The Rotting Flesh Book 2: Deadman’s Wonderland

Chapter 16: Final Straw

First came the deafening sound of a millie of bullets followed by the smell of gun powder filling the air. The shots were so loud they could be heard from quite a long distance. It even caught the attention of others who had rested for the night. In wonderland true sleep was just an illusion any minor sound even of a branch breaking would startle someone out of their mind.

The ring leader of the men pursuing Tom finally raised his right hand to signal the halt of fire. The men stopped but some had already emptied their clips, you could hear it by the guns just clicking. The numerous bullets had raised up a lot of dust.

Once the men stopped there was dead silence once again. Someone has died, is the thought that went through the minds of the rest of the participants who had heard this gunfire. The men waited for the dust to settle and once it did crooked smiles appeared on their faces.

Two men lay in front of them, one on top of the other. The clothes and skin torn beyond recognition.

“Should I confirm they are dead, Sylvester?” one of the men in the rear asked and the leader shook his head

“Lets respect the dead and not violet their peace, lets go men.” he turned and so did his men

“But how will people know it was us who killed El Diablo”

“All the bullets we riddled him with have our signature, by just looking at the casings here they will know” replied Sylvester as they slowly walked back into the woods

“Victor-sama must be smiling from the other side right now” commented an asian man who was part of their group

“You have done good men, today we feast” proclaimed Sylvester and the men roared in excitement

The river bank was dirtied with countless bullet casing, they had really gone all out on this one. After the men’s voices could no longer be heard, the body lying on top of the other gently fell to the side, face up. It was Mario. Sitting up with blood stained clothes was none other than Tom himself. His breathing was so heavy it was like he wanted to explode. He looked down at Mario visions of what had happened flooded his mind.

Just as the men shot their first bullets Mario tanked Tom to the ground and used himself as a shield. Tom had tried to fight him off but the man spoke. As more and more bullets rained and he realized it was too late all the strength in his body left and he lay there as his new found companion was torn apart like a rag doll.

“Rem, remember Tom, our goal is to survive, please live for both of us” his head slumped next on Tom’s shoulder “than….k you for trust…n mee”

Those were the man’s last words. These words would remain in Tom’s memories for the rest of his life. Rage swirled within him

Not another one, damnit he punched the ground with rage mixed with disappointment Jane I have failed to keep my promise damnit all damnit damnit he kept hitting the ground

“Forgive me Mario, I was the one who told you to come this way” he said in a faint voice then let out a loud cry that disrupted the silence at the river shore

After that he fell back into a silent sob as he knelt next to Mario’s body.

“I don’t want to be weak anymore” he said in a low voice

Nothing went through his ming except for revenge, he couldn’t live with himself if more people kept dying around him. As he sat there tears trickling down his cheeks there was a light thud next to him, he turned to look and it was a katana. A familiar voice spoke from behind him

“Then the time to be strong has arrived…….General”

“True strength, is not individual might or skill but the ability to care for your comrades” a female voice intruded

Saying his prayers to bid farewell to his lost comrade he took the katana and stood up. Taking a deep breath in he turned to Xin and Nikita who stood behind him. When he saw what they had his heart skipped a beat, it was Tanya out cold on Nikita’s shoulder.

Nikita saw the worry in the man’s eyes increased and immediately quenched it

“Such a fierce warrior this one is, fought till she passed out” she said assuring him Tanya was okay

Looking at the two people in front of him he saw something different compared to him and Tanya. They were close to clean, their clothes not tattered but just stained with blood.

What kind of people are these

“What is on your mind Tom-sama?” Xin asked seeing how the man just stared at them

“The man had a brush with death give him time to recollect his thoughts” Nikita turned “we will be waiting for you downstream at the waterfall” she said and started walking

Xin slightly bowed and followed her. Tanya’s body hung on Nikita’s shoulder and a peaceful look was on her face. Even though she had passed out amidst danger, the fact that she at least got time to rest gave her unconscious peace of mind.

With one final exhale Tom took his first step and followed the two ahead of him.

Everything I have done from the beginning until now has been nothing but sheer luck, it is a miracle that I’ve lived longer than those more skilled to survive in such a world

he wiped the stray tears still escaping his eyes

the pain of knowing someone died because you could not do anything is sickening, Jane, I sat there quietly as you died and they took Theresa. Mario I lay there as you took bullets for me and yet it was my idea for you to come to the river.

he gripped the katana

The time to sit back and leave my survival to luck is over, now I will not let my comrades sacrifice themselves for my survival. I will either protect them or die trying

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