The Rise to Godhood

Chapter 33: A Frozen Wasteland.

Gaia held Areela’s hand and shared a vision of what Earth looked like from the Divine Dimension. Seeing the tundra covered in volcanic ash, Areela felt hesitant about going. Earth was not the paradise she had envisioned.

Gaia sensed her emotions and said, “Admittedly, Earth is not beautiful now, as the worst ice age has struck my planet in eons. However, it has all the hallmarks of a paradise, and we can make it one.”

“Is that what True Maker told you?” Areela asked.

“Yes, we need to create a beautiful garden, which we will name the Garden of Eden, where we can preserve life until the ice age is over. Then, once the worst winter has ended, living creatures can thrive again.” Gaia replied.

“The Garden of Eden?” Areela said.

“Yes, and we will build it in Mesopotamia where the Euphrates and Tigris Rivers converge,” Gaia said.

“I disagree on this location.”

Gaia turned around and saw Arish Kisherom approach them. ‘Why is he eavesdropping on us?’ Gaia thought and replied, “So, you think you know better than the True Maker where to build this garden?”

Arish brushed off some imaginary dust from his jacket and replied, “As the Governor of two planets, I am sure I am better suited at determining settlement locations than a young human female. The Euphrates and Tigris Rivers are frozen and heavily polluted by volcanic ash. By choosing a location closer to the equator, we would be getting better external circumstances for our settlement.”

Gaia considered Arish’s statement. While she disliked his tone, his conclusion was correct. The best settlement spot was the least icy location. Yet, True Maker had instructed her to build the garden in Mesopotamia, which was currently a tundra.

Gaia contacted True Maker to ask, “Mother, why are you instructing us to build the Garden of Eden in Mesopotamia? A location near the equator would make more sense.”

“Why do you question the instructions of the omniscient divine being who ordered you to go there?” True Maker asked rhetorically.

“I am not questioning you, mother. Yet, I need to know what I should tell Arish,” Gaia replied.

“Well, my daughter, this is my dilemma. I cannot tell you about the future without changing it. But I can tell you this, building the garden at the coordinates I gave you will yield the desired outcome.” True Maker replied and disconnected.

Her mother’s unclear message caused a dilemma for Gaia. How would she convince Arish to carry out her mother’s plan without giving a good reason?

“Arish, if we build the Garden of Eden in Mesopotamia, all your dreams will come true,” Gaia said and felt amazed by the lie she peddled. She had no idea how building in Mesopotamia would impact Arish’s life, yet she had told him this.

Arish studied her and replied, “Is that what True Maker told you?”

“Yes,” Gaia lied.

“Did she mention any details?” Arish asked.

“She cannot reveal your future without changing it. Yet, your dreams will come true if you follow her instructions.” Gaia replied.

Hearing this, Arish smiled. He dreamt about finding the Terran Zeto Crystal to set up another Zetan Civilisation on Earth. While he would keep his promise to save humankind, his true motivations had nothing to do with humanity. If he could colonise many worlds, he would be the natural leader of the Zetans.

“We’ll land on Earth tomorrow. Get yourselves some rest; we will need it,” Arish said and returned to the control room on the hovercraft.

Gaia sat silent and looked down on Earth. While her earlier visits to the planet had been unpleasant, this would be different. This time she had brought friends, and together they would build a paradise for her unborn children, Ava and Adan.



As Gaia opened her eyes, she gazed down at the frozen wasteland where she would create her destiny. Mesopotamia was a tundra during the present ice age. The empty, barren rocks with a slow stream of ash-filled water running down a semi-frozen river filled Gaia with dread. However, she had seen the future. She would transform this desolate plain to be lush like Arishome Valley before the Zetans unintentionally had flattened the vale.

“Darn, it’s so cold here. How can people live under such circumstances?” Areela exclaimed.

“They can’t. Our species, Homo Sapiens, have gone extinct in all earlier timelines because of this ice age. Our extinction made room for the Neanderthals, another subgroup of humans, who adapted to the cold. However, if we can get my people to survive the Mount Toba ice age, humanity will experience a golden age.” Gaia replied.

“So, are we changing evolution on the whims of your deity? Why doesn’t she do it herself?” Zelinko asked while rubbing his hands to stay warm.

“It is not her purpose to change evolution. Instead, our actions will decide the survival prospects of my species.” Gaia stated.

The Zetans overlooked the landscape. This planet was a frozen hellscape, and they couldn’t understand how one of the Zeto Crystals could be here. Yet, according to two independent sources, this was the truth.

Arish turned to his followers and spoke, “Time to get to work. Set up the perimeter generators for the Nanotechnology forcefield. This will keep us safe.”

Hearing this, Nayanika grabbed a bunch of the perimeter fencing and distributed the poles to her co-workers. Together they measured a circle and placed the stakes at even intervals. When they had completed the task, the Zetans entered the circle. As everyone gathered, Arish started a forcefield generator, which he had repurposed to run on Zeto-charged sapphires.

The forcefield generated formed a nano protective layer in the shape of a dome and stopped the icy wind from reaching inside the circle, making the temperature more enjoyable. Yet, a problem remained. Ash clouds covered the grey sky, and as ashy water droplets fell to the ground, it got mixed with the protective layer that kept them safe in the dome. The ash tinted the transparent forcefield layer, so it was impossible to see the bleak sun in the sky behind the clouds.

Gaia looked hard through the ash-covered protective dome. They were stuck on a barren rocky plain, packed with thick ashen-filled air, semi-frozen rivers with no living things, and a colourless grey sky. Why had True Maker sent her to this bleak planet, and how would she fulfil her purpose?

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