The Rebellious Omega

Chapter 209

Third Person POV

Slap. Her hand reached up and struck the omega with a harshness, the echoing sound causing many in the pack to look up sharply, while Alpha Nikolai smiled lazily, the new Luna narrowing her eyes at the poor omega who looked terrified by the anger on Brynn's face. "You clumsy b***h" Brynn snapped "You spilled the wine on my dress" she complained loudly incensed, while the omega clutched her cheek, her eyes wide with terror, a stricken expression on her face. "I'm so sorry Luna" the girl stammered, as Brynn hissed "I'll clean it straight away" she added in desperation.

"Leave" Brynn shrieked in annoyance and the girl turned and ran away, while Alpha Nikolai chuckled and those still seated at the table went silent, frightened not only of the Alpha but the new Luna as well, who was not above using her title to hurt those who offended or slighted her in any way.

In fact some of them thought the new Luna was worse than the Alpha in some respects and regretted gifting her to Alpha Nikolai. They had not suspected she would attempt to take the Luna position or anticipated the Alpha ever giving it to her. They were shocked at the outcome that had come from all of their interference.

"You know that if you keep slapping the omega's there won't be anyone left to serve us" Alpha Nikolai commented dryly with some amusement.

Brynn sneered at him, not intimidated in the slightest or cowed "Maybe if your omegas were properly trained and not so damn clumsy, it wouldn't be such an issue. I'm exerting my control over them so they learn how to behave as befitting their pathetic statuses." She spoke with a great deal of confidence and arrogance, causing those still at the table to cast uneasy glances at each other.

Alpha Nikolai raised an eyebrow "You might be my Luna right now, but there's nothing preventing me from taking that title back, if you end up too big for your britches" he commented calmly "I suggest that you stop trying to throw your weight around before I'm forced to take desperate measures" he warned in a chilling tone.

Brynn shot him a glance, sniffed, and put her nose in the air, taking hold of the wine glass and sipping at it, while those around the table began to relax or subtly make their move, leaving the table as hurriedly as they possibly could. None of them wanted to be here if Alpha Nikolai chose to make good on his threat, even if Luna Brynn appeared unconcerned by his warning.

"When are we leaving?" Brynn snapped in exasperation, "I want to be at the Alpha King's pack by tomorrow" She whined and sulked.

Alpha Nikolai sighed, glancing regretfully at his empty glass of bourbon, and glanced around for an omega to refill it. Naturally, Brynn had just scared the last one off he noticed resentfully. He scowled heavily. "Why the impatience?" he said annoyed "his little mate is hardly going anywhere is she?" he commented with a leer, leaning back in his chair "And if you rush in there you're going to get yourself caught and probably killed, not that you don't deserve it. Besides, perhaps we should have a different plan. My son might have told me my life would be forfeit if I stepped foot on his land, but that was before he had a mate" he said thoughtfully "If I was to beg for forgiveness, get on my knees, do you think she might perhaps be inclined to speak on my behalf, perhaps tell him to forgive the past?" he asked with genuine curiosity, wondering if his son's mate was a foolish woman.

Brynn scowled and looked at him resentfully "Not likely. Not if Braedon's told her the truth about your sorry a*s" she muttered scornfully, swigging down even more of her wine "Even I think what you did was reprehensible. He's not going to forgive you for the death of his mother or for the amount of cheating you did on her. You're dreaming if you think he will and Blair's a coldhearted b***h who will kill you so much as look at you. She'll likely tear you a new one if you get too close" she said frostily.

Alpha Nikolai rather liked the sound of his son's little mate. She sounded intriguing. He frowned "I could challenge my son to a duel, for the rightful title of Alpha King, but then where would that leave you?" he mused "If I were to win, I would drop you as my Luna," he said without a care.

"Well that's loyalty" Brynn snapped and he raised a brow, unimpressed with her anger and perhaps a little pissed at her constant derogatory remarks toward him.

He shrugged nonchalantly "I told you that if somebody better came along, then you would be out. So far you're useful, but that's it."

Brynn eyed him skeptically "How long has it been since your son laid eyes on you?" she demanded in frustration.

The man gave a short bark of laughter "About five years. Not long at all but long enough for me to build my own pack. Or rather kill the Alpha of this pack and take over" he admitted wryly "Why?"

Brynn studied him, pinching her lips. He could see her observing all of him, even going so far as to stand up and look him over with a frown on her face. It was almost as though she was trying to picture him as someone else.

"You told me you learned how to subdue your wolf and mask your scent," she said slowly, as he nodded, rolling his eyes. "Yes, out of necessity and survival. But what good is that going to do me?" he said irritably.

This woman was driving him nuts. Well, perhaps woman was too strong a word, for what constituted an annoying girl. But he was intrigued slightly as well. There had to be a reason she was asking about subduing his wolf. He didn't like to do it. It automatically weakened him and that could make him vulnerable to an attack.

Masking his scent was much easier, but confused his men so he was loathe to do it. He waited as Brynn's lips curled into a slow smile. She looked smug now, seating herself back down and beginning to cut into her toast in a leisurely fashion. He found himself gritting his teeth. She was going to make him ask about it.

It put him in a foul mood immediately. He knew she was doing this intentionally. His hands clenched into fists as he fought to maintain a resemblance of control. He needed to remember that he was in charge here, not this sulky little girl. He counted slowly to ten, fighting the urge to wrap his arms around her neck and throttle her to death.

For now, he still needed her, but he wouldn't need her forever he reminded himself tersely. She was merely a means to an end. She looked far too pleased with herself. She ate a bite of toast and swallowed it, her eyes gleaming. He coughed and cleared his throat. Silence.

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