The Rejected Luna’s Revenge by Lora

Chapter 26

Chapter 26






“Please help me !” I screamed in the darkness as I heard the distant cry of a Wolf I woke up with a jerk and tried to catch my breath.

I was sweating quiet badly with my heart pounding crazily against my chest looking around the room I heived a sigh of relief when I realized I was safe in my hotel room in France.

Getting down from the bed I walked towards the bathroom and splashed water on my face to ease the tension. Walking back to the bed I checked the table in front of me and picked up the bottle of water as I poured some of the content into the glass cup and drank from it, I was a little bit relieved.

What kind of dream was that? Whatever the dream meant one thing was obvious….

Danger. I really needed to watch my back if I wanted to escape the looming danger, laying back down on the bed I tried to get some sleep but different thoughts filled my mind…

Whatever it was one thing I was certain of was the fact that I really need to be careful. The next morning I got ready and walked out to meet Mr Jason.

“Good morning Rachel” he said and walked away to pick the incoming call from whoever he was he looked good in his black Armani suit and italian shoes.

“Good morning Mr Jason, you left before I could say it back” I said and he smiled.

“It was really important, shall we?” he asked and I gave a nod. We stopped by at the restaurant to have breakfast before the driver came in to take us to the site.

“Good morning Mr X, Good morning Miss Anderson” the representative said as she gave us a tour of the place and answered our questions.

“This place looks lovely” I said and he smiled.

“We bought this when my father was still alive he was unable to invest on it properly due to health issues and lack of funds but immediately I took over the company, I


Chapter 23

“Stop thinking about him, he is not worth it” I muttered under my breath as I closed my eyes weakly.

Tommorow is another day and I can’t wait to explore what it had to offer.





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Chapter 26

began to look into all our failed projects especially ones with a lot of potentials” Xaiver said gesturing towards the building.

“He must have been a business minded man” I said and Xavier smiled.

“He might not have been the best father, but he had big dreams” he added and I fought the urge to snap.

Big dreams indeed, big dreams that had him ruining other people’s life. Carlos was never a good man he had evil intensions especially towards me, when Xavier announced it to him that I was his mate, he kicked against it.

My eyes stung with tears as the memory came back like it was just yesterday.

********FLASH BACK ************

“She is my mate father” Xavier said as he had his hand on the small of my back.

“Your mate? You chose her out of all the female werewolves in this pack? Whatever happened to the right family and background? This girl has no standard or class son, let’s not get started with the fact that she is a bas tar d” he bursted angrily..

“This is not a matter of class pa, Emerald is a wonderful person she has a kind heart and trust me I felt the spark the minute we met the moon goddess made us for each other” Xavier said holding my hand.

“NONESENSE!” Carlos bursted angrily as he stood up.

“I will not sit back and watch you spit rubbish out of your mouth or see you make wrong decisions, it is not happening not while I’m alive” he said and Xavier held my hand tightly.

“Emerald makes me happy father, my happiness should matter more than anything. else” Xavier said and Carlos threw a look of disgust at my direction.

“I do not approve of her” Carlos said angrily.

“But dad

“Xavier trailed and I stared at my feet too embarrassed to raise my eyes.

He never liked me up until his death but never in my life did I hold thoughts of putting an end to his life.

Seeing Carlos fight for his life that night was painful to watch but what hurt more was when the love of my life walked in and accused me of being the reason for his father’s untimely demise.

******** END OF FLASH BACK********

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Chapter 26




“Rachel are you okay?” He asked touching my hand and I snapped back to the present.

“Yeah “I muttered under my breath.

“I was trying to find out if you are alright? I’ve been talking to you for a few minutes now I was not getting any reply you practically zoned out in front of me” he said worriedly.

“I’m fine, I just had something on my mind, Let’s go to work” I said and lead the way.

We got to the site quiet late in the afternoon.

“Are you coming with me or you will wait for me to finish up the inspection then join you?” he asked as he wore my helmet and gloves.-

The engineer raised his eyebrows curiously as his eyes went from Xavier to me then looked away.

“I’m coming with you, I believe that is why I was asked to come with you” I said and he gave a nod. I watched him walk in front as the engineer led us into the huge building and began to show us around.

We had on facemasks and helmets to help with the dusty environment, Xavier sneezed twice and smiled in embarrassment.

“I’m sorry, I just don’t get along with dusty areaï he said and I smiled

“I understand, Damien is allergic to dust too he literally turns as red as tomatoes when he comes in contact with dust, the sneezing doesn’t stop” I said before I could stop myself.

common then

“We have something in Xavier trailed and sneezed again and again. The engineer gave us the map of the house he moved down to attend to something important.

Xavier sneezed again and I helped him rub his back.

“Don’t you think we should go back down? your face is turning really red” I said and he chuckled.

“It’s okay, thanks for being caring though I appreciate it” he said and I smiled.

Our eyes locked for a brief moment before he broke the eye contact. We walked around the building and before we knew it we heard a loud bang and I turned immediately I

Chapter 26

noticed the door behind us had shut on us.

“F uck, no” Xavier cursed under his breath as he moved over to the door and began to push on the door trying to see if he can get to the other side.

“What happened?” I asked trying my best not to pannick.

“I have bad news dear, the door is locked” he said rubbing his face anxiously.

“Calm down” I said when I noticed he was worried sick about us.

“Calm down, I have phobia for dark places this is a dimly lit room, the light from the door was our only source” he bursted angrily. Through his anger I could sense the fear in his voice.

“Hey look at me,I’m here for you” I said and held his hand in support.

“Thank you…” he whispered softly as I ran to my fingers in his silky hair.

“Shhhhhhh, just breath” I said as I rubbed his back I heard the sound of his breath and his eyes changed color.

He is showing his werewolf side in front of me because he’s worried.

“Are you okay?” I asked and he snuggled closer as he tried to hide his eyes from me.

Just don’t leave me Rachel” he said and my heart squeezed in hurt.

“Yeah, I …I’m not leaving just please don’t pass out on me Xavier” I said softy.

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