The Rebellious Omega

Chapter 223

King Braedon POV

The rogue attack came out of nowhere. I was in my study, thinking back to what I had said to Blair. She hadn't deserved to be attacked like that. But my fear for her and the pups had overwhelmed me to the point that I had said some things that I now regretted. I had lashed out and in the process Blair had gotten upset, avoiding speaking to me and the night had become tense. I had left early in the morning, unable to bear the tension in the room anymore, too stubborn to beg for forgiveness, even as my wolf tried to tell me how wrong I had been. Our mate saved our lives and this is how you want to treat her? Like she did something wrong? Blair did what she thought was right at the time. Do you have any idea how much you hurt her by saying what you did? How much did you hurt Dusk?

I didn't mean to, but if we had died, Lucian and Blair would not have had enough time to run, let alone escape. Our children would have died. She put herself in harm's way. Are you telling me that you didn't fear for her? That you didn't worry for her and our pup's safety? Of course, I did he roared at me as I winced but I also know our mate and what she's capable of. I would never have let that bastard touch a hair on her head. She's not just some little girl Braedon, she's our mate and an Alpha wolf. She's not a child that can't defend herself. But it's our job to protect her Lucian, not the other way around! I told him thickly, my voice dripping slightly with shame.

That's what pisses you off, isn't it? Not the fact Blair was there, but that she had to step in and help. Your damn pride is hurt, isn't it Braedon? Get over it he seethed so what if Blair had to help us? Visit Job ni b .com to read the complete chapters for free. We're mates, we protect one another. I would rather be alive than have died because we were too prideful to accept help. You stupid, foolish, naive, fool.

Before I could say another word he put a block up, telling me exactly what he thought of me and the discussion we were having. James looked amused as I gave a giant huff and folded my arms across my chest, a sour expression on my face.

"I take it that even Lucian is giving you a what for," he said calmly "Good because I personally agree with him. You should just apologize to Blair, Braedon. Do you really want to spend all day today, fretting over it, or do you want to beg forgiveness and get back in your mate's good books?" he asked wisely. "Since when did you get so wise?" I snarled, making him chuckle.

"Since I became a mate and a soon-to-be father myself" he reminded me, raising a brow "and I know for a fact, I could never say to Sarah what you did to Blair."

I scowled because he was right, even though I had no desire to admit it. My stubbornness was coming to the fore. I got up and began to walk towards the front door just as we heard screams coming from the grounds and patrol linked us. Your Highness, there are rogues in the territory, several of them. We've directed pack members who can't fight to go to the pack house for their own safety.

I ran, heading onto the grounds and shifting, blankly aware that James was doing the same behind me. Pack members such as women, children, and elderly ran past us, heading for the pack house as we ran deeper into the woods, the scent of rotten meat and eggs wafting to our nostrils. I growled, my paws thudding along the ground as I traced the source, finding a cluster of rogues up ahead. They had taken one of my patrol out already and I jumped on the nearest one, tearing into them, biting down with the strength of my jaws, ripping and biting, tearing his throat out as blood pooled onto the floor, my grin vicious as the other rogues turned and separated. James ran after one, his wolf easily keeping pace.

I spat out blood and ran, tackling another rogue and swiping at it as it gave a yelp of pain. I was furious now. How dare they come onto my territory. Kill one of my men? It managed to swipe me across the ribcage but I barely felt it in my anger. I lunged and sent it flying backward into the nearest trunk of a tree, its body hitting it with a heavy thud. When it got back up to its feet, it was limping and it looked frightened, eyeing me with big eyes before it tried to turn tail and run. It didn't get very far before I leaped onto it, pinning its body to the ground. My frustration and rage boiled over. I clamped my jaws over its neck and bit down, severing its head from its body. I snarled, heading deeper into the forest and leaving the dead body of the rogue behind me. It was no longer a threat.

James was busy fighting two of them up ahead. I tackled one of them, leaving James to fight the other. The rogue snarled and snapped its jaws at me. It was frothing at the mouth and its eyes were a bright red. It c****d its head at me, circling me warily. This one didn't appear to be as stupid as its comrades were. It attacked, darting forward and swiping furiously. I growled as it hit me across the legs, before I made a counterattack of my own, kicking it with my back legs and sending it into a tree where it gave a yelp of pain. I snarled, James and the other rogue still fighting in the background.

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