The Rise of the Black Plain

Chapter 2242 Benefits Of The Invitation

"What are the benefits?" Maximilian asked, hearing something positive for his group.

Rhett said. "Beings who join us after being invited have a few more rights than those who simply come to us without an invitation. While those who have just left here will receive nothing at the beginning of their journey in the guild, your group will receive 3 rights and 2 prizes, one individual and the other collective.

The prizes you will receive are access to a special cultivation area in the outer area of our headquarters and cultivation resources compatible with your affinities.

As for the rights, the first one is about your duties. The other recruits who joined the guild with you must complete four mandatory collective activities and 10 individual activities during their first year here. You will have half of these. If you want to do more, it will count as your merit."

The Armhands' mandatory activities did not count as merit points for the members of this force. That was the minimum they had to do for the guild. Only what the guild's members did outside of their duties would earn them benefits and help them climb up the guild's power hierarchy.

"Your second right is related to inviting new members. Since you have been invited into the guild, you have the right to invite new members."

"What's the point of that?" Minos asked, imagining there must be a reason why a stranger would want to interfere so much in the lives of strangers like them...

Rhett nodded positively because there really was a good reason. "There are advantages to you doing this.

First of all, each merit point earned by those you invite is worth 0.1 points to you. That doesn't sound like much, but if you invite talented and numerous beings, you'll be able to earn almost as many merit points as you would if you risked yourself on several missions, but without taking risks.

Second, the more people you invite into the guild, the more influence you have and the more chances you have to grow, not only because of your merit points but because of your influence. Although I am responsible for you, the one who invited you is the one who has rights over you.

Each of you is one vote that this being has. The more votes they have, the better their chances of becoming a Chief Commander or even an Elder. Other things are decided by votes that can be resolved through the use of guests."

In Armhands, only council members had the right to vote. Those below the council members had their votes counted according to the wishes of those who had invited them into the guild. If someone wasn't invited, they wouldn't even be entitled to a vote until they reached the minimum position required.contemporary romance

"Finally, the person who invited you has power over you. They may be able to appoint you to special services and bring you close to them. In short, these are the benefits of inviting members into our guild.

But not everyone can invite new members to Armhands. Only those who have earned the right by being invited or who have reached the rank of Senior Officer or higher can do so. So this is a very beneficial right for you.

The last of your rights from this invitation is that you can choose your teams for specific tasks. You'll be under my orders for a while, but during that time, you'll have to do things individually and as a team.

If it's a team job, I won't be able to force you to work with anyone you don't want to. You'll be able to work with whoever you think is best.

But this only applies to common missions and those I assign you. If there is a situation where the Chief Commander orders us to do something that forces us to work as a team, this right will be worth nothing in that situation."

Minos's group liked what they heard. They didn't want to be there, but since they were, it was better that the conditions be as favorable as possible for them.

Any of these prizes and rights they would have were definitely the best they could have in their current situation and would give them a chance to really strengthen themselves within the guild.

As much as Armhands was demanding and tough on new members trying to join the force or even newcomers, there were many benefits to someone who managed to grow in this force.

By learning more about how this guild operated, the Minos employees there understood why the approval of this force was so high among its most powerful members.

"What now?" Someone there asked.

"Now you're going to do what the others were supposed to do," Rhett said before he began to guide each of them to the places where they should perform according to their affinities.

He would also tell the group where they could get their individual consumables resources and the cultivation area they could use from now on.

This guild's headquarters was like a city, and just like a city, there were different types of cultivation areas.

There were places in the city where you could use your merit points to get special cultivation rooms. There were places on the city's outskirts where you could buy your own cultivation cave, and there were places where each force member had their own room where they could cultivate for free.

There was a big difference between each type of cultivation room, so the group didn't underestimate the place they would get. At the very least, it had to be better than what an ordinary Recruit would get.

So they soon left the place where their data had been collected, parting ways with Rhett to go to the places where they would work, live, and collect their prizes.

The group was still unfamiliar with the area or even the idea of living in this strange place. They moved around tensely, looking at everything, not talking to anyone as they tried to find themselves in this place that was not small despite not having such a large population.

Before going to the places where they would work, they would collect their individual resources, the key that would give them access to the area where they could cultivate for free.

Soon after, they would find the recruits' dormitories and receive the keys to their rooms before splitting up to go to the places where they would develop their special skills.

Most of them were pure warriors, so they went to the same area, while a few went to the alchemy, forging, and medicine sectors of the guild's outdoor area.

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