The Revealing

Chapter Acknowledgements

First, I would like to thank my mother, Margaret, who happily listened to all of my rambling about my story and gave me constructive criticism when I needed it.

I give equal thanks to both of the people who contributed to the editing. Thanks so much, Rachel, for giving me what I needed in the beginning of this journey. Eugenio, you are officially my hero. Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to seriously look through all of my work and give me all of those amazing notes. Thank you to Dania for making Eugenio take everything seriously and for referring me to Eugenio in the first place. You rock!

Karolina, my girl and my number-one biggest fan (even bigger than my mother), thank you for being so eager for all the juicy details of my story. I loved sharing every little bit. Love you to pieces, Krakolinka!

Thank you to my beautiful sister Madzia for creating the cover art for my book. I loved it from the beginning, and I can’t wait to see what you do with the next ones.

Tink, my little sister, you are a gorgeous pain in the butt. Thanks for listening to the endless talks about my book. I know you still care—that’s all that matters. Love you to death and back! Captain Hook loves you too. I can’t wait to read every single story that you write.

Pumba and Mufasa, I love you guys, and I love that you guys always stay up late with me, giving me support for all that I do. Promise we will be like that when we are old and wrinkly like little prune people!

Lukasz, Camila and Aniela, you guys are awesome. Thank you for being such great friends. Thanks for all the support. Hearts out to you guys.

Captain America, this book wouldn’t exist without you. You are the original inspiration for all of this. I had fun with you in class, and I hope you enjoy this (if you even read it). Thank you, JS.

Tata, I love you lots. Thank you for the wit that I biologically inherited from you. Thank you for your genes. I really appreciate it. Heart! L! You know what that means.

Finally, thank you to you, the reader, for making it to the end of this book. I hope you love all the characters as much as I do, and I hope you are thirsty for more. Thanks for being a fan!

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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