The Rebellious Omega

Chapter 21

Trigger warning. This episode may prove triggering to some and if this might trigger you in some way please do not read


Blair POV

I didn't know how I was going to get through the doorway, with Luna Bianca standing there, but I didn't care. I was hellbent on getting out of there. I raced towards the doorway, intent on tackling her if I had to, only to be gripped by both my arms, hers like vices of steel, my legs kicking wildly. Luna Bianca's eyes narrowed. I saw them go glazed and knew she was mind-linking somebody as I continued to fight and wrestle for all I was worth.

"You can't do this" I screamed, my voice carrying through the pack house, tinged with panic and desperation "I won't let you."

Luna Bianca smirked "You don't have a choice" she snapped, as an omega came up and deftly held out restraints, my eyes going wide in horror. The elderly matron lady came inside the room and shook her head, clucking her tongue at me in disapproval. "Dear, you are making this harder than it needs to be," she said rebuking me.

Like I cared what she thought.

"f**k you Grandma" I shouted at her, making her inhale sharply.

Smack. My head flung backward from the impact of Luna Bianca's strike. I saw stars flying around my head. I gave a cry, as I felt hands holding my arms above my head, cuffs being placed around my wrists and then fastened to the bedhead, keeping them pinned in place. I kicked my legs, but they too, were soon fastened with the cuffs and spread apart, restrained to the bed frame.

I panted, my eyes wild and glittering with hatred. My hair was matted to my forehead. My dress was hiked up past my thighs and I had nothing to protect my modesty. I pulled on the cuffs, the only consolation being that they weren't silver, so that they didn't burn my flesh. I surmised it was only so that Luna Bianca wouldn't be harmed as she helped put them on. I spat on the elderly matron and she whacked me across the head.

"Disrespectful little b***h, aren't you," she said disgustedly.

"Look who's talking" I shouted back in a rage.

I pulled so hard on the cuffs that I began to rub my flesh raw. The omegas silently filed out of the room. Luna Bianca gave me the stink eye.

"Enough" she hissed, as I continued to pull on the cuffs and swear at them "before I get Johnathon in here with his Alpha tone."

I glared at her defiantly. The elderly woman laughed, sounding amused "This one has spirit" she chuckled "She'll need it to deal with the likes of him" she added moodily. What the hell did that mean?

I saw Alpha Johnathon and another man out of the corner of my eye, but couldn't get a proper glimpse of him before Luna Bianca promptly shut the door. She gritted her teeth.

"I wouldn't worry about the little b***h's modesty," she said as the elderly woman gave a slow nod "not after the stunt that she's just pulled."

I watched as the elderly matron grabbed a bag I hadn't noticed her bring in, opening it and then putting gloves on slowly and carefully. My whole body was shaking violently. I felt like I was going to be sick. I felt violated and degraded. My mind was screaming out for help. She came to the bed, holding the bag. Luna Bianca smirked. The woman looked at her. "Hold her legs still" she instructed.

The restraints were loose enough that I could bend my knees. Without prompting, Luna Bianca bent my knees and spread my legs wide as I tried to resist. The elderly woman looked at me, without sympathy. "I'm going to examine you," she said calmly.

"Can't you just take my word?" I said tearfully "I'm a virgin, I swear."

She gave a bitter laugh "It's not worth my head if you lie. He'll find out when he ruts you and if you're not, well then I'm a dead woman" she said "I suggest you just relax, or else it will hurt more" she advised.

Luna Bianca tightened her grip. I couldn't move. My eyes widened. My head dropped back onto the bed, my hands tugging uselessly at the cuffs as tears pricked the corners of my eyes. It was over. There was no escape. I had lost. They were going to examine me whether I wanted them to or not. I held back my sobs. I looked away, unable to bear the look of triumph on the Luna's face. She was enjoying my humiliation.

Something cold pressed up against my private area and I sucked in a breath.

"Breathe," said the elderly woman harshly, and then she pushed it in deeper as I gave a cry of pain, the thing, whatever it was, felt like it was splitting me as it opened me up for her to look at. The elderly woman looked satisfied. "I will now perform the physical examination to confirm," she said to Luna Bianca.

I stared blankly up at the ceiling. I didn't have the willpower to resist or fight anymore. I just wanted it over and done with. I wanted whatever was inside me, out. The elderly woman put two fingers together and then I felt her, push them inside of me as my mouth opened in shock and a small scream erupted from me. It was painful. She slowly pulled them back and smiled at Luna Bianca, nodding approvingly.

"Her hymen is indeed intact. Alpha Daxton will be pleased" she said in a low murmur "The girl is definitely a virgin. There are no signs of s****I activity" she added.

I tensed as she began to fiddle around with the strange item inside me, which began to release and then got pulled out slowly. My pelvic area was sore and throbbing now. The elderly matron began to clean and put her things away. "I shall inform the Alpha of my findings," she said and then nodded towards me "I suggest keeping her like that, but perhaps put the blanket over her. The Alpha likes to..." she trailed off, her expression going a bit dark "look over his breeder before he takes her back. This will give him the perfect opportunity to do so."

Haven't I suffered enough indignity? Luna Bianca nodded. "Thank you for your assistance," she said graciously.

The elderly matron grabbed her bag and opened the door partially, sliding carefully out. Luna Bianca grabbed the sheet, folding it in half hastily and placing it over my legs. I almost wanted to scream at her, that there was no point, that I didn't have any dignity left to care about, but I held back. Instead, I shot her a look filled with daggers. "I hate you" I breathed, wishing I had the strength to get out of the cuffs "and I will not forget what you have done to me today. I will get my revenge on you and it will be slow and painful" I told her unsteadily.

She grinned. "Oh Blair, you'll be back at Alpha Daxton's pack, unable to do anything while you are bred and forced to carry his heir. I have no doubts that you will not survive childbirth and if you do, you will be so weakened that you will be incapable of carrying out your threat. But if this makes you feel better" she gave a nonchalant shrug "then by all means continue to spew out your empty threats. Now I'm going to go" she said, her voice dripping with false sweetness and glee "and fetch Alpha Daxton so that he can have a look at what he's purchased. Don't go anywhere" she sang, giggling to herself.

She blew me a kiss and then opened the door, going out and shutting it with a firm click behind her. I slumped on the bed. I had just made it through one of the most traumatic experiences of my life, and still, I had more to come. What did Alpha Daxton want with me? Why did he insist on seeing the girl before he took her back to the pack? It seemed suspicious. I glanced fearfully at the restraints. Tied up like this, I couldn't fight back. I was literally at his mercy. Panic began to overtake me. The room felt like it was closing in around me and I began to feel claustrophobic. Any minute now, he was going to come in and do whatever it was he wanted to do and I wasn't going to be able to stop him. I couldn't trust the Alpha or Luna to either. In fact, I was sure that Luna Bianca would guarantee that the Alpha had the privacy to do what he wished. I felt my stomach churn as the knob on the door began to slowly turn, my eyes locked on it, as the door began to open with an ominous creaking sound.

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