The Rebellious Omega

Chapter 133

King Braedon POV

As soon as we entered the pack house, we sensed that something was amiss, pack members looking either frustrated or avoiding our eyes. Julia came hurrying up towards us, her face looking haggard, her eyes weary, and her whole demeanor one of tiredness and anxiety. "Julia, what's wrong?" I asked tersely.

It was unlike Julia to look this worried and even Blair had picked up on her distress.

She sighed and slid her eyes to me, looking resigned and a little defeated. "Your sister," she said biting her lip and I immediately tensed, wondering what trouble Sarah had gotten into while we were away "She's been a bit difficult and well, she and James have been fighting," she said with a large exhale.

Is that all? It was nothing new. James and Sarah had never liked each other and they both got on each other's nerves. My sister was a handful and rather difficult to put up with, even on her best days. It did not bode well that she had come back once again and I could feel my anger beginning to rise. The last thing I wanted was to deal with an irresponsible sister who could cause some serious emotional harm to my mate.

Sierra happened to be walking past and spotted us. "Blair," she said warmly, hugging her "about time you got your a*s back here. God, her royal bitchiness has been a nightmare" she complained "You would almost think she was the Luna with the way she's been carrying on" she added, shaking her head, while Blair looked at me like she was trying to fight back laughter while also attempting to be respectful.

"No offense Your Highness" Sierra quipped, not looking sorry in the slightest that she'd insulted my sister.

Sierra did not like Sarah much either. They had come to blows more than once.

I just groaned and ignored her comment. "Don't worry about it, where is she and James now?" I asked.

"The study" Sierra advised "and you really don't want to go there" she sang, eyeing me with glee.

I raised an eyebrow and then motioned for Blair to follow me, but Blair surprised me, turning to Julia and smiling kindly at her. "I saw your dress Miss Blair and you looked lovely in it," Julia said, bowing her head and complimenting Blair.

I swore I saw tears in her eyes. The poor woman must have been devastated that Blair dressed like that without her assistance or guidance. "Actually, Julia, I was wondering if you would go over my wardrobe and add some suitable clothes. I fear that I may have been a bit too stubborn in regards to how I dressed and I'm willing to compromise and wear some dresses during the day, providing that they are comfortable and casual. Please forgive my disrespect of you and I understand if you are unwilling to help as I haven't been the kindest to you" she finished, but Julia's eyes were already beginning to shine.

It was like Julia had been granted the moon. Her eyes lit up and were practically lit up like beacons as she gazed at Blair who looked a tad bit disconcerted at how excited she appeared to be by the simple request. "I would be honored Your Highness" she breathed and scurried away, probably fearful Blair would change her mind if she stayed.

Blair giggled as did Sierra who shook her head at the woman, and then I took Blair's hand, nodding to Sierra who pranced away, Blair and I walking slowly to the study. "Let's get this over with" I grumbled "I wonder what they are fighting about" I added with a sigh. Knowing the two of them, it could be anything.

It became evident what they were arguing about, the second we opened the door. "I'm in charge when my brother is away. I am a Princess and a royal" my sister was snarling, unaware that I had quietly opened the door from behind her "you have no choice but to obey my instructions. You are below me in the hierarchy" she snorted.

"In your dreams" James snarled "I obey no one but the Alpha King and his mate. You are a spoilt child that should be bent over a knee and taught a valuable lesson in humility" he sneered, his face contorted in an expression of fury. I half expected him to show her that lesson from the way he was glowering at her.

I had never seen my Beta looking so unhinged before. Sarah let out a shriek of frustration, sounding like a petulant child instead of the princess she had just claimed herself to be "I deserve respect. Besides, it's not like he's going to be keeping such a pathetic mate, one that can't even shift. She's just a plaything to him, one that he's going to grow bored of. I am superior to her" she yelled, her voice rising in pitch with every word.

Silence. James glanced over her shoulder and saw both of us standing there. I let out a low growl of anger, but Blair's reaction was truly magnificent to behold. Her eyes darkened as Sarah swallowed hard and glanced over her shoulder, just in time to see Blair move so fast she was almost a blur, her hand wrapping tightly around Sarah's neck as she hoisted her above the ground, letting her feet dangle uselessly as Sarah let out a painful gasp.

"You dare disrespect me, you little b***h" Blair hissed and I looked closer, only to see that Dusk was surging to the surface, Blair's lips curling back in derision

"How dare you speak about me like that. If anybody is pathetic it's you. I could break you in half right now without even trying" she snarled while I made no move to stop her, Sarah's eyes bulging in fear as she clawed weakly at Blair's hands "and you wouldn't be able to stop me, you pathetic piece of s**t" she added. "Just because you are the Alpha King's sister, does not mean that I will be merciful towards you.

Think before you speak, else I will not be responsible for what happens next" she warned Sarah who looked on the verge of passing out as she glanced at me in panic. I tried not to smirk while James looked on silently, his own expression one of shock and awe. He had not met Dusk before, but from the glint in his eyes, he thoroughly approved of her. Sarah made a strangled sound. Blair's eyes darkened even more. She did not release her grip.

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