The Rider of Rosewood

Chapter The Runt

Fourteen years ago...

Duke watched the autumn leaves swirl in the wind as he stared out of the limousine window. A smooth jazz song he didn't recognize played over the radio. His father sat across from him speaking to someone on the phone, but he didn't eavesdrop, he had too much on his mind.

One week ago, his father came home from his meeting with The Council of Alphas. He'd announced he would be sending Duke to live with another pack. Duke wasn't upset, he didn't get along with his current pack anyway. Besides, his mother said he could transform whenever he wanted to in Rosewood.

He didn't need any more convincing to pack his bags and leave the city. Werewolves had to be discreet in Seattle, but not in Rosewood. He smirked. Someday he'd be leading his own pack, and it would be the strongest pack the Silver Huntsmen had ever seen.

"Stop here." His father said to the driver. He turned to Duke. "The base is located a quarter of a mile east from here. Someone will be waiting outside to let you in."

Duke tried to climb out of the car, but his father grabbed his wrist and glared at him, his eyes sharper than swords. "Don't make me look bad." His voice was booming and authoritative.

Duke nodded timidly, climbed out of the car, and began his journey to the den. He walked as briskly as he could through the forest and prayed he was going the right way. He rubbed his hands together to warm them. He'd never admit it, but he was terrified of walking in the woods alone. What if a giant bear jumped out and attacked him, he was only a cub after all.

His fears relinquished when he smelled two other werewolves nearby, both males, one was young the other was much older. He took another whiff of the air. Now he could tell the younger one was a runt.

No one knew for certain why some werewolves were born much weaker than their peers, but it was an unfortunate tragedy many packs had to face.These wolves were labeled as runts. It was far too dangerous to have a weak link within the pack. Most runts were either killed or forced to live as outcasts. Not this one, the pack had accepted this one. Why?

Most werewolves wouldn't be able to tell the age and gender of another wolf from this far away, but Duke had inherited his mother's pristine sense of smell, a trait his father was envious of.

Eventually, he located the other wolves. One of them was an older man with hair that was beginning to turn gray. The other was a small boy, who only looked to be roughly a year younger than him. The boy was glued to the man's side.

The man leaned over so he and Duke were eye to eye and reached his hand out. "You must be Duke. I'm so pleased to have the opportunity to work with you."

Duke shook his hand hesitantly.

"My name's Gregorio, I'm the Pack Father here and this is my son Chandler."

The boy didn't say anything, he just glared at him. It was easy to tell the two were related, they both had the same icy hazel eyes.

"Come inside," The Pack Father said as he placed his hand on a stone paw print.

The walls lit up and a creepy voice spoke. "I can be deep crimson or grisly red, and those who have lost me will surely be dead. What am I?"

"Blood, " Gregorio said, unfazed by the ghastly voice. Duke, on the other hand, was visibly shaking.

"Don't be frightened," The Pack Father said. "It can't hurt you."

Welcome," the voice said, and the wall opened up. Gregorio led them down a dark staircase and into the living room.

Duke glanced around the room. "Where's the Pack Mother?"

"She's not here at the moment."

"She's never here, " Chandler pouted.

The father gave his son a long embrace. "Don't worry, our pack is just as strong without her."

This act of affection confused Duke. Runts were never shown the same amount of care as the other cubs if they were allowed to live at all.

Gregorio turned to Duke. "Why don't you go unpack your things then we'll get you some breakfast?

Duke agreed and began his search for the room he'd be staying in. After a few minutes of wandering through the stone corridors, he found a white door with the number six on it. This was the one. The door creaked as he stepped inside.

The room was a decent size with two beds and two desks. What stood out the most was the fact that half the room looked like a tornado had run through it.

Duke sighed disapprovingly as he set his bags down on the empty bed. How hard was it to clean up after yourself?

"Is it time for breakfast yet?"

Duke spun around trying to locate where the voice was coming from.

A wolf cub with unruly sand-colored fur climbed out a pile of laundry on the messy side of the room. "Do you have my breakfast or not? Pack Father said I could sleep until breakfast was ready, and I'm not gonna miss the chance to sleep in."

"I don't have any breakfast, sorry."

The wolf shifted into his human form. He was a pale boy with hair as unruly as his fur was. "You must be the new kid, I'm Heath."

"I'm Duke."

"Hey, you're one of the Kingsley's, right? I heard your family is loaded."

"I guess so..." Duke shrugged. They weren't that rich. "Who are your parents? Are they alphas?"

"I dunno. The last time someone saw them they said they were going to start a pack in Alaska or was it Nebraska? Either way, no one's heard from them in a long time."

"So your parents left you here?"

"Nah, my parents left me at a bus stop in New Jersey. I stole a van and lived inside it until the cops found me. I stayed in Juvie until the other inmates started to catch on to my little secret." Heath flashed a fanged grin. "Then the Pack Father brought me here."

"They just let you walk out of Juvenile Hall?"

"The Silver Huntsmen have allies everywhere. They can get away with whatever they want to."

"How long have you been here?"

"Almost a year," Heath told him.

"What's taking you so long?" Chandler pounded loudly on the bedroom door and burst inside before either of them could invite him in. "Breakfast is ready and if you don't hurry I'm going to eat both of your portions!"

"That's not fair!" Heath whined.

"You ate mine last time," Chandler argued.

"I did not!"

"Maybe you forgot because your brain is so small."

Duke's blood began to boil. Chandler had no right to push other people around even if he was the Pack Father's son! "Leave us alone Chandler!"

"Do you have any idea who I am, rookie?"

Duke raised an eyebrow. "A bully and a runt?"

Chandler snarled. "I am the son of two of the most powerful werewolves in the northeastern sector, and you will respect me!"

Duke extended his claws. "If you want my respect you're going to have to earn it."

"You wanna fight me, rookie?"

"Someone has to put you in your place."

Chandler pounced on top of Duke knocking him to the floor. Duke bashed Chandler in the jaw, causing him to slam into the stone wall behind them.

Duke scurried across the room to regain his composure. Chandler rose to his feet and lunged forward ready to pounce.

"Stop it." Gregorio lifted Chandler by the hood of his sweatshirt and shook his head disapprovingly. "We talked about this, Mijo. We aren't wild animals."

Heath raised his hand. "Well technically..."

Gregorio let out a sigh of frustration. "Your breakfast is waiting for you in the dining hall. Why don't you two go get something to eat? Chandler and I need to have a discussion."

"But dad!" the young boy protested.

"Silence!" Gregorio hissed. For the first time, Duke saw how intimidating he could be. Without another word, Duke and Heath exited the room, leaving Chandler and his father alone.

Duke sat beside Heath at the long wooden banquet table that was made to seat at least thirty people. The room felt so empty with only the two of them inside. "Where are the rest of the cubs?"

"It's just us right now, but they come and go all the time," Heath replied. "Chandler and I are the only ones who stick around."


"I guess they didn't like the way we run things, but I think Chandler might have scared a few of them away."

"Does he scare you?"

"No. He's the only person who hasn't abandoned me. He's my best friend even if he's kind of a jerk sometimes."

On the table sat three plates of bacon and scrambled eggs. Duke played with his food for a few moments before he took a bite. The eggs melted in his mouth. They tasted much better than the ones at home which were always too dry. He wondered if Gregorio made these. There didn't seem to be any other adults around, but he wouldn't have expected the rugged-looking man to be such a talented cook. "Where is the Pack Mother?" Duke thought out loud.

"Not here, "

"But where does she go?" Duke wondered.

Heath shrugged. "I've heard she's trying to climb the werewolf hierarchy, but I think she's just trying to avoid her family."

"What makes you say that?"

Heath lowered his voice in case someone else was listening. "The Pack Mother and Father hate each other. They're good at hiding it when other people are around, but they fight all the time when they're alone. At least they think they're alone. Chandler and I listen in sometimes."

"What are you talking about?" Chandler was standing in the doorway with his arms folded. No one said anything.

Chandler glared at Duke. "Are you keeping secrets from me already?" Duke still didn't say anything.

Chandler stared at Duke with fire in his eyes. "Watch your back, Rookie. You've just gotten on my bad side."

Duke spent the following weeks adjusting to his new home. Chandler's threat seemed to be empty, so far.

On this particular night, the boys were playing tag in the training room while Gregorio spectated from the corner. Chandler was falling behind the rest of the pack like he typically did. Duke slowed down to check on him. "Hey, are you alright? We can take a break if you need to."

Chandler shoved him away. "I'm fine!"

"Now, Chandler, that's no way to treat our guest," said a bewitchingly beautiful woman standing in the doorway. She turned to Duke and leaned over, so they were eye to eye. "You must be the new transfer. Your name is Duke, right? I've heard a lot about you."

Duke just nodded.

"Tell me, Duke. What do you want to do when you grow up?"

"I want to lead my own pack, and it's gonna be the toughest pack ever!"

Luna let out a small chuckle. "That's exactly what I wanted when I was a cub. You're very ambitious just like me."

"Luna!" Gregorio stammered. "You didn't tell me you'd be returning so soon!"

Luna rolled her eyes. "So much for a warm welcome."

"Mommy!" Chandler ran up and hugged her.

The woman took a step back, distancing herself from the child.

He glanced up at her longingly. "I missed you."

"Well don't get too attached, I'm leaving tomorrow. need to have a conversation with your father."

Gregorio clenched his fists. "You came all this way to talk?"

Luna crossed her arms. "I didn't know what else to do! You never answer my calls!"

Gregorio turned to the cubs. "Go to your rooms."

"But it's not even bedtime yet, " Heath whined.

"Go!" Gregorio snapped and everyone complied with his orders.


Duke was awoken by the sound of distant yelling. He went to check on Heath, who was snoring loudly, before creeping out of the room to find out what was causing the commotion.

"This is it! This could be the answer to our problems! Why can't you see the bigger picture?"

"I won't do it, Luna it's far too risky. If something goes wro—"

Luna cut him off. "But if it goes right, we can change the Silver Huntsmen forever."

Gregorio's voice became stern. "No."

Luna gasped. "What do you mean no? I am your Alpha and you will do as I command!"

"I am also your husband and I refuse. Even if I did agree to this, it would take me at least a decade to do something like this on such a large scale."

"I'm willing to wait if that's how long it will take."

"I've already told you no."

"Would you like a promotion? I can have the council arrange something on a moment's notice if that's what you want."

"No, I don't want a promotion."

Luna threw something which made a shattering sound as it crashed to the ground. "If you won't accept my bribes, perhaps you'll respond better to my threats."

"Go ahead, I don't have anything to lose."Everything was silent for a brief moment.

"What about the runt?" she said.

"You wouldn't!"

"Keep testing my patience, and we'll find out!"

"He's our son!"

Luna let out a condescending laugh. "He's worthless to me. The only thing worse than a runt is a Mixedblood."

"I'm begging you to reconsider!"

Duke's attention was drawn away from the argument by the faint sound of sobbing coming from behind one of the couches. Duke looked behind the couch to see what was making the sound, only to find Chandler curled up against the wall with tears streaming down his face.

Chandler quickly wiped away his tears when he noticed Duke. "What are you looking at?"

Duke was at a loss for words. What could he possibly say after what he'd just heard? "I'm sorry, " were the only words he could muster.

"Stop apologizing. It's not your fault, dummy."

Duke rested a hand on his shoulder. "Are you okay?"

Chandler said nothing for a long time. "I'm scared."

"But your mom is joking, right? She's not really going to hurt you, is she?"

"I don't know."

"Well if she wants to hurt you she's going to have to go through me first."

Chandler raised an eyebrow. "Why would you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Fight for me/"

"Yes, we're a pack, and it's our job to protect each other."

A small smile spread across his lips, but it was quickly replaced by a much more menacing expression. "It isn't fair, you know."

Duke said nothing.

Chandler balled his hands into fists. "It's not fair that my mom doesn't love me just ‘cause I was born small, but you can help me fix that."

"I don't understand."

"My mom likes you, so if I do something awesome, and you tell her all about it, then she'll have to be proud of me."

"What are you going to do?"

"I'm gonna kill the Mixedbloods."

"How many? Two? Three?"

"I'm going to kill as many as I possibly can."

"Come on, Chandler. Don't you think you're being extreme?"

“You can't talk me out of it, so I need you to tell me right now if you're in or out."

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