The Rebellious Omega

Chapter 120

King Braedon POV

She sniffled, clutching me for all she was worth, placing her chin into the crook of my shoulder as I inhaled her intoxicating scent. I stroked her hair, feeling her body tremble as she leaned against me. I closed my eyes, sensing her distress as she clutched me for all she was worth. I should have known how hard this would have been for her.

"It's just" she choked out.

"I know sweetheart but please, for me, try and remember that it won't be for long."

She nodded, resting her head, allowing me to hold her and comfort her as best I could. We heard footsteps approaching and Blair turned her head, as did I, the omega woman coming back into the room with my luggage.

She placed them into the center of the room with Blair's bags and then stepped back, folding her hands over her stomach, and dipping her head in a gesture of respect and submission. "Is there anything else you require assistance with Alpha Brad, Luna Blair?" she asked quietly. "What's your name?" Blair asked suddenly, causing the woman to look up sharply, surprise registering in her eyes.

"My name?" she asked uncertainly, her eyes widening.

"Yes, your name," Blair said firmly.

"It's Celia" she stammered.

Blair gave her a kind smile, causing the woman to flush "Well Celia, thank you very much for your help with the bags. We appreciate it" she told the woman who looked shell-shocked by the compliment. "'re most welcome," Celia said in a whisper.

"Thank you," I said joining my mate in thanking her "but we don't require assistance with anything else Celia."

The omega nodded, a small smile on her face. She bowed her head and then backed back out of the room, shutting the door behind her and leaving Blair and me in peace. Silence.

"What now?" Blair asked, glancing at the bags disinterestedly "I see no point in unpacking" she pointed out.

I didn't either. We weren't going to be here long enough.

"I think a walk around the grounds might be in order" I murmured thoughtfully as Blair also nodded "Maybe we can accidentally stumble on the cottages" I added.

Blair grinned and then headed into the bathroom. I waited and as soon as she came out, I grabbed her hand and opened the door, leading us back down the stairs. Luna Regina stopped us at the foot of them, looking at us with frigid eyes. "May I ask where you are going?" she asked smoothly.

"We were hoping to take a tour of your grounds, and go for a walk to help with our stiff muscles," I said in an easygoing manner.

The woman frowned looking a bit disconcerted. Her eyes glazed over and I knew she was mind-linking her mate. I kept my body relaxed and noted that Blair did the same. She glanced at the both of us and then smiled, her eyes returning to normal. "Of course you may," she said with friendliness "but avoid going too deeply into the forest, there have been several sightings of rogues and I would hate for either of you to be injured" she added with a warning in her tone.

So, either the cottages were in the forest or she was really warning us. Somehow I suspected the former but I kept that close to myself, smiling brilliantly at her. "Thank you, Luna Regina, would you like to come?" I asked her pleasantly, kissing the palm of my mate's hand as I waited. The woman relaxed and shook her head. "No, you two go alone and have some alone time," she said encouragingly "Don't forget that we expect you to attend dinner with us" she added, glancing at the clock.

I glanced at it as well. We would only have a small amount of time before we would have to head back and get dressed. I feigned nonchalance "That won't be a problem, it will only be a quick walk to get some fresh air."

Luna Regina was pleased. She stepped back and allowed us to pass. We headed out of the pack house and Blair breathed in the fresh air, her eyes beginning to brighten. "That was intense" she muttered.

I grabbed her hand "We had better walk around aimlessly for a little while to avoid suspicion" I murmured into her ear, pretending to push a loose tendril of hair behind her ears "in case they are watching."

We began to walk aimlessly on the grass, neither of us saying anything. The more we saw the more disgusted I became. The grounds were decrepit, dead, and drying due to a lack of care and watering. The flowerbeds were half dead, and there were leaves littered everywhere. The grass needed trimming, badly. There was no pride in this pack, none at all. We came across pack members but all of them gave us a wide berth, making Blair and I frown in puzzlement. What had we done wrong? Or perhaps they were under strict instructions not to bother us.

The forest surrounded the pack and I glanced at it ruefully. Even if we chose a direction to go, there was too much of it to guarantee we would find the cottages, at least not quickly. Blair was coming to the same conclusion, her brows creasing as she turned to me, a look of annoyance on her face.

"Do you think you could just order someone to tell you where they are?" she whispered.

I hesitated. It was tempting. But Alpha Richard would be able to tell that somebody else had used an alpha tone on the person. Not to mention it would break our cover. But if it was the only way...I trailed off and then Blair's eyes widened and she grabbed my hand, tugging me down so that we were crouching behind a shrub. She nodded towards something.

"I don't think you'll have to. We'll just follow them" she breathed.

I glanced through the branches of the shrubbery to see a man hauling the arm of a weeping omega, yanking her harshly as he dragged her kicking, her mouth gagged, her arms bound, towards the forest in front of us, his eyes narrowed and calculating. I glanced at Blair who looked pissed, her hands clenching into fists, her nails digging into the palms of her hands. As soon as the man disappeared through the trees, we stood up and by unspoken agreement, began to follow silently behind.

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