The Raven & The Wolf

Chapter Chapter Twelve

After several minutes of discussion, they finally spread out. Councilor Malnick steps forward with his hands behind his back. There is a grim expression on his weary face. “We have given thought to what you have said Elder Natasha, and find that you are right at some points.” It takes a lot of will to remain composed. What?

He then takes a breath. “We have come to an agreement. We shall grant it as a personal favor to spare his life, for all that you have done for my clan. Without your power stones, Ari would have wiped my clan out within minutes years ago. Since it was your life that was spared, we can agree to all allow this. We also would like to strike up a business arrangement while we are here. Alone with you.”

The other Forest Folk leaders standing in the back straighten, with it clear on their faces they’re putting their faith in him. This must be a big request. The other Elders and I exchange looks. This was not a planned meeting. They all shrug, but I do not trust a man who exchanges his beliefs for personal gain; even if it is in my benefit.

Gedric watches me as I stand. “Very well.” Carefully, I walk to Malnick with all eyes on me; even more aware that Councilor Malnick’s eyes follow me. Therein lies another suspicion, but it’s not his blindness I question. Once I reach him, I find he’s five inches shorter than I am, and as frail as pastry flakes. I take his arm and place it on mine. “Let’s go for a walk shall we?”

I look over my shoulder, “Meeting adjourned.” Then I begin leading Malnick out. I take him to a place I know he’ll love. It’s in the building behind the memorial. In the middle of the orchard in fact. Surrounding the completely black marble building. In the middle is a golden bowl, resting on a crystal platform. Inside the bowl is a pool of red magic. Immediately Malnick’s eyes are drawn to it.

“This is what I assume you’re interested in,” I say as I watch his hand reach out for it. I hold him back so he’s just out of reach. “Even dead eyes can see power, when it is theirs to behold.”

He grins. “The only thing I see is a green light in my forest these days. I spend hours there just staring at it, but I can’t help but notice that it is growing stronger lately. It gives me hope of safety in these times”

I shake my head as I look up into the sky for some form of response. “Strength is not what makes you safe Malnick. It is what you know and how you use it. I will not lend more power to your village. I will not give you the aide necessary to take Ari on, on your own.”

He looks at me, well more at the necklace. “Then how shall we defend ourselves if he passes through your cloaking barrier?”

I put my hand on his. “By using what you know. Think this through. If Ari was to find magic in your village, he would look for the source. He would murder all in your city just to find a source that did not exist. I only provide what is necessary to cloak your existence from all life. No magic will detect it, so therefore, none will break it.”

He touches my necklace; put I pull his hand back. “But nothing is unseen in this life my dear. Even the dead can be seen through the right eyes.”

I roll my eyes. “But the eye has to land on the opportunity for it to be claimed. That or something needs to catch the seeking eyes attention. If there is too much magic in one place, Ari will stumble onto it. The additional magic will be the fire in a mist of green.”

“Why are you so quick to shield others from your power, when you rely on it so much?” He asks as he tries to make another grab for the stone on my chest.

I pull his hand away. “I rely on what I know. They know nothing of its challenges. Like you, they only see the benefits. You, nor the others, see the danger that lies beneath it.”

He sighs and looks away. “Perhaps you are right. Though you are young, your tongue is silver. Just like your fate.”

I look at him, completely confused. “What does that mean?” Something is wrong with this man. For instance, his eyes are now black, and controlled.

He reaches out and touches the red liquid before I can stop him. It ripples under his touch, and a picture begins to form. A raven with widespread wings forms before us. “The Four of our Fates are much the same. The raven is Death, a given motivation, to an inevitable end. Like the raven you see things that usually go unnoticed, but you are quick to fix when a challenge is raised.”

The picture shifts to an owl. “Like an owl, you advise what is needed, and teach when it is necessary. You pick on your foe and scare those who are beneath you. But you do not manipulate their fear, for it shall weaken you in the end.”

The picture shifts to the deer. Its head twists in my direction. I swear I see a smirk in its eyes. “And like the deer you are skittish. When a fight is raised you prefer to flee, but when it is unavoidable, you are quick to fight back; and usually end up the victor. The kindness of your spirit lingers and has leaked into your magic, which is why your power is a rare shade; and why it seems to define you so much.”

The picture shifts and a wolf appears. It growls at me and tries to lurch out of the bowl. “However, this creature is not a fate, but an imposter. Wolves are tricksters by nature, and vicious to those they hunt. Mercy is not known in their language, but loyalty is. Do not come between the wolf and his brother. To find the imposter, the original must be killed. Kill the head and the rest will follow. The wolf is nothing without its pack; but the pack is nothing, if not helpless, without a leader. Give the pack a new leader, a challenger, before the wolf is killed.

“It cannot be you to absorb that responsibility my child. Though your heart is pure, and your magic and will strong, you cannot be the leader. You cannot be the challenger. This is your fight, but you are not to finish. Nor is the Second Guardian, Stanya. You two must find a new champion to fill this role Natasha. Find the Champion and your job will be complete.”

Malnick’s grip tightens on my hand. “Death is to follow if the Champion is killed. The wolf has seen and knows this as well. Do not let him kill the Champion. Do not let him kill you, or the Second Guardian. You must move Natasha. Move while he is still slow. Move while you are still a shadow in his eyes. For he has not seen a face nor heard a name to find you. However, the Champion has been spotted. By both you and the wolf. Be what you are Natasha. You are a protector of people. You were born into this fate. It was not an unfortunate accident. You were chosen. Do not fail in our eyes. Do not fail in yours. Save the Champion and peace will follow.”

The pool dies down as Malnick’s grip relaxes. That is right before he faints right into my arms. I grab him and look around. What the hell just happened? A wing beat touches my shoulder as I hear a raven screech, followed right by a wolf’s howl. Now I’m just scared.

“Halthin! Stanya!” I yell since I can’t lift this man. “Anyone! Help!” I try to drag the man, but my arms begin to shake. My limbs are still weak from my recent fever. “Anybody!” I yell again. Two guards come in with worried looks on their faces, which soon becomes amused.

They smirk as they fold their arms. Tyson, the one on the right, speaks. “Why Elder Natasha, are you having fun with older men?”

I roll my eyes as they laugh. “Shut up and take him to the healer. He passed out after touching the bowl.”

“He did what?” Immediately they run over and take him to be treated. After they are gone I book it out of the Temple, and run through the orchard as I hold my skirt up. People stare at me as I blow past them. They call out my name as I still run. Must. Go.

“Stanya!” I yell when I reach her door. She turns around, and I’m surprised to find she has a guy with her. Halthin to be exact. I grab her elbow and pull her into her house and lock the door. Halthin tries to get in, but I put in a privacy barrier a long time ago.

“Stanya,” I pant as I try to catch my breath. “Stanya you won’t believe this.”

“What?” She demands. “What is it?”

It’s too hard to describe. I draw a little power from her and touch her mind. I show her. She jumps back as her eyes grow distant. When I end my memory, she’s staring off into space.

“Stanya?” I ask as I straighten. “Stanya?” I wave my hand in front of her face.

Eventually she catches my hand. “What the hell was that?”

“I know!” I yell with a lot of exaggeration. “I was hoping you would know. What do we do?”

She looks at me with wide eyes as her eyes search mine. “We need to leave. Tonight.” Stanya grabs my arms. “Grab your things. Seeing as you are still weak, I will guard you. I’ll talk to the Elders. Ready the horses and meet me at the gate. Do this without being seen.”

I nod and walk out the door. Halthin tries to grab my shoulder but gets distracted by Stanya right at my heels. She slightly pushes him out of the way and begins running. Once he looks away from me, I go down an alley and start sprinting. I go the back way to her place and ready her traveling gear. Quickly, I take them to the stable and then double back to my house. I pack food and water and get my traveling gear prepped and ready. After everything is accounted for, I race to the barn and start prepping the horses.

At nightfall I lead Bitzie and Macy out in my riding outfit. My star holding wild magic is safely tucked under my clothes. However, I’m risking a lot by letting my skin touch it. If I didn’t have so much mental control, I wouldn’t risk it. I guess this is the upside for being wrong about my raven my whole life. I cover Macy and Bitzie’s faces in riding masks, and it helps quiet them down. I rub their legs as I wait. Where is Stanya?

“I told you, go to hell.” I hear Stanya hiss. “Both of you.” I straighten. Both of you? I look at the horses and they look just as confused.

“She’s weak and you know it.” That is definitely Halthin. I fold my arms in complete annoyance. If I could use my magic, I’d throw him into the damn temple and seal him in his designated tomb.

“I can do just find protecting her. This isn’t our first time.”

“Yes, but now that Ari knows the raven holder is still alive, and is strong, he’ll be on the lookout for her. It’ll be harder to bypass the Magicnite.” That voice takes me by surprise. Gedric. Maybe he and Halthin would make lovely tomb mates for eternity.

“Like you can do anything.” Halthin snaps.

“Hey, I don’t know what it is, but Ari can’t detect me with his magic, unless he looks for me. You even admitted to me, that you didn’t even know I was on the roof until Natasha told you I was there. Just like her, you can’t trace me. You have to find her the old fashion way.”

I hear a jaw clench. “That is not true.”

“Then where is she?” Gedric challenges. “I bet you can’t even locate her now.”

It takes a moment before he responds. “That’s because she’s not in the city.”

“Try again!” I call. I hear quickened footsteps before I see them. They’re all in their riding clothes. Even the boys have covered their faces. I look at Stanya. “What happened to going unseen?”

She shrugs, but I can see a faint blush. “Turns out Gedric is a fantastic tracker. He went to Halthin because he thought something was up. They followed me.”

“Well ditch them.” I say as I get on top of Macy. She gets on Bitzie. “They don’t even have their horses.”

Stanya rolls her eyes as Gedric takes off. I look at her. “He’s getting the horses.” She explains. “Apparently he lost your trail when you slipped Halthin.”

“Well-” My voice was cut off by the sound of snorting horses. I roll my eyes as I shoot a dirty look at Stanya.

Halthin sticks his chest out. “Don’t be mad at her. The Elders ordered me to follow her all day. You’re the one that had to go snatch her from me.”

I glare at Halthin. “Why were you following her?”

“Because someone ransacked her house while you were in your coma. They took a good number of her corsets and underwear.” Stanya and I both shudder. Pervs.

“Fine, let’s just move. Time’s a wasting.” Halthin mounts his pure black Morgan, Lite, as Gedric mounts Mayter, a pure Appaloosa. He has darling deep blue eyes. Macy fidgets slightly, making me smile.

Stanya takes my hand and whistles six high and two low, lingering on the last note before shooting it to a high octave. We vanish out of Brighton when her final note fades. Soon the men follow behind us. She looks at me and squeezes my hand. “Where to?”

I close my eyes and just listen, hoping that would at least get a sense. “Madrid.” A humming voice calls from my lips. As my eyes snap open they nod, and then we’re off.

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