The Rise to Godhood

Chapter 35: The Way Forward.

The moon shone through the ash clouds when Gaia looked at the children she had abducted. The children had been crying for their mothers all day, and Arish had sedated them with sleeping potions to get peace and quiet. It all felt so incredibly wrong. Gaia had travelled to Earth in the hope of becoming the saviour of humanity. Yet, her first encounter had led to bloodshed and broken hearts.

“Mother, you knew about the future; why didn’t you tell me about this?” Gaia cried silently.


A breeze hit Gaia’s neck, and she felt a warm hand on her shoulder. She turned around, and she saw True Maker in the beautiful form of Keila Eisenstein.

“There were changes along the timeline. For example, I hoped you would come across the Paci Tribe humans and befriend them. However, the Grung Tribe humans killed them and ate them several months ago.” True Maker said.

“How would I have gotten here several months earlier?” Gaia asked.

“If you had taken the Zetani Nova Zeto Crystal out of its sanctuary before the Zetans flattened Arishome Valley, you could have skipped going to Elvonia. That would have saved you time and made you capable of saving the Paci Tribe people.” True Maker replied.

“That’s unfair. There is no way I could foresee these things happening.” Gaia protested.

“I am not blaming you,” True Maker stated.

Gaia turned around and looked at the children who were sleeping peacefully. When she saw the children, she was looking forward to her motherhood. Gaia was in her second trimester, so the effects of pregnancy were showing a bit on her.

“They are beautiful, aren’t they? So young and innocent. You can still save them.” True Maker enthused.

“What would have happened if I didn’t kidnap them from their parents,” Gaia asked.

“In every timeline so far, the Grung Tribe cannibalized on their children to survive the harsh ice age. Those that survived the ice age were too weak to procreate, and their lines ended.” True Maker said and looked away.

“Why are you looking away? What are you not telling me?” Gaia remarked.

“In this timeline, they would have survived. After the Grung Tribe humans ate the Paci Tribe humans, they were well-fed and wouldn’t have needed to kill their young to survive the Mount Toba Ice Age. The volcano will stop erupting in two weeks, and the skies will clear in two months. The Grung Tribe would have formed the basis of humanity.” True Maker revealed.

“Why are you telling me this now? What am I even doing here then? I could have stayed on Zetani Nova with Kailow. We would be happy, and we could have raised our children together.” Gaia exclaimed.

“I am…. I am sorry. This is why I rarely intervene; my actions have unintended consequences.” True Maker replied.

“I hate you!” Gaia yelled, pushed True Maker, turned around, and started crying.

True Maker took a step back and studied her daughter. Mortals were such complex creatures, and they brought emotions to everything. How would she handle this?

After a moment of hesitation, True Maker put her hand on Gaia’s shoulder, whispered, “I will always be here for you, my daughter,” and evaporated into thin air.


“Zelinko told me about your species’ dangerous and violent nature.”

Arish’s statement in front of the gathered Zetans made Gaia anxious. Would he use the incident with the Grung Tribe as an excuse to withdraw his support for saving humankind?

“You cannot abandon my species; you promised me,” Gaia said.

“I never said that I would abandon your species,” Arish said and took out a gas grenade. “I have been examining the genome of the human children, and I developed this non-lethal gas grenade. For future interactions with human tribes, we will attack them with this gas pre-emptively. Once we have subdued the adults, we can take all children under five, as they are the safest group to raise and civilise in the Garden of Eden.”

“But what if the tribe we find is peaceful, and we can save them all?” Gaia objected.

“From Zelinko’s report, I determine that to be unlikely,” Arish stated.

Gaia looked away. She had caused this to happen. She had brought aliens to her home planet, and they would abduct children to alter humanity in their image. So much for being saviours. However, it was what it was, and she had to continue her chosen path.

“I understand. Have you found more human tribes?” Gaia asked.

“Not yet, but we have sent out several drones programmed to search for them. If there are any humans left, we will find them.” Arish said.

“Thank you,” Gaia said and left the meeting.

“Gaia, where are you going?”

Gaia ignored Areela’s calls. For now, she wanted to be alone with the children she had abducted. She couldn’t undo what she had done, but at least she could be there for them.


“Why did you take us from our mothers and fathers?”

Gaia looked at the innocent-looking brown-eyed girl who spoke to her. She hadn’t given the abducted children names, as she thought it was more suitable to use the names they already had. Thus far, they had been unable to converse with the children, but the girl’s tone indicated that a change was coming.

“I had to. Your tribe people were eating other humans while I am trying to ensure humanity’s survival.” Gaia replied.

“Who gave you that task?” The child asked.

“The True Maker did,” Gaia replied.

“Is that one of your blue-skinned friends?” The child asked.

“No, she is my mother,” Gaia replied.

“Where is your mother now?” The child asked.

“She is everywhere and nowhere,” Gaia said and sighed.

“I understand that you are sad. What is your name? I am Kuamsha, and those other kids are called Nadira and Tumaini,” Kuamsha revealed.

“Nice to meet you, Kuamsha. My name is Gaia, and my blue female friends are called Areela and Nayanika.” Gaia replied and smiled.

“Okay. Your people are nicer than my family.” Kuamsha said and hugged Gaia.

When feeling the embrace from the feral child, Gaia felt hopeful. She had travelled so far and lost so much, yet the child’s embrace gave her a glimpse of a better future.

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