The Reborn

Chapter Why he named his sword?

Before I could open my eyes and observe my surroundings, a horrible smell of rotten meat hit my nose. I forced my eyes to open and I had to blink a couple of times to actually see something since everything was blurry. A groan of pain escaped my lips as a sharp pain went right through my skull, like someone stabbed me with a butcher knife.

“What the....” I mumbled when I tried to touch my head with my hand, but failed since my hands were chained to the wall.

Ignoring the terrible pain from my head, I started to look around. I was in what looks like a dungeon. The walls were made of stone covered in all colours of mold. There is no source of light and if I hadn’t my sense of sight so developed (one of the perks of being an Elementar), I would see fucking nothing. I narrowed my eyes and saw a black metal door across from my. Its hinges were covered in rust as almost half of it was.

Maybe we can break this chains and escape through that door. It’s rusted so it won’t be very hard to break it. Right, Bolt?

I waited for her answer, but I only received silence.


Silence again. I started to panic when I realised that I can’t feel her inside my head.

What’s going on? Why my head hurts? Why I can’t hear or feel Bolt? Why my body is so damn weak and I can’t fucking break this chains??

I growled in frustration and pulled at the chains again, but my effort was futile. I was already breathing heavily and the knot in my stomach wasn’t helping me neither.

“You should stop trying to break those chains ’cause you won’t succeed. I already tried it and I obviously failed.”

My head snapped to my right where the owner of the voice came from.

I furrowed my eyebrows. “What the fuck are you doing here?” I hissed at him.

“I see that you’re very happy to see me, Shadow. By the way, I missed you too.” he said with an eyes roll and I scoffed.

“Fuck off and answer my damn question Black. I don’t have time for your sick games. What are you trying to do right now? Why they sent you here with me? To make sure that I won’t escape or-”

He let out a weak growl and then coughed. “Zip it, idiot. You know that you’re not the centre of this universe, right? This isn’t about you. It has nothing to do with you.”

As I looked more closer at him I saw that he is way more slimmer than the last time we met and he looks like he is done with his life for now. His clothes were torn here and there and covered in dirt and blood?

“What’s going on Black?” I asked him while looking at him right in the eyes. They were bloodshot and tired with purple bags under them.

He let out an humorless chuckle and coughed again. His whole body shook while he coughed and he was gasping for air.

“Calamity happened.” he said a little breathless from his previous coughing fest.

I scoffed. “Let me guess. You tried to stick your nose in his business and he did the best thing he knows to do. He got rid of you.”

He glared at the ground and clenched his jaw. “Yes. I tried to make some changes in the military department and one of the captains said that after Calamity retires, I’ll be a good leader maybe even greater than that bastard and of course that the bastard heard what the captain said and sent me here because he won’t retire. He is too hungry for power. He wants to conquer this whole world and be the king for eternity and so far, he’s succeeding.”

I sighed. “Why I am not surprised at all? He wants the power so bad that he is willing to kill his own blood and that’s sick. What’s the point of ruling if you’re all alone?”

“To feel alone you need to have feelings in the first place. He is just a soulless monster and he will lead this world to a dark era.” he shrugged and his shoulders sink in defeat.

I clenched my fist. “No. He won’t. Not as long as I’m still breathing.”

He shook his head. “He’s too strong. You also may be strong, but you’re not as strong as him. You can’t kill him.”

“He may be strong, but he’s not invincible. No one is. Everyone has at least one weakness and I’ll find it.” I said more determined than ever.

He scoffed. “Good luck with that. Sorry to destroy your dream, but you have to escape this place first and even if you escape, I want to see how you’ll beat him while he has Igniton and you’re father’s ring.”

My jaw twitched when I heard the word ‘father’ and ‘ring’. “I’ll take that damn right back and there’s nothing special about it. And what’s Igniton? Do you have another brother or....” I trailed off as he started to laugh and cough at the same time.

He raised one finger to tell me to hold on until he compose himself.

I rolled my eyes. “It’s not like I’m going to suddenly disappear from this room. I’m pretty much useless right now.”

He rolled his eyes and cleared his throat. “I don’t have another brother or sister. Igniton is his sword.”

“His sword? Why he named his sword?” I asked raising my voice a little.

“It’s not just a simple sword. Every royal family has a specific weapon and the majority have the sword. There are very few that choose guns or nunchucks or I don’t know, another weapon.”

“And I still don’t understand what’s so dangerous about this sword.” I said annoyed.

He scoffed. “It’s hard to explain because even I don’t know very much about it. Calamity said very few things about it. I only know that this sword is very old. He said that his grandpa also had this sword and since the sword is our family’s weapon, I think that Igniton is passed generation after generation.”

That actually makes sense. If Igniton was Calamity’s grandpa sword, this means that it has more than 100 years old, maybe even 200. A sword this old must have some kind of special power or something. Suddenly, I remembered something.


“I’m right here so I don’t understand why you need to yell. And if you keep taking this loud they will hear you!” he hissed and I rolled my eyes.

“Okay, sorry. Last time we fought, you had a weird sword and it made a weird wound on my hand. By the way fucker, I hope you go to hell because you broke my hand that day.”

He smirked. “I’d said that I’m sorry for that, but that would be a lie. And that was a sword that fucker gave me. I don’t know anything about it, except that it’s a cursed sword and it can kill-”

“-any kind of supernatural creature. Yeah, yeah. You already said that.” I cut him off and he glared at me.

“Well, sorry for trying to help!”

“Help? You are a fucking traitor and I’m more than sure that you told them were H.I.D.E is so don’t you fucking dare to say that you want to help me!” I yelled at him and his eyes widen.

“Stop yelling! I’m not ready for another hour of being a lab rat so shut the fuck up! And then I wasn’t exactly me. Calamity somehow managed to make my Dark side take over without killing me in the process. I was pretty much brainwashed until he sent me here and to be honest I prefer dying than suffering here.” he whispered staring at the metal door. He looked terrified for some reason.

I furrowed my eyebrows. “What are talking about? What do you mean by lab rat?”

The faint noise of footsteps started to be heard and Black started to panic.

“I mean what I said, Shadow. You know what a lab rat is and what they do to it. Now stop talking!!” he whispered-yelled at me.

The footsteps got louder and they were heading towards us.

“Don’t tell me that they do and did experiments on you. That’s simply insane and brutal.” I whispered back and he smiled sadly.

“Insane and brutal. Just like Calamity is. He wants to make a weapon that can kill hybrids from only one cut or at last make some serious damage. And guess what, Shadow? I’m a lab rat and now so you are. You can’t escape because they give us twice a day a mix of substances that cut all our powers and we are defenceless. And trust me, Shadow, after one day here, you’ll wish to be dead.” he stopped talking exactly when the metal door was slammed open and suddenly the room was all lighten up making my eyes hurt.

I squirmed my eyes and moved my gaze from Black to the new person in the room. He was very short for a man with black hair, dark soulless eyes, slightly dark skin and an evil smirk streched on his face. He would be looking quiet cute if his nose wouldn’t be covering most of his face and his ears wouldn’t remained me of Dumbo.

“It looks like our new guest is finally awake.” he said and started to slowly walk in my direction while his lab coat was almost moping the floor.

“Yes and I have some things to report to your manager because your hotel sucks. When I made the reservation I said that I want the sea view and all I see right now is the almost human version of Dumbo. Not nice. I want my money back.”

Dumbo glared at me. “Do you think that you’re smart, don’t ya? I guess that your friend over there never told you to not mess with me. I can do terrible things to you.”

I scoffed. “You will do terrible things to me even of I shut up or not, so at least I can entertain myself, thank you very much.”

“I suggest you to stop talking because you’ll get in big trouble.” he growled at me and his eyes shine.

“If I had a dollar for every single time someone told me that, I’d be a millionaire. Oh, but wait. I already am fu-” I was cut off by Dumbo grabbing my neck and growling at me.

“Congrats, rat. You made me mad from your first day here. They told me that you’re a feisty one, but I never imagine someone so blunt and irresponsible like you.”

His face was so close to mine that I can see and count the hair from his nose because he’s puffing his nostrils like a dragon.

“Suprise then, fucker.” I said and spitted right between his eyes.

Thank you Hazel for showing me how.

He closed his eyes and tightens his grip around my neck, making me gasp for air. “You’re damn lucky that I have clear orders to kill you in the most painful way or you’d be having a 3 hours experiments session with me every single day.”

I tried to use my feet and kick him off, but I was still weak. “F-fuck off.”

“GIRL. SHUT THE FUCK UP. I’M THE ONE WITH THE POWER HERE. I CAN KILL YOU RIGHT NOW YET YOU ARE STILL PISSING ME OFF.” he yelled in my face spitting a little in the process.

I smirked. “B-but y-you won’t. Y-you can’t k-kill me r-right now. O-orders are orders.”

He gripped my neck to the point I thought that he will break my neck and let go. As I was gasping for air, I didn’t see his right hook coming to my face. My head snapped in the opposite direction and I taste blood in my mouth while my ears were ringing.

I looked at him and saw the big smirk on his face so I spitted the blood right in front of him and smirked. “For a lab rat you have a strong hook, but your punch has no form. Per total, you suck.....than you swallow.”

He sent a left hook and then kicked me in the stomach with his right leg. I was about to collapse on the floor, but the chains from my hands were keeping me up.

“What about this moves, bitch?” he asked as he raised my head by gripping my hair.

“Still suck and grabbing a girl’s hair is a pussy move. Only girls do that. Well, girls and you.” he raised his fist again, but I stopped him “Now, now. No need for violence. I’m just telling the truth and if you keep punching me, I’ll die and you don’t want that, do you?”

He gripped my shirt with both his hands and moved his face closer to mine. “I wanted to give you a slightly easy way to die. Maybe an injection or something, but now I’m going to give you the most painful and long death like I was ordered to. I already know how and in this way I’m going to complete one of my researches too. You’ll die like a lab rat.”

I cooed. “Dumbo wanted to give me an easy death at first. Who would’ve thought that you soulless bastards know what mercy is? By the way, your breath stinks.”

He growled right in my face, showing his sharp teeth and spitting once again before he stormed out of the room. When the room slammed close, I slumped against the wall and let out a breath. I can’t feel my right cheek or my left side or the jaw, my neck is still sore and my stomach hurts.

“I hope that you realised that you just signed your own death wish.” Black said staring at me wide eyed.

I shrugged. “I was already dead. He ready wanted to kill me so....And I won’t be here tomorrow when he’ll come back.”

“How do you know that he’ll come tomorrow? And trust me, you’ll be here. You can’t escape.”

I rolled my eyes. “I like that you have faith in me. And it’s logic. I can’t resist right now or today if he comes back to kill me. I’m too weak from his punches and he had enough of me for today.”

“You’re right and your only chance to escape is if you’re friends will come and rescue you. Which I doubt. There are too many guards.”

“And they don’t know where we are genius.” I added.

He shook his head. “We’re at H.I.D.E, dump ass. This are the dungeons, but I guess that you never saw them because you never did the ‘dirty’ work. After they took over, Calamity decided to make this place a research centre, so here we are.”

After what he said I have a little hope in me, but Blast and Sharpeson would never risk so much. Like Black said, there are too many guards and you can’t make a good rescue plan overnight, literally. This means I have 2 options: 1. I try to find a way out and by some miracle I find one or 2. Tomorrow I’ll die, but I fucking can’t. I promised Lincoln that I won’t die until I achieve my goal and I’ll keep my damn promise. I can’t disappoint him and I won’t.

Now, brain. Is time to form a plan.

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