The RisingThe Rising Book One The Darkness Series

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

The search party started out at first light. Supplies were needed and couldn’t wait. Medications, medical supplies, food, basics would be needed to survive for the foreseeable future.

And they needed to scout out the area for somewhere else to hide. There were the injured to think of and children but they couldn’t stay put. Not only would supplies in the area run dry but the Reavers would be coming back, and there would be more of them next time.

They didn’t have the numbers to fight against the number of Reavers that were out there. It was two to one out there last time. Next time it would be more. Without everyone having some sort of magical power they were sorely outnumbered.

Taking Liem’s truck, Colin and Cass rode in the bed while Mac, a human with no power that they had seen, rode shotgun. An engineer before the darkness, Mac was a tough old man, who had found Liem and pulled him from the dark. Liem trusted him more than anyone.

“You talk to that girl this morning?” Mac asked without giving Liem a glance.

“No, she was still asleep when we left. The girl has a name Mac, Mira, remember?” Liem gave the old man a side eye look, keeping his focus on the road.

“I know her name. Just don’t trust her, is all.” It’s not the first time Mac has voiced his hesitation about Mira. “She’s got something not right in here, Liem.” He thumped his finger against his head.

“She has power that scares her. She’s not like the Reavers.” Assuring the old man of that is like talking to the wall. He doesn’t listen.

“Didn’t say she was. But she isn’t like us either. You need to be careful with her, Liem. Don’t confide too much or put too much faith in her. I don’t get a good feeling about her.” It’s times like this Liem wondered if the old man was a seer.

Mac didn’t say why he would get his “gut feelings” but he has yet to steer them wrong. Believing his friend, Liem took his words to heart and would talk to Raine when they got back. As much as he wanted to believe that Mira was the answer to end the war, he too felt it was too easy.

Turning off the highway and weaving between cars and trucks that were stopped wherever they died, they pulled into a strip mall. A drugstore, a pet store and several small shops.

They carefully watched both directions of the road as Cass and Colin ran into the drugstore. There was no telling when the Reavers would start heading this way. They needed supplies as much as the Reavers did.

Fifteen minutes later, Cass and Colin raced out. Each of them carried three backpacks stuffed full with supplies. Hurling the load and their bodies into the bed, Cass was quickly pounding on the roof to go.

“Move it, Liem! They're right behind us!” He yelled as Liem shoved the truck into gear and got back onto the main road as fast as possible.

Driving off another side road and taking the dirt road around. They tried to keep out of sight while they worked their way back towards the base. It took time and gas, neither they had much of. And one more thing they would have to figure out.

Finding a gas station, Liem crossed his fingers that the gas was on. He pulled in and quickly grabbed the nozzle. While he pumped the gas, Colin grabbed a couple of five gallon cans and filled them up as well.

Cass stood sentry in the bed of the truck. His rifle aimed in one direction, Mac aimed in the opposite. We made fast work of it and almost got back on the road without incident when we saw movement to the side of the building.

“We got company.” Colin whispered, he nodded in the direction he saw the bushes rustling.

“Come on out! We know you’re there!” Mac called out. Cass and Colin kept their guns ready just in case.

“I aint gonna hurt you! I don’t want nothing! I was just curious, is all!” The boy stepped out, hands raised looking like he hadn’t seen a bath in a year.

Liem pushed Colin’s gun down and took a step toward the boy. “We won’t hurt you. I’m Liem. This is Mac, Colin and Cass. We’re just trying to find supplies. That’s all. What’s your name?”

He looked warily between the men but steeled his spine and lifted his chin as he stepped forward copying Liem. “Keegan. There’s no one left around here. I looked.”

Mac and Liem glanced at each other and dropped their weapons. This boy is no threat to them. “Why don’t you come on with us? We have food and shelter. We can help keep you safe.”

“I don’t need your help. I've been keeping myself safe just fine. Besides, how do I know you are like them?” Keegan asked as if he couldn’t feel the difference.

“The kids a seer. He knows what we are, what we aren’t, Liem.” Cass whispered, reading the child.

“Read me, Keegan. I know you can. Tell me what I am.” Liem held his arms outstretched at his sides. Unarmed and vulnerable.

The boys narrowed his eyes on Liem, focused all of his attention on the man in front of him and read him. “You’re a teacher, you were. Now you're a witch. Warlock. You protect others from the Reavers. You stand for Lugh. The Irish god of Protection.”

Liem smiled at the reference. “Where did you learn that?”

“You just told me. If you want supplies there’s more stores that way.” Keegan pointed east.

Without offering anything more information the boy crawled into the bed of the truck and settled between Colin and Cass. Getting back into the truck we headed on.

“You trust that boy?” Mac asked as we turned around to head east.

“He’s a seer. He could read me and you. Do you?” Liem questioned the old man who didn’t offer much.

“He needs a bath.” Mac grunted as he eyed the road ahead.

“Don’t we all?” Liem ended the conversation there not concerned that a boy possibly ten, twelve at most could cause much trouble. And he doubted the boy had any idea what powers he held.

Sure enough, Keegan was right and they found a Home Depot. Using the same method two stayed outside while two loaded up on soil and seeds, propane tanks and grills. Basics. They found big trucks there and got building materials, wood and bricks and things that could be used off the grid.

Things they will need where they are going. Cass and Mac each loaded a truck with building supplies. Coming back with two more vehicles would help haul the supplies and the others but they would get to a point where trucks wouldn’t be an option. They needed a plan.

Before he could think more about it, they found Reavers. Just as they were finishing loading up the last truck, the black truck with no muffler and the two motorcycles with extra riders rounded the building. Guns blasting. Liem didn’t know where they kept finding their ammunition and weapons. Every time he ran into them they had more ammunition, bigger guns, and louder trucks.

Liem never even shot a gun before this darkness happened. He was a happy professor of physics at the local community college. With a wife who loved him and a little boy who was happy if he got hot dogs for dinner and a ballgame on the tv to watch with his dad. Now that little boy has nightmares about his mom dying. Liem has plenty of regrets about how much his life has changed.

“I remember you!” The Reaver points the barrel of his gun in Liem’s face. “You’re the bastard who stole that girl from us by the library a while back!”

Not these guys again! Every time he goes out, Liem seems to continue to cross paths with them. Knowing they need to leave the area before the Reavers put it together that they are the ones who have the firebird, Liem gives the others a silent mental order to go. Once these Reavers figure out who they are, they won’t stop until they get Mira.

“Sorry, I don’t know you!” Liem responds, hurling a 2x4 at him as he jumps into the moving truck as the driver floors the accelerator and hurries out of the parking lot.

Colin beat his fist on the top of the truck telling Liem to drive faster. Colin, a warlock, and one of the best fighters Liem has seen in this battle, has trees uprooting from the side of the road and throwing them at the motorcycles and trucks behind them.

It’s an ugly deadly fight. There hasn’t been a single fight that hasn’t ended without bloodshed. In this case, the truck hit the tree and at full speed flipping over and sliding into the ditch. The motorcycle tried to avoid the truck but ended up flipping over on top of the driver before bursting into flames.

They didn’t stop to check for survivors. They couldn’t. The last time they did, they lost five people. It’s not worth the cost.

“We got a good haul.” Colin sat down next to Liem, keeping his eyes out on the road behind them for any other followers.

“Yeah, I guess.” Liem doesn't like death, no matter what side it’s on.

“It’s war, Liem. Nothing else we can do.” Colin reminds him. It’s easier for him. Colin was serving in the Marine Corps when the darkness hit. He was training for war.

By the time they got back to the clearing, everyone had heard about the run in. Raine was waiting at the door for him as Cass drove in. The tight grip around her heart released knowing her brother was safe.

Climbing out of the truck, everyone helped unload the supplies. All but one who had remained in her room since the attack. Liem looked up at her window and felt her, awake and aware but not responding to him.

“This place isn’t safe.” Keegan muttered, looking around his eyes were almost opaque.

He wasn’t looking with his eyes, he was opening with his gift. “We’ll be leaving here soon.”

“You brought the Emberwing here.” Keegan said as if this was something they should have known not to do.

Liem began to assure him, “Keegan…”

“The woman who seeks to end the dark

She rises once more to close the mark

Pyremius won’t stop, his death toll rise,

The human race is his prize.

He bears the mark of her ring,

You hold in your cage,

The Emberwing”

Keegan swayed, falling against Mac’s legs. Steadying him, Liem saw the paleness of his face, the sheen of sweat on his skin. Whatever that meant took a toll on the kid. Hopefully Raine can help with the riddle.

“You okay, kid?” Mac patted him on the back.

“I don’t know what that means. I know it’s important but I don’t know what it means.” Keegan looks at Liem in hopes he can explain it.

“Dad!” Turning, Liem is greeted by a hug around his legs and a growl from the wolf. Once again Liem looks up at the window.

“She won’t come out. I tried to get her to play ball this morning but she wouldn’t open her door.” Jonah told his father as he grabbed the bucket of seeds.

“We’ll have to have some patience with her. I think she’s scared.” Liem explained looking at Raine who rolled her eyes at him. “Jonah, this is Keegan. He could use a cold drink. Why don’t you two take those to the kitchen, and get that drink. Maybe you can figure out how to grow them.”

Watching the boys run off excited to use his new gift, Raine nudges her brother with her shoulder. “His power isn’t strong enough yet. Keegan isn’t a witch.”

“No he’s a seer. He’s strong. And Jonah's power won’t be stronger if he doesn’t use it. Might as well keep trying. And Mira is going to need to use hers too. I know.” The lack of patience in his voice wasn’t lost on her.

“You can’t baby her anymore. I know what she is and I know what you’re doing and why. But she needs practice. She’s never going to get control if you keep giving in to her excuses.” Unfortunately for Liem, he knew she was right.

Mira has been taking advantage of the fact that he didn’t want to push her into using her power. Part of that was because her power scared him, especially the lack of her control over it. He didn’t want to see anyone else die.

They headed into the house, Raine leading the way and explaining what she had learned that morning. “We found a book. I think it’s the one we have been looking for.”

And for the first time Liem felt hope.

Raine continued. “Legend states the Firebirds are to become one. That to me says ‘couple’, not family. I don’t think Mira’s family has anything to do with her destiny. I think it’s about her mate.”

Scratching the thin beard on his chin, Liem makes a simple suggestion. “It might help her to trust us and work with you. Then if she can find a family member she might be more apt to try her power.”

Liem is aware it’s a long shot to find her family. He’s been out there. He’s seen the empty streets and looted buildings. He’s heard the talk from those who haven’t joined them yet that the government has fallen. That more than half of the population is gone.

Liem has driven around town in hopes of finding more people like them. People who are trying to not just survive but live. There are very few left and that includes those who have chosen to side with the Reavers.

“Fine, you can look but she’s not going to be able to do much if she doesn’t open up. We need her to open before it’s too late.” Raine’s right about that but Liem is certain he can give her an hour to at least try.

“How’s Jonah?” He asks as they head back into the map room.

“He and that wolf and Naomi have been together all morning.” Raine isn’t fond of Torak, the wolf that has attached himself to Liem’s five year old son.

When the wolf came to Liem right after the darkness, it scared him. It was a wild animal coming straight from the forest but Jonah said he just wanted to protect them from the dark. Somehow Jonah is able to communicate with the wolf, among other animals. That’s one of his gifts.

“I’m going to check on him.” Turning to head back up, Raine stops him.

“We need to find a better place. We need to leave tomorrow or the next day. Food supply goes down every day, the power is going to go off any time now. It’s nice now but winter is going to suck. We need to find land, some place less populated so we can grow our own food, there has to be livestock, cows, chickens, pigs out there we can pen. It’s on us until there’s a leader. And we have to find this sorcerer or whoever is supposed to lead. It’s not me, Liem. I’m not a leader. I don’t even want to be a seer.”

Taking her by the shoulders, Liem rests his forehead to hers. His twin, they have been linked all their lives and he knows how hard this is for her. It’s hard on everyone. Nothing is going to be easy again.

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