The Rebellious Omega

Chapter 185

Blair POV

Luna Bianca was currently safely cloistered away in the dungeon.

Brynn slipped through our fingers. We were so close and yet, she slithered away like the snake she was. I gritted my teeth, looking at Braedon between the strands of my hair that were covering my eyes, my frustration apparent as I fought it back, aware that although we didn't have Brynn, "What happens to her now?" I asked him heatedly "Does she get the benefit of a trial, or does she get sentenced by us?" Despite myself, my tone was angry as I directed it at him. I was a mess of emotions, and I was fighting to hold everything


Braedon's expression was calm, his eyes concerned as he looked at me. "That's up to you," he said quietly "She would normally face an execution, but if you wish to put her through a trial first, perhaps give her the benefit of speaking to her own defense..." he trailed off as I shook my head vehemently.

"No, giving her a trial will only give her more time and a chance to gather up sympathy from other packs. She needs to be made an example of" I said and Braedon's eyes narrowed. "Blair, if you want more time with her" he began.

I held up a hand, stalling him in his tracks "I'm going down now, to demand answers" I said turning away "You can come, but please" I pleaded "Don't interfere Braedon."

He looked like he wanted to protest, but he sighed and followed as I resolutely made my way downstairs and into the dungeon, fighting back the revulsion and nausea as I took in the metallic smell of blood, to the back cell where Luna Bianca stood, raking her gaze over me with disdain. Despite myself, I flinched. This woman was supposedly my mother and yet, she viewed me with disgust, as though I was nothing but garbage. I steeled myself as she curled her lips back, her eyes glinting, her arms folded across her chest.

"I hate that you gave birth to me," I told her with hatred, my tone dripping with malice as she raised a brow at me "I hate the thought that somebody as cold-hearted and shallow as you are my mother and that we share the same blood and DNA. We look nothing alike, but now I know that I take after my father" I continued as Luna Bianca remained silent "What I can't fathom, what I struggle with, is how anyone, a mother especially, could choose to abandon her child in the forest and leave her there to die. How could you do it?" I asked, moving closer, my voice bitter "Did you care for me at all? Did you feel anything for me when I was born?"

She studied me. Braedon put his hands on my shoulders. For a minute there was nothing but silence. I could feel my heart racing, and my hands shaking. Tears threatened to break free and I blinked them back, not willing to show weakness in front of this woman. Finally, she sneered. "Is it that important to you?" she said callously, waving her hand at me in a dismissive manner.

"How could you hold me in your arms and then just as quickly decide that my life was worthless," I said quietly "You would have killed me if Julia hadn't convinced you otherwise."

Her eyes glittered "I never even held you in my arms" she spat as I reared back from the venom in her voice "You were born second and as I held Brynn in my arms, my dear perfect Brynn" she said coldly, emphasizing it "Julia and the pack doctor looked you over. It was clear there was something wrong with you. You were weak, pitiful, almost transparent in color and your heart, it was beating wrongly. The doctor that was there, picked up the heart condition straight away. I told him to leave" she hissed "and Julia tried to persuade me to hold you, but I refused. I didn't want a weakling for a daughter. My bloodline had been perfect until you were born and I was determined for it to remain that way. I told her to smother you with the blanket you were wrapped in, but Julia refused, the softhearted girl that she was."

I swallowed hard. There was no remorse in my mother's voice, none at all. She was talking nonchalantly as though it was a meaningless conversation. Braedon looked disgusted with her, while I swayed on my feet. "My father" I whispered and Luna Bianca snorted. "Your father was quite taken with you, but he was concerned about the heart condition. In his case, he didn't want to get attached and then have you die on him. So when Julia came up with the idea of putting you in the forest to be discovered, he readily agreed to it, so that he could watch you grow up from afar, while telling himself that you weren't ours. It never made sense to me. It made me so angry that he could never really let you go. I tried so many times to get him to kill you, even tried once to kill you in your sleep, but he stopped me" she said with a hint of anger. I blinked. My father had wanted me. He hadn't agreed with my mother's actions. Had even stopped her on occasion. My chest tightened.

"Brynn was so perfect," my mother said wistfully "like a little doll. A miniature version of myself. She did everything that I asked of her and as she grew up, I could see more of myself in her. I was so proud of her until the little b***h kicked me out of that truck" she said bitterly. I gave a laugh that was humorless "Well as you said, darling Brynn is exactly like you. She just did what you would have done" I snapped.

"Blair, honey, you're just torturing yourself, why don't you go back upstairs" Braedon tried to coax me, murmuring softly in my ear.

I refused. "All those times that I was beaten or whipped by my father" I murmured and Luna Bianca gave a twisted grin. "Was because I ordered him to. He knew if he didn't then I would do it and it would be ten times worse than anything you received at his hand. I enjoyed seeing the tormented look on his face afterward as he realized he had harmed his own daughter. There's nothing quite like it. He was so damn loyal to me. Never crossed his mind to reject me, in order to protect you. That should make you angry" she sneered.

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