The Rotting Flesh Book 1: Escatology

Chapter 28: Taste of defeat

The night was warm and dry. The silence was so powerful it was almost crippling. A van was parked at the shore of the rover which stretched from Chyna to other regions. Moving and staying much in the shadows a figure approached the van. As she came into sight the people in the van came out.

“Well well what do we have here” one of them said

“Don’t do anything stupid we are just dealing” he said “so how may we help you”

“I’m proposing a trade, fuel for food” a female voice said

“Is that all?” asked the guy as he saw that there was more to this than just a simple trade

“I need you to get rid of someone for me”

“Greed, typical of humans” said the other guys and he went back into the car

“We are not hitmen” explained the guy

“I was not finished talking” she said

“Okay, continue”

“I just want her out of our lives, she’s slowing us down. Take her somewhere safe and leave her there”

The guys listening laughed “nowhere is safe in this world”

“Do you want gas or not?”

“For someone in your position, you sure do talk too much” he said irritably

“Deal or no deal”

“What makes you we can’t kill you where you stand” he threatened

“One because I know where a stash of fuel is that you don’t and Two who says I came alone” she countered

“Shit, I thought we agreed you come alone”

“This is not Cinderella where things just happen your way”

The man frowned

“Your move” she said confidently

“You little bitch, you sure can make a bargain. I yield fine. Who do you want us to take to this safe place?” he asked more calm now

“You’ll know once you see her” she said

“Okay deal. Just so you know this might be our last deal because my friend in there dislikes dishonorable people like you”

“We don’t live in a world with a moral campus anymore, do as you’re told and we go our separate ways” she defended herself

The guy stared at her with a hint of sadness in his eyes

“Okay” he said and entered his van “what has this world become” he added and left.


The midday sun was at its hottest today. The crew were looking for more things to get them going at a fuel station they had stumbled upon as they were leaving the region. Theresa stood at the fuel station pouring petrol in some containers for their bikes while Jane looked for food in the store. Tom on the other hand was busy relieving himself in the back toilet. There was silence since Theresa was not talking to anyone. The silence was broken by the sound of an arriving van. Jane went outside to see who it was. Three men stepped out

“Hello Hello Good afternoon ma’am” one of the men bowed at Theresa like they knew each other

“Who are you?” Jane asked reaching for her gun

“We are just some humble hitmen sent to collect our bounty, ain’t that right ma’am” he said smiling at Theresa

Jane seeing what was going on quickly caught on to the situation and shock gripped her. Theresa’s face was expressionless but you could see the hate within her glare at Jane. Tom heard the commotion and was about to go and check it out when he heard a gun shot. He peeped and saw Jane lying on the ground looking at him. She signaled with her eyes and lips for him not come out.

“What are you doing?!” Theresa screamed

Tom hearing this he could not hold himself, if he didn’t come out Theresa would die. As he cranked his gun and was about to run out guns blazing he heard something that weakened him in his knees

“Thats not what we agreed!” Theresa said

“There is no honor amongst thieves” commented Jacob

“Tom!! I’m sorry I’m sorry!!” Theresa yelled tears flowing down her cheeks

Reality hit hard as she realized the grave mistake she had made. Afterall Tom had done for her, she betrayed him

“You said you wouldn’t kill anyone” she threw her hands and feet trying to free herself from Jacob’s grip

“Shut it you little bitch, this ain’t Cinderella where everyone lives happily ever after” Toby yelled at her and the rest of them laughed

“Oh God” Theresa’s heart broke as she watched things turn horribly wrong

Jane lay on the ground motionless as a pool of blood flowed from her body. Toby kicked her to see if she was alive but there was no response.

“Well she’s dead” he said and began walking back to the car where everyone else was “you see that girl” he added grabbing her chin

“Thats happens when you fuck with us” he giggled “get her in the car”

Jacob threw her into the back seat and got in. Douglas sat on her right and Jacob her right.

“Don’t even try to move, we wouldn’t want to hurt our new wife” Jacob said

Douglas as always was a man of few words and remained silent like he was not even focusing on what was going on.

“Hey Tom, we’ll be taking this little miss as a parting gift, hope you taught her well in bed!!” yelled Toby as he sped off

Tom stood helpless and powerless behind the fuel station. His knees were numb, it was proving difficult for his mind to digest what he just heard. Theresa of all people had set them up. Red veins protruded in his eyes as they watered. Peeping and seeing that they had left he walked to where Jane was and fell to his knees. He whaled

“Oh Trent, where did I go wrong”

He cried letting out a loud scream when he felt a hand on his knee. Looking down, he saw Jane lifting her head looking at her. Quickly helping her lie on his feet.

“J J Jane, I’ll get help I” he stuttered

“Tom….she” she coughed blood

“I I I I” words could barely form in his mouth

“Tom….uh” she whised “listen t to me”

He nodded as tears endlessly escaped his eyes

“Nomatter what you choose, I’ll always be proud of you” she said as her eyes slowly closed

“Jane please, I can’t lose anyone else” he wept

With the last of her strength she gripped onto his shirt and stretched her neck for his ear. He lowered his head to make it easier for her

“She loves you so much” she said and her body fell down……she was dead

“No no no Jane , Jane ahhhhh ahhhhhhhh nooooo” he screamed and passed out.

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