The Resmar Murders

Chapter 5

Michael was horrified and full of apologies as he looked between the two detectives and then down at the photos in his hand, the question ringing in his ears about whom the lady was. “I can’t believe I’d forgotten that, again, I am so sorry! That is Lea, my assistant; she had only just started then and I was showing her the ropes.”

Hank waved off the man’s apologies, they had heard enough of them. “It’s okay, easily done. Now did you leave her unattended at any point?”

Michael began to blush as he recalled that night, knowing this might not be good. “Actually yes,” he answered, “I had only just come back to work from a motorcycle accident, and if the truth be known, I had returned a little early. Climbing up and down the truck had become very painful, so I took a little rest for a few minutes while she finished off. But I swear there were only three or four packages left. Must have only been five minutes at the most and all she had to do was pick it up from the truck and put it on the pile with the others, how could she go wrong?”

“And that’s when you noticed one of the packages was missing?” Sam inquired.

“Afterwards yes. There were 14 in total, I think; it was on the delivery note and there were only 13 in the pile.”

“Is it possible that it was left on the truck? Or that it got delivered to someone else by mistake?” Hank looked up at him with the follow up question.

“No; apparently something like that happened years ago and they ended up paying a fortune in compensation. Somebody’s life could hinge on what we’re doing here so you can’t be too careful. They follow a very strict protocol now to make sure it doesn’t happen again. They start off at the depot with an empty truck load everything they need to bring to us, then we unload it all at this end and they return to the depot with an empty truck ready for the next customer.” Michael glanced back down at the photos, still not quite believing she would have done anything, she seemed too sweet to steal.

“I take it this hasn’t happened before?” Michael paused as he looked up at Hank.

“Something missing, no, this is a first. Lea is a quiet girl who’s been around here for a few weeks. She has had all kinds of great comments from her supervisors or co workers about how sweet she is and great to work with, though.”

“I understand, we aren’t judging, just trying to cover all the bases.” Hank told him, trying not to upset the man. “I don’t suppose you have a surname for Lea by any chance?” Hank asked off handley.

“Yeah Pittman I think.” He paused as if to make too sure and then nodded, “yes that’s it.”

“Well thanks again for your help Michael,” Hank told him as he shook his hand and Michael returned to his duties, shaking his head and muttering something under his breath, clearly annoyed at himself for not remembering or mentioning Lea earlier.

Sam grabbed his cell phone and quickly dialed Barry’s number, waiting for the young man to pick up as they watched the retreating back. “Hi Barry, Sam here, can you run a background check on a Lea Pittman for us please? It’s a matter of some urgency. We’re on our way back now, thanks,” Sam said, nodding at Hank. The sooner they could get that background, the better it might be for their case.


“Hank, Sam,” Barry cried excitedly, “you are NOT going to believe this! I did the background check on Lea Pittman and a little over three years ago her unconscious naked body was found down by the river after, get this, having her head banged against a tree!”

“Anything else?” Hank asked. Barry nodded his head.

“A rape test was done, shown positive on that regard, but no major bruising or anything. The impact on the head was not self forced, but the marks on her arms and thighs were.”

“Meaning, what?” Sam questioned.

“Meaning she knew she was being raped at some point and tried clawing herself to either forget about it, or clawing at her legs to try to stop the feeling.”

“And no charges were ever brought forward?”

“Sadly, no,” Barry answered the question Hank asked, “she was told at the time that there was enough evidence to prosecute but she claimed not to have any memory of the incident.”

Sam and Hank looked at each other in amazement. Was she attacked as well? Was this their killer’s doing? And if so, why would they stop, why was she not dead? They had made damn sure of the others being dead so why would she have gotten off so lightly?

And if all of this was more than three years before, she had been the last person to have been seen handling a sedative used in an almost similar attack. They both shook their heads; there were way too many coincidences here and way too many questions. However, the only thing they knew for certain was that they were going to have to speak to her and they were going to have to do it quickly.

“Before we go and speak to her is there anything else we should know?”

“Well apparently she was destined to become a surgeon and a pretty damn good one too according to her professor’s reports. But the doctor’s report after the incident indicates there was some sort of brain damage. Not enough to prevent her from having a normal everyday life but enough to put a stop to her medical career.”

“Like what?” Hank asked.

“Like she’s unsteady with a blade, she tends to shake too much over a period of time. If it’s a quick moment, she’s fine, though”

“Ok thanks Barry, great work, ” Hank told him, giving him a pat on the shoulder as he and Sam rushed out of the office. They quickly got into their squad car and drove to the address that Barry had given them. It was time to talk to Ms Pittman.

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