The Rebellious Omega

Chapter 29

Blair Pov

I listened to Luna Bianca offer pathetic excuses and my voice became sharp. "You knew," I said, my voice hoarse and accusing, and I raised my head, my eyes filled with contempt "You knew that King Braedon had dissolved the breeding program." Hatred swept through me. It was all I could do to stop myself from jumping up and attacking the b***h. Luna Bianca drew in a breath, looking indignantly at me, while King Braedon narrowed his eyes at her.

Alpha Johnathon shook his head "Blair, I can assure you that we didn't, otherwise, I would never have allowed it to go through" he protested, his voice firm and filled with conviction. He looked at me, his eyes earnest, his voice sincere.

I had no doubts that he didn't know, but Luna Bianca? She was a real piece of work. She hated me and enjoyed tormenting me. This was just another form of t*****e to her. It suddenly made sense why Alpha Daxton had turned up earlier than expected and why I needed to leave earlier than planned. Visit Job to read the complete chapters for free. If you are not reading this novel on Job ni b .com, some sentences are incomplete.It was because she had to have received the correspondence. It was the only thing that made sense. She had been hoping to have me gone before King Braedon arrived but that hadn't gone exactly to plan. I dug my nails into the seat, my anger rising. "You might not have known Alpha Johnathon" I spat out, "but she did" I accused.

"Stop lying" Luna Bianca snarled "I did not."

"Why else would he have turned up earlier?" I said breathing shallowly "And why did we have to leave in such a hurry, if it wasn't because you had knowledge that the breeding program was now illegal?" I screamed out in rage "You lying bitch."

King Braedon looked at the Luna, his face expressionless. "Blair raises a good point," he said quietly "You should have received the missive a few days ago" he added with a low growl.

Alpha Johnathon frowned "I have seen no such thing, but..." he trailed off, looking at his wife sharply.

"But?" King Braedon said softly, as the color drained from Luna Bianca's face "What were you going to say, Alpha Johnathon?" he prompted.

There was a dangerous undercurrent to the Alpha King's voice. Even I shivered as I glared at the Luna.

"My wife normally takes care of all the mail and correspondence" Alpha Johnathon whispered reluctantly.

It was clear, how much he regretted having to impart that information.

I knew it. Luna Bianca continued to protest "I am telling you, I have not received it. Do you honestly think I would have gone against the Alpha King's instructions?" she cried in a panic.

"There's an easy way to find out," King Braedon said, glancing sideways at me before his eyes glowed and he spoke in a commanding voice, his Alpha tone far superior to even Alpha Johnathon's "Did you receive my missive about the breeding program?" he demanded.

Luna Bianca tried hard to resist, but it was useless. She could not resist the Alpha command, especially not that of an Alpha King. Luna or not. Her mouth opened of its own accord and she whispered the word, unable to look away from the King. "Yes."

Before anybody could stop me, I was on my feet and my hand connected with her cheek, I heard a satisfying smacking noise but King Braedon grabbed my hand before I could hit her again.

"You b***h" I screamed, "you forced me to undergo that examination." My voice was shaking.

"Examination?" King Braedon asked, looking at a pale Alpha Johnathon.

"Alpha Daxton wanted to ensure that Blair was a virgin" he whispered "so he set up an examination..." he didn't get any further as King Braedon let go of my hand and let out a ferocious growl, shifting into his wolf, pinning the Luna to the ground as she screamed hysterically underneath him.

I had no sympathy for the Luna as I glared at her, my eyes shimmering with tears.

I stared, wanting him to kill her. His eyes glinted. Alpha Johnathon dared not intervene. Luna Bianca was hysterical, squirming beneath the large black wolf who had a ruthless expression on its face.

"Get off me" she screamed, trying to push him off.

The wolf snarled, causing her to still. I caught myself catching my breath. I couldn't take my eyes away from the beauty of the wolf. He was magnificent. I hadn't had time to appreciate it before. The wolf was still growling. Its eyes were fixated on Luna Bianca's face. It raised its massive paw. Before I could blink or anybody could move, he dragged his claws down the side of her face, making her scream in panic and pain, disfiguring her face, before climbing off and coming to my side. He gave a small smile of satisfaction while Alpha Johnathon looked horrified. Blood poured down the Luna's face. The wolf licked my hand, making me giggle, while Alpha Johnathon knelt beside his hysterical wife. I patted the wolf and then it shifted back to King Braedon who sneered at the Luna as she staggered back to her feet, one hand to the large gouge marks that went down her cheek. She no longer looked as attractive and it gave me malicious satisfaction.

"Those will serve as a painful reminder of your disrespect for the rest of your life," he said icily "An Alpha King's marks do not disappear like a normal shifter does when they heal."

Luna Bianca sobbed. Alpha Johnathon looked torn, as he glanced at myself and the King. King Braedon glanced at his Beta, James who subtly began to mind-link some warriors.

"You will be placed in the dungeon to await your punishment. I do not accept your lies, and you will be tortured for them." His tone was cold, filled with anger. I could only stare in awe. Finally, the horrible Luna was going to be punished. It was like a dream come true.

His warriors came in, dragging Luna Bianca away from her husband as she kicked and flailed, her arms waving around wildly.

"Johnathon" she screamed "Johnathon help me."

"Do not move Alpha Johnathon, if you value your life. Luna Bianca, you may not shift until I order you to do so" King Braedon said sharply using his alpha tone again.

I was fighting the urge not to look at the King, who seemed completely at ease in his nakedness. I blushed. He was definitely impressive looking, in more ways than one.

Alpha Johnathon complied, looking regretful as his wife disappeared out the door. "I believe that you didn't know and that your wife kept this from you, which is the only reason that you are not being punished" King Braedon snarled "But if you make one wrong move, do anything else pertaining to going against the law and I will execute you. I am showing leniency just this once" he finished and then turned to me "unless youwould like the woman executed?" he asked bluntly.

I considered it. I hated Luna Bianca, so much that I felt it seep through my veins.

"As long as you take me with you, the torture is punishment enough" I forced myself to say.

The Luna was disfigured, permanently and I had my suspicions the torture was not going to be light either. I didn't see the need to request her death when I would no longer be at the pack for her to bully or demean me. King Braedon looked at me with a small smile on his face. "Very well. Now, if you don't mind" he told the Alpha "I require us to be shown to our rooms. Blair will be staying in thesame one as mine" he added and my mouth fell open in shock.

"I um, will, of course, summon an omega immediately King Braedon" Alpha Johnathon said, looking confused.

The omega came and led us out, King Braedon reaching for my hand. I felt the tingles again and inhaled sharply. "You will be safer in my room" he murmured in a low tone so that only I could hear him "I do not trust them not to try and retaliate by hurting you somehow."

I relaxed. The omega opened the door to the large bedroom and King Braedon ushered me in. I sat on the bed, blushing as he grabbed his suitcase. He opened it and grabbed some clothes. I turned away, listening to the sounds of him getting dressed.

"You can look if you want," he said teasingly, making me blush bright red.

I ducked and he laughed. I bit my lip, feeling nervous. "Um, King Braedon," I said softly, wanting to confirm my suspicions.

"Yes?" he saidgruffly.

"Are we mates?"

Silence. He walked over and grabbed my chin, his eyes staring deeply into mine "Do you feel those tingles as I touch you?"

I nodded slowly.

He gave a slow grin "That's the mate bond."

He let go. I wasn't finished though. I took a deep shuddering breath and then blurted out my deepest darkest fear. "Are you going to reject me?"

I had no wolf. I was practically a human. He was a freaking Alpha King! My nerves were shot as I anxiously waited for his reply. He was silent, his eyes narrowed, a thoughtful expression on his face. My heart sank. He was going to do it. He was going to reject me. I could tell. I clasped my hands together tightly, bowing my head down. I felt my breath quicken. I hadn't even had a chance to tell him about my medical condition. Once he discovered that, it would be all over. It was a miracle I hadn't had an attack when Alpha Daxton had tried to rape me. Then again, my heart rate had slowed when Braedon touched me.

"It's complicated," King Braedon said finally, looking away "For the moment I have no intentions of rejecting you. But I cannot say any more than that. It will have to do for now," he told me. "We will discuss everything properly when we are back at my pack. How old are you?" he asked as though it was an afterthought.

"Eighteen tomorrow" I whispered "the same day as Brynn Ryker whose party you're attending."

He nodded. "You may get your wolf tomorrow," he said briskly and my heart sank some more. Was that what he was waiting for? Was he hoping that my wolf would magically appear? Suddenly turning eighteen didn't seem quite so appealing to me.

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