The Rebellious Omega

Chapter 109

King Braedon POV

I cursed as the car behind us, a black SUV with tinted windows and no license plates crashed into the back of the Ferrari again and I desperately held onto the wheel. I put my foot on the gas pedal. An SUV should never have been able to keep up with a Ferrari, it was impossible and yet, my car was driving inexplicably slowly, as though it had been tampered with. I gritted my teeth. f**k. Either the fuel line had been cut or something else and I glanced at Blair who had a panicked look on her face. My main concern was for her. I couldn't see the driver of the vehicle behind us, nor could I discern whether there was more than one person in the vehicle either. For all I knew there could be several.

Was it hunters? Another shifter? I mind-linked Buster and Baxter for help, only to be informed that their vehicles had been tampered with and they had been forced to pull up to the side of the road not too long ago as well. They would shift to wolf form but it would take some time to catch up. I swore out loud again and eyed Blair grimly as the car continued to catch up, while mine continued to slow. We were going to have to make a run for it so I could shift and protect her. I clenched my jaw, feeling concerned for my mate and not for myself.

"Braedon, what's going on?" Blair said, sounding slightly hysterical "Why is the car slowing down? What do we do?"

I gave her a reassuring look, trying not to glance over my shoulder as I wove side to side, "We're going to have to peel over and run for it" I told her tightly "The car's been messed with and it's causing us to go slow. It's not safe to stay here and it's going to take some time for Buster and Baxter to reach us. I need to be able to shift. When I pull over, run straight into the trees and don't look back" I said, my eyes beginning to glint and darken.

I was pissed. Whoever was behind this, behind us, would not live to see another day. How dare they threaten the life of my mate? I let out a low growl. Blair was nodding to my words, but her face was pale and she was trembling. I slammed on the brakes, pulling to the side, while Blair opened the door, rolling out as it slowed. "Go" I yelled and got out of mine, just before the other car crashed into it, rolling out of the way and shifting simultaneously. Luckily there were no other cars on the road to witness it and I bounded away, not pausing to see if the car continued or stopped, heading in the same direction between the trees that Blair had run off to. I needed to make sure she was okay, and not injured, my thoughts on her, rather than who had tried to run us off, even as I listened intently for the sounds of us being pursued.

I caught up with my mate with ease, stopping in front of her and pausing to rest on the ground. She slowly climbed on and we took off running, heading in the direction of the pack house, her hands clutching frantically at my fur while my wolf continued to listen for the sounds of the perpetrators following in our stead.

That was an intentional attack just now Braedon and I don't think it was aimed at us either my wolf said grimly as I stiffened in shock.

What do you mean? Blair and I were both in the car just now Lucian I reminded him.

Yes, but we would have most definitely survived the attack because you have me. Blair on the other hand... and realization dawned, along with another surge of anger.

he trailed off

Blair wouldn't have survived because she doesn't have a wolf. The attack with the car just now was intended to kill just her I finished in my mind and my wolf silently agreed, letting out a low growl of rage.

Who would do something like this? Who is so angry at Blair that they would attack in the open so brazenly? It makes no sense? I don't understand this anger that this person has for our mate.

I don't know, but we're going to find out I told him angrily and when we do, there'll be no mercy for the culprit or culprits. I'm starting to grow very angry about this. We need to protect our mate I growled feeling frustrated. If Blair hadn't been with me, I wouldn't have hesitated to attack whoever had been following us, but her safety had to come first.

We sniffed and slowed. Nobody was following us. Blair was shaking violently and I stopped, resting on my stomach and allowing her to climb off, just in time for her to stagger over to a nearby bush and vomit up her stomach contents as I winced in sympathy. She gave a loud groan and sank to her knees, her face looking green. I shifted and knelt beside her, stroking her back. "Are you okay?" I asked quietly.

She looked terrible. "I don't feel well," she said shakily "I'm sorry, can I have a minute before we need to go again? I don't think we're being followed" she added, biting her lip.

I shook my head "We're not, which I find strange" I admitted, sitting next to her as she relaxed and leaned against me "which confirms my suspicion."

Blair looked at me confused "What's that?" she said tentatively.

I raised an eyebrow at her "It means whoever is responsible for everything that's happening is somebody we know" I told her "Otherwise they wouldn't be afraid to show their face."

"Which means it's somebody from the pack," Blair said catching on and then looking even more worried "But how will we know who it is. I haven't exactly been overly friendly to some people," she said drily.

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