The Raven & The Wolf

Chapter Chapter Two

Chapter Two

“Are you alright?” Someone calls, interrupting me from berating myself. I look over my shoulder to see a man with sandy hair and freckles on his tanned face. His hazel green eyes are full of concern. They’re wide as they take me in though. There is something familiar about him, but I’ll be damned if I could name it.

I smile at him. “Just fine.” Macy helps me stand so I don’t look injured to the stranger. We don’t know what kind of stranger he is.

He looks me over carefully, “What happened?”

I laugh, trying to hide my discomfort. “My horse found a silly hole and fell into it. I got tossed.” I cover my face back up as I straighten. Don’t appear vulnerable Natasha, I remind myself.

He looks at Macy, “Is she alright?”

I nod. “No damage, but someone really should cover that back up.” I notice something. He doesn’t have a horse. I spy a deer horned knife on his belt. He’s wearing a brown tunic and pants. He’s barefoot. He’s a Hunter. This must be his hole. Even still, he would have a horse in case he bagged some big game.

He ignores me and comes to inspect Macy’s leg himself. I just fold my arms impatiently and roll my eyes. He rubs all four of her legs up and down, squeezing slightly on every inch. His brow furrows as he gets up to address me. He’s about two inches taller than I am, so I don’t have to raise my eyes very much. “I dug that hole myself. There should be some damage.”

Deciding to avoid the debate route, I head straight for annoyance. “Then I guess I should thank you for nearly breaking my neck.” Stupidly, I move to take a step to turn so I can get on her saddle, but my leg gives out on me. I kneel and curse myself. Why the hell did I transfer the injury? Because I forgot to sever the connection from my body as soon as the job was done. Such a rookie move.

The Hunter catches me quickly when I try to stand again. He’s close enough that I can smell smoke from a fire. “Easy there,” he chuckles, more amused than anything.

I turn my head to tell him to let go, but something catches my attention. A blue ball. “Look out!” I yell, making us both drop to the ground when I go dead weight.

The ball sails past us and starts attacking the tree with an illusional fire. It’s the Magicnite from earlier today. That’s a relief, because the most he can work up are illusions. Convincing ones, but fakes, nonetheless.

Hoofbeats start pounding as he grows closer, signaling his approach. With my injury, the best I can do is play an innocent traveler. I can’t let him know I’m a Sheik; or give any clues about me for that matter. I touch Macy and change her into a pure black quarter breed. Distracted by the fire, the Hunter doesn’t notice Macy’s sudden breed change. The Hunter turns to face the direction of the flames as he pulls me to my feet, cradling me against him in support. I’d fight it, but this adds into my innocent defense. When he’s arrived, it’s a surprise to find the Magicnite staring down at us with a knowing smirk. Behind his horse is Stanya’s horse-Bitzy. Stanya is bound and draped over her. Uh-oh.

The Magicnite looks at me and grins as he leans in, “Smart Sheik. Very smart.” His eyes are dancing in cruel delight. Fire is sparking in his charcoal eyes. “But you cannot fool Stylus. For I am king when it comes to tracing magic.” He jerks his thumb back to Stanya. “Your friend is only an Illusionist, but you’re the one that hit me. You’re a weak Sheik, but a Sheik none the less. My boss will be pleased with my catch.”

If you get to see him again, I think darkly. Before I can retort, the Hunter shakes his head, motioning to me. “She’s no Sheik, I can assure you. She’s injured. If she were one, she’d heal herself.” It takes all my will not to glare at the Hunter. Idiot. You do not tell a Master Tracker you are injured.

Stylus chuckles, and flicks his wrist, unbothered by the Hunter being here. The Hunter goes flying into a tree with a loud smack. He’s out cold. Okay, maybe I was wrong about him only being an Illusionist. Then again, an Illusionist can become strong in some areas of magic. Looks like his is just physical magic, but I’ll have to learn more if I’m to backup that theory.

Stylus squeezes his hand together. A vine crushes around my ribs, trapping in my air. “Let me go,” I beg as I try to move my arms. Amused, he raises his hand, and I’m lifted off the ground. He flicks his wrist and I go sailing into the tree next to the Hunter. I cry in pain as it blooms around my back. Ow.

“Stop,” I plead. “I’m no Sheik! Just a traveler!” I insist as he throws me into another tree.

“Fight back,” He demands. “I know you’re the one that hit me. I know you’re the one that was shielding the camp from the Tribesman this morning. I just couldn’t find your spell when I was looking for it, but it was there before. I felt the pull from the ground. I know you were manipulating the earth’s energy.” He throws me again into the tree across from me. “Now fight!”

“I swear I don’t know what you’re talking about!” I cry, “I know nothing of the Sheika or magic. I’m just human!”

“Liar!” He slams me into the ground. He gets off his horse as I try to right myself. He’s holding me down with his magic. I can break him easily, but I can’t reveal who I am. If he knew I am a Sheik, the Magicnite would rain down, and search every crack and crevice for me. They’ll find the others. I can’t let that happen.

He kneels down and strokes my cheek before removing my mask. “If you want this to stop, all you have to do is tell me.” I furiously shake my head, trying to think. Infuriated, he kicks dirt in my face as he stands up. “Talk you filthy creature. Where are the Sheika hiding?”

“I don’t know anything,” I insist in short grunts as I try to get up. My entire body is trembling.

His magic hold tightens. “Talk or I’ll kill your friend,” he threatens. Short seconds later Stanya is right across from me. Her face is battered to the point of resembling ground meat.

She’s shaking her head furiously. “Don’t.”

Stylus steps on her head, making her scream, while locking eyes with me; trying to convince me he’s on his last warning. Water begins to pour from the sky as thunder starts to roar. It’s an illusion and her last defense. He looks at her with amusement in his eyes; that quickly fades when we hear a hard thud between the cracks of thunder. Surprise pulls through me as Stylus falls to the ground; blood coming from his head. The moment his body hits the ground, his magic vanishes from Stanya and me. That following moment air begins to fill my lungs in a slow, choking gasp; while Stanya starts crying, with her breath hitching.

I feel hands touch my arm and waist, making my breath halt. While someone helps me to my feet, Stanya rushes to hers. When I’m standing, I notice it’s the Hunter that is holding me on my feet. How? There is a blood covered stone next to Stylus’s head. Well that explains everything.

“Are you alright?” He asks, his breath hot on my neck.

“Fine,” I gasp; my ribs are screaming in protest from being vertical. My entire body is so sore.

Before he can reply, Stanya cuts him off, “We need to hurry. There are more coming. He called them when he noticed magic being used from this direction.” To add strength to her words, we hear horses shrieking; protesting their whipped abuse.

“No time,” I hiss, still unable to properly move. I look around for a place to hide. We’re too close to a clearing. We’ll be found in a heartbeat. It’s virtually impossible to hide us from multiple Magicnite looking for a magical signature. What the hell can we do?

“What do we do?” She demands, fear evident in her swollen eyes. “Your little friend will be killed for involvement with a Sheik. I’ll be brainwashed into their army. To make things worse, your power will be drained and given to Ari, so he can be one step closer to being the most powerful Sheik. Aside from Master Brin and you, he already is the most powerful Sheik in this world. If he gets you, he can squash Brin like a slug.”

I groan, out of frustration or pain at this point, I don’t know. “I know, okay.” What would Brin do? First, hide the evidence. I touch Stylus on the neck and feel a faint pulse. I let my power surge his mind and find the memories of today’s events. I pull them all out and insert them into my mind, so he won’t have a chance of retrieving them. Neither will Ari for that matter.

I stand up as I cover my face. “Stanya, get on your horse. Hunter get on mine.” I look back at him. His eyes are wide, and his skin is pale. He can’t believe what he is seeing. I know what he is feeling. Every bone in his body is telling him to run. I can feel his fear. Non-magical humans are told the Sheika are the bad guys and rogues, according to the Magicnite. Since they rule, it’s hard to fight that logic.

His eyes are wide, and his system is going into overload. He lets go of me and takes an automatic step back. “I-I can’t.”

I glare at him. “Now, or stay here and die,” I growl. That gets him on Macy. At this point, I don’t care if he thinks I’m the one threatening him. I change Bitzy into a black quarter breed to match Macy while Stanya covers her face. The Magicnite appear within seconds later, their horses still running. I hold my palms out and spread them a bit apart. Stanya moves closer to Macy as a green diamond swells up around us. This is going too slow. I’ve used too much magic already. I push green flames towards the Magicnite, forcing them to come to a halt. The Hunter starts looking around him, his breathing growing faster while the diamond grows.

“Hurry up!” Stanya urges, grabbing Macy’s and Bitzy’s reins to hold them still. My flames have only stalled the fifteen Magicnite that are starting to approach us again. Ignoring them, I push my spell hard, growing it so the diamond is big enough for my needs; it’s the size I am. The second it’s big enough, I launch it at them. The diamond explodes when it strikes the first Magicnite; sending them sailing back into the trees, horses included. Quick as I can, I limp to Macy and shield the Hunter with my body from any possible attack, by climbing on behind the Hunter. I urge Macy with my heel, forcing her into a run. I blink as I think of where I need us to go. I lean in again, touching Bitzy with my fingertips, and blink again. A bright wall of shining white light appears in front of us, a half foot in front of the racing horses. The Hunter screams in fear and faints when we enter it.

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