The RisingThe Rising Book One The Darkness Series

Chapter 19

Chapter 19

In another valley, far from the flat lands of Kansas, Mira worked hard every day and every night in the fairy valley. And as she trained, as she studied, and mixed and conjured, she meditated and practiced her craft. And worried if she was enough to beat back the Darkness that was getting closer every day.

Mira trained with the witches and learned the art of witchcraft, the way of the shifters, the life of the fairies and the talents of the elves. Most importantly,she learned about her history.

The story of the Emberwing and the legend of her own creation and rebirth is one of wonder and mystery. It speaks of the courage of a single woman, a warrior, who makes her stand against the dark, Pyremius, as the world catches fire around them.

The Emberwing uses the fire, the light from it, the heat from it, and her power to ignite the darkness into a bright light that turns into a wave of light across the sky. The Emberwing stood her ground against Pyremius that night. As she took him into her light, he snuffed out her flames and cast her into ashes and darkness to never be seen or heard from again.

The Emberwing is the first of the firebirds. The first line of defense against the darkness and the evil that comes from it. As with all firebirds, even when one life ends another begins. The Emberwing can be reborn from the ashes and emerge stronger than before if the Emberwings motives are true and just.

Just as the Emberwing can cease to exist for a long period of time if its motives are honest and of the light. It can be reborn and replaced by a new Emberwing with a clear heart and soul to fight for the light.

Mira has to have a clear vision and an honest path forward to return the darkness to its place of confinement. Only then will the Emberwing be able to restore the light and dark energy balance to the world. Until then the darkness will continue to search for the weak and vulnerable to attack and destroy those who it can threaten and corrupt, and ultimately to destroy.

Mira has to work harder than ever to make sure that the darkness doesn't get away from her and goes after anyone else.

"The legend speaks of other firebirds, where are they?" Mira asked one day after her training.

"It is unknown. They've not been seen in a few millennia or more. They have never been called on to face Pyremius that I know of. If we need them this time, I don't know how we would recognize them. I would think you could recognize your own kind," Dewin honestly answered her. There are no stories, no words to describe how to find any other firebird.

"How many are there?" Mira continues her questions as they walk to the stream.

"Frostwing, is the most well known and documented. Then there are five others none have ever seen. Even I have not seen any of them, child. If they exist there's no guarantee that we will find them in time," Dewin explained, knowing that if the child of Liem's was one of the other firebirds as he suspected it would be years before he would come into his power.

"But there are more. We should be looking for them! What happens if Pyremius finds them first?" A question that Dewin has asked himself several times.

"If a Firebird goes to the darkness, it could be a very very bad thing. It could have repercussions on your world that we cannot imagine. We could never get back to the light if we lost a firebird." That much he knew was true.

Knowing there is more like her out there Mira was determined to work hard to prove herself and go find them. She couldn't do this alone. No one could. It was even more clear to her now than before that she needed to find out what she was and how to use these powers she had.

She mixed potions and chanted spells, she created charms and she became stronger within. She learned to shift into the bird inside her and back. She flew overhead and saw what laid below, the dead and the dying and those struggling to survive. And Mira changed into the Emberwing, and learned who she is meant to be.

She learned the history of her kind and the battle between light and darkness. She struggled with the fight within her. Mira felt the urge to give in to the dark and let it take her over and she fought everyday to remain in the light. And she looked for more of her kind every time she took to the sky.

It wasn't a simple fight. She learned from Dewin that it would never go away and she would have to fight for her soul again and again because Pyremius would never give up. Not until everything was his and the light on all the earth was extinguished.

Mira feared for those she knew were still out there fighting for the light. Liem and Jonah, Naomi and the others were all in so much danger. Not because of her, not anymore. But because they were going to fight Pyremius. Because they would fight til the death and they would lose.

"We have to do something! They're going to be slaughtered if we don't do something!" Mira begged Dewin to help the ragtag group that she had abandoned.

"They have the tools to survive, Mira. You must focus on your own destiny now," he tried to explain it to her, but she wouldn't listen to him.

"You are one with the flame. You have a fire inside you. You can watch them in the fire, to check on your friends, but you cannot do anything for them, it's not safe until you have mastered your own power." Dewin knew if Pyremius knew where she was, he would come for her.

There would be no place safe for anyone in this world if Pyremius got his hands on Mira before she learned control. Her skills had come far from where she started but her ability to control the flame wasn't there. If Mira isn't focused, if her emotions are out of control, she could easily kill her friends.

So she followed his guidance and learned to watch through the fire. She kept vigil on Liem and Jonah watching them move further away from her, hiding from the Darkness. Each night the Fog crept closer to their camp and each night they got lucky their barrier held.

As Mira watched, she could see some of their deaths. She had no doubt that some would die and soon. The Darkness was closing in on them. Everyday it got closer, following them and as they slowed down, they allowed the Darkness to come closer.

She could do nothing to help them.

"They need help! You've seen it just as I have! Dewin, they're going to die without us," Mira begged the old sorcerer to let her go to her friends.

"You are not trained for that. You would only put yourself in danger and guarantee your friends demise if you go to them now. No, it's not wise for you to do this," he refused her request once again.

Over and over they argued about the same thing. Each time with the same result, Dewin was not going to risk losing the Emberwing for the possibility of saving a few humans who hadn't learned their powers.

Liem had been given the keys to their future, it was up to him to open the lock. It was his fate to decide when and where he would act. Liem held that power now.

But as the Ancient One, Dewin could help without jeopardizing the Chosen One. He sent Willow, without mentioning it to Mira, and let the fairy guide the others to safety. She would keep them out of trouble.

With that dealt with, Mira could focus on her own studies and forget about her worries of the others. Or that's what Dewin had hoped. But without knowing what he had done, Mira was relentless about watching the fire for her friends.

Having Dewin as a tough teacher, he pushed her through long days of training. Not giving an inch of latitude or leniency for her lack of discipline or knowledge, he expected her to study and learn, remember and memorize more each day. He has no patience for her frustration with him or herself. He only pushed her harder. And everyday she worked harder for him.

The fairies welcomed her to the valley with gifts of bread and fruits. They made her clothes and shoes as she needed them. Supplying her with weapons of arrows and bows, swords of steel and belts of leather as asked for by Dewin. And she learned more.

She made friends in the forest with the fairies and the shifters. The tribes who welcomed her with no expectations of her to know everything the day she arrived. They taught her daily the basic principles and traditions of the tribes and they learned from her. Before long relationships were formed, bonds were forged and she became stronger from each one.

Mira lost her joy of reading and became serious about everything she did in her life. She rarely laughed over the months she worked with Dewin but she didn't miss it. She grew close with the tribes of the forest and she found a new family with them.

They looked up to her knowing that she was the Emberwing. They saw her as a leader. And Mira slowly found herself as one as well. Shedding her young self and finding her own way, Mira matured. She needed to be taken seriously, the world was depending on her.

She had more to learn from the elves to the healers, from the witches to the shifters. Her journey to becoming The Chosen One had only just begun. The Emberwing had just begun the metamorphosis of this new world.

On this night, the first cool night of winter, the frosts were just beginning to come and Mira sat warm in the cabin she shared with Dewin and watched the fire as she does most nights for her friends.

On this night, the group had found a small town, a group of houses and a farming area where they were going to stay. Mira watched them as they made this decision and felt in her stomach that something told her this was wrong.

"They're going to die there," she whispered, watching as Liem and Jonah with Torak take ownership of a small house next to Naomi and Raine's cottage.

"You don't know what will happen unless you have become a seer as well? Have you had a vision of this?" Dewin asked, knowing this wasn't the case.

"No, but... it's not safe for them to be out in the open like that," Mira's anger over the situation was not uncommon. She was becoming more irrational each day.

"Then you don't know," Dewin surmised, causing Mira to rage silently. "Watch and learn. They are not alone. Not for long."

Dewin sat with her and waved his hand over the flames and cleared the smoke so they could see more clearly. The smaller group of men and women, witches and shifters, seers and fairies, elves and humans moved closer to the camp.

As they reached the first outpost the first warning signal was sent out that the camp had company coming in. The moving force stopped at the second point where guards were waiting for them. The two couldn't hear what was being said but they could see.

"You're gonna have to stop here, buddy. You're coming into a private area," the four guards stood in their way and blocked Asher and Cosmo from entering the camp.

"We aren't looking for trouble," Ash said, raising his hands to show he wasn't going to raise his weapon at anyone. "We're just trying to find a place to stay."

Dewin straightened seeing Asher knowing that he was another of the Chosen Ones for this fight. Quickly he passed a message to Willow to get to Liem. No harm must come to the one in charge of this group. He hasn't become but he is in need of protection until his time comes.

"He's the Frostwing," Dewin whispers as he watches the fire.

"What? He's what? Frostwing? He's like me?" Mira is on her feet instantly looking into the fire intently as if she could bring the young man to her through the fire.

"He isn't ready yet. But yes, he's the Frostwing. I must go to Liem. Explain the situation," Dewin stood, wrapping his long coat around his thin long body.

"I'm going with you," Mira declared, grabbing her coat as well.

"No! You must stay put. Pyremius will sense you and your presence will put everyone in danger. You must keep your distance, for now," her patience will not hold much longer but she will stay away for the moment. She won't let her friends come to any harm because of her presence.

"Can you at least tell him..."

"I will," knowing what she wants to convey Dewin nods and waves his arm before disappearing into nothing before her eyes.

"He is the Frostwing, Liem. It's important for you to protect him and his friends until he comes into his power," Dewin announces as he appears behind the crowd of people.

The crowd split as Dewin walked forward between them. Asher and Cosmo looked at him a bit confused with his sudden appearance while Liem looked around in hopes of seeing Mira.

Dewin sees his response and shakes his head knowing that Mira is watching this as well. "She isn't here. But she knows that you are okay."

"Oh," disappointed but not willing to admit it, he nods once and focuses on the man in front of him. "So he's a Firebird too?"

"Frostwing, yes," Dewin corrects him, nodding to Asher.

"I guess you're talking about me. Look, we don't want any trouble. We just want a place to crash for a few nights then we'll get out of your way." Asher repeated as he looked from Dewin to Liem.

"You're welcome here, Frostwing. As are your friends." Dewin smiled, greeting them. "You must protect them, the Frostwing hasn't become. He is vulnerable to the dark." He spoke into Liem's thoughts.

"Like Jonah?" Liem asked the Ancient One.

"Exactly like him. They are important to this fight, Liem. More important than you or I," Dewin's thoughts were clear.

"Of course you're welcome here. I'm Liem, this is my sister Raine." He introduced himself to Asher.

"I’m Asher, this is Cosmo and Lexie. We appreciate the hospitality and won't overstay the welcome." Taking Liem's hand to shake it, Liem felt the power in Asher, just as he felt the power in Mira. Only this time there was something more to it.

"Hi! I know you!" Jonah looks up at Asher grinning at the stranger as if he's Ironman.

"You do?" Asher asks, kneeling down to the boy's level.

"You're the Frostwing. I saw you in a dream. You're the blue firebird. You bring the light of immortality to the world. You don't breathe fire but ice. It's really cool!" Jonah describes more about the firebird than the others seem to know.

Which has Dewin questioning: what else does the child know that he hasn't told his father?

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