The Ring of Rebirth

Chapter Nick-nine months ago

“That’s settled, then.” Tiff grinned, “We’ll set forth tomorrow.”

“Yep,” Nick stretched, yawning, “Weapons, strategy, specific time and location… We prepared everything we possibly could. We’ll get that ring.”

They both sat on his bed, with papers, graphs, charts, and pens scattering everywhere.

“Of course, we can’t afford to fail.” She then opened the door of his bedroom, “It’s pretty late, so I’m going to hit the bed. You get some sleep too, honey.”

“I will. Have a nice dream.”

“Goodnight.” Tiff left.

Nick straightened up from his laying position. He’s been joggling his brain for any good ideas, but he still hasn’t figured out how to keep his girlfriend safe. He came up with a few ways, but the risks are all too high. Now that they are setting off tomorrow, he barely has any time left.

What is he going to do? Is he really going to let Tiff die because of him? The huge light bulb above blazed on Nick as he stared at the metallic wall. He began to comb the messy threads of thought.

He needs to put the ring to good use. It was said on the file, to save one’s life, one must complete a mission given by it. Tiff survived until now is enough proof to him that she will complete whatever the mission is.

To let the ring activate though, she needs to be on the verge of dying unnaturally. How can he achieve that, then? End her life himself? Even if he could, what if it doesn’t work and she truly dies? The thought of Tiff dying made Nick’s eyes misty. What if the info about the ring is fake and was put there by the Commander on purpose? To trick him into killing her?

Nick crossed his arms and gripped tightly, nails sinking through his flesh, creating purple dents along his arms. He squeezed his eyes shut in exasperation. If it’s damn fake, then there’s no point in him coming up with anything. His girlfriend will die anyway, either in his hands or someone else’s. To finish her, it’ll only cost the Organisation a bullet. Why would they plot all this when they can just shoot her? But again, the Commander’s probably bored of killing all day and wants to play some trick to entertain himself. One can never predict that man’s behaviour.

Despite everything, Nick still has to plan. He’s got to pray for the possibility that the effect of the ring is real. He’s going to fight for Tiff’s life, no matter how slim the chance of succeeding is.

He needs more information to draw a scheme. Where can he get that? Nick rubbed his cheeks hard, feeling an urge to tear his face apart. Wait…doesn’t she keeps a diary? Nick bounced up from his bed, stuffed a torch into his pocket and rushed outside.

“I’m sorry, Tiff, but I have to. This is the only way for me to do this.” He muttered under his breath as he ran toward her room.

Nick slowed down when he got near. He tiptoed there and pressed his ear against the door, straining to listen. There was nothing. He inhaled deeply, turned the knob, slid into the room, and closed it silently behind him.

He pushed a button on the torch, and it illuminated a weak glow. Tiff’s room was about the same size and set up as his. A single bed, a bedside drawer, a tiny table, and two plastic chairs. The girl was laying on her side, arms crossed in front of her with hands under her head, her thin nightgown only half-concealing the curl of her young body.

Nick’s breath caught in his throat. Their level of intimacy has only been up to kissing…could he maybe… No, no, no. What the heck was he thinking? Tiff clearly stated she doesn’t want sex in this relationship, probably a trauma caused by the Brian and his fiancée incident. Stop wasting time standing here! His business now is to find her diary.

Nick proceeded to her drawer. The girl’s long eyelashes shook with her breathing, her rosy lips slightly parted, with her blonde hair spreading around her like rivers. He couldn’t seem to move his eyes away from her. This is so tranquil, and he’d hate the serenity to shatter.

After some time, Nick signed and opened the first compartment. Summer clothes. The second? Winter clothes. The third? Some hairbands, a comb, and a tiny box. He’s the one who gave her the first two objects as presents, but what is the third one? He peeked at Tiff. No, he can’t open it. He needs to respect her privacy. It’s bad enough to sneak into her room searching for her diary in the middle of the night.

At the bottom compartment, Nick found a huge box of pens and pencils, a stack of paper, and underneath everything, her diary. The cover was black with a forest green spine. He murmured another apology before he started reading from the recent year. Scanning through the pages, a chapter dated months ago caught his eyes.

‘We finished the mission pretty early, which will leave us a few days to linger in the city. I also had around twenty thousand left from my mission fee. As Nick went to buy clothes, I went into a jewellery shop. The designs were amazing, but they were also expensive. He came to find me twenty minutes later, but by then, I’ve already bought two rings for us. Can you believe it? I didn’t even hesitate when I bought them! Firstly, oh my gosh, they are just incredibly pretty. Frankly, I have never seen a single piece of jewel so elegant and so shockingly unforgettable. I had to buy them. Secondly, well, I have been considering proposing to Nick for several months, and this felt like a perfect excuse to do so.’

Being with her almost every day, how could he not notice this at all? Tears circled in Nick’s eyes. While she’s the one who’s been excited to propose, he’s the one who put both of them in danger. This is utterly unfair to Tiff. She deserves someone better. He wiped the liquid away with the back of his hand to avoid them falling onto the pages. Someone less reckless than to eavesdrop on the Commander.

He kept reading, ’I know it’s a bit early, but I’d like to show him how much he means to me. He had been the only source of brightness in my life, helping me to fight against the darkness of the Organisation. The blood and terror in this base have been dragging so many children down the abyss of despair. Those who didn’t get disposed of either became merciless killers like everyone else here is or suicided due to depression and guilt. I would’ve become one of them if it hasn’t for Nick who kept me sane. Actually, I think we are two of the few people still keeping our sanity in the base. The thought makes me shudder, so I prefer to not ponder on this.

Anyway, when should I propose? I want it to be perfect. A perfect location and perfect time. I don’t want the tiniest flaw. Well, I’m pretty sure he’ll say yes no matter what, so no pressure.’

A month later, ’Yes! Nick and I are collaborating on our next mission again. I think we are supposed to get a rebirth ring or something. He looked troubled when he told me the mission. What is he worried about? We work together so well.”

A week later, ’Oh, I just remembered…I know what kind of place I want it to be. I’d like a tall cliff, super high, higher than the clouds. The weather needs to be nice, not too cloudy and not too sunny either. Maybe under the setting sun? Wow, it’ll be like heaven! What will be his response? Gosh, it’s been filling my mind all day!

According to our schedule, we’ll get a few days’ break after we complete the mission. I’m going to put good use to the time by tricking Nick onto the cliff and propose ASAP. Though I can’t search up the actual location now, because phones are only allowed during missions.’

Nick chewed on his lips. Shame this picturesque scene can only ever exist in their imagination. By the time they’ve got the ring, the killers sent by the Commander would’ve reached them. And who’s fault is it? His! Their future would’ve been rather bright if not for him. They would at least both be alive. He gulped down a choke. Quiet! He can’t afford to wake her up right now.

Two days later, ‘I came up with the perfect idea! After we’ve got the ring, I’m going to wear it around my neck. Nick surely will ask about the Ring of Rebirth to make sure if I still have it, and by then, I’ll give him the wedding rings. I’ll urge him to open the box, and when he does, he’ll be so surprised! This is definitely better than the traditional getting down on one knee proposal.’

Nick smiled wistfully, how amazing would it be? His head snapped toward Tiff when he heard a soft rustle. The girl was turning on the bed, threatening to open her eyes. He froze for a second, threw the diary back and pushed the button on his torch. Adrenaline shot through his body like a warm flow. The light was gone, and everything went pitch black again.

The rustle stopped. He balanced his breathing as he remained motionless. Just to be sure, Nick counted to a hundred before turning on the torch again. It’s safe. Tiff simply turned. He exhaled in relief. He wouldn’t have been able to explain why he’s in her room this late.

He tiptoed there and closed the drawer. This was all the info he could gather. Nick gazed at Tiff for a long time, vision gradually blurred by tears. If it doesn’t go well, this could be the last time he can stare at her in her sleep. Could he maybe tell her the truth? Is there any chance they can work together and finish the killers before they find them? No, this is basically impossible. Their location is apparent while the killers’ are downright hidden. There’s no way this path will lead to safety.

Tiff extended her limbs. Well, he better gets going. Nick slid out of her room and sprinted back to his at the other end of the corridor. He slumped onto his bed after slamming the door behind him.

What can he do? Annoyance roared in his chest. Calm down. Be rational. Use logic. What did he get tonight? He took a deep breath. Firstly, Tiff prepares to bring him to a cliff and propose to him as soon as the mission finishes. Secondly, she bought two rings. Thirdly, she prepares to give him the wedding rings when he asks for the Ring of Rebirth. What can he come up with?

Nick clenched his hands into fists as he stared at the ceiling, forcing himself to brainstorm. He needs a way to push Tiff to the verge of death. He knows it’s hard, but he’ll have to do it. According to the file, the mission-taker will be offered two options at the end—to stay in the mission world or go back to the original world.

Please let her choose to stay, for god’s sake! This is the only way for her to stay safe. Nick knew the mission world may be dangerous too, but he’s still pretty certain it can’t be worse than the Organisation. Will she be smart enough to choose so? Under normal condition, she unquestionably will, but… her love for him runs pretty deep judging by her diary. If he tells her the truth and asks her to go into the ring, she definitely won’t. And even if he can make her do it, she will choose to come back. Then nothing will be changed, the Commander will still be after her.

So now the problem is Tiff’s love toward him… Nick bit his lips. What if he can make her detest him? There are plenty of ways to force her on the verge of death and at the same time, make her hate him. For example, shoot her. He gritted his teeth at this thought. Will he be able to do it?

“I have to. It’s for her own good. I have to…” He chanted to himself until his hands stopped trembling and his logic came back.

Though she’d die too quick in this condition. Nick knew dying quicker will lessen the pain, but what if the ring needs a bit more time to activate? He can’t let the opportunity slip between his fingers because of compassion. So maybe stabbing her will be the better decision? She will linger just a little longer. And this would give him time to build her loathing for him stronger.

Then won’t she come back for revenge though? Actually, she probably won’t. She will indeed resent him, but after a few years, she will gradually let it go. She’s a forgiving person. To give back one’s life, the mission given by the Ring of Rebirth should be hard. Therefore, to complete it, Tiff would take at least a year. Will that be enough time for her? He can only hope so. Love is more difficult to let go than hate.

What’s the moment she’d detest him the most for stabbing her? Of course, when she proposes. Though by the time they are at the cliff, the killers sent by the Organisation should be hiding and preparing to end their life. To activate the Ring of Rebirth in front of them? What if they found it abnormal and report the situation back to the Commander? Then the man would definitely send people to guard the ring and wait for Tiff to come out. And if she does… Nick shivered. She may face something worse than death.

He has to let it activate in a place no one can see. He pinched himself, forcing his brain to focus. Down the cliff! He needs to push her off the cliff when she’s dying, so the ring can work while she’s in the air! The killers would think she’s dead and head back to the base after finishing him! And Tiff would complete the mission and stay in the mission world!

Tears oozed into Nick’s eyes, but this time, they are happy tears. Yes, it’s all working out. Tiff will live after all! But…what if she doesn’t stay? What if she came back to this world and went back to the base? She’d get killed the instant she’s spotted. He needs to plant an idea in her mind, that even she came back, she should escape overseas instead of feeding herself into the mouth of the Organisation.

The minute Tiff discovers his betrayal is when the planting is most likely to succeed, as that’s the moment she’s most vulnerable. He could imply this idea in his words, thus increasing the chance of her doing so. He’ll need to work out the details later.

Fatigue whelmed over Nick as he fought with his eyelids. He had to pinch his arms harder to clear the fog in his mind.

The best circumstance is that Tiff will stay in the mission world, forget this grudge, and live happily ever after. She may find another man, but Nick only wishes the man would treasure her as much as he does. After all, he’s the one who’s going to cut her both physically and mentally. What place is he in to get jealous? He smiled bitterly.

The middle circumstance is that she will come back, then escape overseas and hide in a small country. The killers will report the Organisation that they are both dead. Therefore, even though they probably will eventually find out the truth, it’ll still going to be at least months after. So there’s plenty of time for Tiff settle in an inconspicuous town or something. In this case, she’s got around 50% of the chance to live.

The worst circumstance is that she’ll come back and throw herself to the Organisation. In this case, of course, she’ll get killed.

Overall, Tiff has half the possibility of living. This is not good enough, but Nick knew he has no choice.

Distress whipped at his chest. He wanted to cry, but it seemed like his tears were already drained. His eyelids dropped without him knowing, and the night passed in an instant.

The nest thing Nick knew, it’s a brand-new day again.

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