The Rebellious Omega

Chapter 73

Blair POV

"Are you alright?" asked Alpha Cody, helping me to my feet while my mate shot daggers at the both of us.

I gave a slow nod. Braedon gave a low growl and turned his head to regard me stonily. "What the hell was that?" he exploded.

I blinked at him. He looked frustrated and ready to explode. "I am your mate" he snarled.

"I know" I shot back "Why are you so mad?" I said puzzled.

"You screamed for Alpha Cody to save you" he roared.

Oh yeah, I had forgotten that. Alpha Cody looked uncomfortable. I looked at my mate feigning innocence as he glowered at me.

"I figured it was the smart thing to do," I said nonchalantly as my mate continued to stare at me, Sierra still standing there, looking bewildered.

"How exactly is calling another man for help, a smart thing to do?" he asked with gritted teeth.

"Well, I knew that it would make you jealous and therefore you would be faster in getting to me," I said smugly.

My mate looked incredulous. Alpha Cody coughed, trying to disguise his laughter.

"You figured making me jealous would make me rush to your side faster," my mate said sharply and I nodded, causing my mate to look exasperated.

"Well, did it work?" I asked and he growled at me.

"That's beside the point" he snarled and turned his attention back to Sierra as I tried not to grin at the look on his face.

"You" he roared and Sierra cringed in the face of his rage, some of it most probably caused by me "How dare you try and harm my mate" he snarled, looking ready to rip her throat out "and you disobeyed the rules of training" he snapped, "not to mention broke several laws in the process."

Sierra was pale now. She was looking at the King pleadingly. Alpha Cody was watching everything unfold in front of us with interest.

"Please King Braedon, it was a mistake" she began to say and I snorted.

"You don't shift by mistake," I said icily "It's a bit like men saying that they don't mean to f**k another woman. I've yet to see a man trip and his d**k fall into a v****a" I said thoughtfully.

I mean, was such a thing even possible? I mean what kind of study would you do to prove such a thing? I was intrigued to find out if one had even been done.

By now James had joined us and had heard my comment. He went bright red and began to choke, Alpha Cody turned around, his shoulders shaking suspiciously, while my mate just grinned. Sierra glared at me, her eyes glinting with hatred. "An interesting way to put it, but my mate is quite right," King Braedon said frostily, fighting back his own laughter "What you have just done is unforgivable. I believe it should be up to her to help form your punishment, instead of me as she is the one you just tried to seriously harm."

My eyes widened. I hadn't been expecting that. I had just naturally assumed that Braedon would issue an order and that would be that. I hadn't anticipated that he would put me in charge of punishing Sierra for her actions. I looked at him bewildered. What kind of punishment should I be giving? I could hear James snort behind me and mutter to Alpha Cody "This should be interesting" his voice filled with glee.

I was uncertain. This was the first time that my opinion had been requested and I had never been in charge of something so serious before. I saw my mate raise an eyebrow, patiently waiting. I swallowed hard. I glanced at Sierra who was gritting her teeth. It must be humiliating for her, to have a wolfless mutt, as she'd put it, granted the privilege of punishing her, a powerful shifter.

I bit my lip "What would you do?" I asked Braedon.

His eyes widened in surprise. "Throw her in the dungeon and have her whipped every day for a month," he said darkly. That seemed harsh and I knew all too well what it was like to be whipped. Besides, I suspected that a whipping would not be enough to humble her. I needed to be creative.

I could make her an omega, but that seemed a little too easy and I suspected she would bully them into doing the work for her. I glanced around thoughtfully and spotted the grounds which were pretty and well-maintained, suddenly getting a spurt of inspiration. I gave a slow smile. "I think that Sierra should help maintain the grounds. She should be responsible for the area around the packhouse. I don't want there to be any rocks, sticks, leaves, or debris and the grass should be neatly trimmed." Sierra's eyes lit up and I could see a smile about to form on her face. She thought she was about to get off easily. I continued gleefully "However she is not to use any equipment, except for scissors to cut the grass." Silence. Sierra's smile slipped off her face.

"That will take forever," she said looking at King Braedon in shock "You can't seriously be thinking of giving me that punishment?"

"He said it was up to me," I said calmly "and I think being made a fastidious gardener for two months is much more kind than being whipped every day."

"But everyone will see me on my knees cutting grass" she wailed, looking panicked "I would rather take the whipping" she added.

I looked at her smugly "I know and that's why you're getting this punishment instead" I said with satisfaction "It serves as a reminder to your friends that the same thing will happen to them. You're to serve as an example" I told her. I could hear James chuckling, along with Alpha Cody. She continued to protest. I raised my voice "Keep going and I'll also include cleaning out the stables."

She fell silent, glaring at me.

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