The Rotting Flesh Book 1: Escatology

Chapter 8: Crisis in Nancefield

Rodrigas helped Tanya bury her parents. It took a while as they made sure they got a proper burial. After they were done they tried to call the police but no one was answering that is when they heard about the chaos that was reigning in the city. Going back to Rodrigas' shop was no longer an option it was just going to put them in more danger so they stayed at the ranch for the night and would leave at dusk. The night was not very peaceful with Tanya being paranoid about the doctors who attacked her father, she was afraid they would come back. Rodrigas barely slept trying to calm the poor girl's paranoia.

The road was partially empty since most people had left a bit earlier. Rodrigas drove at a steady speed to avoid any unexpected collisions since most of the cars they encountered were speeding. They had taken a different route away from town. Tanya was still processing what she had gone through the previous day and had had nightmares the whole night. Rodrigas on the other hand was not that okay but had to act strong for Tanya since she was the one who had recently suffered the greatest loss. He had barely slept, his eyes had very visible sacks underneath them. Now it was about noon and the fatigue was getting to him, Tanya noticed.

"Hey" she said forcing her unwilling voice out. Rodrigas was startled a bit since she had not talked since she woke up she

"Well hello" he said enthusiastically

"Pull over there" she said pointing at a bus stop a short distance from where she was. Rod obeyed and stopped at the spot. "come and sit here I'll drive you need to rest" she added

"No its fine I can handle it" he said while his red eyes betrayed him

"No, I insist" she said toneless

"Okay that's fine then" he agreed and they switched places

Tanya only drove for less than five minutes and Rodrigas was already asleep.

Whats happening to this world oh dad I wish you were here, you'd know what to do She thought as she drove at a steady speed watching the road.

Tears flowed down her cheeks as she reminisced of the incidences that occurred the previous day

How could you die just like that, oh my God mom She thought as she cried silently making sure not to let Rodrigas hear her

Why is he so concerned about me I barely know him but hes already treating me like a familiar a lot of questions ran in her mind. All these events had happened so quickly.

Who knew life could change in a blink of an eye. With her home town abandoned which was the only home she knew, where was she going now? Who was going to look after her like her father did, who was going to love her like Hannah did and worst of all who was going to protect her if by any chance she was ever going to be in trouble.

They had driven for hours before they finally arrived in the next town Nancefield where the events at Cyna were beginning to cause a bit of chaos. Countless videos of the incidents flooded the internet and almost every news channel on the planet talked about it. Rodrigas booked a motel so that they stay until they figure something out. It had been very difficult to procure a place since most of the motels and hotels were filled with people who had fled from Cyna so they had to share a room. Even though Tanya did not feel safe being in the same room with a stranger he was the only person she had now.

Tanya reached for the remote which was on the old dusty bedside board and increased the volume in order to listen to the local news. Rodrigas had gone out to look for some food and to see if he could find anyone he knew from Cyna. To Tanya the whole thing had happened so fast she was still finding difficult believing both her parents were gone. One moment they were a big happy family the next they were trying to devour her flesh, well such is life.

{"The government is setting up camps for those people who managed to make it out of Cyna and they will be sending pickup trucks to all the towns close to the contaminated area, however for the residents of the surrounding towns there is no need to evacuate the situation will be contained. Now for the rest I'll send you over to Mercy Summers who is with General Rugal who is in charge of the whole process" a beautiful blonde said and the camera switched to a formally dressed slim black woman standing with General Rugal

"Mercy Summers here, I am here with General Rugal whose team shall be responsible for the evacuation. Over to you General" she said

"Thank you, Good afternoon, It is very unfortunate what occurred in Cyna city. We have set up a camp in Hillcrest which is big enough to facilitate more than three cities. Pickup trucks that will be heavily guarded will be at the pickup points stated below today and will begin evacuations at dawn. We have already sent rescue teams to look for survivors in the city. So please there is no cause for alarm the situation is under control" said Rugal without an ounce of emotion on his face

"General what was the cause of this virus, there are rumors that it might have been caused by the Covid19 vaccine" asked Mercy and Rugal frowned

"Nonsense the vaccine has nothing to do with this. We too do not know what caused this but our scientists are looking into it. Thank have a nice day" he immediately dismissed the theory

"You heard it people stay safe and take care. This is Mercy Summers with the one oclock news have a good day" she concluded and the camera went back to the main news}

"Bullshit we all saw what that vaccine did to those people at town square" Rodrigas commented as he stood by the door carrying two paper bags filled with tinned food and bread

Tanya immediately switched off the televison and diverted her attention to him.

"What happened at town square?" she asked curios

"Well the first trials of the new vaccine were done publicly but something went wrong and the people who had been vaccinated attacked the doctors like some vicious animals" he said "yea, they ripped open the doctors and nurses eating their flesh on live television" he added

"My God so many people saw it" she said surprised by the news because all this information was new to her

"Yes. The military landed on the spot and killed them whatever they were then hushed the whole incident. You know how they are" he said

"So the videos are they available online?" she said typing on her phone

"I don't think so, they must have already been pulled down to cover up for their mistakes" he said with disgust on his face

Tanya surfed the net as Rodrigas prepared the food. He opened up a can of shredded tuna and another of tinned beef. When he was done he handed Tanya a plate containing 6 slices of bread and the tinned food along with a glass of Fanta soda. He took his food and ate sitting on the couch while Tanya was on the bed.

"Difficulty sleeping?" he said as he took a huge bite from his white slice

Tanya looked at him a bit surprised How did he know was he watching me all night? she thought

"No I wasn't watching you if thats what you're thinking" he contemplated what she was thinking

"So then how do you know?" she asked

"I've seen the way you've been looking at me since we got here, you don't trust me" he replied

"Whaaaat? nooo" she replied a bit embarassed

"Uh uh" he said and she sighed

"Look its that you're aaaah how do I put this" she struggled to find the right words

"No don't worry its okay even if I was also in your position I wouldn't trust me. It takes time I understand." he said giving her relief

"I'm glad you understand" she said and continued eating

"Look" he said and she turned to him "if you need anything don't hesitate to ask" he added smiling and she nodded her head seeing the whole situation as awkward

After they were done eating Tanya decided to take a walk outside where a lot of people were. Some were complete families and some seemed to have lost their loved ones. The whole motel yard was so packed with cars. It was already sundown and she decided to take a walk in town, she had never really gone anywhere all her life was in Cyna and at the farm. She followed the side walk admiring the beautiful buldings around her and also the neat houses which were in the far distance. After a while around 6 pm she decided to head back to the motel hoping Rodrigas was asleep. She didn't like the awkward silence that sometimes prevailed when they were together.

She went out for a walk around the town. She could see panic in people's eyes everywhere she looked. Everyone looked at each other with suspicion like they felt as though one of them would turn into one of those things. Military trucks were lined at the city's exit in preparation for tomorrow's evacuation to a camp for those who were made homeless by this chaos. She found a quiet spot to sit in the town park and for a moment she felt safe however her peace was short lived.

"Monster!!!!" a woman screamed followed by gunshots

It did not even take more than tens minutes to have the whole town running up and down screaming. Tanya stood up and ran back to the motel. She bumped into people who were running in all directions. There was so much confusion, fear began to slowly grip her. What scared her the most was that she could not see where the danger was, all she saw were people running.

"Help me!!" she heard a man scream and when she looked a chill went down her spine

A man's intestines were being ripped out while he was alive. Blood gushed out of him. She froze from fear, one of them started running towards her but she could not move with fear. The woman grabbed Tanya and as she was about to sink her teeth into her arm there was a loud bang, her head burst and brain matter slammed Tanya in her face.

"Tanya, hey!" a familiar voice jolted her out of her trance

She turned to look it was Rodrigas. He held her arm and yanked her.

"Stop zoning off in situations like these!" he said irritably as they ran to the military vehicles that stood on the end of town

She was quiet as though mute, her words couldn't come out so she just kept following his lead.

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