The Ring of Rebirth

Chapter Ben-present

Pain shot up from the bottom of Ben’s spine when he was thrown onto the concrete.

When did his attack become so feeble? He gritted his teeth and tried again with all his might. Though for some reason, his muscles don’t seem to work properly. He could feel that his Quanery has a half left, but all he could do was sending out a trembling spurt of Green.

That Tracy girl blocked it with a simple shield. What happened to him? He bit his lips and tried to gather his Quanery again, but this time, it didn’t respond to his urge at all. It stayed in his stomach as the form of a tree, ignoring his calling. What’s wrong with it? This has never happened to him before!

“What have you done to my Plant? Why can’t I use my power!” Ben scowled at his opponent.

Everything happened in a blur since then, the next thing he knew, he was squinting under the brilliant sun and being floated toward the edge. He could feel the Wind rolling down him, fighting the gravity. He saw the herd swarming down the stage, watching him and sniggering.

This is utterly mortifying! He has Plant! How could he lose to a Wind when she’s a year below him? It’s irrational, she’s barely studied in the school! Ben kicked and wiggled, but the Wind just reshaped itself, still wrapping around him. He glanced at the girl and found her walking extremely slow. Is she dragging the process on purpose? To demean him? To let their peers see how she can toy with him? What a bitch!

Just over the brink of the stage, the force suspending him suddenly disappeared and he fell. His breath caught in his throat and his heart threatened to bounce out of his chest. His nose tickled as a pall of dust was sent into the air when he impacted the ground. His shoulder throbbed and ached. What the hell? Did she throw him on purpose? He hates Tracy! That nasty bony girl!

“I’m sorry! My Quanery ran out.” She offered her hand, “You alright?”

Of course not! You chucked me off that damn stage, man, two meters high! Now, there she is, rushing here pretending to be nice. Trying to win people’s hearts? What a hypocrite!

“I don’t need your help!” Ben spat the words out through his teeth, wishing she’d leave.

Tracy’s misshapen friend came and dragged her away, grinning the whole time. That idiot!

Ben heaved himself up and dusted his uniform. His limbs were heavy as lead as he hauled himself toward the school gate. He heard students whispering, laughing and pointing at him. He frowned as suppressed his fury. This is all on that Tracy girl! It’s her fault!

Ben stood in front of the gate, searching around for his sister, Coco. People came and left, but she’s not there. Stupid her! She said she’ll be here when his duel end. He gripped his hands into fists. Nothing is going his way today! And that fight…he shouldn’t have lost.

He relived every detail of the duel. His vines should’ve been firm, how come Tracy jumped out of it? And why did he lose control of his Plant? He paced under the sun.

He needs to try again. Ben pulled up a branch from the ground in front of him and then shot an attack on it. The branch was sturdy, and the attack came out bright and straight. Now it works! He chewed his lips. What was wrong with it on the duel?

“Ben!” A tall girl ran toward him, “Sorry I’m late! I was just chatting with my friends.”

“Yeah,” He glowered at her, “Friends before brother, right?”

“Come on, I said I’m sorry.” Coco ruffled Ben’s hair and they started to head home.

“Don’t touch me!” He flung her hand away.

“Alright, someone’s grumpy today.” She shrugged, “How was your duel?”

“I lost.” He stated, straining to repress his infuriation.

“How come? I know the girl has Origin Quanery, but she just started school, so the topmost she can reach is Level 3…” Coco was then interrupted by Ben.

“Will you stop talking about Tracy?” He frowned at her, “I lost and hate her, that’s all you need to know!”

They walked in silence while Ben pressed his lips together. Was he being too harsh? Well, she deserved it! Who told her to keep talking about that bitch? He peeked at his sister and found her expressionless. What is she thinking? Is she mad? Well, t’s alright, her anger doesn’t last very long anyway.

“How did you get yourself into this duel?” Coco asked, “Did you challenge her?”

“No, she challenged me.”

“Oh, so you provoked her?” She raised her eyebrows.


“I know you like to aggravate people with less Quanery into challenging you.”

“Yeah, it’s fun.” Ben shrugged.

“Well, maybe for you.” Coco lowered her voice, “I’ve told you before, they feel terrible with all your insulting languages. And you hurt them pretty bad every time on the stage.”

“It’s not my fault they can’t beat me!”

“They can’t beat you because you always pick younger kids to enrage.” She shook her head, “Please, Ben, stop this nonsense.”

“Being the ‘genius’ doesn’t give you the right to tell me what to do or to call my action ‘nonsense’!” His fists tightened.

“Me being talented got nothing to do with what you are doing!” Coco furrowed her eyebrows.

“Yes, it does!”

They then walked in silence again. The sun boiled on Ben’s skin as fury churned in his chest. How could she scold him so condescendingly? She thinks she’s the best, doesn’t she? She’d like to tell everybody that she’s the talented one in the family! She’d like everyone to know that she’s the finest student in the last thirty years.

Coco spoke softly again, “You’ve got yourself into five duels now. I didn’t duel once when I was your age. And what did you do to your opponents? You nearly strangled one, got one nose bleeding, broke one’s arm… These were the first three duels I went to. Then, I decided I don’t want to watch you bully younger kids and I never came to your duels ever since.”

Ben rolled his eyes. No one cares about him, not his friend, not even his parents, then in what universe does he need to care about the others?

“Blah, blah, blah… Just shut up! I don’t care a single bit.” He snapped.

“You should care. You are upset because Tracy won you, right? Your past opponents are surely upset as well because you beat them.”

They deserved to be in distress! Those people are not a single bit superior than him, and he’s not happy, so what makes them deserve happiness?

“Why should I care if they are troubled?” He pouted, “It doesn’t affect me in any way.”

“You…” Coco signed, “Never mind.”

Suddenly, a brilliant idea popped up in Ben’s mind. Yes! His sister hates cheating.

“Tracy cheated,” Ben nudged her.

“You sure? Didn’t the judge spot it?” She frowned.

“No, but I’m sure. Think about it, her Quanery is merely Level 2, how can she beat me?”

“Well, she could’ve been talented or skilled at combat. It’s possible.”

“I had my vines tied to her thighs, but somehow, she hopped right out of them.”

“She’s a White, right?” Coco pondered.

“Yeah! A weak little White.”

“Don’t talk like that. I have a friend who’s a White.” She gave him a jab on the arm.

Ben gritted his teeth. Why is his sister so irritating? It’s the truth! Wind is a pathetic power. Though trying to get her to avenge him, he didn’t retort.

“Anything else odd?” Coco asked.

“I couldn’t use my Plant properly on the stage. At first, it became faint and wavery, then I couldn’t gather it at all.” He furrowed his eyebrows, “It was weird.”

“Do you have any idea how she did it?”

“No, but I’m very certain she cheated. This never happened to me before, and my Quanery returned to normal after I got off the stage.”

“So,” Coco gazed forward, eyes unfathomable, “Tracy cheated.”

“What should we do about it?” Ben prompted after a few seconds.

“Don’t worry. I’ll do something about this tomorrow.” Her face darkened.

Slightly behind her, the corner of his lips curled upward. Great, now his sister will handle that bitch for him. You are doomed, Tracy!

They arrived in front of a huge house with a small but delicate garden. Coco opened the gate and they stepped onto a stone path leading to the front door. The door was three meters high with the pattern of flowers and vines surrounding it. It opened before they could knock.

“There you are!” A woman around fifty years of age rushed forward, “I missed you.”

“Hey, mum.” Coco grinned, “Missed you too.”

“How’s your day?” The woman kissed her cheeks and asked.

Before she could respond, their dad came out of the kitchen, “Perfect, my girl’s back!”

“Hi, dad.” She waved.

“What’s the hurry? I’m sure she had a good day. Now, she needs to rest.” The man complained at mum before turning to Coco, “Honey, I’m baking cookies, they’ll be ready soon.”

“Thanks, dad.” Her eyes lit up at the word ‘cookies’.

“You are welcome, dear.”

“What does my girl want for dinner?” Mum squeezed dad away with her plump hips.

“Lamb stew would be nice,” Coco replied.

“Maybe some veggies?” Dad cut in.

“I’m not asking you, old man.” The woman teased, then turned to her again, “Anything else?”

“All good. Thanks, mum.”

The scene was a huge metal rock that swung toward Ben, knocking the breath out of him. He stared at his parents and sister coldly and gripped his fists tightly in his pocket, nails sinking into his flesh. It stung, but the punch in the chest was way worse.

He closed his eyes and muttered to himself, ‘It’s okay. I’m used to it. It’s alright. I’m used to it.’

Though it didn’t help at all. Being used to it doesn’t lessen the tiniest bit of pain. Ben gritted his teeth and pushed himself past them, being ignored the whole time. His heart strained to contract under the ache. He felt water leaking into his eyes and he blinked frantically.

“Hey, Ben, what do you want for dinner?” Coco asked.

“You don’t need to mind him, honey.” The man patted her arm, “He’s a boy, he can eat anything. Plus, the future of this family is on your shoulder.”

Ben bit his lips and darted upstairs into his room. He slammed his door shut and curled up on his silk bed sheet. He looked at the high ceiling, the posters he loved on the blue walls, his individual bathroom… But none of these cheered him up.

Some droplets of tears trickled down his cheeks and he buried his face in the fluffy pillow. Home is the last place he wanted to be after losing the duel, and all his parents do is to remind how superior his sister is while he’s only a normal boy who no one cares about.

Sunshine penetrated his window and broke into pieces on his bed, just like his dream of being powerful and special.

Ben resented his parents, he wished them to disappear into a puff of smoke. He even imagined them dying in a car crash or earthquake. But he knew his parents provided him with clothes and food, and without them, he wouldn’t be alive. He also hated his sister, despite that he knew Coco loves him, he still hoped she has never existed in the world. Then, she can’t snatch away their parents’ love. Or make her aptitude leave her and let her become ordinary too, then at least they would be treated equally.

As Ben unclenched his fists, he saw five purple dents on each of his hands, deep and stinging. Nothing ever goes his way! He felt an urge to punch the wall, but he took a deep breath and repressed it, knowing the noise will attract his sister.

“Dinner’s ready!” Mum’s sharp voice echoed in the house.

Ben heard chairs, plates, and cutleries clanging downstairs as the family gathered at the table.

“Honey, have some lamb,” Dad spoke, voice slightly muffled.

“And this, it’ll make you more beautiful.” Mum didn’t want to get left behind.

He mocked himself bitterly with a tiny smile. He knew it. No one cared about him enough to notice his absence. See how happy they are together? They are a proper family, while he doesn’t belong here at all. Rich parents with a gifted daughter, perfect! Why would they need an extra kid who’s so ordinary you can find plenty in a random crowd? The tip of his nose became sour and tears welled into his eyes. He gulped and blinked. Stop! No need to cry! He shouldn’t and doesn’t care about this. It’s just family, he doesn’t need it!

“Wait, where’s Ben?” Coco pushed her chairs and stood, then shouted upward, “Ben! Dinner’s ready! The lamb stew’s fantastic, you’d be sorry to miss it.”

“I’m not hungry.” He yelled back.

“You sure? It’s really good…” Her voice was interrupted.

“Just leave him be, darling. Sit down and let’s have some family time.” Mum patted the table.

Is he really their son? Ben gritted his teeth which he has done so many times today.

“Yeah, missing dinner is his loss.” Dad settled Coco down, “How’s your day?”

“Oh, it was perfect. My friends and I…”

Ben shut the door and blocked their voice away. He closed his eyes and an image of his sister dying in a huge puddle of blood emerged into his mind. He’ll be the only heir of his parents’ property and their love will be all focused on him. Dad will be baking him cookies after school and mum will be asking what he wants for dinner. How wonderful would that be?

Ben then recalled what Coco said when they walked home. Nonsense! Compassion is for someone who’s blissful to experience. For him? Well, he just wants to make others as miserable as he is.

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