The Rejected Delta’s Secret pups by Golden

Chapter 27

Chapter 27 

There was trouble. I knew it as soon as I heard that Sherry’s Cousin was dead. 

Dead!. Dead!. It sounded so strange. But it was true. 

She said he was being kept in the morgue for now. She had calmed down now and finally stopped crying. 

Apparently she had tried calling me when she found out I wasn’t in the club 

anymore. She kept on calling but couldn’t reach me and came to my house to find. it empty. 

She figured out that there was an emergency and I had gone back to my family’s home. 

But when David suddenly died,she had called my home telephone in case I was home as she didn’t understand why I, who had a high success rate in treating patients, suddenly lost this one. 

I have been speechless since,figuring out what to say to her. 

“I really don’t understand it myself,” I said as my stomach grumbled again, I still haven’t eaten anything. 

She sighed. “It’s not your fault Jessica. It’s not. We all tried our best. At least I got to see his face once more,” she said as she chuckled bitterly. 

Bullshit!. Something must’ve happened,something scary perhaps because that was the most potent remedy,a remedy to cure all ills as Mother preferred to call it. 

It was very rare but was the most potent in all of Silverpine and other territories. “How about the children?,” She questioned. 

“Still not found but I believe they’ll be found soon,” I said and my stomach grumbled again,this time loudly and Sherry looked at me before laughing. We laughed together. 

“Let me get you something to eat before you die of starvation.” 

I glared at her and she laughed. 


14:50 Wed, 13 Mar 

Chapter 27 

“It’s not funny,” I retorted. 

“Yea, I know just wanted to lighten the mood I guess,” she said as she walked over to the kitchen. 

I glanced around the room, smiling at the framed pictures of little Sherry on the wall. She seemed to be about 3 months old and she was smiling widely. 

“Come over here please,” she hollered, beckoning me to go over to the dining table. 

As soon as I got there, I hungrily devoured the meal and Sherry watched me in silence,a smile playing on her l*ps.. 

“Calm down Girl!. No one’s chasing you. There’s more than enough left,” she said in between laughter and I glared at her. 

“I have to get a new phone,” I said,but it didn’t come out clearly due to the mouthful of pasta in my mouth. 

“Uggg,please don’t talk while eating,” Shery groaned and I swallowed quickly as I glared at her. 

“I said I have to get a new phone,” 

“Yea,what happened to your old phone again?,” 

I sighed,remembering what happened that night. 

“I really don’t want to talk about it right now,” I groaned as I gulped down the glass 

of water. 

“No, what happened?, I was really worried,” she said, inching closer to me. 

“You really want to know,” I heaved a sigh and continued. “Raymond happened!.” “Doctor Raymond?,she asked,scrunching her brow in confusion. 

“The very same.” I said,inhaling deeply,the events of that night making me sinile sadly. 

“What happened?,She asked,her brows raised quizzically. 

“He made me do ketamine..sort of…” I said,refusing to meet her gaze. 





Chapter 27 

“He made you do ketamine?How’s that possible? You can’t make someone do something,except if they want to…,were you forced?,“She asked,concern etched on her face. 

“He didn’t…he um…he fed me ketamine..I wasn’t forced,I just…he gave me,” I stuttered and Sherry looked at me puzzled. 

don’t understand. He fed you,he gave you…. 

I sighed. “Look you won’t understand phone got smashed to pieces in the club and I met Raymond and that’s all I can say,” I bit out firmly. 

“Still can’t shake that Ketamine part off. Doctors abusing drugs? That’s terrible. If it were only Raymond I really wouldn’t mind,but you?, that’s disappointing.” 

Disappointing!!. I’ve heard this word lots of times in the past few days. Lucien is disappointed, Giselle and Greyson are, Even Eve is disappointed. I chuckled lightly at that. A murderer gazing at a cheat with disgust and contempt. 

It’s not like I even cheated on Lucien. We didn’t do anything!. I don’t know who sent that picture to Lucien, I would think about that later,right now I think I need to see David’s b*dy,to understand what went wrong. 

“I have to go to the hospital!,” I exclaimed and Sherry looked at me with a mix of shock and worry. 

“The hospital?,why?,” she asked,raising a brow quizzically and I closed my eyes and opened them back. 

How was I to tell her that David couldn’t die just like that?. 

“I need to see David. His b*dy. I want to know what went wrong,” I bit out and watched as her expression changed to being worried. 

“I understand that you’re in the denial stage now. You hardly lose your patients but I’m telling you. David is gone. I know it’s hard to believe. Even I am still processing it. I’m trying so hard to believe.” She leaned closer and held my hands. 

“But Jessica you’re not the man up there,you can’t possibly save everyone. David is dead,he died in front of me,” she shot out and I shook my head in denial. 

“There’s no way. You don’t understand. You just don’t. There’s no way he died. I have to go to the hospital. I have to see him. Maybe it’s…” 


14:50 Wed, 13 Mar 

Chapter 27 



“He was my cousin!!. The only family member of mine I’m close to!!,” she yelled. 

“I know. But…..” 

She cut me off. “Internal bleeding!” 

I pulled my hands away from hers. “Bullshit!. There’s no way it’s internal bleeding. It’s impossible!. I have to see him,” I bit out firmly and she nodded. 

“It’s alright then,” she stood up, “let’s go.” 

We walked briskly to her car and once there,she drove off speedily,straight to the hospital. 

Once we got inside,I was greeted with “welcome doctor Miller“,“it’s so happy to see you back“, “so sorry for your loss“. I answered them all with a smile as I sprinted to the morgue. 

“I want to see the b*dy,” Sherry said to someone whose name I’d forgotten. I only remember that he works in the morgue. 

“You didn’t approve it?,” he questioned, furrowing his brows in confusion. 

She looked at me,worry now clouding her features. 

“Approve what?. Where’s the Bo..where’s the b*dy!!?,” She yelled and I held her hands. 

“Calm down Sherry. Um…Conrad right?,” I faced him now. 

“Connor, Ma,” He responded. 

“Well Connor, where’s the b*dy?. You of all people should know that a b*dy does not leave the morgue unless the family or guardian approves it..,” 

“They said Doctor Sherry approved it…” I cut him off quickly,tightening my grip on Sherry’s hand as she tried to rush to him,probably to attack him. 

“I didn’t approve shit,” she faced me. “I didn’t sign anything,what’s he saying?,” 

I glared at him, “you let someone come here without a signed paper but an ordinary ‘Doctor Sherry approves, I’m disappointed.” 

“It was the Director. Of course I had…” 


14:50 Wed, 13 Mar 

Chapter 27 

“Director?!!!,” What would the Director want with a dead b*dy?. 


“Di..di..” Sherry was still stuttering when I pulled her hand and walked out of the 


“We have to see the Director right now,” I said as we sprinted towards his office. 

“Doctor Jessica, Doctor Sherry…wait..wait..wait!!!,” Eloise,the director’s secretary yelled,but we sprinted past her and I pushed the door open, barging in. 

He looked startled,he must’ve been clearly surprised to see me. He stood up,a nervous smile etched on his face. 

“Doctor Jessica..Doctor Sherry…um It’s uh… I’m sorry for your loss. I heard about what happened with the kids…,” he was saying. 

I moved towards him,pointing a finger to his face. 

“What did you do with David’s b*dy?,” I asked,my voice as calm as I could muster. 

“Oh,that’s why you’re here. I’ve been trying to reach your phone,but it hasn’t been going through. No one’s answering your home telephone either,” 

“I was on a vacation,” I bit out. 

“Well, Doctor Jessica I received a report about you…um..” he opened his drawer and when I saw what he had brought out,I paled. 

“No,no that’s not it,” I shook my head firmly. I refuse to go down like this. I don’t know who has been sending such pictures out,but it needs to stop. 

There was a picture of me smiling as I did ketamine,there was one of me again,it looked like a cctv footage photo of some sort and when I looked closer,I gasped. 

A picture of me administering a tincture to a patient. I paled. 

“You’ve been injecting patients with something…all of them,” 

Just then,the door opened and another Doctor entered, Doctor Triss. She glared at me and faced the Director. 

“We just confirmed it. He had opioids of some sort in his system..the same one we found in Martin’s system.” 


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