The Roaming Alpha 2

Chapter Unforgivable

Ch 4

Matecor pov

I just stare at my Beta because this better be fucking good. I finally have this trash wolf and was just about to get somewhere when we were so rudely interrupted.

“The pack members outside are upset, and want answers Alpha!”

“Fine, then let’s give them answers!”

I follow him outside and the moment I step out the pack house members are screaming questions at me. It just sounds all jumbled and I can’t make anything out. I let out a loud growl which gets everyone to quiet down.

“I don’t care what the pack thinks! Yes I kidnapped the Queen, and plan on going back for that soon to be crowned King! I will take my place on that throne! If that means I have to kill royals, then so be it! Don’t like it, I don’t care! Leave then and go find another pack!”

I hear the gasps when I turn on my heel walking back into the pack house. I have a little trash wolf to get to and will make her pay for hiding my son for the last eighteen years. When I approach my door I can hear whispering coming from inside that abruptly stops. I slowly open the door and see her sitting on my bed still handcuffed and my cock instantly comes alive. I see the way her face is hiding and how it makes her hair cascade down her body in curls.

Her small but muscular body seems to have curves in all the right places. Wait what the fuck am I doing? I’m supposed to hate this trash and yet here I’m admiring her fucking curves! I quickly shut my door locking it and stride over to her grabbing her by her hair forcing her to look up at me. She trembles and can see she’s been crying but keeps her eyes closed. I pause for just a moment when she opens her eyes to stare straight at me.

I step back watching her when I unlock her handcuffs. I watch her rub her wrists looking at me when I just give a smirk. I can see her begging with her eyes, and although it’s cute I don’t care about her fucking feelings. I reach for her when she scrambles away kicking at me. I chuckle because she will not get away but her trying is pretty funny. I jump on the bed and grab her wrists pulling her to the center pinning her down. She screams and tries to fight but let’s be serious about this she is no match.

I pry her legs apart and settle in between them when I pin her arms above her with one hand while the other quickly goes to undo my pants. My hard cock throbs harder with every little struggle and fight she has in her. I don’t give a shit about her fucking mate bond because lets face it, I always wanted a royal. I close my eyes, holding her still while she whispers begging me over and over not to. I slowly place myself at her entrance and when I open my eyes she is staring at me pleading as tears fall.


Killian pov

I’m sitting here in the conference room as Cora is bawling and Rikar is pacing back and forth. I know he is pissed off at me but we have to stick to the plan no matter what. We are waiting to hear from the elders if we can speed this up but still haven’t heard anything yet. I have tried to mind link his mom but something isn’t right, and it’s being blocked. I go to stand up when I growl out grabbing at my heart. The pain is excruciating and I can feel him touching her. Feel him rubbing in between her legs, and then it just stops.

Rikar and Cora look at me with the guards when I just stare at the table bracing myself. I sit back down when I look at Rikar.

“Dad, what’s going on?”

“He was touching her but it stopped for now.”

He nods and is waiting for confirmation on where Matecor went with his mom. We have a feeling he just went back to his territory, but haven’t had it confirmed yet. More guards start to show up so we can go over the attack plans if we find out he is there. Right when I go to point at the map the pain comes back and I sit down in the chair leaning back grabbing my chest growling.

I can feel the tears escape from my closed eyes because I can feel everything that is going on. I can feel the disgust and shame she is feeling by not being able to fight, but can’t relay back that it’s ok. I feel him all over her and within minutes scream out as a burning sensation is ripping through my body. My whole body tenses and shakes while the tears keep falling, and it’s over within minutes. I stand up walking out of the conference room heading straight for outside where everyone is training.

They all stop to stare at me because I’m seething through my teeth and my chest is heaving up and down. Rikar comes running after me trying to figure out what is happening.

“Dad, what’s going on?”

I turn as tears fall and just stare when I open up the mind link to everyone. “He just raped her.”

Rikar backs up shaking his head in disbelief while growls are erupting everywhere. The guards are training harder since we really don’t have time to wait. We need to get a hold of the elders now!


“Yes Killian!”

“Get the fucking elders here now!”

“Killian I have tried, they said they will come when they come!”

“Tell them things have changed now that he has raped my mate! Either they perform the ceremony now and we can move forward or I take the soon to be king and we raid Matecor’s territory now with who we have here and if we all die so be it!”

She nods and quickly disappears when Jakar comes running up.

“Do you think she can convince them?”

“I don’t know Jakar, but I’m hoping she can. I know Jasara is strong but I dunno how long she can keep going without her wolf being able to help her.”


Mila pov

I quickly arrive and wait my turn patiently. When I’m allowed to enter the chambers of the elders they take one look at me rolling their eyes and sigh.

“Mila, we told you we won’t move things faster unless there is a major development.”

“I know but there has been and they are desperate!”

“Ok Mila we will entertain the idea and hear you out but this will be the last time!”

“Matecor has kidnapped Queen Jessara and has drugged her, and not only touched her but has now raped her.”

They all stop to stare wide eyed when they call on the goddess herself to come forward for verification. I see a woman appear in all white with tears in her eyes. She just nods confirming what is going on. The elders gasp because never have they dealt with someone like this or this situation before. To kidnap a royal and force themselves upon them is beyond unforgivable. The punishment for such a thing will be certain death.

“Mila it has been confirmed that what you say is true. Make the arrangements we will be there this evening to perform the ceremony. Then after the ceremony is performed we give our blessing to have Matecor pay for his crimes and will not stand in the way.”

“Thank you elders! We will get working right away!”

I quickly leave and make my way back to the palace. When I reappear everyone is back in the conference room waiting for some news. When I walk in everyone stands up except Killian who has his head buried against the table crying. I look at Rikar wide eyed and the look he gave confirmed that she had been raped again.

“The elders have spoken. Make the arrangements and they will be here this evening to perform the ceremony. Afterwards we can deal with Matecor how we see fit and they will not stand in our way.”

“How did you convince them?”

“I didn’t have to, Rikar. The Moon Goddess herself confirmed it for them.”

They all stop and just stare at me like I have grown a second head.

“T-the Moon Goddess was there?”

I see Killian looking straight at me with eyes wide open. I just nod and he nods back.

“Well then let’s get busy! We have a ceremony to get underway soon!”

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