t want!”

“I would never-“ he starts to say but I interrupt.

“Yes you would! Duty is the most important thing to you, even more than us! It always has been,” I stand, screaming into the phone.

I can tell all three of them are shocked, but Dad forces himself to speak, “Annabeth, you can’t seriously believe that.”

I know it’s not true, but my emotions completely take over, “All you have said on this call is how I’m affecting everyone else. What about how everyone is affecting me? Doesn’t that matter too? No, because it’s apparent your main concern is that I’m “destined” to be Luna. I will be pressured into being with that pigheaded, self absorbed dick, all for the sake of duty! You’re mad that I left? Well, I’m mad that I am having to fight so hard for myself. You should be supporting me right now.”

“I do support you!” Dad states, pain lingering in his voice.

“Do you? Then, I need you to listen and understand. I would have not been giving space or time to process this whole shit show and you know it. Between everyone’s opinion about what I should do and the Alpha, who would have been up my ass trying to make a case to me about his son, I wouldn’t have been able to breathe. At least here, I can. I need you all to understand that I decide what I want. I am going to be a doctor because that is the career I chose, and this should be my choice too,” I plead.

“Baby-“ Mom starts but I keep going and cut her off.

“No, Mom! I’m tired of people trying to live my life for me. I am so sick of it. All I have ever done my entire life is try to make everyone else happy. It’s time to put myself first for once. I am NOT bending, not on this.”

“Baby girl, please. I am listening to you. I’m trying to understand, but this is different from a career choice. This is your future, your happiness, the path chosen by the Moon Goddess,” Dad sighs.

I let out a half-hearted laugh, “I am simply asking to have time, and that you love and support me no matter what I choose! The thing I have always feared the most is your disappointment, and I feel like that’s exactly what I’m going to get. I want you to be proud of me, but at the same time, this is my life. No one else’s. I choose. I decide. Not you, not the Alpha, not the damn Moon Goddess. Me!”

“I am proud of you! I have always been proud of you. You always go out of your way to help others. There’s not a day that goes by that you don’t amaze me, Annabeth. You are kind, big-hearted, but protective. All qualities that make a truly wonderful person. Whether you are Luna or not, I am proud to call you my daughter. Nothing changes that, and I’m sorry that I ever made you feel otherwise,” he says emotionally.

The fire inside of me slowly dies as I process his words in my brain. Have I reacted too harshly? Too hastily?

Leah breaks my train of thought, “It was a little harsh, but there’s truth in it. I’m proud of you. You stood up for yourself. I think they needed to hear it. Make them realize just how much you bend to them.”

“Annabeth?” Dad says hesitantly.

I can’t take this conversation anymore. I’m too overwhelmed. “I think I should go, Dad. We will talk more later, okay?”

“Hang on, baby. How long are you planning on staying?” Mom asks, breaking her silence.

I sigh, “I don’t know. I haven’t figured that out yet, much like everything else, but I will let you know as soon as I do.”

“Okay, baby girl. We are here if you need us,” Dad whispers.

“Alright. I love you both. Bye,” my voice forces out before hanging up.

Tossing the phone onto the table, I plop back down next to Uncle Marc. I let out a shaking breath as I shove my head into my hands. His hand slowly rubs my back, giving me a second before speaking, “What do you want to do?”

I meet his gaze, “I don’t know. It’s obvious I need time away from home, but how long? Another week? Two weeks? A month? I can’t answer. I don’t suppose this is something we can play day by day.”

He shakes his head, “I’d prefer for us to have a time frame in place, then you can stay longer if needed or leave earlier if you choose. Let’s say, a month?”

I look away, swallowing the lump in my throat, “What if…what if I wanted to stay…permanently?”

“Are you seriously ready to leave everything you know behind?” he asks, already knowing the answer.

“No…” I trail off.

He takes a deep breath, “Sunshine, you know that I would let you, but you would have to be a thousand percent certain. Do you understand what all that would entail?”

I nod, “I would have to get Alpha Xavier’s permission to transfer.”

“Right. You know how important and loved you are. He will fight tooth and nail to keep you as a pack member, even way before this ordeal. Also, no bonded Alpha is going to allow his Luna to go to another pack.”

“But I am NOT a Luna,” I argue.

“Technically, no, you’re not. However, the bond is still there whether it’s been solidified or not. That would be the next hurdle. Not only will you have to reject the future Alpha and all Luna duties, you would have to convince him to accept it in order for it to be completely broken,” he gives a pointed look.

My heart drops as soon as the words pass his lips. The bond flares, causing my chest to squeeze. The look in Uncle Marc’s eyes tells me he knows exactly what is happening, despite me keeping my face neutral.

Shouldn’t I WANT to reject him? Would he accept it if I asked?

Leah growls in my head, “Annie, we haven’t even talked or given him a chance yet.”

“I just…I want to know our options, okay?” I tell her, sighing out loud.

“She’s not happy with that statement is she?” Uncle Marc deduces.

“Not in the slightest,” I mumble.

He chuckles, “Well, if I know anything, it’s how stubborn both Benjamin and Leah can be, so good luck.”

I should be annoyed, but a smile creeps across my face, “Thaaanks.”

He smirks, “No problem. Now, how about we-“

There’s a knock on the door. His eyebrows furrow and he calls out for them to enter. His assistant Maria pokes her head in.

“Sorry to interrupt Alpha, but there’s an urgent call on line one,” she says in concern.

“Who is it?” He questions as he makes his way to his desk.

She glances at me before speaking, “Alpha Blake, sir.”

The sentence causes me to sit up straighter and look at him in worry. “Did he say what about?” he inquiries, looking down at the phone.

“No, Alpha. Just that he needed to speak with you ASAP,” she states before pulling her head back and shutting the door.

“What is going on?” Leah questions, an unease settling in our stomach.

“I don’t know but it can’t be good,” I say worriedly.

“Should I leave?” I ask Uncle Marc.

He thinks to himself for a moment before he shakes his head, “Not yet. If something’s wrong, I can’t mind-link you so stay until I determine what’s happening. Stay quiet. If it’s nothing, I’ll signal for you to walk out.”

Leah starts pacing, “He knows something's off.”

I don’t respond as he reaches down and hits the speakerphone, “Alpha Solomon.”

“Solomon, it’s Blake,” my Alpha’s strained voice fills the air. We immediately notice the intensity in it and my heart starts to race. Are they okay?

“What’s happened, Xavier?” Uncle Marc pries.

“A patrol of fighters was attacked by a large group of rogues on the western side of my territory last night,” Alpha Xavier starts.

The sentence brings me to my feet, but I force my mouth to stay shut. Dad said he and Michael were out patrolling this morning, but what about Benjamin and Jonathan?

Uncle Marc’s eyebrows furrow, “Rogues? Kristoff didn’t mention anything just now.”

“Twenty to be exact. Yes, I’m aware you just talked, but I told them to hold off until I could confirm the situation,” my Alpha groans in frustration.

“Was anyone injured?” Uncle Marc meets my panicked gaze.

“Yes. They were strong sons of bitches. No deaths, thankfully. Both Solomon and Murphy responded quickly, calling for backup and subduing them until Kristoff, Benjamin and I got there. We have three locked up for interrogation, the rest fought to the death,” he answers.

I breathe a quiet sigh of relief hearing both of them are okay, too. It doesn’t last however, when Alpha Xavier speaks again, “I thought it was just an isolated incident. We’ve been having altercations here and there, but I don’t believe that anymore. Someone’s testing our defenses.”

“We haven’t had any altercations in months. Maybe I should call Bailey and see if he’s having any problems, too,” Uncle Marc mutters.

“Isn’t Bailey the Alpha of Midnight Sun?” Leah asks.

“Yes, and it’s the closest pack to Crescent Moon,” I tell her.

“No, that’s just it. I’ve been calling the Alphas all morning. No one else is being attacked. They are looking for something, and whatever it is, it’s in my pack,” Alpha Xavier explains.

I watch as my uncle’s brows furrow in confusion, “What on earth could be in your pack that’s worth risking their life for? Everyone knows how elite your fighters are.”

“I don’t know, but they are determined to get it. I’m still waiting for the prisoners to wake up so I can interrogate,” he grumbles in annoyance.

“Okay. I can spare some fighters to help protect your borders and any resources you need until we can figure this out,” my uncle offers.

“Much appreciated,” Alpha Xavier breaths out in relief.

“I’ll start increasing patrols and training here so we are prepared. It may be a few days until they can get there. Until then, is there anything else-” Uncle Marc stops, eyes glazing over.

“Marc?” Alpha Xavier calls out after a moment of silence.

“Fuck!” Uncle Marc snarls as he snaps back, reaching under his desk and hitting the emergency button. Sirens sound all over the territory, scrambling all fighters into defensive positions.

“What’s happening?” Alpha Xavier asks urgently.

“Harry just mind-linked me. Rogues are attacking at the southern border,” he growls.

“Shit. Go, and I’ll call Bailey to warn him,” my Alpha tells him.

“Thanks Xavier,” my uncle sighs appreciatively.

“Of course. However, I do have one favor to ask,” Alpha Xavier confesses.

“Name it,” Uncle Marc says without hesitation.

“Protect our girl,” he mutters before hanging up.

The words cause my heart to swell. For him to still consider me one of his girls is a huge deal to me. I know I hurt him, too, but maybe he understands why.

I push the emotions back and address my uncle, ”What do you want me to do?”

His eyes go blank as he mind-links the rest of his pack. When he comes to, he meets my gaze, “I need you to get your aunt and Hope downstairs into the emergency bunker.”

Leah growls in my head, “But we can help!”

“I can help you, Uncle Marc. I have fighter training! I don’t want to hide while the rest of you fight!” I protest.

He rounds the corner of his desk and grabs my shoulders, “I know. That’s why I want you with them. They have had training but not like you. I need you there to protect them. Stay with them until I retrieve you.”

“I understand,” I relent.

“Good. Now, go!” he orders as we run out the room. He bolts for the front door while I head back across the pack house to the bedrooms.

Aunt Crystal is coming down the stairs as I’m making my way up. “Annie!” she sighs in relief, gripping important documents in her hands.

“Where’s Hope?” I question her.

“I don’t know! She wasn’t in her room and she’s not answering my mind-links. She had class, but she should have been back by now,” she answers a little panicked.

“Shit. Okay, go to the bunker. Lock yourself in. I will find her and meet you there,” I tell her as I run back down.

“But didn’t Marc-“ she says following behind me.

I stop her, “Yes, he did. I’m going to go with you, but he said to protect both of you. I’m going to find her then come right back. Go, Aunt Crystal. Hurry.”

She nods before running the opposite direction towards the bunker. I bolt out the front door and try to pick up on Hope’s scent.

“Leah, I’m going to need your help,” I whisper in my head as I begin sniffing the air.

I can feel my eyes change as she lends me her sense of smell. Hope’s scent fills my senses, and I race towards it.

“We are heading towards the attack,” Leah mutters as I continue running, the rotten smell of rogues hitting me.

My mind races, trying very hard not to gag, “Wait. She’s the teacher’s assistant for Patricia's class, right? She said they were doing a lot of classes outside recently.”

Leah swallows, “At the community garden, which is to the south.”


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